mixed in the war

Chapter 438 Inviting the U.S. Army

French Indochina.

Gesmo left Guilin in grief and indignation.Because he felt that he and Qin Wei couldn't talk at all, and the difference in thinking between the two parties was too great.So he went back to Chongqing to find the Nationalist Government.After all, no matter how you look at it, the national government is easier to deal with, and it should be easier to achieve his goal.But he did not expect that the national government, which was once extremely cowardly in diplomacy, suddenly changed its face this time. Chiang Kai-shek even excused that he was busy with business and did not even give him a chance to meet, and the foreign minister Wang Chonghui even ignored him. He was so annoyed that he sent someone to reply: Go to Qin Wei!

If I can find Qin Wei, why should I come back?

Gesmer couldn't stand such treatment, let alone being fooled by himself.And his experience was quickly fed back to the French Vichy government.So, with the support and instigation of the Vichy government, Gesmo published Qin Wei's words... This is really a shameful thing.They are France, once one of the most powerful countries in the world.But now they are being bullied by the target they used to bully, not only have no way to fight back, on the contrary, they have to use international public opinion to counter the other party.Although they were a defeated country, this incident further swept away a considerable part of their little glory.

However, the actions of Gethmer and the Vichy government still had results.At the very least, the United Kingdom and the United States, and even the "Free France", which has always been against the Vichy government, have begun to put pressure on China.


"I really admire our professor more and more. How dare he...?"


Chinese Embassy in the United States.

Lu Xiaojia, dressed in professional attire, handed the newly published "Washington Post" to Yan Huiqing, and pointed to the front page headline by the way:

"The rise of Chinese imperialism! This is how the Americans evaluate our actions this time!"

"Then what do you think?" Yan Huiqing took the newspaper and glanced at it, then stroked his Rendanhu, and asked with a smile.

"Jealousy, or feeling uncomfortable or unbalanced?" Lu Xiaojia replied.

"It's not right to be jealous. It's not right to be unbalanced. It's not right to be uncomfortable...that's right." Yan Huiqing laughed. "Since the Opium War in 1840, China has been bullied by the big powers. Let alone France, it is those small countries, such as the Netherlands. China, Portugal, and the like, never cared about us. But now, China is being invaded by Japan, and most of its territory has fallen, but it is robbing the French territory in turn, trying to get them to It is a looting. But it is more a symbol. Therefore, these countries that have always occupied the top of the pyramid of great powers like France feel very unpleasant, and naturally feel uncomfortable."

"But how are you going to deal with the US State Department's inquiry? They are against us." Lu Xiaojia asked another question, "Besides, our plane is still in their hands. If you insist on Snatch French Indochina. Then, we are very likely to lose the support of the US government. Besides, the most important thing. It is through the reports of these newspapers. The American people’s perception of China has suddenly become extremely bad. They originally They thought we were the weak, the targets of bullying, and worthy of sympathy, but now they think that we have not forgotten to invade others when we are invaded by foreign enemies, which is actually similar to the Japanese, and there is nothing pitiful about it.”

"Hahaha..." Yan Huiqing laughed. "Poor? Then do you think this word is a compliment or a derogation?"

"It does sound a bit uncomfortable." Lu Xiaojia smiled lightly.

"Yes, we are China, a big country, so why should we be pitiful?" Yan Huiqing restrained his smile. "Although ** this time's action is to take advantage of the fire, but if you look at the current international situation, there is nothing out of the ordinary. France has surrendered to Germany and is now a vassal of the Germans, and Germany and Japan have already formed an alliance. .That is to say, they are enemies now. Besides, they handed over French Indochina to the Japanese..."

"But what the French say is that because our army 'invaded' northern Vietnam for no reason, they had to hand over French Indochina to Japan in order to obtain the 'protection' of the Japanese." Lu Xiaojia said .

"Do you believe it?" Yan Huiqing asked again.

"Of course I don't believe it, but there are quite a few people who believe it, and..." Lu Xiaojia smiled bitterly, "Many people in our own country also believe the French's sophistry. They think that since we are fighting a war of aggression Victims of the past should not be aggressed in the same way. What the government did this time is wrong."

"Well, this kind of statement is very similar to the so-called 'internationalism', and also very similar to the kind of benevolence and righteousness advocated by our traditional Chinese culture." Yan Huiqing nodded and glanced at Lu Xiaojia again: "Then you are What do you think?"

"Stupid!" Lu Xiaojia replied with a wry smile.Although she has only been in the United States for a few days and has not participated in many diplomatic activities, she has already deeply understood one thing just by negotiating with the US government about those fighter jets: diplomacy is not about emotion!What they can talk about, and what they know how to talk about, is only two words, which is "benefits"!And as a diplomat, the most important sentence that should be remembered and kept in the bottom of my heart is: what is mine is mine, and what is yours is also mine...everything I can see and get, I have it all. It should be mine!Of course, Qin Wei told her this sentence when she left, and she still remembered the other words Qin Wei told her: What is a diplomat?A diplomat is a bandit who wears a legal cloak and has a country as his backing!What is diplomacy?Diplomacy is a group of robbers getting together to discuss how to divide the spoils or rob!There are no good people who are engaged in diplomatic activities, because good people cannot engage in diplomatic activities. If a good person enters the circle of diplomatic affairs, he will either be eaten alive by diplomats from other countries, including his bones, or he will be eaten by his own people. smashed to pieces...

"It's not stupid, it should be ignorance, or cowardice, or being too clever." Yan Huiqing chuckled, "Especially in the eyes of some people, the interests of their own country are always secondary, and they only need to serve Take responsibility for yourself!...But why haven’t they thought about what French Indochina means, why Indochina belongs to France, and how did France get this land?”

"I should send a telegram to ask those people about this." Lu Xiaojia laughed.Yes, why can the French grab the territory, but the Chinese can't?Everyone is a bandit, an old bandit, a new bandit, and now the new bandit slightly offends an old bandit who has fallen down, and a bunch of old bandits come out to express their displeasure... But why do you have it?Have you never done such a thing?Didn't you old bandits get rich by robbing the more "old" bandits?But she was a little happy for a while, and she became depressed again: "Now the U.S. government still requires us to explain this, otherwise the fighter jets that have already arrived in Hawaii will be assigned to the Pacific Fleet nearby... If that is the case, we will But it’s true that even one plane won’t come back.”

"Then how do you think we should deal with it?" Yan Huiqing asked again.

"The current situation of the Anti-Japanese War is not bad. Although we experienced a big defeat in Zhongtiaoshan, we regained our disadvantage in a blink of an eye. In particular, the Communist Party trapped most of the Japanese North China Front Army in Shanxi, and the Communist Party's Eighth Route Army was in Hebei. , Henan and other places attacked from all directions, and coordinated properly, the Japanese army could hardly hold their heads up, and many people saw the hope of victory in the War of Resistance...Of course, our advantage in North Vietnam is also a big support." Lu Xiaojia thought for a while, "However, I think it is precisely because of this that the Americans are worried that we will soon end the war of resistance and embark on a new path of development... You know, the current war in Europe is on the rise, and President Roosevelt and his staff seem to want to Joining the war, in this way, the center of gravity of the whole world will be concentrated on the European continent. We, China, may take advantage of the opportunity... If only this is the case, we are decades behind Europe and the United States, and it will not be so for a while It's easy to catch up, but our Professor Qin has shown interest in grabbing land, which makes the Americans not worry. After all, they also have considerable interests in Southeast Asia."

"In other words, do you think the Americans want us to give up the annexation of French Indochina?" Yan Huiqing asked.

"China is already very big. Once it develops, it will definitely become one of the most powerful countries in Asia. If it annexes French Indochina...wouldn't it be stronger in the future?" Lu Xiaojia asked rhetorically.

"That's right. China really doesn't have the ability to incorporate French Indochina into its own territory. If we do that, it will inevitably turn against Britain and the United States. This is one of the reasons why they are causing trouble for us now." Yan Huiqing Nodding, "But I have sent a note to the US government before, stating that we will not merge French Indochina into China. But now they are still opposing it. Why? They are not in-laws with the French, so why do they help the French like this?" Talk? Just because of a threat that might arise thousands of miles away because they're all white?"

"If not, then why?" Lu Xiaojia asked.

"Interests only!" Yan Huiqing said, "I remember that when you left, Chief Qin had told you several times that he told you that 'diplomacy puts the first priority on interests'! Although this is not entirely true, it cannot be miscalculated. The United States People don't have the kindness to help the French to seek justice, what they want is their own interests."

"You mean that the Americans not only want to prevent us from annexing French Indochina, but also want to get benefits from it?" Lu Xiaojia asked.

"That's right." Yan Huiqing nodded: "The Americans know very well that it is impossible for France to win this game with us. Because our troops have already set foot on the land of French Indochina, and France has no resistance to this Although we promised not to incorporate this piece of land into Chinese territory, after all, they swallowed such a large piece of land in one gulp. Of course they are jealous. So they took advantage of the opportunity of the French to shout about their grievances, pretending to be Take advantage of it by acting like an envoy of justice."

"Then what should we do?"

"Of course the US military is invited to station in French Indochina!" (To be continued...)

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