mixed in the war

Chapter 479 Declaring War

The weapons left by the Soviets are definitely a huge treasure.

Originally, the Kuomintang's plan was to give the Communist Party a hundred and eighty Soviet-made rifles, and take care of the rest.This is already a very conscientious division. You must know that Chiang Kai-shek's original plan was not to leave even a hair for the **.Unfortunately, Chiang Kai-shek also knew that his plan was not feasible at all.

There are many weapons, but they were all held by the Soviets before they were handed over.And the Soviets were controlled by the Communist Party.

Perhaps this sounds a little unbelievable.Timoshenko led a mechanized army of 20 people. If it hadn't been for bad weather and Ishihara Wanji, an opponent who didn't play his cards according to common sense, he would have dared to sweep over even a million Japanese troops.And ** is the top of the sky on Cullen's side, that is, tens of thousands of troops, let alone control the Soviet army, I am afraid that he does not even have the status to say a word.But the fact is that the Communist Party "controlled" Timoshenko and his troops.

The means are very general.

The first Soviet force to reach Khalkha was the Air Force with [-] aircraft.But it is precisely because of the large number that Cullen's airport law fully accepts them, so they can only be diverted.And this diversion, coupled with a landing... the Soviet Air Force stopped running.Because it was winter then!Without ** to help clear the snow on the airport, your Soviet plane will not be able to fly no matter how capable it is.The pilot sweeps it himself?OK, you sweep away!With such a small number of people, before sweeping two meters away, the place just swept was covered by snow again.What's more, the planes have been diverted, and the ones in Kulun are better.Elsewhere, even if you want to shovel snow. **Those people may not prepare tools for you.

Air Force is easy to handle.After that came Timoshenko's large army.

The weapons of the Soviets are cold-resistant and sturdy.Especially tanks, armored vehicles, cars, etc., can be driven in winter, and the Soviets themselves are also resistant to freezing, so the combat effectiveness is also strong in winter.But you have to eat, right?You have to have a place to live, right?Timoshenko has supplies with him, but those things are enough for a 20 army for a few days?Originally, because the Japanese were "blossoming" behind them, their logistics was cut off.The rations are already a little tight, and with the addition of combat and running from Ulan-Ude to Khalkha, it has already been consumed.So have to ask ** for more food.At the beginning, Timoshenko did exactly that, and he was very rude. As a result, the people sent by the government did not see him again for a few days, and then.His tone softened.Of course, it’s not that Timoshenko didn’t think about turning his face. The Soviets have always been bullies, especially when their own strength is strong, they even pursue the behavior of “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine” law.But **Those people showed their faces except when they greeted him at the beginning.I shook hands with him and never showed up again.There is no pasture within two hundred miles of their temporary station.In other words, after turning his face, he can only find food by himself...and it's obvious.He can't do that.

Therefore, the 20 Soviet mechanized troops, which were enough to fight against millions of Japanese troops, were controlled by a group of "earth roads" who were far weaker than them. [

If it weren't for the fact that it's not good to do too much.Then they don't have to do anything, just wait a few months, and when the winter is over, Timoshenko and his troops will have to starve and freeze to death.In this way, the Communist Party can pick up the equipment of 20 mechanized troops for nothing, and Chiang Kai-shek can only watch helplessly, but there is nothing he can do.

But you also have to think about the future.So they negotiated with the Kuomintang.

In the end, after receiving Qin Wei's warning, Lao Jiang finally gave up his original unrealistic idea in order to let the troops receive weapons as soon as possible to form combat effectiveness.Although he slashed the standard set by Qin Wei again and cut the quota for the government again, the "Tuba Road", which has always been known for its poverty, has ushered in a new era.Because in addition to the most important tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery in the hands of the 20 Soviet troops, they also have a huge number of light weapons.

Originally, Stalin hoped that these light weapons could be taken away by the Soviet army, at least most of them.In this regard, both the Communist Party and the Kuomintang were relatively easy to talk about, and after promising a few benefits on empty words, they passed, but Qin Wei, a partisan, was not easy to pass.Cui Kefu tried his best, but failed to persuade Qin Wei to agree to let their people take away even one particle.What's more, because of Cuikov's harsh words in the middle, this guy even sent the two squadrons of "Hellcats" that had just flown over from the Philippines to Guisui, and stopped at the airport under Fu Zuoyi's control.As for the purpose of doing this, it is self-evident: if you dare to take something that I do not allow you to take away, I will dare to shoot down your plane!In this regard, the Soviets wanted to cry.Because they obviously have various technologies of the "Hellcat", but they haven't developed an aircraft that can fight against it, and they haven't even been able to replicate it.Not only that, Qin Wei also issued an order through the Military Commission to order the Eighth Route Army stationed in Khalkha to move south... In other words, no more nonsense, I will starve you to death!

The Soviets, especially Stalin, were also extremely aware of current affairs.They finally realized that after losing Siberia, they can only be regarded as a European country, and their influence on the Far East, especially China, is far less than before.Not only is the Chinese "government" no longer afraid of them, even the Communist Party is at odds with them... And according to reports from their insiders, the reason why the Communist Party is so defensive and wary of the Soviet Army is mainly because of the number of There are 20 Siberian "reform through labor forces" and the number is still increasing.Such a large group of prisoners is very uncomfortable for those "unsteady" criminals.Although people in Moscow did not believe this reason, they could only let go of their previous arrogance and start negotiating with China on a more equal tone.But they were not only facing people like Chiang Kai-shek, but also Qin Wei.Moreover, because the Soviet Union no longer borders China, because of dissatisfaction or fear of the current Soviet policy, because he still has to face the Japanese troops in Siberia and Northeast China, and because of...etc. All the weapons of the [-] Soviet troops were left behind, so they refused to negotiate with them in private.

In this way, the Soviets had to submit.All weapons are left behind, only people leave.Even the [-] planes could only take [-] of them, and almost half of the remaining nearly [-] were bombers.

And these things are almost all held in ** hands, the only trouble is those heavy weapons. They cannot be turned into combat power in a short period of time, and they do not have a durable fuel supply.In addition, they are only the Eighth Route Army, and the Kuomintang is the central government, which is not enough for righteousness.Therefore, after some negotiations, at the cost of only taking away a small amount of heavy weapons, the Communist Party finally obtained Soviet-made firearms and mortars that can equip 5000 people, as well as some other equipment.Of course, before that, ** used food to lure the demoralized Soviet soldiers, and those things that were exchanged from the opponent's hands were not counted.Because the Communist Party didn't admit it, the Soviets didn't investigate it, and it was impossible for the Kuomintang to send people to investigate it bit by bit... Not to mention the Communist Party, the Soviets didn't have the time, and they were anxiously waiting to go home.

But now, light weapons are not counted, but all the heavy equipment suddenly disappeared.


"They shouldn't take the risk and want to attack the people we sent?"

The Democratic Party is very worried. ** With tanks, armored vehicles, and large-caliber artillery, this is already very troublesome, but now it disappears... Violence without supervision is terrible, let alone the ** of old enemies?You know, according to calculations, after this "deal" with the Soviets, the strength of the Communist Party of China is already firmly ranked second in China in terms of weapons and equipment. before the factions.If it weren't for the fact that the other party is still hiding in Khalkha, and has to face the Japanese troops in Siberia and the Northeast at any time, and these weapons have been "controlled" by the Communist Party before, Lao Jiang would not agree to the previous distribution agreement.And now she's playing such tricks again... How could he not be worried?He originally planned to take advantage of the situation to take back those heavy weapons again after the ** used up the limited fuel.

"I don't think you should be so daring." Chen Cheng said: "Although Khalkha is far away from the emperor, the situation of the emperor is also extremely dangerous. If they do such a thing at this time, they will not ask for death." road?"

"Anyway, there are mostly Mongols there. Although we have never admitted it, Outer Mongolia has actually become independent before. Now the Communist Party has gone there and has basically controlled all kinds of power there, including many Outer Mongolian cavalry... If they send these troops to deal with our people, then there will be one two six five, who can do anything to them?" Chen Guofu said in a deep voice.

"Where have our people gone?" Chiang Kai-shek was a little guilty by Chen Guofu's conspiracy theory, and he had done such things before.As for judging others by oneself, the mother has suffered so much from him, so she may not have such thoughts.In addition, there are not many troops he sent to Khalkha to receive these weapons. The main goal is to bring back those tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, and guns and medicines first.Anyway, the Soviets had cars, and they were all ready-made.But such an army would certainly not be able to stop the attack.

"Yesterday's report shows that the vanguard troops have passed Saiyin Shanda. They should be able to enter Inner Mongolia soon. Fu Zuoyi's cavalry has already taken over." He Yingqin replied hastily. [

"Where is the air force? Are there any enemies nearby?" Chiang Kai-shek asked again.

"It's been very quiet until now." He Yingqin said again: "The Japanese have an agreement with us, and according to Qin Wei's information, they are planning big things, so they probably won't go to war at this time."

"But what I'm talking about is **!" Chiang Kai-shek shouted: "You tell me what the Japanese have..."


The door was knocked open again, and the person who knocked on the door was still Tang Zong.

"What's the matter?" Chiang Kai-shek was still very angry at first, but seeing Tang Zong was extremely excited, and even had a terrified expression, he still had to suppress his anger.

"Principal, Japan has declared war on the United States!"

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