mixed in the war

Chapter 554 MacArthur - Egypt

"Eisenhower? Colonel?"

In fact, Churchill didn't feel very angry when he was forced back by the Chinese on the issue of the Asian theater, but he still couldn't reach an agreement.However, when he learned from Roosevelt that the Chinese still wanted to intervene in the selection of the Allied Commander in the European Theater, he was truly outraged.When did the Chinese dare to stretch their hands into Europe?Although they recommended only an American, the significance of this is not trivial.

"Yes," Roosevelt knew that what he did was tantamount to further deepening the conflict between Britain and China, and delaying the time for China and Britain to cooperate in Southeast Asia.But Marshall and Hull had told him that the Chinese showed that they were in no hurry.This means that the Chinese still have the confidence to continue resisting Japanese aggression in East Asia after the Japanese defeated Britain.That being the case, why should he help the Chinese?And most importantly, Marshall also believed that the recommendation of the Chinese was very insightful, and Eisenhower was the most suitable candidate for the European Allied Commander in the U.S. Army.

"A colonel who serves as the commander-in-chief of our allied forces, and at the same time commands the British and American armies, and even the armies of France, the Netherlands and other countries? God, I now find that these Chinese are more and more able to joke. Are they all fools?" Roosevelt Knowing Eisenhower, Marshall and others also knew that they also knew that Eisenhower had also received high praise from the Chinese government when he was in China with his people, so it is nothing surprising to receive the support of the Chinese government again.But Churchill didn't know who Eisenhower was.When he heard that the other party was just a colonel, he felt as if he had been deeply insulted.

"Mr. President, I firmly oppose the nomination of the Chinese. They don't understand the situation in Europe at all, so what qualifications do they have to offer opinions?" Churchill said directly to Roosevelt.

"Mr. Prime Minister, you haven't met Colonel Eisenhower...ah, no, he is now a brigadier general." Roosevelt was also a little embarrassed.Even a brigadier general is not good at serving as the commander-in-chief of the European Allied Forces.Marshall's nomination is really embarrassing for him.In particular, the Chinese intervened in the process, which made him even more embarrassed.

"So what about the Brigadier General?" Sure enough, Churchill became more and more angry, "Mr. President, you don't intend to listen to this stupid and ridiculous suggestion from the Chinese? We will establish a joint command, and the forces that this command will command in the future may It's going to be millions. Are you going to have those millions of soldiers tell people later that they fought under the command of a brigadier general?"

"But... we need someone who is good at coordinating." Roosevelt said, "Brigadier General Eisenhower is definitely a suitable candidate."

"The United States has a large number of excellent generals." Churchill said: "Except for this Mr. Brigadier General who is valued by the Chinese, don't you have others, at least who can make us feel less unacceptable?"

"Of course not. It's just..." How can I tell Marshall if you don't agree?I actually agree with this nomination.Roosevelt thought bitterly.

"It's just that you are still willing to choose Mr. Colonel who is valued by the Chinese, isn't it?" Churchill was also a little angry with Roosevelt. "But I want to say 'no' to you, Mr. President! I will not accept the Chinese proposal on any matter concerning European affairs. They are not qualified to propose anything on this. . . . Of course. If your country I really can't find a general who can be the commander-in-chief of the Allied forces. Then I can propose a candidate to you: our commander in the southeast of England, General Bernard Law Montgomery! He once commanded the Grand Army of Dunkirk Retreat, his excellence is unquestionable."

"...Forgive me for not agreeing to this point." Roosevelt suddenly felt that he might have been fooled, and he was fooled by the Chinese.Perhaps, the other party just wanted him to have conflicts with Churchill on the selection of the commander of the Allied Forces.Otherwise, the European theater has nothing to do with China.Who are they anxious to recommend?It's a pity that I told Churchill about this as soon as I came up. I planned to take the opportunity to recommend Eisenhower to Churchill... You see, even the Chinese think our new brigadier general is good enough.Unexpectedly, Churchill didn't intend to give him a chance at all, but recommended Montgomery instead.Of course he knew the British general.But the United States sent troops across the Atlantic to help the British, and they also risked being attacked by German submarines to transport a large amount of supplies to support the British resistance in Europe. Without their support, the British might It won't take long to lose the battle.That being the case, why should it be under the command of the British?Are they mean?

"Mr Prime Minister, we would like the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Europe to be an American."

Roosevelt was not polite, and said directly to Churchill in this way.This also means that he does not intend to discuss this matter with Churchill at all.And Churchill understood what he meant:

"I can agree. But I'm still opposed to having a colonel as the Allied Commander in Chief . . . It's just a big joke."

"Okay, I can ask the cabinet to find more suitable candidates." Roosevelt was a little discouraged.It was a miscalculation. Although the British desperately need the support of the United States, they are still unwilling to give up fighting for more benefits.This Churchill is unwilling to give up Hong Kong in Asia, unwilling to let the Chinese help defend the Japanese army in Malaya and Burma, and wants to earn more in Europe... It seems that the Chinese can clearly see their true colors.Until the last moment, they will never put down the airs of the British Empire.

"However, I hope that Mr. Prime Minister, if you have time, you can meet with General Eisenhower... He is really a very good general, and our two Army Chiefs of Staff have attached great importance to his ability. All he lacked was an opportunity to perform."

"It's better not to meet again. I believe that among the generals of Britain and the United States, the most suitable candidate will be selected." Churchill resolutely.But he didn't know how much damage his refusal had brought to the Allied Forces and how long the Second World War would last; He became angry more frequently in the following days; he still didn't know that his rejection this time would also allow him to avoid the only tearful experience in decades...according to the original historical arrangement, in June 1944.When the Allied forces of the United States and Britain carried out the Normandy landing and were attacking in depth in France, he had been unable to lose the "soft underbelly" of the Mediterranean Sea, so he suggested to Eisenhower, then Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, that the Allies who landed in southern France The troops were transferred to the Mediterranean.Eisenhower disagreed, and he threatened the other party, saying, "If this cannot be done, I will resign my prime ministership to the king." But in the end, Eisenhower insisted on the original combat plan, not only resolutely resisting his idea of ​​​​drawing troops from the European continent, And in turn persuade him.made him abandon his previous decision.In that confrontation, Churchill, who had always refused to admit defeat, was actually made to cry by Eisenhower...Of course, Churchill found a place to cry in private, but unfortunately, because of carelessness, Eisenhower's secretary found out again.Then it was told to Eisenhower, and the result was a strong sense of personal pride in the Allied commander-in-chief.Write this down in your memoir.


"Eisenhower not only has military knowledge and organizational skills. He is also good at accepting other people's points of view, good at mediating different opinions, making people feel comfortable and trusting him sincerely. And these qualities and strengths are exactly what we are stationed in The qualities required of a European military commander... and I don't know of anyone else who can do it better than him."

Marshall was quickly briefed by Roosevelt, and it turned out.The Army Chief of Staff, who has always been moody and angry, expressed extreme dissatisfaction with this:

"I can't accept that Eisenhower is completely rejected just because there is a recommendation from the Chinese. I think this is what the British prime minister did on purpose. He prefers a British general to be the commander of the Allied Forces."

"The British have lost too much, and he has this idea. It is very natural to hope that the British will lead the Allies to victory in the end." Roosevelt sighed into the phone, "What I am worried about now is the Chinese. They have no intention of cooperating with the British at all, and they are not even going to give up a step. This is extremely detrimental to the war situation of the Allies in Southeast Asia."

"This is not the most troublesome thing." Marshall suddenly sighed: "MacArthur sent a telegram to the War Department again, and he insisted that we should adjust the current strategy and change the 'Europe before Asia' to 'Asia before Europe' , and asked us for more troops, equipment and supplies."

"That guy...he really wants to get back the lost face from the Japanese." Roosevelt suddenly became angry, "The Japanese seem to be strong, but that's because their enemies are weak. Couldn't he still Do you understand?"

"So I think we should find him something to do," Marshall said.

"What is it?" Roosevelt asked.

"The latest news is that the German army has arrived at Stalingrad and surrounded it..."

"Impossible," Roosevelt was shocked: "There are at least two to three months before the end of the Soviet winter, how can the Germans..."

"It's true. No one thought of it, but the Germans did. And the Soviets are not doing well," Marshall said.

"Not good?" Roosevelt's heart tightened.

"It's very bad." Marshall sighed. "So, we must launch an attack as soon as possible, and at least attract some of their troops."

"But you told me before that our army is not ready yet, and we can't send troops to Europe on a large scale yet." Roosevelt said.

"So we have chosen another target: Libya!" Marshall said in a deep voice, "That is the most important oil base for the Germans. Once there is a threat there, the Germans will definitely be very nervous, and if we can defeat the enemy who stay there The Italian army, then, Hitler can only divide a part of the force to go south."

"You mean to say..."

"MacArthur! Now only he and his 3 troops can reach Egypt in the shortest possible time to support the British army there." (To be continued...)

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