Under the gaze of almost the whole world, the time entered October of 1940.

Compared with the eventful September, this month seems to be more colorful.

In Europe, apart from the invasion of Romania, the "invincible" German regiment only dropped bombs in the British Isles, and did not do too many earth-shattering events.Instead, Mussolini, Hitler's ally who had been neglected by others, suddenly worked hard and commanded 50 Italian troops to invade North Africa.

In the original history, the 50 Italian troops were beaten into a mess by the 5 British troops, and the Roman Empire lost face.It also made Mussolini have to ask the boss Hitler for help. Then, Hitler would send Rommel, who was the commander of the [-]th Armored Division at the time, to give him the treatment of the commander-in-chief of the German African Army and release him.After that, the "Desert Fox" would turn the tide of the war in North Africa in less than two months, fighting all the way to Alamein in Egypt, and then... there was no progress.

Of course, Rommel's offensive in North Africa was against Hitler's orders.Because before Rommel went to North Africa, Hitler once told him that his task was to stabilize the North African battlefield, not to attack, and not to rush forward, but Rommel was eager for credit, so he launched an attack on the British troops stationed in North Africa.And what about the British?They cracked the German code and got orders from Hitler to Rommel, but they actually thought that Rommel would obey Hitler's orders.Therefore, when Rommel came to fight, they were almost defenseless, so they suffered a big defeat and retreated all the way.But fortunately, after the German army attacked Alamein, the supplies were exhausted...

But now because of someone's "chaos", things have changed significantly.Faced with Libya's almost endless large oil fields, Mussolini is obviously more eager to get North Africa than before. Under his order, the 50 Italian troops desperately strangled the British.The first battle was lost.Fight again; lose again, fight again... just like a street hooligan.But the problem is that there are only 5 British in North Africa!Moreover, in the face of the air force, submarines, and navy of the Germans and Italians, the British mainland could not provide any supplies to the army across the Mediterranean Sea.Therefore, after annihilating several divisions of the Italian army, the British army destroyed the oil fields, and then took the initiative to retreat into Egypt, and Libya fell into the hands of Italy.

Still, the war in North Africa was far less of a concern than the war in Siberia.

The Soviet Union was very unpleasant.

At this time, Britain and the United States have not yet regarded it as an ally.Even the leaders of both countries hope that it will lose this battle.Because as long as the Soviet Union is defeated, the Japanese can attack from the Ural Mountains and attack the Germans on both sides!And the Soviet Union is not easy to provoke, when the time comes, there will definitely be a series of wars between the two sides.This is for Anglo-American.It will be a rare respite for the UK in particular.

The problem is, very few people the Soviet Union will lose.

in winter.in Siberia.Fighting the Soviet Army... would be a nightmare for any army in any country!

Stalin thought so.

Timoshenko, who was staying on the front line in Siberia and seemed to have been attacked from both sides, also thought so.Therefore, even though Siberia has had several heavy snowfalls, he still insists on not moving.


"I'm going to wait until it's colder, when those Japanese monkeys are too cold to hold a gun. I'm going to let them know. Siberia is not a place where monkeys like them can imagine."

"Timoshenko" is a surname. If you only listen to these four characters, you may even mistake Timoshenko for a Mongolian.Because this is indeed a bit similar to the name of the Mongols.But Timoshenko actually has nothing to do with Mongolian Mao... The reason why he is called Timoshenko is actually because a transliteration is not a mistake.Because if according to the translation method in the future. The real translation of "Timoshenko" should actually be "Tymoshenko", which is the surname of the former beauty prime minister of Ukraine.

Timoshenko is tall and tall. If you look closely, he looks a little bit like Bruce Willis, the later Hollywood action star, because both of them are bald.

But compared to the movie stars who just killed the world in the movie, Timoshenko is much more powerful.Not to mention how many battles he fought during the First World War, just in the past few years, winning Finland and Western Ukraine... is enough to prove his prowess.Bruce Willis spent his whole life fighting and killing in the movie, but it wasn't enough for Timoshenko to kill as many people as he sneezed.

But now, Timoshenko was discussing with his subordinates how to kill all the Japanese in front of him more conveniently, more effectively, and with less risk.

"My plan is very simple. Use artillery fire to clear the position of the Japanese monkeys, and then the troops will slowly advance." Timoshenko pointed to the map in front of him, "From Irkutsk to Ulan-Ude, Then go to Chita. And as long as we reach Chita, the Japanese will be defeated."

"Comrade Marshal, what about the Japanese planes? We don't have air superiority." Vasilevsky sat next to Timoshenko.This man is the most talented general outside the troika of the Soviet Army, the future Marshal of the Soviet Union, the Chief of Staff of the Soviet Army in World War II, the instructor of the Stalingrad counteroffensive, the recoverer of Crimea and Ko The Destroyer of Nessberg... But he is only a small major general at this time.Only because of the emergency situation in Siberia at that time, he was transferred from the position of the first deputy chief of the war department to Timoshenko as the chief of staff.

"Then we will launch an attack when it snows and the wind blows." Timoshenko sat down on his seat, "Once the Siberian cold wind blows, there is no end in sight. take off."

"What about after hitting Chita? What should we do?" Vasilevsky asked again.

"To negotiate with the Japanese, we need to return to Vladivostok, we need to return to the Middle East Road, we need to return the compensation we need, and we need to return to Outer Mongolia!" Timoshenko replied casually.Obviously, he has received instructions from the highest level.

"Outer Mongolia?" Vasilevsky was surprised by the term, "Isn't that the base of the Communist Party now?"

"It is now, but it won't be anymore when we have free hands." Timoshenko said with a smile: "The Japanese have taught us enough lessons, and we don't need to add a few more powerful opponents in our east. And according to the information provided by Choibalshan in Outer Mongolia, the police began to explore and exploit various resources there as soon as they arrived there, and the locations they mined were very accurate. It seems that they have known where the mineral resources are. What does this mean? ?”

"Explain, ** has already conducted a detailed investigation and exploration of Outer Mongolia!" Vasilevsky's face darkened.No one wants to be around a person or force with ulterior motives.And **'s performance obviously already meets this comment.

"Outer Mongolia is rich in resources beyond imagination, and it is far more convenient to develop than Siberia. Therefore, it should contribute to the construction of the great Soviet Socialist Union instead of falling into the hands of a group of bumpkins like it is now. They Good things will just go to waste," said Timoshenko.

"Then where are we going to drive the ****? Should we just abandon them?" Vasilevsky asked again.

"Of course it can't be discarded. That would be too wasteful. What Moscow means is to send them to Inner Mongolia, or simply North China." Timoshenko said with a smile: "As I said just now, we can no longer add a powerful force to our East." opponents. And China obviously has such potential. Therefore, just like the great powers dealt with China at the beginning, they cannot be unified..."

"What about Japan? Just let it go?"

"With Vladivostok, do we still need to care about Japan? We have already obtained the aircraft technology provided by the Chinese. At that time, we can bomb them as we want!"


"Bismarck, Bismarck..."

The Soviets planned to turn their backs on others, and Qin Wei did the same...but the person he turned his back on was not his compatriots, but the French.Think back then.When he started the "military welfare fund", the French gave the green light.Although in the eyes of the French Indian authorities.The places he wants to invest in, explore and develop are actually useless wastelands, but they nodded in agreement after all.But now, the headquarters of the French Indian authorities are surrounded by the squadron in Hanoi, and the Japanese fleet withdrew early in order not to be buried in the Beibu Gulf by the Chinese Air Force.The French rely on their identity from a white country.I wanted to transport something into the encirclement of the squadron, but I was "captured" by the bombers of the Chinese Air Force as soon as I entered the Beibu Gulf, and I was rushed directly to Yaxian County.It is also the seat of the government of the newly established Sanya City.

The French were not happy. They switched on the electricity first, then protested, but they ignored it.In desperation, the French ambassador Gesmer approached Chiang Kai-shek, but was kicked to Guilin by Chiang Kai-shek like a ball.But when they arrived in Guilin, Bai Chongxi and Xu Tingyao rushed to Qin Wei like ducks.

But that's nothing.Gesmo held his fire and said his protest again, but Qin Wei didn't even seem to listen, he took out a newspaper of unknown date, pointed to the illustration on it, and grinned at him for a while:

"Mr. Ambassador, the battleship 'Bismarck' is not simple. The standard displacement is more than 4 tons, and the full load displacement has reached [-] tons... Do you think the Germans are full of food or what? Such a good technology does not build an aircraft carrier, but a battleship. Don’t they know that we sank the two Japanese battleships?”

"General Qin, I want to protest..." Didn't this guy understand what he was here for? Gesmo stared at a pair of green eyes and shouted bitterly.

"What are you protesting? It's not that you don't know that it's useless." Qin Wei held down Gosmer's arm that was about to be waved to strengthen his momentum, and then smiled at the French ambassador: "Mr. Ambassador, you know why I Are you talking about the Bismarck?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. General Qin, I want to protest..." Ge Simo shook off Qin Wei's arm and howled again.

"Mr. Ambassador, as a diplomat, you should understand what demeanor is. ... The Germans obviously want to use the great power of 'Bismarck' to break through the Atlantic Ocean, so as to attract the attention of Britain in the Mediterranean Sea... ...By the way, I heard that you are in contact with General de Gaulle?"

"No!" Gesmer, who was about to protest again, jumped up with a "huh", "Never! You are framing me!"

"What framing? You were clearly sending a telegram to de Gaulle just now." Qin Wei shouted.

"When did I send a telegram to de Gaulle?" Gesmo's eyes widened.

"Just now, in front of me...you sent your forecast of the battleship 'Bismarck' to Charles de Gaulle, asking him to remind the British Navy to pay attention. We all saw it." Qin Wei said seriously.

"..." (to be continued...)

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