mixed in the war

Chapter 335 Chinese Threat

"The Chinese are crazy?"

"I don't think so, but it's clearly the beginning of their anger."

Of course, it is impossible for people from Pfizer to attack the president of their own country because of a drug.Although they also have spokespersons in Congress, Roosevelt is not something they can impeach.The president who led the United States out of the economic crisis has unimaginable support in the United States. Unless he takes office, no one is qualified to replace him, let alone impeachment.

Of course, this is mainly because penicillin has not yet achieved a corresponding position in the world's pharmaceutical industry... If Pfizer really passed by in the end with penicillin and saw the popularity of this drug in the future, it is estimated that it will still be very angry with Roosevelt. unsatisfied.It may be hard to say whether to impeach or not, but it is certain to make trouble.

But now, people from Pfizer faithfully told Roosevelt what they saw and heard in China.

"The anger of the Chinese?" Listening to Cordell Hull, his Secretary of State, said such a sentence solemnly, Roosevelt felt like laughing, but he felt embarrassed, "Do you think they will really be angry because of their anger?" Do something that hurts America?"

"We seized the new fighter they commissioned Grumman to develop. According to the information we obtained in China, although the Chinese have not suffered any defeats in air battles with the Japanese, they are very interested in this new fighter. The fighter's desire has obviously reached its peak." Hull said.

"But we have provided them with a lot of assistance." Roosevelt said.

"But according to intelligence, the Chinese are now extremely dependent on the air force. They have deployed the air force on a large scale in several large-scale battles with the Japanese. Especially in the battle of Nanchang last year, because of the attack of the Chinese air force, they Obtained an absolute advantage in the battle against the Japanese, and finally wiped out three divisions of the Japanese... This is an unimaginable result for China in the past. You know, before this. They even used several Only one army can stop a Japanese brigade or even a regiment, and there is a great possibility that it will not be able to stop it in the end." Army Chief of Staff Marshall said.

"So, they now want to further expand the Air Force?" Roosevelt asked.

"Yes." Marshall said with a blank expression, "We have studied the several battles between China and Japan in the past year... China has gained the air dominance that gave it a respite today. Otherwise, they will not only lose Nanchang, It is even possible that Hunan and Guangxi have been lost. In that case, the Chinese government will only be able to linger in a few remote provinces in the southwest, waiting for our more vigorous support."

"If that's the case, they are not worthy of our assistance." Hull said seriously.

"You are absolutely right." Marshall said, "It is precisely because we saw that the Chinese government still has the ability to fight back that we decided to support them in continuing to fight the Japanese. But according to reliable information, the Japanese should be gradually regaining the airspace. Advantage ... So, the Chinese can't wait, but they need our assistance. So they protested to us through Pfizer's informal channels."

"Didn't the Chinese win all the air battles with the Japanese?" Frederick Glan Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce and one of Roosevelt's most important aides, suddenly asked.

"Very difficult." Marshall said: "Their victory in the air battle. It is better to say that it is a victory in the intelligence war. The Japanese fighter jets beat the Soviets in Siberia. The Soviets were almost powerless. Stalin had to postpone it again and again. The counterattack time. This shows that their fighter jets are very good in performance. Almost all Chinese planes come from the Soviet Union, and a large part of the pilots belong to the Soviet Volunteer Air Force for China. Therefore, it is impossible for them to modify the planes , can only rely on tactics and intelligence. But this situation cannot be maintained forever. As long as the Japanese have enough fighter jets, they can use their absolute strength to clear all obstacles... and as China and the Soviet Union successively attacked Japan Homeland has been bombed, and that day must not be too long to wait."

"How about that plane?" Roosevelt asked suddenly, turning to Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox and Secretary of War Henry Stimson.

"Excellent." Stimson knew that Roosevelt was asking about the fighter that the Chinese government commissioned Grumman to develop. Designers were shocked."

"That's why we are reluctant to give them to the Chinese. Even if its design and manufacturing technology are provided by the Chinese." Marshall added.

"So. Now the Chinese are angry and decide to threaten us with a drug?" Roosevelt asked back with a smile.

"Don't underestimate this drug," Hopkins said.He basically didn't say anything just now, because the things he talked about earlier basically had nothing to do with his business.But now that penicillin has been involved, he had no choice but to speak up: "According to the report provided by the Chinese, the efficacy of this new drug is even higher than that of sulfonamide. I also consulted the embassy in China about this, and it turned out that I have also received relatively accurate reports that the Chinese government invested heavily in the research and development of new drugs about one or two years ago, and this drug has been tested on countless Chinese soldiers and is very effective."

"They actually used soldiers as experiments?" Hull asked with a frown.

"It's China, it's a battlefield, you should understand." Hopkins shrugged and didn't care about his yelling.

"Can we make it?" Knox asked suddenly.

"Of course, the Chinese have already provided all the manufacturing technology." Hopkins smiled, "But don't imagine that you are using the other party's design like the fighter jet named my 'Hellcat' After that, they withheld all the fighter jets and did not allocate them to the designers...because the Chinese had already applied for patents in the United States."

"Patent? What's that?" Knox laughed.Of course patents need to be taken seriously, but it also depends on when, as long as the local government agrees, let alone in the United States, it is useless to apply for a patent in heaven: "Do they think this can blackmail us?"

"If the Chinese hadn't sold patents to Europe, then they really couldn't blackmail us. But..."

"But they chose Germans as partners. I know that." Hull said, "I don't think this should be an obstacle for us."

"Then do you think the Chinese will have no further means?" Hopkins asked back: "The Chinese have always been approaching us and Britain and France, but Germany has recently begun to contact Japan frequently. This is not true. It may be possible to hide it from the Chinese. So we can basically conclude that this is just a move by the Chinese to exchange enough benefits from Germany... With the further contacts between Germany and Japan and the stalemate in the European war, they are bound to soon Fall into the arms of Britain and France. At that time, the patent of penicillin will soon become the possession of Britain and France... Will they allow us to violate our own laws again?"

"This shows that the Chinese have become smarter. They actually know how to use Britain and France to suppress us... But what does it matter? Britain and France are at war with Germany. Will they offend us because they make less money? They are afraid We still need our pharmaceutical company to produce such drugs for them." Hull laughed.

"Then what if the Chinese applied for a patent not just on penicillin?" Hopkins asked again.

"They still have new medicines?" Hull was a little surprised, "Gran (Hopkins), are you kidding me?"

"It's better not to be a joke. Because if it's true, we will get more benefits... Those drug companies will be very happy to 'develop' some new drugs." Knox laughed.

"Is there any conspiracy by the Chinese?" Marshall suddenly looked at Hopkins and asked.

"Actually, George, your guess is absolutely right." Hopkins showed a wry smile on his face, "The Chinese have applied for patents for dozens of new drugs..."

"Dozens of them?" A group of people including Roosevelt couldn't help screaming, and even Marshall, who was looking like a mountain collapsed in front of him, trembled twice.They are not ignorant people. They naturally know how long a new drug needs to go through from research to production and how complicated verification is. The Chinese can come up with penicillin, an anti-inflammatory drug that is better than sulfonamide. Surprised, but at least it can be understood as accidental, but dozens of new drugs...

"Gran, are you sure you mean Chinese?" Hull didn't want to ask such an impolite question, but he really couldn't help it.How could the Chinese come up with so many new medicines all at once?

"It is indeed dozens of species, and the number is still increasing!" Hopkins replied helplessly.

"Still increasing?" Roosevelt felt his legs tremble twice, "Gran, have you...have you investigated? Are these drugs strictly verified? The information they provided..."

"The Chinese call this medicine 'Chinese patent medicine'! It is the essence of Chinese medicine for thousands of years! Therefore, the information they provide is extremely sound. As for clinical verification... I don't know the practice of Chinese doctors for thousands of years. Can the records be counted? But as far as I know, these materials have actually been recognized by many medical experts, and should be patented soon." Hopkins replied.

"I don't care if it's patented or not, but this is the new drug you're talking about?" Stimson clutched his chest, "Mr. Hopkins Secretary of Commerce, you should sort out your words next time when you speak. The Chinese medicine is obviously They're all old drugs, and they're thousands of years old...their patents should have expired long ago."

"Whether it is old or new, these drugs will indeed pass the patent verification soon. But this is not a problem, the biggest problem is..." Hopkins took a deep breath: "The Chinese claim that they have Developed specific drugs for tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, malaria, and even diabetes, but they refused to apply for a patent in the United States!" (To be continued..)

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