mixed in the war

Chapter 336 "Bribe" to the President of the United States


Refuse to apply for a patent in the United States! ?

Roosevelt and the others couldn't recover for a while, and after looking at each other for a while, they slowly regained some strength... But they still couldn't believe what they heard.

"Why do they?" The Secretary of War was angrily, and first questioned, "Do they think they can coerce us without applying for a patent? As long as they produce this drug, American pharmaceutical companies can imitate it immediately. When the time comes This patent right will only belong to the imitators, and they will get nothing. Why should they?"

"They could never make these drugs!" Hopkins said flatly.


Stimson was dumbfounded.

"Never give birth? Could it be that they..." Hull was surprised.

"If they can't obtain the new 'Hellcat' fighter jets, then they will lose air supremacy in future battles. This is simply a disaster for them who have always been at a disadvantage in ground warfare." Marshall said solemnly : "So, they would rather let those who desperately need these medicines hate them, hate us, and never produce even a single pill... This is a tactic that hurts both sides. They will suffer huge losses, even Probably totally defeated, but we will always be hated...until we also develop new drugs that can treat these drugs."

"But at that point, the U.S. government probably doesn't have much to do with us," Hopkins added.

"...an interesting method." Roosevelt pondered for a while, then smiled, "It's rare to see such a tough attitude from the Chinese. Medicines for planes!

It seems that they finally have some capital to negotiate. "

"I am against compromise." The Admiralty worker shouted again: "Although the news of the refusal will spread, many sick people will hate us, but compared with normal people, the sick will be a minority after all. And if we compromise, these Normal people will also be dissatisfied with us. We are the United States of America, the world's largest industrial power, how can we bow our heads to China?"

"This is not bowing down, but just a transaction. And in this transaction we will earn the greatest benefits." Hopkins smiled: "Mr. Secretary of the Navy, have you forgotten? Whether it is a new fighter jet, or Medicines are actually provided by the Chinese.”

"..." Knox was also dumb for a moment.

"Gran is right. In fact, the Chinese just exchanged one thing for another... We didn't suffer a loss, on the contrary, we took advantage of it." Roosevelt also laughed.

"So you mean, agree to deliver the 'Hellcat' fighter jets to China?" Marshall asked.

"George, what other ideas do you have?" Roosevelt asked hopefully.Although he was laughing just now.But it was really uncomfortable.China is big, but so weak that it is hard to see.Some time ago, the ambassador of this country smiled at himself, hoping to get assistance.But now, this group of people is forcing him to take out the latest fighter jet... That's right.This aircraft is indeed a design and technology provided by the Chinese, but so what?You can't make it yourself.It also depends on our American companies.If I want to pinch you, I will pinch you. The only thing you need to do is to endure and wait. How can you resist?But he can't help it.

Because 1940 was an election year!He is seeking a third term.

This is an unprecedented move.

Not since Washington has a president challenged that tradition.If he wants to win a third term, he can't go wrong.And it is obvious that good medicines that can cure diseases and save lives are refused to enter the United States.It will become the strongest weapon for opponents to attack him, bar none!Because he is definitely one of the best American presidents ever. Under his leadership, the United States has stepped out of the abyss of economic crisis.The way of life of Americans is also changing... He is physically disabled, he comes from a noble family, but he believes in the value of ordinary people and is willing to fight for the rights of citizens.The only thing his opponents can attack him is that he broke the tradition that the president of the United States cannot be re-elected for more than two terms...but what is this?He believed it was no threat to him.But if he refuses those medicines, there will be a big problem.

At that time, if the opponent questions him about this, how should he answer?New planes to keep America safe?Come on, what else does America need to protect?We can build this kind of aircraft, and we can naturally handle this kind of aircraft.What's more, we still have the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean as barriers... Who can hit the United States?It can be said that this hand of the Chinese hit his waist and eyes... Although, for polio patients, the waist and eyes may not be considered critical, but for the goal he is pursuing, this hand may be at a critical time Terrible.And if his goal of seeking a third term as president cannot be achieved, then the name Franklin Roosevelt will be followed by the title of "one of the greatest American presidents" with a comment: the most self-defeating and cruelest America president.

He couldn't accept that title, so he had to compromise with the Chinese.But he does not want to compromise like this. He wants to fight back, at least to let the Chinese know what it takes to threaten a US president.

"Mr. President," Marshall didn't see the longing in Roosevelt's eyes, and he didn't believe that a great man like Roosevelt would seek revenge from the Chinese because of his dissatisfaction. If we want to deliver these new aircraft to the Chinese, then we'd better learn from the Soviets and send an aviation volunteer team to China."

"Why?" Roosevelt asked.

"Because we need to understand the Japanese, especially their increasingly powerful air force." Marshall said, "because it is precisely by virtue of the superiority of the air force that they can maintain their offensive against the Soviet Union. Otherwise, with the Soviet Union's powerful military and industrial advantage, I really can't find a reason why the Japanese can occupy a large territory in the Far East."

"As far as I know, the Chinese government sent a representative before, and he seems to be an American?" Hull asked suddenly.

"That's right." Knox said, "That guy used to be a U.S. military captain, but now he's an advisor to the Chinese Air Force, a colonel."

"Did that guy already form a volunteer air force?" Hull asked. "I think the Chinese ambassador talked to me about it. But because they couldn't get the planes, they temporarily disbanded, didn't they?"

"You're not mistaken at all." Knox laughed.

"Then let's send this person to be the commander of our aviation volunteer team, how about it?" Hull turned to Roosevelt and asked, "Even if we don't send it anyway, the Chinese will pull them over after they get the plane .”

"That's fine." Roosevelt smiled, but secretly rolled his eyes inwardly.He is so disappointed!He thought Marshall could understand what he meant... Isn't it cheaper for those Chinese?

"How many planes did the Chinese order from Grumman?" Hull suddenly asked again.

"As far as I know, it seems to be five hundred." Marshall shrugged slightly.

"What?" Everyone was startled, "Five hundred?"

"Are there so many pilots in China?" Hull asked.

"I don't know. But the Chinese are clearly aware of the importance of maintaining air supremacy." Marshall said with a straight face, "Because in addition to the 1000 'Hellcats' that they officially ordered, they also owed another [-] 'Hellcats' on credit. Also That is to say, they intend to take [-] or [-] fighters from us in total."

"Grumman can actually agree?" Hull asked.

"Grumman would have sold me more planes if I owned as many drug patents. And I'm sure they'd want me to default even more," Hopkins laughed.

"The Chinese only want fighter jets?" Roosevelt asked suddenly.

"Yes." Marshall nodded. "We only need fighter jets. But we don't even need a bomber or transport plane. It's extremely puzzling."

"Perhaps, they want to obtain these two types of aircraft from the Soviet Union?" Stimson suddenly sneered.

"Just as Germany is in contact with Japan, the Soviet Union must also want to further strengthen its relationship with China... If the Chinese make a request to the Soviet Union at this time, I think Stalin is still very likely to agree. Although their The bombers and transports aren't very capable yet, but they're clearly good enough for the Chinese," Hopkins said.

"What kind of plane they want is a matter for the Chinese themselves, but before that... Hull, I want to talk to the Chinese ambassador on the phone." Roosevelt said suddenly.

"No problem." Hull walked to the edge of Roosevelt's office, personally helped to dial the operator of the White House, waited for a while, and handed the microphone to Roosevelt.


"Mr President?"

"It's me, dear Ambassador Hu!" Hearing Hu Shi's somewhat surprised voice from the microphone, Roosevelt felt a bit of comfort in his wounded heart: "I want to inform you of good news."

"Good news?" Hu Shi was obviously taken aback again, "What good news?"

"Through discussion, the White House decided to agree to deliver the newly developed 'Hellcat' fighter jet developed by Grumman to your country for use." Roosevelt said in a gentle and kind tone.

"The White House agreed?" Hu Shi was obviously a little surprised. "This is really great. Mr. President, on behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

"Hehe, for the sake of the friendly relations between the two countries, this is what we should do." Roosevelt said with a smile: "And I have another good news to tell you, we have decided to send an aviation volunteer team to your country to support your country Just war."

"Really? This, this is really great." Randomly began to speak incoherently, "Then, Mr. President, don't worry, I will send a report to the country immediately, asking them to send the research report on 'poliomyelitis' Coming to the United States will definitely not delay your condition, don't worry!"


polio?Well, isn't that what I have?Roosevelt froze for a moment. (To be continued..)

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