MacArthur's first impression is often: boastful, gorgeously dressed, self-centered, flattering and flattering, has a strong partisan concept, and likes to intervene in political debates.But no one can deny his strategic vision and tactical literacy.Just like this great war affecting the whole world, as early as the autumn of 1930, when MacArthur succeeded Smeller as the Army Chief of Staff, he had already foreseen it.Based on the complicated international situation, he resolutely opposed the government's further reduction of troops; he emphasized to the government more than once that the development of the international situation "proved once again that the treaty is unreliable and there is no guarantee for peace."With his repeated efforts, and under the instruction of Roosevelt and others, in the same year, the U.S. Congress established the War Policy Committee to study "policies that should be followed in the event of war" and "how to averagely bear the cost and reduce the profit of war to at the lowest limit".After that, MacArthur was notified that he would be responsible for proposing the extremely "secret" industrial mobilization plan so far.


"But now everybody thinks I'm a fool. A pompous fool."

In Manila, at the headquarters of the US-Philippines coalition forces, MacArthur, smoking his famous pipe, confided his troubles to the deputy commander of the coalition forces, Lieutenant General Wainwright.Speaking of Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainwright, he can be said to be the most tragic general of the US military in the entire World War II.After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the US-Philippines commanded by MacArthur lost consecutive battles. In the end, in order to prevent an admiral from being captured by the Japanese, Roosevelt asked a submarine to pick up MacArthur.And Wainwright had to succeed MacArthur as the commander-in-chief of the United States in the Philippines at this time.Afterwards, the U.S.-Philippines coalition forces ran out of ammunition and food. For the lives of the soldiers, Wainwright surrendered to the Japanese army after sending the last telegram to Roosevelt on May 1942, 5.After that, he was detained for a long time in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in Northeast China.Later, Japan was defeated and Wainwright regained his freedom.He thought the Americans would look down on him.Because he surrendered and was a loser.But what he got was a hero's treatment. On September 5, 1945, at the Japanese surrender ceremony, MacArthur invited Wainwright to witness Japan's surrender on the battleship "Missouri" with him.Later, he was awarded the rank of four-star general.

But this time Wainwright didn't have to think about his future, because MacArthur didn't leave, and he couldn't leave.All he needs to do now is to comfort the commander-in-chief who is almost unable to hold on...Not long ago, he and MacArthur's adjutant just confiscated the commander-in-chief's pistol.That is the old MacArthur, that is, the family heirloom left by MacArthur's father to MacArthur, because of the defeat in the war.MacArthur's psychological pressure was enormous, and he almost couldn't bear to take this gun to end his own life.

"Haven't the Chinese already promised to help us? They will do something soon."

Wainwright said cautiously.After venting the last time, MacArthur's mood was much more stable than before.But he still didn't dare to take it lightly. Whether it was public or private, he could not allow MacArthur to have problems.

"We are now surrounded by Japanese!" MacArthur snorted coldly. "The number of Japanese troops on our outskirts is at least twice that of ours. The Philippine army simply cannot undertake combat tasks, so. We are facing an enemy that is almost ten times our size... skinny monkeys. The strength of the Chinese is not enough to break such a A strong encirclement! Even though they have won several battles with the Japanese."

"But at least they can give us hope, can't they?" Wainwright asked rhetorically, "and I believe our government must have made an accurate assessment of China's strength. They will not make fun of so many of our lives of."

"I just hope they're not stupid enough to want to send some paratroopers..." MacArthur sighed.

"I hope so too." Wainwright smiled wryly, "However, the Chinese aren't that stupid?"

"I hope not..."

The two didn't speak any more, they just sat quietly facing each other.They were waiting for news...not so long ago.When the Ministry of War informed them that the Chinese would take action to rescue them, they had already been told that during this period of time.The Chinese will send them a report.In other words, the Chinese will give them combat orders, and after they receive the combat orders, they must immediately make preparations to cope with the Chinese rescue operations.Because they have only one chance, if they can't seize this one chance to escape from the siege of the Japanese, they will inevitably face the brutal attack of the Japanese.During the fight during this period, MacArthur, who was as proud as he was, had to admit that the old Japanese man named Seishiro Sakagaki was really fucking uncommonly vicious when he fought.He even thought that if it wasn't for keeping them to confuse Britain, the United States, the Netherlands and other countries, so as to create opportunities for the Japanese army to raid the Indonesian oil fields, he might not have the opportunity to "hold" Manila at all.Of course, the other party may also do this to reduce casualties.Anyway, time is not urgent, why rush to launch an attack?Wouldn't it be easier to fight when their bodies were starving and the morale of the army was basically exhausted?

"General, telegram! Chinese telegram!"

The eager shout interrupted MacArthur's thoughts, and when he looked up, Wainwright got up first and grabbed the telegram brought by the confidential secretary.

"How? How did the Chinese arrange it?" MacArthur asked anxiously.

"General." After a while, Wainwright raised his eyes from the telegram with a strange face: "The Chinese want us to assemble all American soldiers by twelve o'clock in the evening in three days. They will be on time at a quarter past twelve." Move. After their bombers have done their first round, we have to break out! They'll get us back."

"Breakout direction?" MacArthur said in a low voice.



MacArthur's face froze immediately.port?Is this to make them jump into the sea?That was the direction of Japanese heavy defense, and there were at least [-] warships crowded in the port!Breaking out in that direction, the Japanese only need one round of naval guns, and his [-] American troops might be completely wiped out.

************************************************** ***********


"Come in."


Not long after Qin Wei arrived, he was watching Yu Lingling directing the guards to clean his office when he was disturbed by the sudden arrival of Zhang Lingfu.Especially after seeing the resigned expression on the face of this titan with a stick and a cane, he couldn't help but have a thought of running away: According to the original arrangement, this guy should lead his troops into the Zhejiang battlefield now.Because of an air strike by Doolittle, the Japanese made up their minds about the Chinese airports in Zhejiang and must destroy them all.And Zhang Lingfu and the 74th Division of the 58th Army led by Zhang Lingfu were assigned to guard Quzhou, the most important place, where Doolittle and others landed.Unfortunately, because of his remonstrance in front of Lao Jiang, the chance to fight was gone. Not only that, but Zhang Lingfu had to take his troops to Hainan Island to train for beach fighting... He came from Chongqing. When I got off the plane, this guy didn't come to pick him up, and now he looks so angry, maybe he has some kind of thoughts on his mind.

"Chief Qin!" Zhang Lingfu was still acting like a standard soldier, as soon as he entered the door, he saluted Qin Wei with a standard military salute.

"What's the matter?" Qin Wei asked while pretending to be messing around with the documents.

"Why is there no 58th Division in this operation?" Zhang Lingfu asked loudly.

"What action?" Qin Wei looked up at him and asked.

"Attack the Philippines!"

"...Did you hear something wrong?" Qin Wei almost choked on this sentence, "When will we be able to fight across the ocean? Are we attacking the Philippines? Do you know that the Philippines is currently hiding for 30 years?" Thousands of Japanese devils?"

"But the navy has already set off, and they also brought Deng E's 155th Division with them!" Zhang Lingfu shouted.

"Is there such a thing? Why didn't Zhang Xianghua (Zhang Fakui) inform me?" Qin Wei looked shocked, and immediately slapped the table again: "That's unreasonable. Zhong Lin, don't worry, I'll ask the surname Zhang later Clear. I will give you an explanation."

"Sir, our department has been cooperating with the Navy in Ya County (Sanya) for training. The matter of the 155th Division is an order you personally issued. Commander Chen of the Navy has already told me." Zhang Lingfu looked at Qin Wei angrily, and said coldly road.

"I'll go," Qin Wei smiled wryly.It really doesn't feel good to be exposed on the spot for lying, and it also annoys him a little: "This Chen Shaokuan... is clearly plotting against me."

"It's Chief Chen Jiliang, sir!" Zhang Lingfu gave him an annoyed look.

"Chen, Chen Jiliang? He... tsk tsk, look at how confused I am." Qin Wei shook his head and put on a smiling face again: "Zhong Lin, look... I just came back from Chongqing, and I don't know anything. It’s not finished yet. It’s a mess in your head. How about you go back first and let’s talk after I get things straightened out?”

"Chief Qin, you personally asked for our 58th Division to go to the Fourth War Zone from the chairman. The generals and officers of our department all hope that we can fight the enemy bravely under your leadership, instead of everything being left behind like now. Behind others." Zhang Lingfu said in a deep voice.

"Since I asked you to come here, it is because you are capable of fighting and fighting. You are a strong team, and you are here to fight hard and fierce battles. The 155th Division Deng E and the others..." Qin Wei thought about it with a sly face, and then Turning around suddenly: "Secretary Yu, where is the 155th Division sent?"

"Hong Kong!" Yu Lingling had been standing aside, and hurriedly replied upon hearing the words, "You sent them to Hong Kong to help the local British army stabilize their defenses. Well, the main purpose is to guard the Kai Tak Airport!"

"Look..." Qin Wei spread his hands towards Zhang Lingfu, "The garrison! Deng E is going to be the commander of the garrison. You, Zhang Lingfu, want to do this too?"

"No, no... Didn't they go to the Philippines to rescue the US troops?" Zhang Lingfu was stunned.

"Fart. So many people are needed to save a few American soldiers? Send a telegram to Seishiro Sakagaki, and let the navy go there..." (To be continued...)

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