mixed in the war

Chapter 375 The Defeat Is That Simple

"I just want to know how I lost."

Long Yun did not resist.

After learning the news that the new army had entered the city, he decisively ordered the defenders in the city not to fire.However, Sun Liren and Yu Jishi did not make things difficult for the defenders. Seeing that the other party had no intention of resisting, they just led their troops to surround Longyuan Villa, seized several strategic points, and took over several key departments such as the provincial government and the police station.Then, Yu Jishi and Sun Liren came to Longyuan Villa to "meet" Long Yun.

"Juntong bribed several people from the telephone company." Sun Liren didn't know the cause and effect, but Yu Jishi did.Seeing that Long Yun was puzzled, he didn't hide it: "After our plane takes off, use your tone to issue an order to the city gate guards so that they don't resist!"

"It's just... as simple as that?"

Long Yun was stunned, and even stayed there with Long Shengwu beside him... They were actually defeated by a small telephone company?

"After your subordinates receive an order, they will definitely ask their superiors, but when calling in the city, the operator always needs to help connect the phone," Yu Jishi also had a wry smile on his face, "So, they call Go, all you hear are our orders. At this time, our paratroopers have already started airborne, and they have no time to react, so naturally they can only choose not to resist and let us seize the city gate."

"This is impossible." Long Shengwu cried out, he could not accept such a process, "Our officers are not fools, even if we intend to surrender, there is no reason for you to carry out airborne first, you can open the gate of the city on your own initiative. "

"It's a pity that the officers in charge of guarding the city gate don't have the brains of Mr. Long," Sun Liren said calmly at the side: "Besides, Kunming City is facing an enemy that is several times stronger than itself. How many are really willing to risk their lives to fight this battle? Therefore, even if they have doubts, I am afraid they will take the initiative to choose to obey orders."

"... makes sense." Long Yun sighed long.Although Sun Liren's words were a bit harsh, they hit the point...he was doomed, and although there were many loyal and brave men under his command, they were a minority after all.Especially when facing the Central Army who came here for righteousness, it was defeated first.But at this time, the other party pretended to be him and issued an order without giving him any time to react. Those officers and soldiers who were unwilling to fight for a long time would definitely choose to surrender subconsciously. By the time they reacted, Yu Jishi and Sun Liren's army had already entered the city.It's useless to resist.

"Convince yourself!"

Long Yun is only 55 at this time, which is the golden age of a politician. With proper maintenance, he looks like he is in his 40s, but after listening to Sun Liren's words.All his spirit and pride seemed to be taken away by these few words, and his body seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant.for a while.Then he glanced at Yu Jishi again in despair:

"What arrangements does Generalissimo Chiang have for me?"

"A member of the Military Commission." Yu Jishi replied flatly. "There will be a plane to take you, the two sons, and your family to Chongqing soon... All preparations have been made for the reception, including the accommodation."

"Two?" Long Yun couldn't help squinting his eyes, "What about my third son? Chairman Jiang isn't going to spare him?"

"Actually, the chairman didn't intend to delve into the case of the third son, and most of the members of the Military Commission and the Executive Yuan also meant the same thing, but Chief Qin insisted on the trial of the third son." Yu Jishi replied. "The chairman can't do anything about it."

"How unreasonable!" Long Shengwu yelled, "You have already taken Yunnan, and you want to kill my third brother? Do you want to kill them all?"

"If General Long could have delivered Long Shengbin to justice at the beginning of the case, then we probably wouldn't be here today. So, in the final analysis, there is still a problem with General Long's handling." Sun Liren was somewhat dissatisfied He glanced at Yu Jishi.Although Long Yun is already a tiger on airs, after all, he has been a local snake in Yunnan for many years. Even if he is gone, he still has a lot of connections.Qin Wei is going to be the director of the Yunnan-Guizhou Appeasement Office soon, and Long Yun is still capable of making trouble for him. Yu Jishi clearly knows this, but deliberately emphasizes that it is Qin Wei who wants to bring Long Shengbin to justice... This is clearly to bring hatred to Qin Wei Well.

"Excuse!" Long Shengwu snorted coldly: "This is basically an excuse for you to seize Yunnan!"

"Yunnan is China's territory, and the national government is the central government that governs the whole of China. What kind of robbing is not robbing?" Sun Liren looked at him coldly, "And Chief Qin did nothing wrong. The whole operation, if If it wasn't for his careful planning, Kunming might already be in dire straits... If that's the case, General Long might not even have the chance to go to Chongqing to serve, so how can we talk about saving Long Shengbin?"


"Enough." Long Yun waved his hands irritably, stopping Long Shengwu.He knew he wasn't being reasonable this time.Yu Jishi was fine, he represented Chiang Kai-shek, and he wanted to show it so-so, but Sun Liren would definitely not sell him any face.Although this kind of thing happens everywhere in China, and even Lao Jiang started his career from this step, it doesn’t sound so good after all... Rather than that, it’s better to find a way to rescue your unsatisfactory third son: "Yu Teacher, please prepare the plane immediately, I will go to Chongqing to meet Chairman Jiang."

"The plane can take off at any time."

Yu Jishi also wished that Long Yun would leave immediately.Every day this guy is in Yunnan, Yunnan is not stable for a day.So, when he heard that Long Yun wanted to leave, he immediately stood up and made a gesture of invitation towards the door... as if he was already the owner of Longyuan Villa.


"Yunnan has now been calmed down, and the power of the central government has greatly increased."

Long Yun left first, and Long Shengwu stayed behind.This guy has a lot of "tasks". Under Yu Jishi's arrangement and supervision, he must receive Long Shengzu, appease his family, and at the same time hand over Long Shengbin... Sun Liren doesn't have much to do, he is mainly responsible for occupying and Taking care of the defenders who have surrendered, these things can be done very well by the subordinates.However, Sun Liren was a restless person, and he continued to inspect the various units under his command.Whether it was intentional or unintentional, he didn't inspect the division where he was also the division commander first, but went to Zheng Jiemin's first.

"Although it seemed a bit dangerous in the middle, but thinking about it now, the pace is actually very steady... Chief Qin's plan can be said to be watertight. Almost all possible reactions of the Yunnan Army are included."

"Of course. Commander Qin has always been accurate in his calculations and information... Otherwise, how could he be promoted to general in his early thirties?" Zheng Jiemin was happy to hear others praise Qin Wei.He is Lao Jiang's confidant, but Lao Jiang has many confidants, it can be said that one more of him is not too many, and one less of him is quite a lot.However, Qin Wei's subordinates only had three or two big cats and kittens, which was seriously inconsistent with Qin Wei's status as the highest-ranking member of the squadron.Therefore, shortly after he was stuffed into Sun Liren's new army, he decided to firmly grasp the big tree of Qin Wei.

"The 30-year-old general is indeed enviable. But such a rapid promotion seems to be a bit enviable..." Sun Liren sighed softly, and narrated what happened in Longyuan Villa. It's not very authentic...but it's very unusual for the director of the Yunnan and Guizhou Office not to also be the provincial chairman. Is there any dissatisfaction with Chief Qin?"

"There must be some dissatisfaction. Chief Qin doesn't have many enemies. But they are all people with great background." Zheng Jiemin smiled, as if he didn't think too much about this matter: "However, Yu Liangzhen's stumbling block like this , if Chief Qin finds out, he will probably be in trouble."

"Oh?" Sun Liren was slightly taken aback, "Yu Liangzhen is from the chairman's bodyguard. He is still a relative, how dare Chief Qin...?"

"Until now. Except for the Chairman, I have not found that Chief Qin is afraid to move." Zheng Jiemin had a wry smile on his face, "What's more, Yu Liangzhen is still his 'subordinate' now! If the airborne division does not have the support of the Air Force, how can it be done?" What kind of airborne division? Yu Liangzhen may have said too much..."

************************************************** *******************************************

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

From the parachute regiment of the Airborne Division to the city of Kunming, when Long Yun left Yunnan, and when Sun Liren found Zheng Jiemin, the half-chat and half-information conversation was over, and the sky was already bright... At this time.In the city of Guangzhou, two thousand miles away to the east, a fierce air battle has also begun.The Chinese Air Force took off from Guangxi at a "turtle speed", and arrived in the sky over Guangzhou several hours later.The Japanese First Joint Air Force, which had already been ready to go, quickly took off to meet the enemy.Faced with more than 200 never-before-seen Chinese fighter jets that looked a little bloated.Rikichi Ando and Tamon Yamaguchi put on the posture of a lion fighting a rabbit, and sent out nearly [-] Zero Types, intending to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop.

However, what made Ando Riyoshi and Yamaguchi Tamon unacceptable was that as soon as they fought, Type Zero fell into a disadvantage, and it was an absolute disadvantage.

Only half an hour had passed since the battle, watching the zero-style falling from the sky like dumplings, the two felt their hearts almost jumped out of their chests...how could this be?After so many battles on the Soviet battlefield, the Zero has long been proven to be the best fighter in the world today.Even those fighter jets from known European and American countries cannot compete with it.Nearly [-] Zeros, under normal circumstances, are enough to fight against more than [-] of the best Soviet fighters.But now, Type Zero is beaten to the point where he has the advantage in numbers... This is unscientific!

"Retreat immediately, let them retreat immediately!"

Seeing the unknown dozens of Type Zeros falling down with long black smoke, Yamaguchi Tamon finally couldn't stand it anymore. He directly grabbed Ando Rikichi by the collar and couldn't help but stare at the supreme commander in Guangzhou. Roar.Type Zero is wealth, and pilots are the wealth of wealth... The aviation unit has lost hundreds of people in the Chinese battlefield. If he loses so many people in this battle, he can only go by harakiri, even if the battle fails. The responsibility is not on him.

"Signal, retreat, let Zero retreat immediately!"

Ando Toshiyoshi didn't care about Yamaguchi's faux pas, he just wanted to quickly inform Nanjing and Tokyo of the news... This is the first time that the Chinese have surpassed Japan in fighter quality, but it is definitely a fatal one.The Chinese Air Force still firmly controls the air supremacy, which means that the Imperial Army must not launch an attack on the Chinese Army in the near future.Because the sky does not belong to Japan.

"Fighters, how can the Chinese have such fighters? They obviously don't have the production capacity... Huh?" Rikichi Ando bled in his heart as he gave the order, but he was a general after all. Looking at the miserable scene in the sky, he Excellent tactical literacy and battlefield nerves suddenly discovered something wrong: "Didn't it mean that the Chinese Air Force still has bombers? Why are there only fighter jets, and their bombers?" (To be continued...)

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