mixed in the war

Chapter 534 Bombard Hong Kong?

Qin Wei had the title of deputy commander in chief of the Guangdong-Guangdong campaign before, but after the Japanese troops of the three divisions in northern Vietnam were taken away by the Japanese, his position was handed over.But this time, because he wanted to rescue MacArthur and his group, he was sent back by Lao Jiang again.But this time it was no longer the deputy commander in chief, but the deputy commander of the fourth theater.

In fact, the fourth war zone has always existed, but before that, the commander of the fourth war zone was He Yingqin.Because he is in charge of the Ministry of Defense, he cannot be directly appointed.This is the same as the situation where Chen Chengyao leads the commander of the Ninth War Zone, and Xue Yue, the acting commander, is the actual frontline commander.This is also one of the reasons why Bai Chongxi, Xu Tingyao, and Qin Wei would serve as the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief respectively during the battle between Guangdong and Guangxi, instead of directly serving as the commander-in-chief.And since we are talking about the fourth war zone, we have to talk about Yu Hanmou.

Yu Hanmou, as mentioned earlier, during the battle of Wuhan, Lao Jiang kept dispatching troops from this man, so that when the Japanese army raided Guangzhou, this man had almost no soldiers to use, allowing the Japanese to easily occupy Guangzhou. Cutting off China's only external communication line at that time made it meaningless to defend Wuhan, and it also made the national government finally determined to abandon Wuhan and move to Chongqing.

It stands to reason that although Yu Hanmou has made mistakes, the fault is also excusable. The one who should really bear the main responsibility for the fall of Guangzhou should be Lao Jiang.Because after receiving news of the Japanese army’s intention to attack Guangzhou one after another, Lao Jiang still insisted on his own point of view, saying that the Japanese had concentrated a large number of troops in the Wuhan theater, and it was impossible to send extra manpower to attack Guangzhou.As a result, his throat was blocked with a knife, and the army of millions fought fiercely for several months in vain.

But it was impossible for Lao Jiang to assume this responsibility, so Yu Hanmou, the highest military officer in Guangzhou Province at that time, became the main person responsible.And because the common people did not understand the actual situation, they also attributed the main responsibility for the fall of Guangzhou to Yu Hanmou and Wu Tiecheng, then Governor of Guangdong.The mayor of Guangzhou, Zeng Yangfu, made up a folk song: "Yu Han has no plans, Wu Tie lost the city, and Zeng Yang has no plans."

However, Yu Hanmou was not as unreliable as Lao Jiang.After the fall of Guangzhou, he led the remaining 12 soldiers of the No.12 Army to persist in the war of resistance in northern Guangdong. Facing the Japanese attack, he was full of fighting spirit and won two consecutive victories in northern Guangdong, defeating the Japanese invaders' use of Guangdong. Cut off the Guangdong-Han Railway.The strategy of threatening the rear of Hunan and Guangxi and finally forcing the southern provinces to surrender, and effectively supporting the battle of southern Guangxi, inspired the hearts of the soldiers and civilians in Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangxi.And these two battles also brought shame to Yu Han.He regained the confidence and honor of a soldier.At the same time, it may also be because Lao Jiang has always felt ashamed of him.It is intentional for him to take over the position of commander of the fourth war zone who should be Qin.

But Yu Han's luck is really not very good.The position of the commander-in-chief of the theater dangled in front of his eyes, but in the end he flew away and landed on the head of Zhang Fakui, the commander-in-chief of the Second Corps and Eighth Army!

This General Zhang Fakui is also well-known in the entire history of Chinese revolution.Among other things, the Ye Ting Independent Regiment belongs to the Fourth Army of the "Iron Army" under Zhang Fakui, and its reputation during the Northern Expedition is not much worse than that of the "Steel Army" under Bai Chongxi and Li Zongren; the Nanchang Uprising was created by Ye Ting, He Long and others The opposite of the dude.Before that, the target of the police was Zhang Fakui himself, hoping to instigate Zhang Fakui to revolt with them.It's a pity that Zhang Fakui became closer to Wang Jingwei.After he found out the secret plan, he tried to lure Ye Ting and He Long to Mount Lushan.Lift the military power, and then reorganize the troops of the two.Unexpectedly, this plan was informed by Ye Jianying, who was the chief of staff under him, so the Nanchang Uprising broke out like that.After the uprising, Ye Ting and He Long led their troops to leave Nanchang. Zhang Fakui wanted to lead his troops to pursue them, but finally listened to Ye Jianying's opinion and let the uprising troops leave.Of course, this is not to say that Zhang Fakui did nothing in the face of the rebel forces. He tried to recover the 25th Division of the rebel army, which was the troops of Zhou Shidi (who was awarded the title of general in 1955). Unexpectedly, Zhang Fakui took the train When he went south to pursue him, his own guards also revolted, scaring the commander of the "Iron Army" into jumping out of the car and fleeing.

However, if one concludes that Zhang Fakui is not capable from his performance in the Nanchang Uprising, then one would underestimate this old man too much.Not to mention that he brought out an "iron army" during the Northern Expedition, which defeated the troops of the famous Beiyang general Wu Peifu many times. There are victories.Especially when he was the commander-in-chief of the fourth war zone, he commanded the troops in Guangdong and Guangxi to fight fiercely with the enemy many times, regained many lost ground, and lived up to the name of the "Iron Army" he had previously conquered.

And Zhang Fakui's personal reputation is very good.

When Wang Jingwei joined the Qing Communist Party, he publicly clamored at the meeting that "I would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one person go", which showed his brutal nature.However, although Zhang Fakui also agreed with Wang Jingwei's proposition, he did not carry out the Qing Communist Party in his troops for a long time. This is of course because the proportion of prostitutes in Zhang Fakui's troops was too high, he did not dare to act rashly, and Zhang Fakui was unwilling to kill people indiscriminately. reason.What's more, Zhang Fakui doesn't miss the past.For the mistakes of friends or subordinates, it is easy to talk and scold, but never deliberately settle accounts, so his subordinates feel safe.In addition, Zhang Fakui dares to employ people and can employ people.It can be seen that Ye Ting, Ye Jianying, and He Long can all be reused by his subordinates.Since leading the army, Zhang Fakui has strictly restrained himself, lived a very frugal life, and never wasted military money.

All these made Qin Wei have a good impression of Zhang Fakui, and made him feel that he could cooperate well with Zhang Fakui.But he didn't expect that from the very beginning, Zhang Fakui gave him a "surprise"!

As soon as he took office, his first plan was to send troops to Hong Kong to "help defend".The people in the Fourth Theater Command were inconceivable when they first heard his proposal, and then there was almost an overwhelming voice of opposition, but Zhang Fakui slapped the table with these people on the spot without asking him For any reason, just two words: send troops!


"But now these foreign devils don't give face," Zhang Fakui looked energetic with a mustache.He sent the telegram he just received to Qin Wei, "Brother, what do you think we should do?"

"What do you think of General Xiang Hua?" Qin Wei glanced at the telegram.This is a report jointly signed by Chen Jiliang of the Navy and Deng E, the commander of the 155th Division. The content is also very simple: Hong Kong refuses their "support", especially the army of the 155th Division is refused to enter Hong Kong. Hong Kong Governor Yang Muqi even directly sent troops to the dock prevent the soldiers from disembarking.

"Of course we can't withdraw. If we withdraw, wouldn't you and I lose all face?" Zhang Fakui snorted coldly: "And the British have long since passed away, and now they are suppressed by the Japanese. If it weren't for us, they would have been suppressed by the Japanese." Takashi Sakai cleaned up. How dare he be so arrogant, I think I have to give them some color and let them know the current situation."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Qin Wei asked.

"First of all, we have to find a suitable reason." Zhang Fakui shook his mustache, "We used to say that we were supporting foreign devils, but now that they don't give face, we have to think of another... But how can this be justified? This Hong Kong is the United Kingdom. Yang Muqi put on a dazed look again, as if he is not afraid of anyone, so it's not easy to deal with."

"What do you think about the reason of 'protecting Chinese citizens'?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"Protect citizens?"

"It's the same as the 'protection of overseas Chinese' that those foreign devils are clamoring for all day long."

"...Okay." Zhang Fakui was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, "That's a good reason! Haha, protect the overseas Chinese! Use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son! I see what the foreign devils say. That's all, protect Expatriate!"

"They are not expatriates, but Chinese citizens. Although Hong Kong is a colony, it is also our own territory. People cannot be called 'expatriates' there, they are Chinese citizens!" Qin Wei said.

"Yes, citizen! Chinese citizen!" Zhang Fakui laughed, "brother, I have heard that you have a lot of ideas, and you really deserve your reputation."

"Just laughing and joking, it's just the teeth of the foreign devils." Qin Wei smiled and cupped his hands at him, and then pondered: "But although there is a reason, if that Yang Muqi insists on not letting our soldiers disembark, it will be a big deal. The problem is still not resolved.”

"Haha, brother, you don't understand this." Zhang Fakui laughed, "These foreign devils can only play tricks, don't look at them all day long, but as long as you have a reason, then act tough They have nothing to do with it at all. Just like that He Huzi back then... He Long from the Communist Party now, when that guy was working as a guard in Lizhou, Hunan, he detained the British smuggling merchant ship. As a result, the British consul He came to the door, refused to give up, and said he would bear the consequences. But is He Huzi easy to provoke? After some tricks, the goods were detained, and the smugglers were also arrested. It also made the British feel unspeakable, so they had no choice but to accept their failure obediently."

"I seem to have heard of this before, but it's not the same as ours." Qin Wei said with a smile, "That time it was just a little munitions and opium, but this time Yang Muqi is facing us. The 'conspiracy'! He is afraid that we will not leave after we go, and he will definitely hold on to it."

"Brother, tell me the truth." Zhang Fakui also looked at Qin Wei with a smile, "Is that why you advocate sending troops to support Hong Kong this time?"

"Since you've seen it all, why bother to ask?" Qin Wei smiled, "And I didn't intend to hide it from anyone. I just made it clear that I want to bully the British and now I can't do anything about it."

"It's kind!" Zhang Fakui stretched out his thumb to him, and continued to laugh: "But since you came up with this idea, brother, you have to solve this problem. Brother, I am slow-witted, at most I just came up with it." I'll take things with you."

"Hehe, it's really not a problem whether you can carry it or not." Qin Wei smiled, "How about dealing with this Yang Muqi... What do you think about ordering the navy to fire?" (To be continued...)

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