"Mr. President, what did the Chinese ambassador say?"

Everyone present knew why Roosevelt called Hu Shi in person, it was just to show his attitude... Anyone of them can do this kind of thing, and they can do it very well, so they didn't care.Hull even discussed Chennault's rank with Marshall, Stimson and Knox when Roosevelt was on the phone... The guy was only a lieutenant in the United States, but the Chinese had promoted him to colonel.According to the principle of equivalence of military ranks, should they also raise this guy's military rank by the way?But will this promotion cause some criticism in the domestic army?It even attracted some people to go to China to "work"?After all, retirement at the rank of colonel and retirement at the rank of captain are two completely different concepts.But they didn't expect that just when they had a small quarrel over this, Roosevelt seemed to have a problem.

"Ambassador Hu told me that a university in their country has conducted in-depth research on poliomyelitis, that is, polio, and has achieved certain results... a vaccine is currently being developed." Roosevelt breathed a sigh of relief , and suddenly smiled: "However, the ambassador obviously doesn't understand the gap between vaccines and treatment... He thought it would be of great help to my condition."

"my God!"

Hull crossed himself in astonishment.

"They, they said..."

"Yes." Roosevelt pursed his lips, not knowing whether he was sad or happy, "The Chinese have obviously achieved unimaginable achievements in medicine. As I said, they do have enough capital .”

"Franklin, this is a good thing." Hopkins sighed softly, and smiled at Roosevelt: "We have been looking for a way to eliminate polio. Now that the Chinese have achieved results, not only for us , is a good thing for the whole world.”

"Don't worry. I won't feel sad because of it." Roosevelt chuckled.He knew that Hopkins was consoling himself... Ever since he contracted this almost terminal disease in the summer of 1921, he had been hoping to recover. In 1936, Morris Brody, a research assistant at New York University, used the spinal cord of a monkey as a virus growth environment, and killed the virus with formaldehyde to make a polio vaccine.Although its attempts were initially hampered by difficulties in obtaining sufficient quantities of the virus.But he still paid close attention to it.Unexpectedly, when testing the vaccine, the 3000 children Brody used as the experimental subjects did not produce any antibodies, and many of them had allergic reactions.That said, Brody failed. [

And after that.He also paid attention to the vaccine developed by Philadelphia pathologist John Colemer, but this vaccine was even worse than the vaccine developed by Brody.Not only did it not have the ability to make people immune, but it also caused many deaths.

At one point he almost despaired.But soon regained confidence.In 1938, he initiated the establishment of the Polio National Foundation to treat polio patients and promote the development of vaccines.

However, the foundation has only been established for more than two years.Not much has been achieved, especially with the development of a vaccine.Let alone have no clue at all.

"Mr. President, what you just said seems to be that the Chinese are 'developing' a vaccine. That is to say, their vaccine has not been developed yet, and we shouldn't be so happy." Stimson said suddenly.

"That's why I haven't made it clear yet." Roosevelt smiled wryly, "Henry, what Ambassador Hu said just now is that they have developed a new vaccine, and it has been tested on the human body. The result is very successful! Vaccination Antibodies have been produced in the bodies of some of the experimenters. Although they are not yet fully immune, they have made great progress compared to the previous method of defense.... As for the 'research' you mentioned, they are actually trying to find a way to increase their immunity. Cultivate this vaccine on a large scale..."

"I feel like I'm listening to a fairy tale. How many years have the Chinese been researching? How can they come up with so many "drugs" all at once? Golan. What did you just say? They even have "tuberculosis" Medicine can cure it?" Knox looked at Hopkins incredulously, "Are you sure this is true? The Chinese are not lying?"

"I don't think anyone would lie about this kind of thing." Hopkins smiled wryly, "especially the Chinese. If they lie, then they will suffer unimaginable losses."

"The United States now has about 20000 more cases of polio a year, which means an average of 60 more people per day. This is terrible. There is an urgent need for vaccination..." Roosevelt breathed a sigh of relief, "Gentlemen , let’s do it immediately according to the previous decision. I want to see these "drugs" and their related patents in the shortest possible time. As for the others, let the people from the "pharmaceutical" company talk to the Chinese, and hurry up !"



"Director Hoover, do you have anything else to do?"

When Hu Shi put down the phone, his expression was quite smug... He is a gentleman, and he has always been tired of this kind of performance, but he just couldn't control it.

"I have nothing to do, I just want to investigate the cause and effect of the case." Edgar Hoover felt a little amused.The killing of two famous scientists, Robert Oppenheimer and Enrique Fermi, caused an uproar in the American scientific community and even the academic circles around the world.And because one of them is a Nobel Prize winner, even the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which is in charge of evaluating and presenting awards, sent a special telegram asking the US "government" to investigate the case strictly and to give an explanation to the scientist who was killed by Gu.

In a way, this case is extremely important, even comparable to the assassination of the president.But this is just Edgar Hoover's own idea. Many scientists who have called or telegraphed him do not agree, because in the eyes of these scientists, the murder of Oppenheimer and Fermi is far worse than the murder of the US president. serious.Because the US president is gone and the vice president is gone, and the vice president is gone and the speakers of the Senate and the House of Representatives... But Oppenheimer and Fermi are legally replaced.

Edgar Hoover initially believed that this case should be someone, or a certain country wanted to frame the Chinese "government".Because no matter how you look at it, the Chinese "government" has no great enmity with their American "government", and it is impossible for anyone in China to understand the subject that Oppenheimer and the others are studying...nuclear!Atomic energy!Does anyone in China understand what this means?Few people even in the United States understand. [

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the Chinese just happened to meet this matter at the right time, and thus became the first object of suspicion.

But no matter which direction you look at, it is impossible for the Chinese to be the murderers behind the killing of the two Oppenheimers.

Because it is really impossible for the Chinese to have any motives.

But after quick and careful investigation, a problem emerged, and all the clues were pointing to the Chinese, to the Chinese "government"!

Hoover felt the seriousness of the matter.If it is really the hands of the Chinese, then this matter may have to be suppressed.Although he is only the director of the FBI, he is also very clear about the foreign policy of the United States... It is impossible for the "government" of the United States to be hostile to two important countries on the other side of the Pacific Ocean at the same time.Compared with Japan, which is becoming more and more out of control, China is obviously a better partner

But no matter what the White House decides in the end, he must investigate the matter clearly so that the higher authorities can make an accurate judgment.So, he secretly came to the Chinese embassy... According to rumors, the place where the two yellow murderers last appeared.

"Mr. Ambassador, I just want to meet those two people and ask a few words. That's all." Edgar Hoover tried his best to keep his expression as gentle as possible...he just had a face all the time, as if Some frightened the Chinese ambassador.Before receiving the call from the president, the other party seemed very nervous, and he even saw the slight beads of sweat on the neck of the other party.

"Mr. Director, I want to reiterate that there is no one you want to meet in the embassy. Besides, this is the territory of the Republic of China. You cannot and are not qualified to ask me for anyone." Hu Shi raised his chin slightly, and was about to "Color" said.

"Mr. Ambassador, I'm not asking for anything, I just want to meet those two people." Edgar Hoover wanted to roll his eyes, and at the same time, he became more and more sure that Hu Shi had a ghost in his heart... No ghost, what are you afraid of?What are you nervous about?What about the ambassador, can't you see what I mean?Well, some things cannot be said clearly, but you are a diplomat... How can a diplomat fail to even think of the most basic analysis results?

"But I have already said that the embassy does not have the two people you mentioned." Hu Shi also wanted to roll his eyes.He has said this sentence over and over several times, but the dead-faced guy in front of him still just said the same sentence: I want to meet those two people!If I can see it, can I not let you see it?You have all broken into the "territory" of the Republic of China, who can believe that you just want to "meet"?I'm afraid I can't pull it out when I see it, and then I have to grab it? ... Those two bastards really deserve to die, two such great scientists were actually killed, but I have a mission, and how can I let my motherland get involved in this kind of murder of innocent scientists?

Hu Shi is a literati, and also a master of learning. He also knows a little about Oppenheimer and Fermi, and he knows the weight of the Nobel Prize. It can be said that, as a scholar, he is extremely worried about these two masters. The murder was related to the Chinese "government".Because he knows very well that this kind of behavior will be condemned by the entire scientific community!Chinese law bears that responsibility.

"We must not hand over people." Hu Shi secretly made up his mind.

"Stubborn Chinaman! It's rare for the FBI to investigate a case with great influence. Even if it will cover up all of this in the end, you won't even let me investigate the result. How can I explain it?" Edgar Hoover He had an expression on his face, but he also secretly made up his mind...he had to meet someone. (to be continued..)

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