mixed in the war

Chapter 439 Roosevelt admits defeat again

"No, no, we can't do that."

I can't understand it, and I can't understand it more and more... US Secretary of State Hull feels more and more that his brain power is not enough.The Chinese tried their best to fight wars and kill people, and sent troops to detour thousands of miles, which trapped the Japanese in northern Vietnam.And once they successfully wiped out the three divisions of the Japanese, the Chinese will gain an absolute strategic advantage in South China.However, after so much effort, the Chinese invited them to garrison troops in French Indochina:

"This is a conspiracy, a naked conspiracy!" Hull was furious: "The Chinese are treating us as fools! They are trying to pull us into the battlefield between them and the Japanese! Let the Americans fight for them bleed!"

"I believe you are right," Roosevelt said with a sad face. "The congressmen also objected to this, and they all saw the Chinese conspiracy clearly, but the problem is that our people don't think so."

"But everyone is clearly opposed to war!" Hull's anger was extinguished immediately, replaced by bursts of distress.Americans don't want to go to war.They have learned their lesson.They participated in the First World War, but they were put together by Britain and France. They made efforts, but they didn't get any benefits. They had to continue to stay in the North American continent and watch other people's scenery.Therefore, seeing the Second World War break out again, almost no one in the United States is willing to participate in the war.Anyway, it's impossible to get any political benefits, so just take advantage of the war to make more money.Who can still fight to the North American continent?Therefore, Roosevelt, who wanted to bring the United States to join this feast of war, was questioned by many people.Especially Roosevelt just recently did a very outrageous big thing... some time ago.He issued a statement to the presidential nominating conference through Senate Leader Al Ben Buckley, declaring that he has no desire or purpose to serve as the next president.And urge delegates to elect whoever they like.But before long, Ross Card put his name on the nomination list through Senator Lister Hill.As a result, when the Democrats held their presidential nominating convention in Chicago, a list with Roosevelt as a candidate was presented to the convention.As a result, immediately, the entire conference was in chaos.Not only the Republicans who were watching, but even representatives of the Democratic Party expressed extreme dissatisfaction with Roosevelt's behavior.The dignified president actually engages in such tricks?Roosevelt was strongly disapproved by boos and boos.In particular, the Republican presidential candidate Wendell Wilkie made more attacks.He told the people, "Electing Roosevelt means sending their sons, brothers, and lovers to the grave." Faced with this situation, Roosevelt was also forced to change tactics, assuring voters that he was a peace advocate, even at the expense of promising Promise: "Your children will not be sent to participate in any foreign war... The purpose of our defense is to defend." Mrs. Roosevelt, Eleanor, also immediately flew from New York to Chicago to give a speech inside and outside the meeting, thus quickly Changed the atmosphere of the venue.She said: "1940 is not an ordinary time. It is an extraordinary time when war is imminent. We should not quarrel over any other issues except what we can do for the interests of the whole country." Mrs. Roosevelt's words moved hearts of the representatives.The speeches of Mrs. Roosevelt were prominently published in the newspapers that night, and the voters' sentiments suddenly turned to Roosevelt.

It can be said that if it were not for Eleanor Roosevelt's rescue, Roosevelt might have legally won the nomination of the Democratic presidential candidate this time.His pass is very difficult and dangerous.But anyway, this hurdle is finally over.They are now communicating with those important people, hoping that those people will also support Roosevelt's re-election.

But now the Chinese want the United States to send troops to French Indochina.This is completely different from what Roosevelt just promised to voters, "The purpose of our defense is to defend... We will never send your children to participate in any foreign war."Who doesn't know that the French have handed over their territory in Indochina to the Japanese?Didn't the Americans send troops there at this time to tear themselves apart with Japan and join the war directly?Although everyone didn't pay much attention to the Japanese.But if there is one, there may be two. Today, troops are stationed in French Indochina.Go to war with the Japanese, what about tomorrow?Who knows if Roosevelt will send troops to Europe to fight the Germans again?

Therefore, from Roosevelt's standpoint, troops should not be sent, and troops must not be sent.

But the average American doesn't think so. [

The new Chinese ambassador was obviously much stronger than the previous Hu Shih. He openly invited the US military to station in French Indochina, "to ensure peace and tranquility there, and prevent the people there from being invaded by war again"!Now is not after World War II, nor is it the era when the world's police are rampant and US military bases are blooming everywhere.The American people are not so high-spirited.They are very proud to be invited to keep the peace... It's not going to go to Europe to fight with the white people, or to protect the peace in a place in Asia.What does the behavior of the Chinese represent?It means that the strength of the United States has been recognized, and it means that the United States has sufficient deterrence in Asia!

Moreover, the Chinese did not ask them to send many soldiers, "Even if it is only a regiment, it can be a guarantee of safety"!

See how many Chinese ambassadors can speak?

A single regiment of American soldiers could guarantee the tranquility of an environment that required hundreds of thousands of squadrons and Japanese troops to pacify.

Americans are very heroic. They like to hear this, and they also like the "look up" and "admiration" from the Chinese!Besides, didn't American newspapers hype the "rise of Chinese imperialism" some time ago, and didn't China exploit the huge interests of French Indochina?Now people are willing to give the territory they have laid down to the United States. Doesn't that mean that China is not as powerful as the newspapers boasted, and it also means that the United States can reap huge benefits from it with little effort?Why not do such a good thing?I heard that the French Indochina is still very backward, almost the same as the original North American colonies, the most important thing.There are many mineral deposits there, and I heard that there are gold mines!What a great opportunity this is?Think about how American ancestors built America.Think about the gold rush in California. Once French Indochina is acquired, wouldn't it represent a new wave of development?Doesn't it mean that many people are going to get rich? ... What is the American Dream?The American dream is to start from being poor, to become rich after hard work, and to make a fortune "easily"!That’s not to mention, Americans’ feelings at this time are like the Chinese people of later generations who heard the Philippines suddenly say that they intend to give Luzon Island to China, or Japan said that they want to return the Ryukyu Islands to China... What does this mean?It represents ecstasy and absolutely cannot be refused!Even knowing that the other party may have other plans.He doesn't care about his conspiracy or not, he just wants to swallow it first.Although Americans may not be as anxious and excited as China, they are not much different after receiving such an invitation.What's more, the interests of French Indochina are far higher than those of Luzon Island and Liuqiu Islands, and the gap between them can be completely made up.

As a result, with some secret operations and arrangements, some public opinion in the United States began to favor sending troops, and a huge trend formed in a short period of time.

Roosevelt was actually inclined to send troops.He believes.As long as he sends troops, within a few years, the United States will find a chance to take over the entire French Indochina, and China and France will have no choice but to do so.But he can't keep his word!He promised not to send troops abroad.And it is impossible for him to send only one regiment, even one division is not enough!Because it will only be swallowed up by the Chinese until there is no scum left.Maybe these troops will be used by the sinister Chinese to fight the Japanese, and then be wiped out by the Japanese.And then... he will have to declare war on Japan!Let the young people in the United States shed blood and sacrifice for the Chinese.

But on the other hand, if there are too many soldiers, how can we explain to the American people?And he not only has to face the American people, but also those congressmen.Those guys are not as easy to fool as the average American people.And most of these people are not inclined to send troops.Their will is almost the opposite of that of the American people.The American people hold their votes in their hands.The MPs have resources in their hands! He can't afford to offend either side now

"I suspect this is Chinese revenge on us."

His mind turned back and forth, making seven or eight hundred turns.Roosevelt suddenly thought of a possibility... Why are the Chinese suddenly so generous?With China's population, the strength of the squadron, the advantages they currently occupy, and their... etc., the Chinese are fully capable of annexing French Indochina.Especially when almost the entire coast of China was blocked by the Japanese, occupying French Indochina, China added a long coastline and re-opened an external route.Why should such an important place be handed over to them?Never before in the history of diplomacy has there been such a situation.But thinking about his current predicament again, Roosevelt suddenly realized that he seemed to have offended the Chinese again...he ordered to detain the Chinese fighter jets again!

"Based on my recent contacts with Chinese people, I believe there is a possibility." Hull's teeth felt a little cold.He also thought of the same problem, but if it was as guessed, the problem would really be troublesome.Because what they are facing is a group of guys who do not play their cards according to common sense.And they seem to have been deflated several times in front of this group of guys.

"I have always believed that the premature end of the Sino-Japanese War is not good for our future strategy," Roosevelt sighed, "so I detained those fighter jets again. But if the current situation is really caused by the Chinese deliberately stirring up If it comes out, then, for the smooth progress of the general election, I think we have to admit defeat to the Chinese again.”

"But what if it's not what we think?" Hull asked with a bitter face.

"That can only be a try..." Roosevelt sighed again. "The general election will be held soon, my friend. The Republican Party is waiting to see my joke. I even suspect that behind this wave of agitation for troops, there are Their shadows! This means that what we are facing is not only the Chinese people! Therefore, there is nothing shameful in admitting defeat temporarily, as long as we win the general election, we will win everything!"

"..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to mqn to read.) 9[

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