mixed in the war

Chapter 347 I want to beat you

When Qin Wei told Mountbatten the term "Arden Mountains", Mountbatten was not in such a hurry.Because the German forces were divided into three parts, among them, the right wing of the Germans, that is, General Bock's troops on the front line from the Dutch and Belgian borders to Aachen, set out to break through the Dutch border defenses and occupy the entire Netherlands and northern Belgium. Then move on to France.The attack along this route was very violent and rapid. Many fortresses that were considered to be able to defend for several months fell in one day. The British and French sides panicked, and judged that the main force of Germany was on the right wing, so they sent most of their troops to the right wing. Fill the basket.This is what Mountbatten learned about the battle.

But Qin Wei told Ke Erli that the German armored group would cross the Ardennes.

This is what really frightens Mountbatten.

Although he was born in the navy and was not familiar with land offensive and defensive warfare, he knew very well where the weakness of the Maginot Line was.The end of the Maginot Line where Ardennes is located is also a mountainous area, which is not suitable for armored troops to fight... This is the most common common sense.But he discovered the word Qin Wei said: "Crossover"!

If the armored group just wanted to cross that mountain, wouldn't it be okay?

Not to mention that the quality of the German army surpassed all European armies, even with the ability of British engineers, it is not difficult to open up a road in the Ardennes that can allow armored troops to pass through.What's more, the armored units themselves have strong cross-country capabilities. Mountainous terrain is just not suitable for them to fight, but it is not impossible for them to pass.

Therefore, Mountbatten hurriedly sent the news to London.He only hoped that it was himself, and of course Qin Wei's delusions... The rigidity of the Germans probably wouldn't make them think of this plan.It's just that even Mountbatten himself dared not have any confidence in this fantasy.If the Germans can't think of this plan, the Chinese shouldn't even think of it.


Time seemed to become extremely long.

After the debate with Ke Erli about whether to take revenge on Qin Wei ended, Mountbatten felt that he had waited a long, long time.But there is still no news from London.This kind of waiting made him extremely anxious, and made the fantasy in his heart more solidified.But he didn't know that Qin Wei told him the news on May 5th.On this day, the first echelon of the German tank division and motorized division passed through the Ardennes, forcibly crossed the Maas River in the Sedan area at the junction of the French Second and Ninth Armies, and severely damaged the British and French allies.After that, the German army will occupy Sedan, advance westward at a speed of 14 to 20 kilometers per day and night, and occupy Abbeville on May 40. On May 5, the German Rapid Forces would reach the English Channel.Divide the strategic front of the British and French allied forces, and use the Netherlands and Belgium as air force and submarine bases to block the Strait of Calais and prevent British reinforcements.So far, about 20 divisions of the British and French coalition forces will be surrounded in the Dunkirk area on the Belgian-French border. May 5.Boulogne was to fall to the Germans, and Calais was taken on the 21th.The British and French allied forces will be surrounded by German troops at the seaside.

No matter how fast his telegram was transmitted.It was simply too late.


"He is holding on to news from London."

Ke Erli went back alone to find Qin Wei. At this time, Qin Wei had already started packing... Two hours had passed, and Mountbatten refused to come to "see" Qin Wei.

"He doesn't believe what I said?" Qin Wei didn't feel surprised. Seeing Ke Erli's sweaty face, he just smiled.

"He believed it, but there is still a little luck..." Ke Erli stared at Qin Wei closely. "Actually, I am the same. And we all don't understand. How did you know that the Germans would go through the Ardennes?"

"Cole Li, do you know about the 'Schlieffen Project'?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"Schlieffen? Are you talking about Alfred von Schlieffen? The German Field Marshal before World War I?" Curley asked.

"That's right." Qin Wei nodded, "Anyone who has studied the First World War knows that it was one of the reasons for Germany's defeat in World War I that Little Mao Qi changed Schlieffen's genius plan. Some people even claimed that if Little Mao Qi didn't If we change the Schlieffen Plan, then France may have been captured by Germany shortly after the beginning of World War I. Now, facing the impregnable Maginot Line, what else can the Germans do except choose its weak point to attack? False attacking the false, falsely attacking the west... This kind of tactical and even strategic deception has been used very skillfully thousands of years ago, and the Germans have already reached the pinnacle of research on the art of war, so how could they not know about it?"

"You mean... this is just your guess?" Curley asked in astonishment.

"That's right, it's just speculation!" Qin Wei smiled, like a military expert, "It's actually a kind of gambling! I'm betting on the fate of the French!"

"I don't understand what you mean." Cole said, "Even if the Maginot Line will be conquered by the Germans, the French still have millions of troops! They can definitely hold on. Just like in World War I, they can Drag the Germans into the quagmire of war!"

"Really?" Qin Wei smiled, "Then do you dare to make a bet with me?"


"Yes," Qin Wei nodded, "Let's make a bet. I bet the French will surrender this time, to the Germans! And the surrender will not take long...two months! What do you think? The bet is for Ten percent of the copper mine shares!"

"That's impossible!" Curry shook his head repeatedly, "That's France. Even though they are not as good as Germany, their army is still one of the most powerful in the world. Two months? God? Do you think France is Poland? ?”

"The Germans conquered Poland in 27 days, Denmark in 4 hours, and Norway in 23 days... I bet that two months is already very good for France! I even doubt that they may not be able to last for a month and a half .” Qin Wei laughed.

"I'll bet you!" Cole was quite confident in himself at first, but after hearing these words, he felt a little unsure... Are the French really so useless?Just a few more days than the Poles?He didn't know whether he should agree to this gambling request. Qin Wei's gambling money was tempting enough, but he also remembered that since he knew Qin Wei, this guy had never lost in a similar thing.If he loses, he is really just Qin Wei's wage earner.He hesitated more and more.But at this moment, a burst of loud footsteps interrupted his hesitation, and Mountbatten, dressed in a navy uniform, strode in.

"Aren't you planning to come over?" Curley gave this person a dissatisfied look.

"I'm just here to make a bet." Mountbatten ignored Curry, and just stared at Qin Wei with a gloomy expression.

"The tutors of the British royal family really live up to their reputation." Qin Wei shrugged, "You can bet if you want. But I took out [-]% of the shares in the Letpadaung Copper Mine, what else can you take out?"

"Aren't you going to negotiate investment in India with me? I'm the Governor of India, so I can..."

"Sorry! I don't plan to talk about this anymore." Qin Wei smiled, "Because you are late! Your Excellency Governor!"

"You dare not bet with me?" Mountbatten asked.

"Are you stimulated, sir?" Qin Wei looked at the other party with a smile: "Were you scolded by the London side? Or were you simply dismissed?"

"Your Excellency, are you delusional? I am the Governor of India. I also have the rank of Commodore. When did you hear that people like me would be easily dismissed?" Mountbatten snorted coldly.

"A guy who doesn't even understand the most basic manners, is he still a Commodore of the British Royal Navy? Even the Japanese are more polite than you." Qin Wei gave a "tss" and looked at Mountbatten seriously again: "Mr. Commodore, do you know?" Don’t you know what the principle of treating military ranks is?”

"You..." Mountbatten was choked upon hearing this.Why did he delay meeting Qin Wei?Isn't it because of Dorman's sentence "Do you want to salute Qin Wei"?He is a son of the British royal family.It is the general of the British Royal Navy who has always been proud. Of course, he is unwilling to show his respect to a Chinese general.Because he doesn't have it at all.But now Qin Wei made this request again.What should he do?If refused.Will the outside world say that he doesn't even have any tutoring?

"I know you don't like it. You don't have to salute." Qin Wei said with a smile: "I think even if this matter gets out, no one will say you are arrogant. Because you are British, and I am Chinese... ...the disparity between countries makes this phenomenon. But I will tell you that if you don't salute me, I will not make this bet with you...opportunity is rare. Are the French really what I think they are Incompetence depends on your choice, Mr. Governor!"

"If I don't make this bet with you, will someone say that I also think that France will surrender within two months?" Mountbatten asked coldly.

"Perhaps." Qin Wei smiled.

"Is this another trick?" Mountbatten asked angrily.

"That's right. Ever since you walked through this door, you've already been tricked." Qin Wei didn't deny it either, "but now the question is. What choice will you make."

"Of course I believe in my allies." Mountbatten said.

"Do you think France can survive two months?" Qin Wei asked.

"France will keep fighting the Germans! Until the final victory!" Mountbatten said word by word.

"Your statement is very interesting. Because even if there is only one Frenchman left, as long as he declares that he will not surrender, the British government will still think that he is the most legitimate representative of France! Unless the British Isles are also occupied by the Germans Capture." Qin Wei shook his head and smiled.

"Then what do you want?" Mountbatten asked.

"I think...if the French government that occupies most of France's European territory surrenders, it means that France has lost the war! How?" Qin Wei asked.

"Yes." Mountbatten nodded and agreed without thinking about it.

"My betting capital is [-]% of the shares in Leipadang Copper Mine, how about you, General?" Qin Wei asked.

"I don't have that much money," Mountbatten said.

"I don't need your little money." Qin Wei thought for a while: "I see it this way. If I win, you, Louis Mountbatten, will never come closer to me within [-] kilometers! If there is any violation , I can beat you, but you must not resist!" (To be continued...)

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