mixed in the war

Chapter 480 The More Ferocious Japanese Army

The "Pearl Harbor Incident" became famous all over the world. The reason is that this incident officially dragged the United States into the circle of world wars.Before the United States entered the war, although Germany, Japan and Italy were already in decline, they were still full of vigor, especially Germany, which almost hit Moscow.But all this changed after the United States entered the war, and this finally created the arrogance of the Americans: the two world wars were finally decided after they entered the war, and the side supported by the United States will be the final the winner.

Any country, or any era, needs at least one hearty victory to inspire the pride of the entire country.Just like in ancient China: In the Qin Dynasty, there was Mengtian in the north, but the Huns were seven hundred miles away, so that they did not dare to go south to herd horses. Therefore, when someone mentioned the Great Qin Dynasty in later generations, they must be called "Strong Qin", even if this dynasty lasted only two generations, In the Han Dynasty, there were Wei Qing and Huo Qubing who ran wild in the desert. The khan was dedicated to the emperor, and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty even achieved the name of "Heavenly Khan", so as long as people mention the "prosperous age", they will be the first in the Tang Dynasty!But after that, China never had such a great victory over foreign races like these three dynasties, and there was no dynasty that could be compared with these three dynasties, especially the Han and Tang dynasties.Even the Song Dynasty, which had the most prosperous culture, the most prosperous economy, and the highest average living standard of the people...because although the Song Dynasty had a high victory rate in foreign wars, even if it was higher than that of the Han and Tang Dynasties, it lacked the kind of people who could be proud of themselves from the bottom of their hearts. big victory.

Since the founding of the United States, the Americans have fought two foreign wars.But they all won.Therefore, Americans are arrogant, proud, and arrogant.

The reason why the United States was able to make up its mind to get involved in World War II was precisely because of the Japanese surprise attack.

However, unlike the original raid where there was a small mistake, this time the Japanese ambassador to the United States did not delay any longer.In other words, he finally handed over the declaration of war to Roosevelt before Chuichi Nagumo's fleet arrived in Hawaii and launched a surprise attack, although it was only two hours earlier.And Pearl Harbor was finally hit as hard as it must have been.

Chuichi Nagumo completed the task perfectly.

It is different from the six aircraft carriers in the original history.He brought nine aircraft carriers this time.There were also five battleships, three cruisers, nine destroyers and three submarines.In addition, there are ten oil tankers, two destroyers, and five transport ships waiting in the North Pacific.so.Faced with an attack of this scale, the Americans were very unlucky, and the experience of the Pacific Fleet was far more tragic than the original experience in history: none of the three aircraft carriers that should have escaped the catastrophe failed to escape, and the damaged aircraft carrier could be quickly repaired. The dock of the damaged ship was also destroyed, and the 5 million tons of oil stored just 450 miles away from Pearl Harbor was detonated by the Japanese. All of California could see the thick black smoke.

The aftermath of this attack made Americans feel heartbroken.The loss of ships, they say, the United States has money and industry.Remanufacturing is the same as the loss of oil, some of them are tankers, some are oil fields and refineries, they are produced, refined, and shipped over; but the fire of 450 million tons of heavy oil completely burned down Pearl Harbor.The entire port was completely burned, and the possibility of Pearl Harbor continuing to exist as a military port has completely disappeared.Even in the United States, where civil engineering has been mechanized, it is impossible to rebuild this port without a few years of effort.The U.S. Navy, without its forward base, could only retreat to San Diego, California, and then set off from there to find the Japanese on the other side of the ocean to fight.This is really not good news for a navy.In addition, unlike the original Pearl Harbor in history, which only had more than 2000 casualties, this time there were almost no survivors left after the attack on Pearl Harbor!The reason is also the 450 million tons of heavy oil.

New time, same place, America begins to cry. [

But this is just the beginning.

It was Yamamoto 56 who cut the first cut on them, and after Yamamoto 56, there was another person named Ishihara Wanji.

"Just by attacking Pearl Harbor, we can only gain a strategic advantage for about a year at most." Yamamoto 56 secretly planned the Pearl Harbor incident, but Ishihara Wanji felt that this was not enough, "We still have to attack the United States. Just like the Chinese bombed our homeland...we want to destroy their industries, destroy their war potential, even just a little bit! Because, after we attacked Pearl Harbor, we are already the sworn enemy of the United States, they It is impossible to let us go, so why not make them weaker?"

Therefore, after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Nagumo Tadaichi pretended to return, but actually turned around and headed northeast, that is, the west coast of the United States.

About ten days later, the "Zero" first visited Seattle, the capital of Washington state, and bombed Boeing's headquarters and its aircraft factory.Immediately afterwards, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and a series of coastal cities were bombed.This time, the Japanese did not dare to bomb civilians as they did in China, but their targets were some industrial and mining enterprises, ports, docks, shipbuilding plants, and power plants on the west coast of the United States... Among them, the oil fields in California were destroyed after this round of bombing. , was forced to stop production.

Yet it's not over yet.

Canada notified the United States of the Japanese attack two days later.Before the U.S. "government" could react, important industrial and mining enterprises in the Great Lakes industrial areas such as Chicago and Detroit were bombed by Japanese planes. Immediately afterwards, the Grumman Company located in Long Island, New York, the aircraft company that produced the "Hellcat", was bombed. Dozens of Zero "suicide" attacks caused heavy losses to the company.Not only the factory was destroyed, but the company headquarters was also attacked on the same day, and a large number of archives were destroyed.

The Americans were stunned by the bombing.

Because it's not scientific!

The length of the US territory from east to west is more than 4500 kilometers. How did the Japanese carrier-based aircraft fly from the west coast to the east coast, and still blow up their aircraft factory so vigorously?

But soon Americans won't have to study how the Japanese did it.

Japanese paratroopers have taken Denver, the capital of Colorado!After that, using this as a springboard, their bombers began to wreak havoc.In just one day, this group of people only stayed in Denver for one day, the Texas oil field was bombed, and the Rocky Mountain part of the three Pacific Railways were bombed... At this time, the confused Americans finally responded, the U.S. Air Force It was also here that a life-and-death battle with "Zero Type" was launched.finally.They left more than 100 Japanese planes behind, and lost more than 300 of them.But they got the job done: Not one of the [-] Japanese paratroopers escaped.

But Nagumo Chuichi didn't care about the loss of the paratroopers.Ninety percent of his mission has been completed, and for the rest, he only needs to bring the fleet back safely.But after returning to the voyage, he finally heard another news that comforted him: the squadron.That is, after he left Pearl Harbor.The fleet led by the battleship "Nagato" and the aircraft carrier "Akagi" also completed the planned task... destroying the Panama Canal! The 410mm main gun of the "Nagato" battleship and the torpedoes of the "Akagi" carrier-based bomber all made great contributions to this attack. Of course, those freighters waiting to pass through the Panama Canal also made contributions. Not small.Although they do not belong to Japan.

This is no longer a surprise attack that can be summed up in the phrase "Pearl Harbor Incident", and there is no such statement in history. The Japanese attacked almost the entire United States, and they created the "American incident"!

***************************************************** *****[

"I said... you Japanese are really crazy when you go crazy."

Scum hole.

Sighing softly, he put the newspaper in his hand on the small table in front of him. Qin Wei glanced at the prisoners in front of him one by one: Neiji Okamura, Hayao Tada, Masaharu Honma, Mamoru Iinuma, Akira Muto, And Nan Zao Yunzi!

"Well, what do you all think? Tell me. Make me happy."

"Make you happy? Does it make you happy listening to our screams?" Nan Zao Yunzi gritted his teeth, furious.At the beginning, she was in a trance because of Qin Wei's casual words in the telegram, and she was almost "cleaned up" because of it.And when she finally recovered, she got the task assigned by Doihara, and came to see Qin Wei again, but she didn't want to be arrested by this guy... until now.The Japanese troops of the three divisions in North Vietnam had withdrawn to Taiwan, but she was still not released.

"You guys are miserable, of course I'm happy. This is common sense." Qin Wei said with a smile, ignoring the woman and directly looking at Neiji Okamura: "Brother Ok, what do you think of this 'American incident' '?

"Did you instigate this?" Okamura Ningji asked with an expression on his face.

"No, no, no, I don't have that much ability, and I don't have that much courage..." Qin Wei grinned: "But then again, why are you Japanese so lacking in vision and courage? The paratroopers landed in Denver , landed on the Colorado prairie... just to occupy an airport so as to facilitate the bombing of oil fields and railways? Are the teachers in your Japanese military school sure to have elementary school diplomas?"

"Of course I can't compare to you, Chief Qin. If it were you, you would definitely let us capture Washington, wouldn't you?" Neiji Okamura sneered.

"Smart," Qin Wei was "surprised", and stared at him several times with staring eyes: "Old Gang, you are indeed an 'acquaintance', or you know me."

"What's so hard to guess? Isn't the 'beheading operation' your forte? I'm one of the victims." Neiji Okamura snorted coldly.

"And me!" Tada Jun looked at Qin Wei with ill intentions, but just when he tried to straighten his waist, he felt severe pain all over his body...Because of Qin Wei's "visit", he Today, he didn't have such a meal of whips as usual, but before that, he had to suffer some torture every day.After a few months, he was covered in bruises and there was not a single piece of good flesh on his body.

"Tsk tsk, this is so pitiful..." Qin Wei looked at Jun Tada pitifully, "Do you want to die? If you can't stand it, you can take out your belt and hang yourself. Don't worry, I promise I will pick two of them for you Sacrifice."

"Hmph!" Tada Jun turned his face away.In the first few days, he wanted to die in the past, but hanging is the most humiliating way of death in Japan, so he endured it for the time being.And now, he doesn't want to die anymore.Basically get used to it.

"It's impolite..." Qin Wei was dissatisfied immediately, and waved to the military commander standing next to him: "Give him an extra 'night snack' today!"

"Yes!" The spy replied loudly.

"You..." Tada Hayao and the others were furious, but unfortunately it didn't work.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you..." Qin Wei looked at the angry and helpless Tada Hayao and the others with a smile on his face, and said to Okamura Ningji again: "Old Oka, in a few days, Once the six-month truce with you is over, the 'Japanese Peaceful Rescue Japan' will be on the battlefield, get ready!"

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