mixed in the war

Chapter 553 Nomination of Allied Commander-in-Chief

Qin Wei wants to drive MacArthur out of Asia, because this guy was the commander of the US military's Western Pacific Theater in the original history. After defeating the main force of the Japanese navy, he and Admiral Nimitz designed the "leapfrog" tactic. The U.S. military ignored the Japanese dens hiding on small islands one by one, and directly abandoned the traditional tactics of front-line flat push, and jumped forward to attack across the island.As a result, under their command, the Allied forces in the Pacific theater advanced in two directions, taking advantage of their naval superiority, avoiding the Japanese army's first-line defense points, and attacking the weakly defended islands in its strategic depth. , As a result, the process of the war was greatly accelerated, and it took only more than half a year to break through the Japanese army's inner defense circle.

It can be seen from this that this American five-star general who has been acting all his life is indeed a war genius.If it weren't for him and Nimitz, the war in the Pacific might have continued for an unknown period of time. Anyway, the possibility of Japan's surrender in 1945 was extremely slim.And even if the Japanese are forced by the pressure of Germany and Italy to surrender at that time, they are unwilling to fight alone and willing to surrender, I am afraid it cannot be unconditional.Because their homeland hadn't been attacked at that time.In this way, Japan will still be the most powerful country in Asia, and it will always maintain military pressure on East Asian countries, especially China.

That's not in China's interest.

But Qin Wei still decided to drive MacArthur and his American troops out of Asia.

He hates this "leapfrog tactic"!Because he is confident now that if the Americans did not intervene, the Chinese squadron would definitely attack the Japanese at sea in the end.For the squadron, this so-called "leapfrog" tactic is nothing more than a tasteless one.Does China need to "leapfrog" if it wants to attack Japan?How many small islands are available for continuous jumping between China and Japan?Most importantly, the premature end of the Pacific War is now extremely inconsistent with China's interests.

Qin Wei wanted to use this war to drive Britain, the United States and other countries out of Southeast Asia.And I don't want the United States to become the world's economic hegemon in the future, but also to become the military hegemony.Because now the Soviet Union is unlikely to rise and compete with the United States.Without the Soviet Union, if the United States is still as powerful as before, which other countries in the world can resist it?

However, the United States is under the "protection" of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and its own strength is extremely strong, so the possibility of local damage is too small.Therefore, Qin Wei can only let it bleed wantonly on the European battlefield until it cannot move freely within 20 years.

But there is a prerequisite for this: there must be no US military in Southeast Asia.If there were US troops, Qin Wei's plan would basically go bankrupt, and his plan to loot Japanese industries would be even more difficult to realize.Because China lacks a navy.

so.Qin Wei has been encouraging Lao Jiang, asking him to show the momentum that a leader of a one-man country should have, and compete for China's due power and interests in front of Britain and the United States.This is why he handed over the Philippine treasury and gold and silver from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to Chiang.Without this money, Lao Jiang has no confidence.

However, Lao Jiang, who has confidence, has indeed caused a lot of trouble for Britain and the United States.


"What Asian theater? I firmly oppose it! I oppose it!"


Note that this is not Shangri-La in Tibet, China.This is America. 1938.It was the year Qin Wei arrived in Chongqing, which is located in Maryland, USA.Only 120 kilometers away from the capital Washington, D.C., it has been built as a resort.It was named "Catoctin Mountain Villa" at the beginning, after the name of the Catoctin Mountains where it is located.In fact, it is a vacation place for the employees of the U.S. federal government and their families, but in 1939, it became Roosevelt's special sanatorium, and since then it has become a leisure and summer resort for the president of the United States.Roosevelt was in poor health.So I often come here to recuperate, and according to the novel "Lost Horizon" published by British writer James Hilton in 1933, I took a poetic name for it: "Shangri-La" ("Shangri-La" is Tibetan, meaning " The sun and the moon in my heart". It is the ideal state that people yearn for - "Xanadu") but this is only its current name. After Eisenhower became president, this resort was re-established by him with the name of his most beloved grandson. Naming it is the famous "Camp David" in later generations!

Roosevelt is very busy now, of course it is impossible to come here to recuperate, and he did not come here alone, he also brought Churchill, and two representatives of China: Song Ziwen and Yan Huiqing, and their respective entourages.There is only one reason for coming here: to complete the negotiations between the three countries without being disturbed by the outside world.

But Roosevelt was obviously wrong.From the beginning of the negotiations, the Chinese were very uncooperative.

"I also think that the establishment of an Asian theater is too... unrealistic." Looking at the short and fat man who couldn't live there stomping his feet, Roosevelt rubbed his forehead for the first time, "Asia is too big. There is no one in this world." Countries or alliances have the ability to command campaigns on such a large scale. Moreover, the current battles are limited to East and Southeast Asia, and we do not think it is necessary to include the whole of Asia.”

"But the Japanese have now started to attack Indonesia, and it is going well. Therefore, it will not take long for them to launch attacks on Malaya, Singapore, and Burma. As long as they complete their strategic goals, their next target will definitely be India. "Having quarreled a lot with the leaders of the two countries, Song Ziwen is now more confident, "Once India falls, West Asia will face enormous pressure... Prime Minister Churchill, most of the oil needed by Britain now comes from Iran. You don't want to The Japanese navy blocking the Persian Gulf?"

"Absurd. The Japanese can't even break through Burma and Malaya, how can they hit India? They can't hit India, how can they block the Persian Gulf?" Churchill cried.

"But according to the deduction of our military department, your country's military deployment in Malaya and Burma is simply unable to withstand the Japanese attack. With all due respect, if you still don't listen to our advice and insist on going your own way, then in the middle of this year , the Japanese warships will cross India and go straight to the Persian Gulf." Song Ziwen said seriously, "By then, it will be too late."

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! You Chinese can't beat the Japanese. After being beaten so badly by the Japanese, do you think everyone will be like you? The British Empire is not only powerful in navy, but also powerful in army. The Japanese dare not attack us Malaya and Burma, which are heavily armed, attacked Indonesia first. This is a clear proof. Even the Japanese do not have the confidence to win, so where do you come from with such confidence? In my opinion, this is simply your desire to seize the whole of Asia Benefits, deliberately made false judgments." Churchill cried.

"Until now, the many military predictions made by our military department have not deviated too much. Especially the Siberia campaign, it is almost exactly the same as our judgment." Yan Huiqing squinted his eyes all the time .At this time, he suddenly said: "Mr. Prime Minister, the Soviet Union has paid a huge price for their arrogance. Now they have to face huge pressure from two directions. But you still despise Japan... You are also a soldier. But you obviously lack the sense and prudence that a soldier should have."

"Because of my reason and prudence, I see the shadow of greed in you. You are like the giant wolf Fenrir in Norse mythology... You are too greedy. China does not have the ability to lead the entire Asia You don't even have this strength. If you do this, you will only plunge the allies into endless disputes. You have seriously delayed this war." Churchill said loudly.

"Are we greedy?" It seemed a little greedy.But if you don't seize the opportunity at this time.In the future, I still have to follow you as a follower.Let you bully me?Song Ziwen scoffed at Churchill's words.The current situation is that Britain and the United States cannot do without China, and they dare not force China to the side of the Axis powers.According to domestic arrangements, rumors have begun to circulate in the United States and even Europe: Japan has not gained anything in China, and now it has acquired huge Siberia, and its troops are tense.Therefore, the Japanese cabinet seems to be interested in peace talks with China, intending to give up all the territories occupied by China except the three northeastern provinces, in exchange for a freer strategic space.and the cooperation of the Chinese government.Of course, this rumor has also reached the ears of Roosevelt and Churchill in front of him. Although these two have not expressed anything until now, he still feels the tension of these two people: the Japanese have armed Siberia. As a result, a large number of troops have been obtained. If China is added...then the allies simply don't have to fight.Because of China's population base, the Axis powers can kill them even if they just pile them up.

It can be said that if he hadn't known the virtues of the Japanese, and knew that the Japanese never vomited without eating, and would never give up the fat in their mouths, even Song Ziwen himself would have been a little tempted by this rumor.It is easy to take back most of the occupied land, why not do such a good thing?

"If we were really greedy, we would not voluntarily give up Cambodia and Vietnam! We did this only for the benefit of the allies." Song Ziwen said again.

"The interests of the Allies? You just don't want to fight the Japanese before you get enough benefits." Churchill snorted coldly.

"We no longer have the capital to fight the Japanese on a large scale." Yan Huiqing shouted, "China does not have enough industry, let alone enough resources. But we have to maintain the operation of millions of troops. Our entire country is The battlefield is full of consumption. Our people are starving, and our soldiers don’t even have enough guns and bullets. Under these circumstances, do you want us to fight the Japanese with fire sticks?”

"But you obviously won several victories in previous battles with the Japanese." Churchill retorted.

"That's why most of our supplies have been consumed. Colonel Jimmy Doolittle's report has been sent to the U.S. War Department. You should be aware of this!" Song Ziwen also said loudly.

"Since you can't even support your own domestic war, why are you in such a rush to set up an Asian theater? Can you handle it?" Churchill snorted coldly.

"Mr. Prime Minister, do you think we are willing to do this? Only by taking on a wider range of responsibilities will it be possible to get more support from you. And now that the cooperation of the allied countries has not officially started, you are pushing us back and forth, you How can we trust you?" Yan Huiqing asked hesitantly.

"If China gives up its intention of establishing an Asian theater, our first batch of aid can go immediately." Roosevelt said suddenly.

"Aids should be dispatched immediately. Because the Japanese will soon launch a full-scale attack on Southeast Asia! Without our support, the British Army will definitely fail." Song Ziwen said.

"What do you mean?" Churchill was furious.

"It's not interesting," Yan Huiqing added, "We also hope that your country's army can listen to our command, because only in this way can we avoid greater losses... because according to the deduction, your fate of failure in Malaya and Burma has already Inevitable."

"Arrogance—" Churchill jumped up, turned and left: "It's simply unreasonable!"

"Mr. Prime Minister..." Roosevelt tried to stop the short fat man from behind, but unfortunately he failed. He could only watch Churchill leave angrily.And in this way, his perception of the two Chinese representatives in front of him became even worse: "You two, is this your purpose? You don't plan to cooperate with the British at all, do you?"

"The British are too arrogant. They won't sincerely cooperate with anyone until they really suffer." Yan Huiqing sighed.

"Moreover, if we cooperate with them at this time, then when they are defeated, our people will inevitably be betrayed by them, and thus pushed out to stop the Japanese for them! We will not do such a stupid thing. "Song Ziwen was expressionless.

"We are allies, we need trust between us..." Roosevelt said weakly.

"Mr. President, when it comes to trust...the British and American cooperation to establish a European theater, we would like to make a suggestion to you." Song Ziwen and Yan Huiqing looked at each other and said again.

"European theater? What does this have to do with you?" Too greedy!These Chinese people, where do they want to stretch their hands?Roosevelt just thought he should be dumbfounded.This group of people still wants to intervene in the European theater?

"It's just a small suggestion." Song Ziwen shrugged, "We think that your country should nominate Colonel Eisenhower as the candidate for the Allied Commander in the European Theater!" (To be continued...)

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