mixed in the war

Chapter 377 The Soviets have taken a fancy to "Hellcat"

"Just asking." Looking at Dai Li's nervous look, Qin Wei laughed, "Isn't Lao Jiang not willing to see me? Then I just stay away from him...I think Yan Xishan is a little softer, And my relationship with Fu Zuoyi is not bad, I heard that this person is more loyal, so I shouldn't have any trouble if I go over there?"

"Is Yan Xishan soft?" Dai Li couldn't help snorting coldly, "In the first battle of Taiyuan, he asked Fu Zuoyi to defend the city for him for six days. As a result, Fu Zuoyi defended the city for seven days, and when he retreated, more than half of the casualties were already there. He was killed as a scapegoat. If the chairman had not appointed him in time as the deputy commander-in-chief of the North Route Army in the Second Theater, Fu Zuoyi would have become a lonely ghost. You want to get close to Yan Xishan, and you want to pass by hugging Fu Zuoyi...Aren't you afraid that the two of them will tear you apart and eat you?"

"Then do you think I need to be afraid?" Qin Wei asked with a smile, and copied another jade seal into his hand, making the corners of Dai Li's eyes twitch.

"Don't be arrogant." Dai Li sighed, "If you go over, they will definitely feel guilty, but if you get down to it, you are just the flesh of their mouths. Besides, there are various forces in the north. If they really want to harm you, it may not be possible. They need to do it directly. At that time, even if the people behind you want revenge, they may not be able to find someone."

"That's true." Qin Wei thought for a while, "Then what do you think if I go to the Fifth War Zone and find Li Zongren?"

"You really don't want to live anymore?" Dai Li gave him an annoyed look.

"That is to say, even if I am disliked by others now, I still have to work honestly in their hands and work for them?" Qin Wei asked again.

"It's not that serious." Dai Li rolled his eyes, "Although you have left Chongqing, you still have real power after all. Although you don't concurrently serve as the chairman of Yunnan Province, and you don't have any decent military power, the director of the Yunnan-Guizhou Appeasement Office is finally In name, they are the highest officials of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. Lu Han, Yang Jie, Guan Linzheng, Sun Liren, and Wu Dingchang from Guizhou all have to be dispatched by you. If you are ruthless, even if you kill them, the chairman will I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do.”

"Why do you seem to be urging me to rebel?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"It's just a prediction." Dai Li snorted coldly, "I don't agree with the chairman's arrangement for you at all... I always feel that this is letting the tiger go back to the mountain! If you really want to deal with you, you should be thrown into the Military Commission, and then everything will be done. No."

"I want to do nothing, how leisure is that?" Qin Wei said with a smile: "But I don't understand, I have no soldiers or generals, how can I be considered a hairy tiger?"

"You really have no soldiers or generals. But who dares to despise you? This is still in Chongqing, and you are already so arrogant. When you get to the local area, just based on your status, you still have the credit of the past two years. Even if you have the above Who would dare to provoke you with those people?" Dai Li snorted coldly. "Aren't they afraid of death?"

"I'm very kind..." Qin Wei retorted.

"Yes. Only be kind to your own people." Dai Li snorted again: "Being kind to someone who is not your own. When have you ever been 'kind'? Long Shengbin is still being imprisoned in Kunming Prison, the group of students who went west to the United Nations University I almost think of you as a second parent... If you continue to be so 'kind', do you think you want to be the parents of all Chinese people?"

"I'm not that capable. By the way...is this why Lao Jiang is afraid of me?" Qin Wei was startled, as if he had just realized it, "I said I have no soldiers, no generals, no men. I can do my best for him Why did he suddenly dislike me, is it because of this?"

"Isn't this serious enough?" Dai Li said with a dark face, "If I have a boss who is willing to start a war because of the casualties of his subordinates, I am also willing to work hard for him. Not to mention those students who are not gloomy about the world and can do it at a glance. ? Don’t you forget that these students will be the pillars of our China in the future, and the government’s biggest reserve force.”

"Miscalculation." Qin Wei put down the jade seal that he had been holding all the time, reached out and knocked on his forehead, "I'm too proud. What should I do now?"

"Go to Yunnan and hide for two days. Don't do anything. When the storm is over, the chairman will naturally think of you." Dai Li said again.

"Don't do anything? How can I do that? I have a plan to go to Yunnan." Qin Wei frowned.

"What plan?" Dai Li asked.

"Playing stupid with me?" Qin Wei glared at him, "The Japanese are still very powerful in China, and Wang Jingwei and his gang are helping the tyrants. Although we have won several wars, modern wars After all, it is comprehensive national strength. The most affluent places in China have been occupied. It is too difficult for us to persist until the end of the war of resistance with only the barren provinces in the southwest and northwest. Therefore, we can only take advantage of the opportunity of the European war and extend our hands into Central and South China Peninsula, get some benefits from there, so that you can...you understand?"

"It's true that the French are not very up-to-date, but isn't the UK still insisting?" Dai Li sighed.No one thought that the French would be so disappointing.First there was a Gan Molin, then a Weygand, and then Pétain... One by one was more worthless than the other.Especially Pétain, who announced his surrender to Germany on the second day of his tenure as prime minister. This is a marshal who claimed to be "the savior of France" during the First World War. In a meat grinder-like battle like Verdun The character who turned the tide.But now, this guy is just "turning the tide"?After the surrender, almost all the conditions of the Germans were agreed, and France was divided into two parts. 35% of the land, including Paris and the northern industrial zone, was handed over to the German army, and the expenses of the occupying army were borne by France.What kind of "free zones" are set up in the agricultural areas in the south and west? The French Air Force and Army cut down to 10 people. In addition, the Petain government has to "cooperate" with Germany in various fields such as politics, economy, and diplomacy... This is simply It is simply unimaginable to be better than Wang Jingwei.And it is the performance of France's cowardice that makes many people have little confidence in Britain... Britain, France, Britain and France, to put it bluntly, are the eldest brother and the second brother. Now that the second brother has surrendered, how long can the eldest brother last?Although Dai Li is still "hard-spoken", he also does not think that Britain can independently fight against the Third Reich that has occupied the entire Western Europe.And the most disturbing thing is that Germany seems to intend to form an alliance with Japan, which is the big trouble.

"Britain is indeed still insisting, but their good days are not long... After this battle is over, they, the number one power in the world, will completely collapse. Instead of letting others pick up their remaining fruits Why don't we get the things first?" Qin Wei said: "There is nothing else in China. There is never a shortage of such people."

"I don't care about these things, and I don't know how you get them back... But if you stretch out your hand, the chairman probably won't care." Dai Li said, "Of course, the premise is that you can't take things out." I'm going to mess with his old man."

"Just wanting to gain advantage without putting in effort, how can there be such a good thing these days?" Qin Wei laughed.

"As long as you don't get the government into trouble, it's just a matter of saying that you can't do your best?" Dai Li glanced at him again, "Did you drop by me today? It's not like you haven't passed by before, but you can't." I didn't see you parked... What's the matter?"

"Didn't you already say it? Come to you. Of course I want to help you." Qin Wei smiled.

"What kind of strength?" Dai Li asked seriously.

"People!" Qin Wei said, "A lot of people!"

"How much?" Dai Li asked.

"Two thousand as a base, the more the better!"

"Two thousand...?" Dai Li couldn't help swallowing, "2000 people, all to Myanmar?"

"Exactly." Qin Wei grinned and nodded.His eyes fixed on an ancient book on the shelf again: "Now there are about 60 million Chinese in Myanmar, but unfortunately they are all in a state of disunity. Although I secretly provoked them, the Burmese government still leans towards the Japanese. What about Aung San, Wu Su’s, on the surface, they are vain with Shen Drunk and they are actually not friendly to the Chinese. They are local aborigines, and they can easily influence the locals. So the Chinese must unite, but this kind of union needs a rope, Shen Drunk Not enough manpower. Can't go deep..."

"But two thousand outsiders, how can it be so easy..."

"That's why we want to create a conflict. Only when there is a conflict can we have a reason to put pressure on the British colonial authorities..." Qin Wei began to smile sarcastically. "The 2000 people you asked for are just the keys to control more people. Before forming a rope that unites the entire Burmese Chinese, they have to be the 'rope' for a large number of refugees going south."

"Be careful playing too big, it's hard to stop." Dai Li licked his tongue again.Qin Wei had previously expressed his ambitions for the Indochina Peninsula, that is, Indochina, and put it into action.But at that time, everyone thought that this guy was just trying to get some benefits by doing business. Even if Du Yuming's department was to pay attention to the area north of the Red River in Vietnam, it was only out of strategic considerations for national security.Before the military reunification, many people were sent to Vietnam, Myanmar, Siam and other places, and some even pretended to be prostitutes and organized armed forces there.But this development was really unexpected.Everyone did not expect that it would be so easy to develop in these places. The original purpose of the military command was to establish more intelligence stations overseas...Wang Jingwei defected to Hanoi and was able to reach Nanjing alive because they were not strong enough in Vietnam cause?If more people had been sent over like now, maybe there would not be the current Wang puppet government.But in any case, these actions are based on the premise of not offending the British and French authorities.But now listening to what Qin Wei said, Dai Li felt that this guy really wanted to play big, and even planned to change the dynasty in Myanmar and other places, so he couldn't help being surprised.

"Wealth and wealth come from danger! Whether it is Britain, France, the United States, or Lao Jiang, which of them didn't take big risks before they made their fortunes? If the Japanese didn't dare to gamble, they might still be kowtowing to us on the island now. China is already like this now, if you don't take the opportunity to gamble, how can you occupy a place in the future world?" Qin Wei snorted coldly.



Dai Li couldn't convince Qin Wei, and he didn't really want to, because he really wanted to extend the power of the military command abroad... As for other things, with Qin Wei standing in the way, what was he afraid of?This is a "military strategist" with precise calculations. He even predicted the defeat of France early, and would he jump ahead of the loss of the small Indochina Peninsula?Therefore, after a brief consideration, he agreed to Qin Wei's request, and also took the initiative to promise Qin Wei that he would not tell Chiang Kai-shek about this in a short time.And just as the two were discussing how to proceed, the phone in the living room rang.

"Is there a result so soon?"

Seeing Dai Li finish answering the phone, Qin Wei asked hesitantly.

"The first formation has already started bombing the Japanese fleet, but we don't know the specific battle situation yet... The second formation has won the air battle! More than [-] enemy planes were shot down, more than [-] were damaged, and the rest of the enemy planes escaped! Only five of our planes were damaged, and they have returned to Wuzhou Airport. They should be able to land safely. Except for more than [-] escorting wounded fighter jets, the remaining fighter jets have blocked the sky over Guangzhou, and no Japanese fighter jet will go to interfere. The first formation!" Dai Li replied.

"I see..." Qin Wei nodded, "Not bad."

"But now Cui Kefu wants to see you!" Dai Li blinked, "He Yingqin said that he should have taken a fancy to our 'Hellcat'!" (To be continued...)

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