mixed in the war

Chapter 557 The defeated general, dare to speak bravely

Qin Wei's move was extremely insidious.

In the original history, Montgomery directly commanded or participated in the command of three major battles during World War II, and won all three battles, which is why his military career was brilliant.

In the first battle, the Battle of Alamein, the opponent was "Desert Fox" Rommel!In this battle, Montgomery cleverly deceived his cunning opponent, making Rommel think that the British army would not launch an attack, and went back to Germany for vacation.As a result, as soon as Rommel left, Montgomery attacked the German army.More than ten days later, he won the victory, and Rommel could not save the defeat when he returned, so he could only lead his troops to retreat westward.The Battle of Alamein, the Battle of Stalingrad in the same period, and the Battle of Guadalcanal later became landmark battles when the Allies entered the stage of strategic counteroffensive.According to Churchill: "Before the Battle of Alamein, we had never won a battle; but after the Battle of Alamein, we were invincible." After the news of this battle reached London, the whole country of Britain rejoiced.Churchill even ordered the ringing of church bells, which had not been rung since Germany attacked Britain, so that the whole of Britain would remember this great day.

In World War II, Sicily landed, forcing the downfall of Mussolini and Italy's withdrawal from the war.

The third battle, Normandy landing.The Allied counterattack on the European continent begins.

Among the three battles, Montgomery's most talked about is the Battle of Alamein.It was the first large-scale tank battle in the history of the world.He defeated the famous Rommel in the German army.Compared with the German army and Rommel, the Italian army may be a bit inconspicuous.Therefore, Qin Wei believes that Montgomery can still defeat the opponent in front of him and successfully achieve the strategic goal of the Allies: to seize the Libyan oil fields.

Obviously, the US government hopes that MacArthur will lead and command this battle.Although MacArthur only had 23 U.S. troops in his hands, the number of British troops in Egypt had reached [-] at this time.But the British need the support of the United States.Therefore, once MacArthur is able to arrive in Egypt before the campaign starts, he is likely to gain the final command.

It is undeniable that MacArthur is an excellent military strategist. If he were to command the British and American troops in Egypt, there is a great possibility of victory.But Qin Wei still hoped that this battle would be won by Montgomery.

Therefore, he had to delay MacArthur's time and let MacArthur arrive in Egypt before Montgomery officially launched the offensive.In this case, regardless of whether the Allied forces win or lose, the armies of the United Kingdom and the United States will have great conflicts.

lost.With MacArthur's temper, he would definitely lose his temper.He had already lost once in the Philippines, but he was about to lose again in Egypt, and it was a failure "imposed" on him by the British. It's no wonder he wasn't furious.And Montgomery is not a fuel-efficient lamp.Although he is an extremely remarkable military commander, he is also a master at shirking responsibility.Just like the "Market-Garden Project" that he strongly promoted in history.It was a completely wrong campaign at the wrong place, at the wrong time, at the wrong time.The outcome of the battle was also a failure.But he claimed to have achieved 90% of the goals in the plan.In the end, all the faults were pushed to Eisenhower's head.Let Eisenhower be forced to take full responsibility.Although Montgomery was already the most important military general in Britain at that time.Churchill only used diplomatic means to protect him, but this does not mean that he will stand still now.Therefore, if he is defeated in Egypt, MacArthur will definitely not be able to escape.

And what if you win?Montgomery's eyes had already grown to the top of his head. If he won such a big battle again, wouldn't his chin reach the sky?MacArthur still wants to command him?And MacArthur is by no means a person who swallows his anger.If Montgomery dared to show him face, he would definitely dare to slap him.When the two men get into trouble, it's no wonder that the North African Allied Forces don't mess up.And this will inevitably further deepen the contradiction between the two.In turn, the Allied military operations were frustrated.

Qin Wei hoped that the Germans could persist in the European continent for a longer period of time and consume more power from Britain and the United States, making them unable to expand after the war.That's why he decided to delay MacArthur's departure and create more and greater opportunities for conflict between these two guys who are both above the top.

Considering MacArthur's temperament, Qin Wei decided to adopt the method of Zhang Lingfu and others: confrontational exercises.


"General, you are leaving soon. It stands to reason that we shouldn't make such unrealistic and impolite requests. But you also know what virtues soldiers have... I told them that the current U.S. The ** team is far behind in terms of equipment and morale. Even if they win, there is nothing to be happy about. Besides, you may not win. But it is my last sentence that annoys them. You see Look..." Zhang Fakui didn't know what Qin Wei's plan was, and he didn't dare to act recklessly, so Qin Wei had to fly from Haikou to Guilin himself, and saw MacArthur who was recuperating by the Li River, and brought along He got a lot of "challenge letters": "All of them are unconvinced. You must try it with your army..."

"General Qin, your enemy seems to be Japanese. What's the point of fighting us?"

MacArthur was not so gullible.Moreover, his treatment in China was not very good...he thought that he would be received by Lao Jiang after he came to China.As a result, Lao Jiang ignored him at all, and even these people from the Fourth War Zone didn't take him seriously.It's simply a look that doesn't take him seriously.But now, Qin Wei actually came to the door again, and said that he wanted to hold a drill... What are they?sparring?

"That's what I said too, but our soldiers don't think so." Qin Wei put on a wry smile, "Maybe it was because I was too harsh when I criticized them before, which made them feel rebellious."

"If this is the case, then there is no need to conduct any drills." MacArthur said lightly, and opened the "Letter of War" handed over by Qin Wei, and took out the letter paper inside and spread it out.It seemed that he was more interested in these letters of invitation than Qin Wei, even though he couldn't understand Chinese characters at all.

"...The old boy is not fooled?"

Before coming, Qin Wei thought carefully about how to start the conversation.He deliberately mentioned that the soldiers had a rebellious mentality. He thought that MacArthur would follow along and ask what kind of rebellious psychology he was, so that he could expand the topic along the way. MacArthur's competitive psychology.But I didn't expect that this old guy was also very shrewd, and he didn't take his fault, and directly characterized this so-called rebellious psychology as an irrelevant thing, as if he had already discovered that he had bad intentions here.

However, since he decided to "provoke generals", Qin Wei certainly wouldn't just let it go.

"It was really unnecessary. But I heard that you, General, don't think of Egypt, but want to stay in the Western Pacific to direct the battle against the Japanese... Seriously, our squadron has been fighting the Japanese for so long , I still have some experience, if your army is willing to conduct confrontation exercises with us, you should still be able to gain something." After thinking about it, Qin Wei said again.

"The only difference between us and the Japanese lies in the number of troops and the gap in logistics. There is nothing else to pay attention to." MacArthur said directly.

"That's not necessarily the case." But it seems that this old guy doesn't intend to give me a chance at all.Qin Wei found that he was also a little rebellious.If it is said that he didn't have to promote this exercise before, then he must try harder now... Since Qin joined the army, he has repeatedly set up tricks and succeeded every time. I don't know how many people have been tricked. Now How could he let this guy surnamed Mai go out alone?

"Not necessarily? Hehe, it seems that you are very confident, General. But I'm not interested in these..." No matter what your purpose is, as long as I don't do what you think, I won't be fooled.MacArthur is also a treacherous and slippery person.As soon as Qin Wei came, he knew that there was something wrong with this guy, otherwise why would he rush over in person with the cold reception he always received from the other party, and still come up with a smirk?And he didn't think it was interesting to engage in confrontation exercises with the squadron.If it weren't for the lack of troops, insufficient logistics, and the Filipinos holding back, would he have lost to the Japanese?He will not give the Japanese a second chance like this.And that being the case, why should he learn from the Chinese?The Chinese are so poor that their style of play is simply not suitable for Americans, and it is useless to learn it or not.

"I'm currently studying the terrain, climate, and environment of Egypt. It's a pity that you have too little information here...General Qin, can you help me find some?"

Since he was unwilling to confront anything, MacArthur did not intend to give Qin Wei any chance to speak.My buddy is about to be sent to Egypt, and my group of people will also go with me. The situation there is what we need to pay attention to. You... what are you?

"of course can."

Qin Wei smacked his lips.MacArthur's attitude is already very clear.And since such a smart person has already made up his mind, he really didn't know how to speak...how should he say it?While hesitating, MacArthur suddenly handed a piece of letter paper in front of him:

"General Qin, this is your call for war? There are only eight characters in total. What can it mean?"

"This..." Qin Wei glanced at the content on the letter paper, and Qin Wei's eyes lit up: "General, our Chinese is different from your English. Very few characters can represent extremely rich meanings. Just like these eight characters, they The content is actually very rich. But I think it’s better for you not to listen.”

"Really?" MacArthur smiled disdainfully, "Are you slandering us for being cowardly?"

"No." Qin Wei smiled, "Its content is very simple: How can a defeated general dare to speak bravely?"

"..." (to be continued...)

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