Although they have been defeated several times, in the hearts of Ando Toshiyoshi, Terauchi Shouichi in Nanjing, and Doihara Kenji, the squadron is not so terrible.Although Chiang Kai-shek got the addresses of several foreign oil fields inexplicably, and sold them, making a lot of money, and the Soviets also assisted China many times, which made the Chinese army's reserve of equipment and ammunition They have gone up a few more steps, and the combat power has become more sustainable, but none of this can make them feel threatened.The real threat is the Chinese Air Force, or the Chinese Air Force under the command of Qin Wei.

Although Rikichi Ando had ordered the ministries to start taking action, only a few people knew that at that time he was actually biting the bullet and doing it hard.Because he made a move, but Qin Wei didn't move.Nobody knows what the hell that guy is doing in Burma.What if it was just to confuse them?After that, the Air Force airlifted an army of Sun Liren and an airborne division of Yu Jishi to Kunming in a short period of time, which made Ando Rikichi's scalp tingle even more.His troops in Guangdong were not many, and coupled with the loss in the previous battle of southern Guangxi, the mobile force was even more lacking.This is also one of the reasons why troops were transferred from the Kwantung Army.But it was hard to get together three divisions, and these three divisions were fighting happily on the front line. If the Chinese army suddenly landed in Guangzhou, or some important city pass, wouldn't he repeat the same mistakes?

Although there is strong support from the navy and the army in terms of aviation, but if Qin Wei does not make a move for a day, he will not dare to move out easily.

And now, the Chinese Air Force, which I have been waiting for for a long time, has finally appeared, and it is a large-scale bomber and fighter jet group... This is Qin Wei's handwriting, and it is the way that guy has always acted!And most importantly, according to observation, calculation and judgment, the Chinese Air Force should have dispatched more than half of its bombers and fighter jets this time, which can basically be regarded as an all-out effort.The possibility of other arrangements has been slim.


"Is the donkey out of luck?"

Ando Liji was a little nervous, but at the same time a little excited.I was nervous because the Japanese army had suffered too much from the Chinese Air Force during this period of time, and I was excited because if the opponent really had no other tricks, then, with the help of the Chinese Air Force who was preparing to launch in Guangzhou With the Zero fleet, he will be able to wipe out the greatest threat to the Imperial Army.

"Is the aviation unit ready?"

"The preparations are complete. All fighter planes are ready to take off at any time!"

The campaign command has been temporarily changed to the air combat command.Next to Toriji Ando was Tamon Yamaguchi, the commander of the First United Air Force, who was summoned urgently.This dude is currently only a major general, but he was born in the navy.Therefore, although he was summoned, he was unwilling to bow his head to Rikichi Ando, ​​and he was not even interested in calling "Your Excellency" or "Commander".

"Don't rush to take off. Wait until the other party is about to reach the destination, and then take off." Ando Liji said.

"Why? Our Type Zero can knock those Chinese to the ground in the shortest possible time." Yamaguchi asked.

"Deal with the Chinese Air Force. Before they are completely wiped out, there must be no carelessness." Ando Liji said solemnly: "Even if we have absolutely overwhelming strength!"

"Okay." Yamaguchi Tamon thought for a while and nodded.As the commander of the air force, he is as aware of the losses that the Japanese aviation force has suffered at the hands of the Chinese Air Force as Ando Rikichi.Although self-confidence can completely suppress the other party, as Ando Rikichi said, who knows if the other party will have any conspiracy?When did the Chinese Air Force attack so carelessly?If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so he didn't insist anymore.

then.In this way, they have been waiting silently, waiting for the arrival of the Chinese Air Force...

************************************************** ****************

"Second Young Master Long?"



Airport control room.

Yu Jishi looked at being tied up and sent to him, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.Under the illumination of the light, the monster-like Long Shengzu, with a green face and fangs, grinned unconsciously:

"I didn't expect that... I said Captain Long, are you planning to abandon your father and run away alone?"

"You just escaped, you despicable—"

Long Shengzu wanted to rush over, but just as he moved, he was lightly tripped by two soldiers who were escorting him, and then, a classic dog-eat-shit figure fell to the ground.

"Tsk tsk..." Yu Ji didn't move at all, but just shook his head while looking at the scene in front of him, "Why are you so careless when you walk? It hurts from a fall? Come on, serve Long Ershao a cup of tea, and take a seat... But Honorable guest, how did you do this? Still not untied?"

"Master, this kid has a big temper, and the brothers just told him to calm down." Jian Li, the commander of the third paratrooper regiment, stood beside Yu Jishi.A student of the Central Military Academy, who also studied at West Point Military Academy in the United States, speaks fluent English. Although he leads an elite paratrooper regiment, he always has the demeanor of a Confucian general, and his usual behavior is very refined.But this time, Long Shengzu was obviously angry, and there was a lot of cynicism in his words.

"So what if you have a big temper?" Yu Jishi snorted coldly, "Besides, with you guys here, how much temper can't be smoothed out? Let go!"

"Yes." Jian Li responded and waved to the soldiers.So the two soldiers who were holding Long Shengzu to the floor immediately pulled him up, pulled the rope two or three times, and then let go of the rope.

"Are you Yu Jishi?" After being let go, Long Shengzu lost the excitement just now, and wiped the blood from his nose casually. Regardless of his image, after taking a look at Yu Jishi, he asked directly road.

"Presumptuous!" Jian Li immediately reprimanded: "What is your position? How dare you call our teacher by his first name?"

"I still call Qin Wei by his name, and I haven't seen him so angry." Long Shengzu snorted coldly, then glanced at Yu Jishi again: "Is it true? If not, call the master here, I just talk to him."

"They call me 'Shizuo', who else do you think I am?" Yu Jishi looked at the Second Young Master Long amusedly, and asked back.

"That's hard to say." Long Shengzu snorted coldly, "There is more than one airborne division around Kunming. There are also three divisions of Sun Liren's New First Army. I heard that one of their three division commanders is Zheng Jiemin, who was born in the military command , I like to do those messy things the most, who knows if you are just pretending?"

"Presumptuous!" Jian Li reprimanded again.

"I have seen Zheng Jiemin's division. The army is neat and disciplined... Although he has never fought in a war, I can see that he has put a lot of effort into training. Although I dare not say it to the Japanese, at least It's much more glamorous than the independent group of your Second Young Master Long." Yu Jishi smiled, "What nonsense do you think he likes to do? Why?"

"Are you really Yu Jishi?" Long Shengzu ignored Yu Jishi's rhetorical question, but just stared at him and asked again.

"If you don't believe it, forget it." Yu Jishi snorted softly, and beckoned to Jian Li again: "Arrange a comfortable place for Young Master Long, and send someone to take good care of him. Don't be negligent. Don't have time to talk to General Long Meeting each other will cause people to blame."

"Yes." Jian Li responded and winked at his subordinates.Long Shengzu is about to be escorted out.

"Wait a minute." Long Shengzu called out hastily.

"What's wrong?" Yu Jishi asked him.

"How did you know that I would take the path?" Long Shengzu was a little puzzled, "I left the city secretly. Although you had a plane to take off soon after leaving the city. But it is night now, have not been entrenched near the airport all the time, no Do you deploy troops on the other sides?"

"Hehe, you really are the 'unscrupulous' young master of the Long family, even in war..." Yu Jishi smiled, his eyes were full of sarcasm: "I mean Second Young Master Long. Does your independent group live too comfortably in Yunnan? Didn’t you even send scouts when you marched and fought?”

"……"Scout?Long Shengzu understood immediately, and at the same time made a big blush.But no, although they didn't surround Kunming City.But this does not mean that scouts will not be sent out to scout the surrounding situation.Although they have a lot of troops, no matter how little they are, they are still in the territory of the "enemy army". Even if it is only on the surface, they must be cautious. This is the attitude of marching and fighting.Thinking about how I actually thought that he was just putting on a defensive posture and had no intention of using force at all, pretending to sneak out of the city, in fact, it was almost like swaggering, I was really ashamed and ashamed to death.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Yu Jishi asked again, "Or, is there anything General Long wants you to bring to me?"

"I don't have anything to say. But..." Long Shengzu's face was still a little hot, but he looked at Yu Jishi contemptuously, "Don't think that you have succeeded in catching me. My regiment has been divided into more than ten groups. You just caught me. Your troubles have only just begun. "

"Our troubles?" Yu Jishi frowned unconsciously... He hated the other party's attitude very much.Although he was very gentle, it was just a kind of gift from the winner to the loser, to give Long Yun a little face.For a guy like Long Shengzu, if he dared to speak like this in front of him, he would have already been slapped by his ears.

"That's right." Long Shengzu felt complacent again, and his chest was raised unconsciously: "After all, this is Yunnan, and it is our Long family's territory... Although you have gained power for a while, our Long family is not what you want to destroy Just kill it. Do you want to know what trouble you have?"

"What would you say?" Yu Jishi asked.

"As long as you ask, I will tell you... Anyway, you will know soon." Long Shengzu said.

"Then just tell me, I want to see what trouble we can have." Yu Jishi found a seat and sat down, then nodded his chin at Long Shengzu.

"Know my independent group..."


Long Shengzu sneered, looking down at Yu Jishi pretending to be arrogant... In his opinion, relying on Long Yun's warrant and the strength of more than a dozen companies of the Independent Regiment, it would definitely not be a problem to control the granaries in the surrounding area.And as long as those granaries are under control, Chiang Kai-shek will not dare to mess around no matter how ruthless he is.Their Long family is equivalent to being outside of Kuncheng City, and they have an extra trump card, a hole card that can bargain with Chiang Kai-shek.However, just when he was about to reveal the hole card, the phone rang suddenly interrupted him.But Yu Jishi glanced at him, and ignored him, but looked at Jian Li who was walking towards the phone with a solemn expression:

"How about it?"

"Success! The first and second paratrooper regiments have successfully captured the city gate, and the new first army has entered the city." Jian Li called out excitedly without even putting down the phone.

"Okay—" Yu Jishi jumped up, "Yunnan has been decided! Yunnan has been decided! Hahaha..."

"What are you talking about?" Long Shengzu was stunned by the news... He just came out of Kunming city, and Kunming "fallen"?This is out of order, shouldn't he announce the actions of the independent group to Yu Jishi now?

"What did I say?" Yu Jishi couldn't help but look over mockingly, "I didn't say anything. It just means... your Long family is in trouble! Second Young Master Long!" (To be continued...)

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