mixed in the war

Chapter 556 Confrontation Exercise

"Who did those soldiers provoke whom?"

Putting down the newspaper, Qin Wei couldn't help shaking his head.

After being a flying man for several times, he returned to Haikou again.As soon as he got off the plane, he saw the newly published newspaper... In fact, he already knew all the news on it.Stalingrad is surrounded by the German army, is it possible to fall at any time!Nothing special.But the photos of "snow bumps" all over the sky and fields published in the newspaper still made him speechless.

The fact that the Germans can use the Eskimo igloo to such an extent is enough to make the entire Arctic circle boil.However, MacArthur was actually transferred to Egypt by Marshall, which made him unexpected.In contrast, Churchill actually sent Montgomery to North Africa, which made him feel even more overwhelmed... Everyone knows what kind of person MacArthur is.And Montgomery's arrogance is no less than that of MacArthur, and even more so.In the eyes of this famous British general who defeated the "Desert Fox" Rommel, even Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar could only be regarded as heroes of brute force, relying on crowd tactics and the madness of officers and soldiers to win.Although this is because Alexander and Caesar were born in such a historical circle and had no chance to meet a real opponent, so they were lucky.But he still believes that the achievements of the two men are like an old Chinese saying: There are no heroes in the time, so Zhu Zi became famous.And Stalin, who led the Soviets to victory in the Great Patriotic War and led the Soviet Union on the road to a superpower, also had no talent or even any skills in Montgomery's eyes. Absolutely loyal Soviet officers and soldiers, huge tank groups, artillery shells, and tens of thousands of aircraft won the victory, which is similar to the success of Alexander and Caesar.

Qin Wei only knows two people who can convince Montgomery: **, Eisenhower!

He has visited China and conducted extensive investigations in China.Also met **, he thought ** was a "great strategist".As for Eisenhower... From the moment the brigadier general who was promoted by the front line became the commander-in-chief of the European Allied Forces, Montgomery always wanted to replace him, but in the end he was convinced by the other party and expressed this feeling in his memoirs.

However, Eisenhower's ability to convince Montgomery does not mean that MacArthur can do it, especially MacArthur was sent to Egypt after the defeat... Qin Wei has already planned to mourn for the British and American soldiers commanded by these two guys.How unlucky is it to meet such two guys together?


"This damn old Maizi is finally leaving... His uncle, a defeated general, really thinks he is an uncle. He actually wants to order us?"

Li Tianxia, ​​former commander of the 74st Division of the 51th Army.Although not as famous as Yu Jishi, Wang Yaowu, and Zhang Lingfu, they can still be regarded as the 74th Army.He was also one of the representatives of the later reorganization of the 74th Division.Because Qin Wei transferred Zhang Lingfu's 58th Division to Hainan, and this unit is very likely to carry out many tragic beach battles in the future, so in order to increase its strength, he specially transferred the commander of the 51st Division who can fight. .For the time being, Zhang Lingfu became the deputy division commander.

Originally, the division commander was "downgraded" to deputy division commander.Li Tianxia was already aggrieved.In other words, Zhang Lingfu is better at playing than him.So I was a little bit more convinced.But after MacArthur was rescued, he always wanted to lead his troops back to the Philippines.Because the United States couldn't help him for a while, this guy actually wanted China to send troops in a whimsical way, and even found Hainan from Guangxi for this, and found Qin Weiqian.Qin Wei didn't want to deal with this guy, so he was taken around Hainan Island to relax.Relax and relax, but for some reason, MacArthur actually transferred to Ya County, which is Sanya.Zhang Lingfu's 58th Division, which was training there, was also spotted.As a result, Lao Mai became excited all of a sudden. China actually has troops specialized in beach-grabbing operations. Isn't this clearly prepared for him?He drove back to Haikou again and asked Qin Wei for command of the 58th Division.

Qin Wei didn't know what kind of psychology MacArthur dared to do. Anyway, after the other party made this request, he quickly sent him back to Guangxi. Not only that, but also contacted Zhang Fakui, asking him to use various In name, the U.S. troops who were originally stationed in Guangxi and North Vietnam were dispersed again and dispersed in various places.Don't give MacArthur any more face.As a result, MacArthur never looked for him again, but only focused on sending telegrams to the United States.

Originally, this was the end of the matter.But the people in the 58th Division did not know where they got the news.As a result, Zhang Lingfu, Li Tianxia, ​​and the cooks in the cooking class were all very angry.Are Americans great?If we hadn't saved you, you would have been prisoners of the Japanese by now.How dare you shamelessly demand the command of our 58th Division?You, a defeated general, have the nerve to say this?How can a person's skin be so thick?If it weren't for Qin Wei's pressure, this group of people might dare to settle accounts with MacArthur.And now that MacArthur is leaving, this group of people is still not relieved.

"Don't worry, after he arrives in Egypt, life will definitely not be easy. After all, it is the territory of the British, and the person he is facing has a much more tempered temper than you..." Qin Wei sighed, comforting the 58th Division. The proud soldier prayed again for the British and American soldiers who were about to join forces in Egypt.

"I don't know what these foreign devils are thinking. Do you think this is the Qing Dynasty? His uncle!" Li Tianxia still insisted: "Sir, I think we should teach them a lesson."

"Teach me a lesson?" Qin Wei squinted at the fellow, "How do you want to teach me a lesson? You will come forward and fight MacArthur?"

"Sir, our 58th Division hopes to conduct a confrontational military exercise with the U.S. military." Zhang Lingfu said suddenly, without opening his mouth.

"...Practice?" Qin Wei was taken aback.

"Yes." Zhang Lingfu nodded, "We want to see what these Americans can rely on. By the way, we also want to see how far we are from the armies of these so-called powerful countries."

"Hehe," Qin Wei laughed twice, "I said Zhong Lin, bullying a group of defeated soldiers is not like your style."

"It's not 'bullying'!" Zhang Lingfu sullenly said, "I just want to try! Let's see how we are different from them."

"Comparing with them now is just bullying." Qin Wei sighed, "You don't understand how to help the Yankees fight. They use money piles, do you understand? Now MacArthur's gang of soldiers have nothing but guns in their hands. Hardly any heavy equipment..."

"They can be temporarily seconded by the war zone." Li Tianxia added.

"Are you paying?" Qin Wei glared back, "Besides, do you know how much we lack? Temporarily seconded? The heavy artillery in the entire theater is not enough for a regular division. Seconded. Is it a joke?"

"But we just want to fight them." Zhang Lingfu and the two were slightly surprised.If the equipment of the US military is so "rich", then they are indeed suspected of bullying people now.But having said that, if you don't take this time to teach those guys a lesson, when will you have to wait?When those guys are fully equipped, people will have already arrived in Africa.

"I said why are you two so annoying?" Qin Wei was a little annoyed, "It's not a life-and-death battle, your combat effectiveness is at least [-]% to [-]%, and the Yankees are getting a lot of money. Besides, you use Do you have to try your hands with those people? When we actually send out troops, if you clean up the Japanese, won’t it be equal to defeating them? Why fight for a while?”

"Sir, we are not afraid of the Japanese, but we haven't fought against the Americans...the opportunity is rare." Zhang Lingfu said.

"The opportunity is so rare that you hold it back." Qin Wei stared, then pointed to the door: "Get out now and go back to the army. If you dare to say one more word, I will keep you until the victory of the War of Resistance. Believe it or not ?”


Zhang Lingfu still wanted to plead for mercy. Ever since he was suggested this way, he really wanted to fight the Americans... But seeing Qin Wei's eyes widened again, he had no choice but to give up.He didn't believe that Qin Wei would push his troops to victory in the War of Resistance, but he believed that if he said more, Qin Wei would definitely make trouble for him.He has known the guy in front of him for a long time. Back then, when he was watching a drama at Central University, he was slapped on the back by himself, and he remembered it for a long time. , Called back again... This is a cheapskate.


"Practice with the Americans? Let alone whether they have time, even if they have..."

Qin Wei actually appreciated the request of Zhang Lingfu and others.As a soldier, you should have this kind of momentum that refuses to accept anyone.But whether he appreciated it or not, he still couldn't agree.If Zhang Lingfu and others lose, this will naturally be shameless; but if they win, it will also make the government feel contemptuous of the US military. At this time, the state of MacArthur's troops obviously cannot truly represent the combat effectiveness of the US military.As he said, Americans use money to fight wars.But MacArthur's group of defeated soldiers now only have their own firearms, not even a few cannons.What is there to be proud of winning such an army?

But after thinking about it, Qin Wei suddenly had another idea.So, he quickly called Yu Lingling over:

"Immediately send a report to the theater command, saying that I intend to ask my department to conduct a confrontational exercise with the US military before it leaves... I hope the theater command will approve it and pass this request on to General MacArthur." (To be continued..)

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