mixed in the war

Chapter 436 Using the French to Force the French to Surrender

"you you……"

What is diplomacy?To put it in a more refined way, it means to say the most savage words in the most civilized language;Gesmo considered himself an outstanding and civilized hooligan, but he had never met a guy like Qin Wei.It's not just gangsters anymore, this has been escalated to robbers.But shouldn't bandit-level diplomacy be the means used by the strong to the weak when the strengths of the two sides differ greatly?Why is it China's turn to use it against France today?And it was only a Chinese general who made the move?

Gesmo was a little confused for a while, but he was still an excellent diplomat and a representative of a country, so he quickly understood Qin Wei's intentions:

"This guy wants to disrupt my rhythm deliberately, so that I can't really ask them... Then what does his behavior represent? Is it like their war with Japan has clearly reached the point it is now? , but they are still unwilling to declare war, which means that they don’t want to offend France further? Yes, it must be! They don’t want to add France to the target of war, but they don’t know how to avoid it, so they can only avoid talking about it. We should grasp their mentality and force them to let go of the encirclement of North Vietnam."

Ge Simo thought he understood Qin Wei's plan, and even the whole national government's plan.Therefore, he ignored Qin Wei's low-level and naked "naked" framing, and he puffed out his chest and was about to speak.However, Qin Wei never gave him a chance to speak:

"Mr. Ambassador, I want to protest!"


Gesmer was stunned again.

"I want to protest the harm done to our Chinese people by the French Indochina authorities under your French government. You must make compensation for this and make a public apology, otherwise, our government will take decisive measures to protect our people. "Qin Wei is righteous and strict. [

"What did you say?" Gesmer was stunned and then angrily, "hurt the Chinese people? We didn't participate in the war, how did you hurt your people? It is obvious that you invaded our French territories, and now you directly take ours. The French Indochina authorities have surrounded and even set up a 'no-navigation zone' in the Gulf of Tonkin to prevent our ships from delivering all kinds of daily necessities to our staff... How dare you ask us to apologize?"

"Mr. Ambassador, you can't be so shameful." Qin Wei sighed, "Especially an ambassador like you, who represents the image of a country. You should pay more attention to protecting your own image, such nonsense, you put diplomacy What is it like to work?"

"General Qin, please speak clearly..."

Shame on the ambassador of a country face to face! ?Gesmer almost had a cerebral hemorrhage from anger.He had never encountered such a person in his life, let alone such a thing.That is to say, everyone is talking about civilization now. A hundred and 80 years ago, he would throw Qin Wei a pair of white gloves because of this sentence.

"Mr. Ambassador, I want to protest against the persecution of our people and the robbing of their private property by the French Indochina authorities of your country!" Qin Wei put away his smiling face and snapped his fingers.After a while, someone brought in a large package of documents.

"What is this?" Gossamer asked quietly.

"Evidence!" Qin Wei said coldly: "The French Indochina authorities persecuted the Vietnamese Chinese and robbed them of their property. They not only used their power to force the Chinese in business to give up their businesses, but also charged them heavy taxes. They kept inciting the Vietnamese natives to harass, humiliate and even kill the Chinese. In addition, after accepting the management of the Japanese, they directly acted as the lackeys of the Japanese, providing the Japanese with information on the local Chinese, leading the Japanese I drove, looted, and killed Chinese...Mr. Ambassador, you want to protest our blockade of the Beibu Gulf, but before that, please answer me first, if someone treats your French people like this, what will you do?"

"I don't believe it."Once again, Gesmo understood Qin Wei's purpose in an instant.He protested, and Qin Wei also protested...he just wanted to counter protest with protest, and then mess things up.To him, this kind of method is just a child's play, and it also made him see Qin Wei's sternness... If he is really not afraid of anything, not afraid of falling out with their French government, why bother?Just block him out of the door, ignore him, and then command the troops to fight?Think about Chiang Kai-shek's previous refusal to meet, and just give Qin Wei the task of negotiating. It is not obvious that the other party is afraid that the matter is beyond the acceptable range, and wants Qin Wei to try the water first. If something goes wrong, can someone come forward to make it right? ?Otherwise, in foreign affairs, why didn't even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs come forward, but asked a general to come forward?In the final analysis, it is because the general cannot represent the country, and there is more room for maneuver after the negotiation fails!

"As far as I know, most of the Chinese in Vietnam live in the south. After the Japanese took over French Indochina, most of their troops were placed on the south bank of the Red River to fight against the noble [***] troops who invaded Vietnam without permission. Therefore, I do not recognize the real name of the information you provided, General Qin." Thinking that he had seen the reality of the Chinese government, Gesmo became more determined and his attitude became tougher: "On the contrary, your country actually An explanation should be given for the unauthorized invasion of French Indochina, and corresponding compensation should be made. At the same time, all troops in French Indochina should be withdrawn.”

"Is this your request?" Qin Wei asked with a frown.

"This is the request of the French government." Gesmer said solemnly.

"Mr. Ambassador, we can't accept your approach, and we won't accept it at all. If you insist on it, then please..." Qin Wei stood up and pointed to the door with a cold face.

"General, whether you accept it or not, this will be our request, and no matter when, your country can only accept it." Little boy, are you still putting on airs with me?Gesmo stood up slowly, sneering in his heart.He has been in China for almost a year, and his predecessor has also told him how the Chinese behave. As a diplomat, he thinks he already knows these people very well.In the final analysis, the Chinese love face too much, but they don't have any face, so they will always give in at the end.Although France is no longer the previous France, and it can even be said to be a defeated country, the overall strength of France has not been greatly damaged.The Chinese should understand this very well, and this is where his confidence lies.

"Maybe, Chiang Kai-shek just didn't want to bear the pressure from France, so he handed over this negotiation to a general?"

With this speculation, Gothmer left.But he didn't know that just as he left Qin Wei's living room, Bai Chongxi and Xu Tingyao came out from the back door. [

"I don't see, I don't know, now I finally understand what you meant by the 'romantic Frenchman'." Bai Chongxi walked, looking at the direction Gosmer left, shaking his head, "Why are they so selfish? Feeling good? Do you think this is the Qing Dynasty?"

"In the eyes of these white people, the Republic of China is really not that different from the Qing Dynasty." After giving up his seat to Bai Chongxi and Qin Wei, he picked up the teapot and poured a cup for each of them. "Actually, there are still many Europeans think we have a pig's tail on the back of our heads."

"It's unreasonable." Xu Tingyao couldn't help but slammed up when he heard this, "A country that has been defeated in war, what right does it have to look down on us?"

"Because even if they are defeated, they are actually quite strong." Qin Wei said with a smile, "Besides, blackmail is just the most common diplomatic method, and it's nothing."

"When I came, I heard that there were already many reporters waiting in front of me. Will this 'romantic' French ambassador tell all his demands?" Xu Tingyao thought for a while, then asked with a smile.In fact, Gesmo shouldn't have come to Guilin, and he fell into a trap as soon as he came.Because in Hanoi, the French Indochina authorities, which are encircled by North Vietnam, have been contacted by people from their military command Vietnam station.This group of people who are no longer eligible for war does not want to fight at all.Because whether they lose or win, they are already losers.That being the case, what are you trying to do?But as an important city in North Vietnam, the Japanese would never give up Hanoi.Moreover, being trapped in the encirclement, I also felt that the Japanese who were in a bad situation were not authentic. They not only asked the French to provide them with various supplies, but even asked them to assemble the small colonial army. , obey the command, and prepare to participate in the battle... The French cannot live without romance, red wine, and women, but now the French Indochina authorities are not in the mood to care about these things at all.Because they suddenly discovered that if they just obeyed the arrangement of the Japanese, they might lose their lives in the ensuing war.

Why do you want to fight desperately in a war that has almost nothing to do with you?The military commander contacted this group of people in due course.It's a pity that although these people are tempted, they haven't really been tempted. They seem to want to maintain the honor of France. Most importantly, these people think that the French government can save them.And since there is hope, why bear the reputation of another surrender?

Without Qin Wei, perhaps the wishes of these French people would have come true.But Qin Wei not only wanted to eliminate the Japanese army of the three divisions in the encirclement, but also wanted to eliminate them more easily.This requires the help of those Frenchmen in Hanoi.But how can these naive French people recognize the situation and take the initiative to surrender?It happened that Ge Simo jumped out by himself, so a set was ready... Thinking of this, Xu Tingyao secretly felt sad for Ge Simo.You said that you are a French ambassador, and you can be considered to have a high IQ. Why do you like to do stupid things?Wouldn’t it be enough if you could save your own people? You have to save the Japanese as well.Yes, he could see that Gosmer's main goal was to keep French Indochina.Because if the three divisions of the Japanese army had nothing to do and easily jumped out of the encirclement, then the [***] squadron would not be able to, and perhaps would not dare to continue to occupy Vietnam.Because China's navy is not good, and Vietnam is near the sea.And what about Japan?Whether it is for the favor of these three divisions or for the failure to "protect" the performance of Vietnam and other places before, there is no reason to ask France for this piece of land. In this way, French Indochina is still French .This is equivalent to a great contribution by Gesmo.In the future, no matter if the Vichy government continues to be in power, or any other government, it will not be able to erase his achievements in keeping an important colony, and his position will be secure.But even though Gosmer was smart, he still forgot one thing: France was a defeated country.

Qin Wei just deliberately induced him to make him think that China did not want to offend France too much.No matter how he behaves in the end, outside reports will be that the French ambassador wants to rescue the Japanese together.But this will be a heavy hammer for the French in Hanoi!Surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops, a war may start at any time, and his ambassador is not in a hurry to save himself, but wants to rescue the person who caused the trouble together?is it possible?Do you just let yourself wait for the artillery fire in Hanoi?The Chinese have already said that during the Battle of Songhu, Britain, France and other countries performed extremely poorly, allowing the Japanese to attack the squadron through the concession, so they will not set up any security in this battle Area, anyone who stands in front of him is an enemy!

"Ten times I will say it, even if I don't say it now, there will be a report about it in tomorrow's newspaper." Qin Wei shrugged, "But I didn't expect this man to cooperate so much. I have to play with him for a few more days, and then guide him well."

"If the authorities of French Indochina surrender, then we have an [-]% chance of winning this battle, and it may be a quick victory." Bai Chongxi calculated the current battlefield situation, "If this is the case, the Japanese want to take a hundred Wu Qingji and the others were rescued, and there was no time."

"It's a pity. If I didn't want to give the Japanese more strength to go south, I would have gone to Taiwan. If that's the case, why should I care about Vietnam?" Qin Wei stretched hard, "Don't ask me for things like war in the future... How many days haven't you slept well? Too bad!"

"You still have the nerve to say it?" Bai Chongxi was quite happy at first, but when he heard the words, he became angry, "We two old men arrange military affairs for tens of thousands of people every day, and you are a dignified deputy commander, and you only show up every three days. ’ face, dare to say it’s a loss?”

"Nonsense. I always say a few words casually and hide behind my back. When have you ever faced an enemy head-on?" Qin Wei rolled his eyes as a matter of course, "And commanding such large-scale battles is not my specialty. , you are not an old man, you are only 47 years old, you are in your prime, okay?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." Xu Tingyao stopped the two of them, "The French are solved, and now there is only one problem left, which is the Chinese who were arrested and taken to Hanoi... What should I do?" (To be continued.

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