The first battle of "Hellcat" was perfect!

The First United Air Force of the Japanese Army was severely damaged at a small cost.If Qin Wei hadn't issued strict orders before the war, if he gained an advantage, he must not chase after the Japanese fighter jets, let alone attack the enemy airports in Guangzhou and nearby cities without authorization, the number of this air force would have disappeared again. in the Japanese army.

After the "Hellcat" abused the Type Zero, another formation of the Chinese Air Force also completed a jaw-dropping and extremely shocking mission: they attacked the almost unprepared Japanese Navy's southward task force. A formation composed of more than 200 fighter jets and bombers, carrying torpedoes, and with an unparalleled numerical advantage, forcibly sank Japan's national treasures: two battleships "Ise" and "Yamashiro", and incidentally sank " The three ad hoc cruisers "Aiguo Maru", "Boguo Maru" and "Huguo Maru" also damaged the two aircraft carriers "Akagi" and "Cangryu" with bombs. As for the loss of other ships and personnel, no other number.

It can be said that if it is not that the Chinese Air Force does not have much experience in bombing warships and does not have a base for them to carry out reciprocating bombing, then the Japanese task force, which intends to use it to declare its force to Southeast Asian countries, may not have one at all. The ship was able to escape and wiped out the entire army off the coast of Guangdong.

But even so, the record of the Chinese Air Force still shocked the world.

Because what they sank was the warship of the third largest maritime power in the world, and two of the battleships were battleships—the battleships that were most capable of fighting and most vulnerable to beating!Vice Takeshi Toyota, the commander of the Japanese task force, chose to have a laparotomy in Guangzhou as soon as he heard the news, which can already prove what kind of blow this result has caused to the Japanese.

As a result, the Chinese Air Force has also attracted the attention of the world.


"This is not for sale!"

Cui Kefu, since being blackmailed by Qin Wei once, has almost never appeared in front of Qin Wei...but now he can't help him not to deal with Qin Wei.The national government went up to Chiang Kai-shek and down to the guards of the Military Commission.We all know that only Qin Wei can get the most good things from the hands of the Soviets.What's more, the "Hellcat" fighter jet was originally acquired by Qin Wei. From the technology to the finished product, Qin Wei has exhausted a lot of energy, and even gave away a lot of pharmaceutical patents to the Americans... Now the Soviet Union has taken a fancy to it. With this thing, it is impossible to bypass Qin Wei and negotiate with the national government alone.Lao Jiang couldn't do this kind of thing.

But Qin Wei was still as stubborn and difficult to deal with as before, and immediately gave Cui Kefu such an answer as soon as they met.

"The Soviet Union gave China a lot of aid at the beginning of Japan's invasion of China. These aids add up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Now, we need your country's new fighter jets to help us regain lost ground..." Cuikov's face immediately turned pale. Dragged down, but he didn't give up hope... contact was minimal.But he had already seen through Qin Wei.According to the Chinese saying, this guy is a master of "If you don't see a rabbit, you won't scatter an eagle".Not to mention the plane, as long as the price is enough and the timing is right, this product might be able to tie up Chiang Kai-shek and give it to the Japanese.

"Help you regain lost ground? Good. There is no problem at all." After hearing Cui Kefu's resentful words, Qin Wei rolled his eyes.With a wave of his hand. "Our country also hates Japan's aggression against the Soviets very much, and is willing to issue a stern warning to Japan in the name of the government. And based on the 'traditional friendship' between the Soviet Union and China, we are also willing to help your country... I will organize a volunteer The air force goes to Outer Mongolia and establishes contact with General Timoshenko in front of you... Of course, build an airfield of considerable size in Outer Mongolia, and the camps needed by the troops responsible for defending the airfield. And what they need We may need the help of the big brother of the Soviet Union for some of the weapons. General Cui, you will not be stingy in this regard?"

"...All we need is the plane." Cuikov barely suppressed the rising anger.It's a good thing this guy can think about it, but he actually thought of setting up an air force base in Outer Mongolia.Doesn't that mean directly denying the status of the Soviet Union in Outer Mongolia?Although the Soviet army has now withdrawn from Outer Mongolia.But the whole Soviet Union still believed that Outer Mongolia was the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union, and they only waited for the Japanese to be cleaned up, and they could be brought into their hands immediately.How could the Chinese be allowed to intervene?I still want to send troops, and I want the Soviet Union to provide weapons and building materials... Is this guy a wolf?

"Airplanes can't do it." Qin Wei shook his head like a rattle, "That's something we got from the Americans, how could we leak it without the consent of the Americans?"

"You can't hide it from us." Cuikov snorted coldly, "France has surrendered, and the German Air Force is raging in Europe. Roosevelt ordered Major General Henry Harry Arnold to preside over the manufacture of 5 aircraft to ensure the sky in the Western Hemisphere. But as far as we know, in Arnold Among the various aircraft manufactured under his leadership, none is the same as the "Hellcat". That is to say, the "Hellcat" is not an American standard aircraft, and it is not even within the scope of their installation... It can only come from China."

"Don't say that." Qin Wei shook his head again, "Listen, Old Cui, 'Hellcat', 'Hellcat'... This is not a Chinese name. If it wasn't made by the Americans, you can Who made it? It can't be German?"

"There may be Americans intervening here, but it is absolutely not wrong for your country to have considerable disposal rights over this fighter." Cui Kefu said sharply, "General Qin, if you still want the Soviet Union and China to be as close as they are now Wujian, to fight against the Japanese together, we should show a little sincerity."

"Sincerity? How much is a catty?" Qin Wei asked rhetorically.

"You..." Cui Kefu almost couldn't help but threw himself on Qin Wei, and gave him a few "Polar Bear Punching Hands" to taste, "General Qin, you just want to get some benefits. We didn't intend to do it for nothing. Take your can ask for any conditions."

"You Soviet people are really strange. Just now you were willing to help you directly, but you were not willing to just have a base, and now you ask me to mention... what else can I mention? Could you give us a thousand cannons?" Qin Wei asked.

"General Qin, please be serious, okay?" A thousand cannons?It's all on you and I agree!He had expected to be offended by this conversation, but Chuikov still couldn't help but want to get angry.

"In that case, I won't take the initiative to mention it. How about you, General Cui, raise the conditions first? I also want to see how much you want this new fighter jet." Qin Wei laughed.

"We can provide 100 heavy artillery pieces and the corresponding base number of shells in exchange for the design and manufacturing technology of this new fighter jet." Chuikov said solemnly.

"Add more." Qin Wei was obviously dissatisfied, so he stretched out his hand and raised it twice.

"150 cannons with a caliber of more than 100mm, and each cannon is equipped with 3 base shells." Chuikov gritted his teeth and slowly lifted the quantity.

"As far as I know, from 1930 to 1931, the Soviet Union produced more than 1900 pieces of artillery of various types, from 1932 to 1934, it was nearly 4000 pieces, and from 1935 to 1937, you produced a total of more than 5000 pieces of cannon... By last year, your Red Army had equipped a total of 56000 artillery pieces, including heavy artillery with a caliber greater than 210mm... Can you use up such a powerful force?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"...I don't even know these data, General Qin, how do you know?" Spy!This guy is a super spy!If possible, Cuikov really wanted to slap the kid in front of him to death.This feeling of being revealed in person is really uncomfortable.

"General Cui doesn't know either?" Qin Wei seemed to be taken aback for a moment, "I thought you knew. In fact, I was just guessing randomly..."

"Random guesses?" Random guesses, how can a country's artillery production be accurate to within a hundred, or even dozens?Chuikov grinned reluctantly, but didn't know how to vent his depression.

"Yeah, it's just a wild guess." Qin Wei smacked his lips "tsk tsk", "But I don't want large-caliber artillery this time."

"You don't want artillery?" Cui Kefu was taken aback.It was because he knew the Chinese army's desire for heavy artillery that he came up with the conditions just now... 100 heavy artillery with a caliber of over 100mm was enough to make the senior Chinese military including Chiang Kai-shek jump up happily. Out of 150, coupled with 3 base shells, it is already because Qin Wei is not easy to kill.But now this kid actually doesn't want it anymore?

"It's not that I don't want artillery, but I don't want large-caliber ones." Qin Wei sighed, "Artillery is difficult to train, especially large-caliber artillery, it's even more difficult!...You just get us 500 small 76mm cannons and 1000 82mm cannons For mortars, each gun should be equipped with [-] or [-] base shells."

"Aren't you afraid of smashing the gun barrel?" Cuikov was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.Five or sixty base shells?He had never heard such a statement.According to the standard of about 30 shells for a gun stipulated by the Central Army of the Kuomintang, doesn't this guy want to fire 1500 to 1800 shells with one gun?It would be better for the Soviet Union to send troops directly to deal with Japan regardless of the threat of Germany to the west.

"Not much. You have to produce tens of millions of shells a year, and you can just dial in some." Qin Wei turned a blind eye to Cuikov's expression, "You know, our aircraft is just right to restrain the Japanese. The "Zero Type"... The Germans are now flirting with Japan again, and they may hook up with each other at some point. At that time, if the Zero Type is in the hands of the Germans... Tsk tsk, Moscow is also in danger."

"You..." (to be continued...)

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