mixed in the war

Chapter 376 The Target of the Chinese Air Force

Fuchida Mitsuo is the captain of the aviation flight on the aircraft carrier "Akagi".This time, following the "Chicheng" to the south, it is to "eliminate" the Chinese Air Force.It can be said that he has full confidence in this battle.Because he once led a team to shoot down an unknown number of Soviet planes in the sky of the Far East. There are several "ace pilots" in his team, and he himself is known as the ace among the aces.

Therefore, when he saw the Chinese fighter jets that looked new on the surface, but were bloated and extremely slow, he was not even interested in attacking... Fighting this kind of aircraft is not even a little bit I don't even have a sense of accomplishment. Are the rumors about the Chinese Air Force that I heard before all false?But when the enemy came, he had to fight, so he quickly ordered an attack, and gave the whole team an order to have dinner in half an hour.He even felt that the battle might not take half an hour...their planes were more than the enemy, and their performance was several times higher. After contacting the enemy, the battle should be over in 10 minutes.

However, the legendary extremely cunning and insidious enemy played tricks again this time.

When their Zero fighters rushed forward with an extremely arrogant posture, the opponent's speed suddenly increased...Although it can only be measured visually, Fuchita Mitsuo can still tell that the opponent's speed is faster than them!Even much faster!At that moment, he knew that his order could not be realized, and maybe his team might not be able to continue to be fully staffed after the battle.However, although the opponent's speed is faster than his own, Fuchita Mitsuo still has a certain degree of confidence... He believes in his own technology, and even more believes in the superior performance of the Type Zero he is driving.If the speed is not as good as it is, then we will compare it to others.

But the reality once again severely hit his confidence.

Because they underestimated the opponent too much from the beginning, the Japanese aviation soldiers did not form a battle formation, but when the opponent suddenly accelerated.After arousing their vigilance, it was too late to form a formation.Almost in an instant, several Zeros were shattered into pieces by the dense rain of bullets in the air.After that, the Chinese fighter planes began to climb rapidly.Faced with this situation, Yuan Tian and others, who had rich experience in air combat on the Far East battlefield, were very clear about the opponent's plan, and immediately climbed up.But it didn't take long for a problem to arise...they couldn't climb to the height of each other.In other words, they can only let the opponent pour bullets at them from high altitude, and they can't run... because the speed can't be compared.

"It's impossible, it's impossible—"

Fuchita was yelling.He couldn't accept this fact.He has been targeted by the enemy twice in a row, and managed to escape by relying on his super high flying skills.But now, as there are fewer and fewer fighter jets on their side, more and more enemies are staring at him... In order to ensure the flexibility and lightness of the fuselage, the Type Zero is only equipped with two 20mm cannons, but after just now s contact.He found that each of the opponent's fighter jets was equipped with at least 5 or 6 cannons.Walking through such a dense web of bullets is simply horrific.Even those Soviet pilots who were hunted and killed by them in the sky of the Far East did not have such an encounter... When did the Chinese become so generous and rich?Fuchita even suspected that he was having a nightmare.

"Evacuate. Must evacuate."

Japan's aviation is far less samurai than the army.Fuchita Mitsuo was later known for his madness, and was hand-picked by Yamamoto 56 as one of the members who attacked Pearl Harbor. The world-famous "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" was sent by him.But now he couldn't go crazy at all...he just wanted to run for his life.Especially after seeing the signal from the ground, he didn't care too much, and wanted to get out of the battle circle with a flick of his tail.Flee back to Guangzhou Airport.However, at this moment, out of the corner of his eyes, a group of small black dots appeared in the distant sky, and the visual speed was not slow, but the opponent was obviously not coming towards Guangzhou City.The goal seems to be...

"Sea!? What are you doing at sea... not good——"

At sea, isn't that direction where the navy fleet is anchored?There are the "Akagi" where he served, and the "Soryu", as well as the battleships "Yamashiro" and "Ise", and some other warships. The "Akagi" and "Cangryu" sent them to Guangzhou in secret, and the reason why the "Yamashiro" and "Ise" came together was because of the increasingly tense relationship between the Empire and the United Kingdom and the United States, and escorted the two aircraft carriers. The more important thing is to deter the influence of Britain and the United States in Southeast Asia, and at the same time to promote the mighty force of the empire to Southeast Asian countries, so as to win the support of local forces in various countries.According to the original mission, this powerful fleet should have secretly sailed into Hainan first, and after the Guangxi campaign started, it would transport troops to the Beibu Gulf on the one hand, and start "patrol" on the South Seas on the other hand!But because the Chinese had already known their plan in advance, the fleet simply showed up in public in order to deter the enemy and the Chinese in Guangdong and other places who still have a bad feeling for the empire.But now the fleet of planes that appeared suddenly flew towards the direction of the fleet... Fuchita Mitsuo suddenly had a bad premonition, which made his heart skip a beat.But he only had time to yell "No", and because of this momentary distraction, he was targeted by four or five Chinese fighter jets at the same time, and was torn to pieces by machine guns.


"Fleet, notify the fleet immediately and let them pay attention to air defense, air defense—"

Mitsuo Fuchita could see it from high altitude, and Rikichi Ando also found the "unknown intention" flight formation on the ground... But he was luckier than Mitsuo Fuchida, because there were no enemy planes around him, so this gave It gave him enough time to judge the origin of the group of planes.It didn't take him too much time. In less than two seconds, he had already judged that the group of planes was the bomber formation of the Chinese Air Force that had disappeared earlier!

The opponent is heading towards their naval fleet.

The problem is that the navy is simply not prepared.

"That's too late!"

Yamaguchi Tamon could no longer take care of his own plane, and he sat down on the ground... As the commander of the Fleet Air Force, he knew very well the Navy's view of the battle.Those people never thought that they would be "involved" in this battle. They only thought that they were just here to transport planes and troops, to show their existence.Naval officers are not even as concerned about the Guangxi campaign as an army soldier. What they care most about is which routes they should take to "patrol" Nanyang!Therefore, even though it was already known that the Chinese Air Force was attacking Guangzhou, the naval fleet did not issue a call-in order, and most of the naval officers and soldiers were still resting on the shore. The fleet commander, Deputy Takeshi Toyoda, even attended a reception in Guangzhou last night. The fleet he wants to command is still nearly [-] kilometers away!What's more, what if the naval officers and soldiers are all on duty?No matter how slow the bomber is, it can definitely fly to the sea before the battleship is fully activated, and then drop the bomb...

"God Amaterasu, I only hope that the Chinese bombs are not so powerful!" Yamaguchi Tamon looked up at the sky, ignoring the glare of the sun, and prayed.Most of the battleships are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, especially aircraft carriers and battleships, which cannot be shaken by ordinary things at all.Even if the battleships bombard each other with three or four hundred millimeter guns for several hours or even a day, they may not be able to sink each other.Although the Chinese Air Force can drop bombs, the damage caused by the bombs to the warships will not be too great... Therefore, even if there is no defense, the fleet's losses should not be too great.After all, the Chinese bomber fleet can only come once, and it is impossible to bomb back and forth continuously.

"I remember...the Chinese seem to have thrown torpedoes when they attacked Sasebo, didn't they?" Hearing Yamaguchi's prayer, Rikichi Ando suddenly remembered something and couldn't help asking in a low voice.


Yamaguchi couldn't help shivering when he heard about it.

************************************************** ******

"Are you still free to play chess?"


No. 151 Zengjiayan, Dai Mansion.

Dai Li looked at Qin Wei who was standing in the living room and kept looking at the interior decoration, his face was full of depression... This guy's face is full of thieves, doesn't he want to take something away?

"I'm doing this for your own good, stealing half a day's leisure! Do you want to be like those guys over there, worrying about one thing and another, and being terrified even when you hear a knock on the door?" Qin Wei stretched out his hand He picked up a porcelain bottle on the shelf beside him, "What year is it?"

"Qianlong blue and white!" Dai Li answered smoothly, and then said: "Can you not be worried? What if the 'Hellcat' is not as powerful as you said? What if it encounters a group of Japanese fighter jets and the entire army is wiped out? Half of them are Americans... and the mixed formation of bombers and fighter jets behind them is also more than half of the strength of our air force. If the front can't stop them, they may not even be able to run. In that case, if we encounter the Japanese air force again, we will be powerless to fight back."

"Give me this bottle, how about it?" Qin Wei asked after playing with the porcelain bottle for a while.

"You still have the leisure to come here to fish for things?" Dai Li said angrily, "Aren't you worried about the battle ahead?"

"What's the use of worrying?" Qin Wei didn't ask any more, just hugged the bottle in his arms, and continued to search on the shelf, "Worry, can you win the battle?"

"Then you at least have to show it?" Dai Li smiled wryly, "You are now at the forefront of the storm. Although Long Yun has been dealt with, everyone can see that the chairman is getting more and more afraid of you now... Now you are sent to Yunnan and Guizhou for appeasement The office, on the surface, is guarding one side, but in fact it is throwing you out of the central government. If you have been performing well, it is okay, but once you lose the battle... some people will make trouble for you, do you believe it?"

"I believe it." Qin Wei nodded, "But it is because of my belief that I have to go to war... By the way, you said that if I don't go to Yunnan and Guizhou, I will go to the Northwest instead, or simply go to the second theater to join Yan Xishan Son, can Lao Jiang agree?"

"What do you want to do?" (To be continued...)

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