mixed in the war

Chapter 296 Will the Americans give us planes?

On the New Year's Eve of 1939, the R-Ben Chinese Expeditionary Force dispatched more than 130 fighter planes in an attempt to sabotage the founding ceremony of the "R-Ben Peace Rescue Japan", assassinate the leader of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek, and a large number of high-ranking national government officials, and also attempted to bomb Hong qng... As a result, I encountered the anti-aircraft artillery cluster arranged in advance by the Air Force Command.

More than 600 anti-aircraft guns from France and the Soviet Union formed a dense firepower network. With the first hit, more than forty Japanese fighter planes that were defenseless were shot down. The machine r dodged hastily, was confused for a while, and suffered a lot of losses again.But when the R-planes finally reacted and tried to climb up collectively to avoid the fire from the anti-aircraft guns on the ground, they found that the fighter jets of the Chinese Air Force had already reached their sky and were about to dive down...

It has to be said that the excellent performance of the Zero fighter is almost invincible in this period.But no matter how capable you are, you still have to have a chance to show it, otherwise it's just like that.But it is obvious that the Chinese Air Force has set up traps long ago, and it is impossible to give Type Zero any chance to perform... Chinese fighter jets that dive down from high altitude, plus anti-aircraft guns that can be supported at any time on the ground. In the end, the r-plane formation exchanged the loss of 56 fighter jets for the downfall of nine Chinese fighter jets.Among them, [-] Zero fighters received too much "care", and only four were able to escape in a panic with the remaining r-planes.But when they fled back to Wuhan Airport, they found that the airport was on fire, and there were dozens of Chinese fighter planes circling in the sky...Obviously, the Chinese were repeating their old tricks again.Faced with such a situation, the Type Zero is okay, its endurance is okay, and it can barely fly to other airports to land, but other types of aircraft can't do it... and they are blocked by enemy planes in front of them, and they are still chasing dozens of Chinese planes behind them. The fighter jet has fallen into a desperate situation.

Under such circumstances, the Japanese pilot frantically called for the support of the airport's anti-aircraft artillery, but heard nothing.So they went crazy, and under the leadership of four zero-types, they launched a Jedi counterattack against the Chinese fighter jets that were chasing and killing them.In the end, under the siege of almost forty Chinese fighter jets, three of the four Type Zeros were destroyed, and one escaped far away by relying on speed, and the rest of the Japanese fighter jets were used up by other Chinese fighter jets like monkeys. , All were destroyed in the sky above Wuhan Airport.

More than 130 aggressive fighters, only one Zero escaped in the end.

When the news came out, the whole country rejoiced.

But the Chinese Air Force obviously felt that this was not enough for everyone to celebrate the New Year.

The next day, New Year's Day in 1940.

The Air Force used four bomber brigades, combined with two bomber brigades from the Soviet Volunteer Air Force to Aid China, and a total of 120 bombers flew over the East China Sea to bomb Japan. [

In this campaign, the Japanese Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, and Kitakyushu were bombed, many warships of the Japanese Army were bombed, and the proud Hachiman Iron Works of Japanese Japan was bombed... Among them, the "Akagi" moored at the Nagasaki Sasebo Naval Port "The aircraft carrier was slightly damaged, but its more than 60 Type Zero carrier-based fighters and more than 96 Type [-] Mitsubishi carrier-based fighters staying on the deck were all destroyed.

In other words, the Chinese Air Force destroyed more than 200 aircraft of the R Army in the past two days.


"Taking advantage of the victory! Now is the time when R himself is weak. We should take advantage of the victory and launch a large-scale bombing of their logistics base, especially the "drug" warehouse and the storage warehouse, to further weaken their war power."

Big Year.

Hong qng, Air Force Command.

Zhou Zhirou's face was flushed, and she waved her fists excitedly... like a bull in heat.This can not blame him.Since the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the Air Force has been hit repeatedly, and finally managed to win a few rounds with tricks, but it was always worried about the advanced fighter jets of the R Army.But now, Type Zero has appeared twice in the Chinese battlefield, and each time almost the entire army was wiped out.What does this mean?It shows that this kind of fighter is not as powerful as imagined, and the Chinese Air Force can completely gain the absolute upper hand by virtue of its numerical advantage.

But no matter how excited Zhou Zhirou was when he spoke, the people listening to him below seemed to be dumb, all of them looked at their noses, their noses at their hearts, and had no intention of agreeing.

"What's wrong with everyone? You won the battle, you won the battle...why do you all lose your spirit?" Zhou Zhirou finally found out that something was wrong, and his excitement slightly diminished, "Did something happen? what's up?"

"Commander," Wang Shuming looked at Zhou Zhirou, "something is not good."

"Not good?" Zhou Zhi softly shivered.He has just been officially promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Aviation Committee, and the Military Commission has also officially issued a notice that he will be promoted to general soon...General, although he is only a second-level general, there are several first-level generals in China now Admiral?He has made meritorious service and been promoted again. He can be said to be the happiest time in his life.And it was precisely because of his complacency that he wanted to make some more achievements... He never thought of attacking the enemy's planes like Qin Wei, and he would not be able to use that method.Not to mention taking Chiang Kai-shek and Kong Xiangxi as bait for a large group of senior officials and dignitaries of the national government.But now R himself has basically lost his air supremacy in South China, and even the whole of China. His majestic commander-in-chief of the Aviation Committee is also the commander-in-chief of the Air Force. At this time, it is still okay to bully those who cannot fight back, right?It wasn't a big deal, so he didn't even call Qin Wei. Anyway, that guy didn't care much about such things, and as the deputy commander, he almost never went to work.But now Wang Shuming told him... something is wrong?

"Officer Qin called just now, let us discuss the issue of the air force's retreat from Ningbo..." Wang Shuming said.

"Retreat?" Zhou Zhirou was taken aback, "We just started from Ningbo and bombed r's homeland. R himself must be in a panic and will definitely take Ningbo at all costs... Isn't it because Ningbo defenders scold us for crossing the river and tearing down the bridge when we retreat at this time? "

"Who knows? It may be that Commander Qin feels that R himself will definitely do his best this time, so he doesn't want to cause too much damage to the Air Force." Huang Bingheng sighed: "After all, it doesn't have to be an aircraft to deal with the Air Force, and you can also use other weapons." The means... R himself knows that he does not have air supremacy, and if he attacks Ningbo again, he will definitely carry a large number of anti-aircraft guns."

"That's right." Wang Shuming nodded: "In the past, R himself might not have been able to gather so many anti-aircraft guns in a short period of time. But they have been at war with the Soviet Union for a long time. There are more planes, and it is enough for them not to go head-to-head with them, but to look for weak points. Therefore, in order to deal with the Soviet Air Force, the Kwantung Army has a lot of anti-aircraft guns. It is almost enough to dispatch a batch casually. used."[

"This is something to be guarded against." Zhou Zhirou didn't feel uncomfortable.Qin Wei's authority in the air force has surpassed him, but that person usually doesn't care about things, so the real power of the air force is still in his hands.Even if he is promoted this time, there are still Wang Shuming and others, and the air force is still the foundation of his life.What's more, Qin Wei's contribution is too great, and he is not limited to the air force. He has no idea of ​​​​comparing with the opponent at all... Just like this time the ambush of the r army fighter formation, 1939 of them are m80 from the Soviet Union The anti-aircraft guns were forcibly obtained by Qin Wei from the Soviets, and the other one hundred French Bofors anti-aircraft guns also had something to do with Qin Wei, because Qin Wei urged Soong Meiling to use the oil money Bought from France... plus 105 150mm heavy guns, 82 300mm mortars, [-] trucks that arrived not long ago... Although the distribution rights of these weapons are in the hands of Chiang Kai-shek, He Yingqin and others However, everyone knows that Qin Wei also has a considerable right to make suggestions on these weapons.Therefore, Qin Wei can be said to be extremely popular in Hongqng now.And the reason why Zhou and the Air Force is able to have what it is today, isn't it because of Qin Wei?Moreover, it has been "revealed" above, and Qin Wei may also be promoted to the military rank with him, and officially assume the post of commander-in-chief of the air force, not the deputy commander as originally thought.In this way, Qin Wei is already on an equal footing with him in terms of position, and he has no reason to feel uncomfortable because of the other party's influence on the air force.

"Although we have won consecutive battles, we still lack confidence. We can't tolerate any losses." Huang Bingheng sighed.This time, Qin Wei came up with a plan to ambush the r army's fighter jet formation, and he was in charge of implementing it, with a lot of credit.But after a short period of excitement, he soon lost his joy... R himself can build airplanes, so no matter how much he loses, he will be able to rebuild them sooner or later.But they lost one or the other. He was lacking in xng ability, and he never dared to go head-to-head with the enemy... But after r suffered losses time and time again, there was always a time when he became smarter, right?At least he could see that Qin Wei was struggling a little after devising traps one after another... This time, the whole Hongqng anti-aircraft guns were concentrated and used, what tricks can be used next time?

"It's a pity that the new type of fighter jet that the United States was asked to help develop has not been successful, otherwise, why should we be afraid of its Zero Type?" Wang Shuming also said.

"I'm afraid that this new type of fighter jet will not be easy to develop." Huang Bingheng said: "The Americans didn't participate in the war, so they are definitely not in a hurry. Maybe they just want to procrastinate and ask for money from us."

"It's really possible. Which of these foreign devils doesn't have the virtue of reaching out and asking for money?" Wang Shuming also sighed.

"And Chennault, have you been back to the United States for a while? They said they were recruiting volunteer pilots, but there has been no movement until now." Huang Bingheng said again.

"I can't blame Chennault for this," Zhou Zhiju said, "it was Madam who ordered him to urge Grumman to design a new fighter jet for us in the United States...he is too busy right now."

"I don't think the US government is a good thing. I heard that they have been sending people to monitor the progress of Grumman's development of new fighter jets for us... I am afraid that they will play tricks when the time comes. They have developed it, but Not for us. After all, Type Zero is basically the best now, and fighter jets that are stronger than Type Zero are naturally the country’s most important weapon. If that’s the case, we will lose money by stealing chickens.” Wang Shuming said again .

"You don't have to worry about this, Madam and the others have already thought of this possibility, and they have a way to deal with it." Zhou Zhi Judao.

"Really?" Wang Shuming didn't believe it.It is common sense that European and American powers never sell the best things to China.Therefore, they have always believed that it is not safe to entrust an American aircraft manufacturing company to develop a fighter against the Zero.Because even if the research is done, the U.S. government is likely to come forward to obstruct it... But although they objected, they couldn't respond to Song Meiling and Qin Wei's question: If the Americans can't help, who can they help?Britain and France?Or developed by the Chinese themselves?

"Of course there is a way. Don't worry about it..." Zhou Zhirou was actually worried.Although the Type Zero has repeatedly been crushed in front of the Chinese Air Force, the pilots also highly appreciate this fighter of the R Army, and no one dares to deny the superior performance of this fighter.They can defeat each other with tricks once or twice, but no matter what, they will face this fighter one day... At that time, if they don't have a fighter that can handle it, wouldn't they be slaughtered?But are Americans really so easy to talk to? (To be continued.)

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