mixed in the war

Chapter 346 The Power of Myanmar Station

Qin Wei arrived in Yangon almost alone. Although his status was not low, the British colonial authorities in Burma tried their best to show that he did not take him seriously and gave him as much as possible. low treatment.This makes the corresponding security measures much less.

Zheng Pingru once protested in her capacity as Qin Wei's adjutant, but the British responded arrogantly. They believed that it was impossible for anyone in the jurisdiction of the British Empire to dare to assassinate their guests.Although this guest doesn't seem to be very important.

Zheng Pingru told Qin Wei everything, but Qin Wei was helpless.He just came to Yangon as a private person for "playing".What's more, the British's reason is indeed very good: assassination activities in an irrelevant third country are prohibited by the international community.This is like when Wang Jingwei defected to Hanoi, Dai Li sent Chen Gongshu, one of the four major killers under his command, to assassinate him.As a result, although Chen Gongshu failed to kill Wang Jingwei, the assassination he organized killed Wang Jingwei's secretary.This incident caused an uproar internationally, and the Nationalist government was criticized.

But just like what Qin Wei said to Shen Zui, he is very timid.During this time of war, he took very close care of his own life... So, immediately, through Dai Li, he urgently dispatched a group of elite agents from within the military command to protect himself, and before these agents arrived, He used the manpower of the Burma station for guards.

As a result, Shen Zui was taken aback.

Even Mao Renfeng only knew that there were only three or five people in the Myanmar station, and they were already the third person in the military command, but why was the actual situation so different from their perception?

The Myanmar station has dozens of people!

Of course, this is not an extraordinary situation.But just like the juntong's investigation office in Chongqing, almost every one of the dozens of regular Burmese station juntong agents has someone attached to them.Some even as many as two or three hundred.

The actual number of people in the Myanmar station has already exceeded a thousand!

And this is still just an appearance.Affiliation plus affiliation, the manpower that the Myanmar station can control far exceeds this number.The most unexpected thing for intoxication is that the Burmese military command station has successfully penetrated into the Burmese government, and has controlled a lot of forces within the government... In other words, if these are also counted, the Burma station can actually deploy manpower It has already exceeded ten thousand.

This is the Myanmar station with only three or five people, not even a remote area?

This fucking thing is not changed even if it is given to the Director of General Affairs.

And this is one of the reasons why Shen Zui was able to easily investigate the internal situation of the Burmese government shortly after arriving in Yangon with Qin Wei.He only needs to integrate the affairs of the Myanmar station to discover a huge underground intelligence network.Although this network has only been established for a short period of time, many things can already be achieved.Especially for the Burmese government, which has only been established for a few years and has no real force to support it, this intelligence network is simply a giant.

at first.Shen Zui thought that Qin Wei had already begun to secretly develop overseas forces. After hesitating for a while, he secretly reported the situation to Dai Li, but the result surprised him again: Dai Li not only knew the actual situation of the Burma station, but also tell him.The same thing is happening in Vietnam.In other words, at the Hanoi Station of the Military Command, many people have already entered the interior of the Vietnamese government... There are even some guerrillas of the Vietnamese government.It is the people in the military command who are secretly controlling or even directly leading.

Dai Li asked Shen Zui to keep it secret.And expressed his sincere satisfaction with his behavior.But I still warned him not to make small reports casually in the future.Because he didn't know whether Qin Wei would know these things, and what kind of reaction Qin Wei would have if he knew these things.

In a word: work hard under Chief Qin, don't think about it...just keep in mind that you still have Boss Dai.

Boss Dai's consolation reassured Shen Zui a lot, but it also made him feel a lot more guilty towards Qin Wei... Obviously, Chief Qin was really kind to him.He had been planning everything for him early on, but he was so half-hearted... He had already made up his mind to protect Chief Qin's safety in this operation, not even a single hair would hurt anyone. with.But the development of the matter once again left him speechless: catch the coming Japanese.The development of the Burma station will enter the fast lane... Doesn't that mean that Qin Wei has already clearly understood the plans and goals of the Japanese, and he is going to be under Chief Qin's favor again?

************************************************** *********

"The Ardennes?"

Dorman Smith, the Governor of British Burma, Qin Wei did not see him when he came to Yangon. Instead, he wanted to meet Mountbatten, who came all the way from Calcutta, which made him unhappy for a while.If it weren't for Qin Wei's contact with many Chinese to invest in Burma, and the contribution he gave him during the period, he might not even approve Qin Wei's request to come to Burma.But even so, he deliberately said a few more words in front of Mountbatten, using another way to "force" Mountbatten to temporarily give up the meeting with Qin Wei.But for five days, Qin Wei didn't respond, as if he really just came for a vacation, which made him and Mountbatten a little bit impatient.The two decided to "interview" Qin Wei, but to their surprise, Ke Erli, who was sent to invite someone, only brought back a geographic term.

"Where is that place?" Although Dorman was British, he didn't know the geography of France very well.It's like many Chinese don't know which country Mount Kumgang is in.

"No matter where it is, I think it's best for us to send this thing to London, and let London give us a reply." Curley said in a deep voice, "Because Qin Wei is very confident. I can see it! He only gave Two hours after us, two hours later, if we haven't appeared in front of him and expressed our intention to bow our heads, then... the consequences may be as serious as he said."

"But I think that guy is bluffing." Dorman said disdainfully, "How can a Chinese have the leisure to care about others when they haven't finished dealing with their own country's affairs?"

"But Qin Wei said that this matter is related to the life and death of hundreds of thousands of British and French allied troops." Ke Li said sharply, "That guy will not make jokes about such things. Just like he didn't make fun of the oil fields in Indonesia! This matter is about His credit! I think we must report this to London!"

"My lord, Qin Wei wants to see you, you decide." Dorman was very dissatisfied with Ke Erli's attitude, but considering Ke Erli's many investments in Burma and the many benefits these investments can bring him, he did. He had to suppress these dissatisfaction, and turned to Mountbatten to ask.

"Arden Hills, I remember that our coalition with France is indeed..." Mountbatten's face turned pale, and the future commander-in-chief of the Southeast Asian Allied Forces suddenly jumped up, pointing to the butler standing next to him: "immediately Send a telegram to the Colonial... no, ask the Admiralty, ask them how the battle is going on the Dutch front. God, hope that Chinese is just talking nonsense."

"I hope." Curry closed his eyes for a moment, "I hope that as you said, the German armored group did not pass through there, otherwise, my Excellency the Governor, you will pay a huge price for today's negligence!"

"What are you talking about?" Dorman also felt the seriousness of the matter, but he still didn't quite understand: "What Ardennes? What Germans? What happened?"

"If the Germans pass through the Ardennes, then the hundreds of thousands of British and French allied forces supporting the Dutch will be cut off! This means that they will all be driven out of the sea by the German armored group!" Master Mountbatten Called: "My God, I'm sure, we are all fooled! Fooled! Only the Chinese guessed the result. But the bastard he dragged it out for five days, five days! Tell us now!"

"Your Excellency, it wasn't Qin Wei who delayed us for five days, it was we who delayed him for five days!" Seeing Mountbatten's performance, Curley's heart sank, "It's because we pretended to be arrogant that we missed this opportunity .”

"No, it's the Chinese. It's the Chinese!" Dorman finally understood the cause and effect, and he yelled in panic, "It's the Chinese who is deliberately delaying time! This matter has nothing to do with us..."

"But everyone in Myanmar knows that we put Qin Wei on the beach to blow the sea breeze for almost a week!" Ke Erli shouted.He understood why Dorman and Mountbatten were so scared... Just like what Qin Wei said, if the Germans had already crossed the Ardennes Mountains and completed the siege of the British and French allied forces, then they could have obtained this information in advance Both will be severely punished from London.Although this battle may have nothing to do with them, but the life and death of hundreds of thousands of British and French allied forces, the higher-ups will definitely be angry.Obviously, it could have been avoided in advance, but in the end it fell into a super big somersault. Not to mention an offshoot of the royal family, even the King of England himself would have to abdicate if he encountered this incident.But he is different, he is a businessman now, not a member of the government, and he can't be found in London if he wants to find someone to vent his anger on.

"Stop sending the report immediately, stop immediately!" Dorman suddenly chased after Mountbatten's butler who had already walked outside the door, "Don't let London know the situation here, absolutely not!"

"No!" Mountbatten and Curry stopped him at the same time, "This matter must be told to London, and immediately!"

"But London will not spare us if it has happened," Dorman cried.

"If that's the case, I will definitely kill that guy!" Mountbatten said angrily.

"You can't kill him!" Ke Li gave this guy a blank look, "It's just like you neglected him this time! If you dare to use unconventional means against him, then I can guarantee that you will suffer even worse!" (Unfinished to be continued..)

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