mixed in the war

Chapter 567 Raid on Guangzhou


Wearing a gray robe, Zheng Heying casually turned into an inconspicuous alley.At the entrance of the alley, there was a peddler selling tea eggs, but he ignored it, knocked on the gate of a nearby yard, and walked in.During the whole process, he seemed like a ghost, not attracting anyone's attention at all.


Feng Degong, Zheng Xingcha and others had already been waiting in the house, and when they saw Zheng Heying coming in, they hurriedly got up to greet them.

"Is everyone here?" Zheng Heying, the stationmaster of the Military Command Guangdong Station, is also a well-known spy in the Military Command.But compared to his peers, his name is really not very famous.The only thing that can be remembered by later generations is that he once supported a man named Ge Zhaohuang to set up a "Hongmen Loyalty Association" in Hong Kong, which was later known as 14k.

"Station Master, you suddenly called everyone together, what happened?"

Feng Degong is the deputy head of the Guangdong station.Compared with other stations of the military command, such as Shanghai Station, their work is not very brilliant.But they are also happy and safe... Those sites in Shanghai Station are brilliant, but they have been fighting all day long, and the stationmaster has changed several times. How can they be so relaxed and happy?

"Have you heard that the Fourth War Zone is conducting exercises with the Americans?" Zheng Heying put his hat on the shelf beside him, pulled out a chair for himself, and asked.

"I heard about it, but didn't Chongqing never admit it?" Zheng Xingcha said.

"The Japanese have made this matter known to the whole world, so what if Chongqing doesn't admit it?" Feng Degong curled his lips: "And this matter is really depressing. I really don’t know what the higher-ups are thinking. When it’s so late, if you don’t seize the opportunity to counterattack, you still want to play this idle with the Yankees... I don’t know what they are planning.”

"We are definitely not qualified to know what the picture is about." Zheng Heying said, "But the change of the Japanese No. 30 Eighth Division. There has been an order from above, and we must thoroughly investigate."

"Is there anything else to check?" Zheng Xingcha said indifferently: "The No. 30 Eighth Division is a swamp combat division specially organized by the Japanese for the Guangdong operation. When they go south, I think it is most likely that The Japanese base camp dispatched them to support the southern army of Terauchi Shouichi."

"That's right." Feng Degong also said, "Nanyang is either a jungle or a swamp. It's not easy to start a battle without the support of troops who are specialized in fighting in this kind of terrain."

"As long as you understand!" Zheng Heying gave him a blank look, "Activate the inside line and get me accurate information. The time given by the higher authorities is not much. Only three days."

"Three days?" Feng Degong called out, "Are you kidding me? Since Takashi Sakai took office, the Japanese have stepped up their precautions. Our people don't dare to take the lead now, and we want to find out a division in three days." plan of action, they think we are gods?"

"Three days. It's so tight, if one is not careful. Isn't it killing people?" Zheng Xingcha also expressed dissatisfaction.

"Then what can we do?" Zheng Heying sighed. "Boss Dai was ordered by the chairman to be confined in confinement, and he was bored at home every day studying the navy. Now our military commander is Kang Zhaomin (Kang Ze)!"

"I don't understand. Juntong is in the hands of Boss Dai. Why did such a man surnamed Kang suddenly appear?" Feng Degong asked.

"Who knows? When will it be our little shrimps' turn to intervene in the struggle above?" Zheng Heying sighed. "However, we must act as soon as possible this time. Boss Dai is hiding, and the surname Kang is taking advantage of this opportunity to cut off dissidents. We must not be caught by him. Otherwise, it is good to be recalled to Chongqing. I am afraid I’m afraid that we will be directly assigned to those places where the fighting is fierce in Shanghai Station, and maybe they will be directly assigned to the three eastern provinces... At that time, it will really be called the sky and the earth will not work.”

"Damn it," Feng Degong slapped his thigh hard, "Our military commander will not violate Kang Ze's well water, this time he took advantage of the fire to rob... Are you afraid that Boss Dai will come out one day and settle accounts with him?"

"That's right, Boss Dai was just punished by the chairman to study the navy, but he was not withdrawn. Maybe he will be reused in the future. He, Mr. Kang, is not afraid to settle accounts after the autumn. He is not the director of the military command." Zheng Xingcha also shouted .

"What do you know?" Zheng Heying frowned and glared at the two of them, "In the future, it's better not to say anything, it's better not to say it at all.... I heard the news that Ma Hansan from Beiping and Mao Sen from the southeast district, Now they are getting closer to the one named Kang. These two are Boss Dai's former celebrities. Plus Mao Renfeng who has been following Kang Ze's ass... Hehe, this Kang is amazing. All of a sudden Just embraced the generals whom Boss Dai relied on the most."

"Really? Boss Dai's people follow his surname Kang so easily?" Feng Degong asked curiously.

"Anyway, that's all I heard." Zheng Heying said, "And now, most of the major military command stations have received missions. There are difficulties and difficulties, and ours is not bad. Do you know what mission Nanjing Station received? ?”

"This should be a secret?" Zheng Xingcha frowned.

"Of course it's a secret, but I can't stand it at the Nanjing Railway Station..." Zheng Heying smiled wryly, "Wang Zhaoming is already sick and only half-life left, and it's useless to go to Japan to see it. Now he is actually in Nanjing. Waiting to die. But our newly appointed Director Kang is so powerful that he insists on taking Wang Zhaoming's head back at Nanjing Station."

"Are you kidding me?" Feng Degong yelled again, "I couldn't do this when Boss Dai was here, but he can do it as soon as his surname Kang comes? Not to mention Wang Jingwei, it's Chen Gongbo and Zhou Fohai. The officer personally commanded Shen Zui, Xu Yuanju and the others to strike, but they also failed to kill them. In the end, they had to persuade them to surrender? In fact, not to mention these two, it was to deal with Li Shiqun's mad dog. It hurts myself...Wang Jingwei's security will only be tighter than these people, how can he take his head off?"

"Not only that, in addition to assassinating Wang Jingwei, but also persuading him to surrender!" Zheng Heying smiled wryly, "I want those people in Nanjing Station to get in touch with Wang Jingwei's subordinates more, and try to persuade more influential officials to come back... Zhong Gongxun from Nanjing Station and I’m also an old acquaintance, and I heard that I’m almost dying of worry now. If our Director Kang hadn’t sent a lot of people to watch over him, I dare say, he’s [-]% sure, hehe…”

"...Then what shall we do?" Zheng Xingcha asked again.

"Do your best." Zheng Heying said helplessly, "Anyway, this is what we should do. As for whether we can finish it within the specified time...it's up to fate."

"No wonder those people outside always say that we can't do it." Feng Degong sighed deeply, "Look, we have won several battles successively, and it can be considered that the Japanese have been beaten to the bone? Now the Japanese have started to march again. Nanyang... But what about us? We didn't know to take advantage of this moment to launch a counterattack, but you fought each other, fighting against the Americans, and fighting against our own people... What a great situation. It just took a turn for the worse."


Zheng Heying and Zheng Xingcha hadn't had time to express anything, as if to respond to Feng Degong's dissatisfaction and lament, there were bursts of "buzzing" roars in the sky.

"Here we go again..." Zheng Xingcha walked into the yard, looked up at the sky, "It's the Air Force! M's. This group of people have been here three or four times this month, and they only know how to throw pieces of paper... ...You should throw two bombs down and try! Just a few piles of torn paper can drive the Japanese away?"

"Forget it." Zheng Heying also walked to him.As soon as he walked away, he looked up at the approaching fleet, "The Air Force is pretty good. At least the Japanese, who have been suppressed until now, dare not show their heads... But without the cooperation of the Army, what's the use of throwing more bombs? Go back, Let's discuss how to deal with this matter..."


"Yo Xi, it's these Chinese planes again."

Takashi Sakai also saw the approaching fleet in his headquarters, but he didn't panic.Looking through the office window.After seeing the guards at the headquarters quickly put on alert, he walked back to his seat.As Zheng Heying and others said, those guys are regular visitors to Guangzhou City, and they have come here for the fourth time this month alone.every time.They neither dropped bombs nor took the initiative to provoke. Although they shot down a few of their fighter jets during the first two visits, they left soon after winning the victory and did not take any further actions, as if they were just here for a special trip , not wanting people to forget their existence,

Takashi Sakai really wanted to shoot down all these planes, but he also knew that the air force under his command was far from being the enemy's opponent.To provoke at this time, it is better to save the strength honestly and save it for the future.But although he repeatedly advised himself to endure, every time he saw an enemy plane approaching, he had the urge to order the troops to fire...

"We have investigated and found out that this is just a mix of old and new for graduates of Chinese pilot schools...According to their own words, it is to fly to the enemy-occupied area and feel the atmosphere of war." Governor Tada saw Sakai Long walked back from the window angrily, and hurriedly explained.

"The real atmosphere of war should be felt on the battlefield. Their training method can only make people sneer at it." Takashi Sakai snorted coldly.

"It is true. But what can we do?" Tada Duzhi said helplessly, "The empire's new fighter jets have not yet started production. As far as the air force is concerned, we are not their opponents at all."

"Has Tadyoshi Sano arrived in Hong Kong?" Takashi Sakai asked in a deep voice.

"It has arrived at the predetermined location and can launch an attack on Hong Kong at any time." Duzhi Tada replied.

"Then what is he waiting for?" Takashi Sakai howled, "While the Chinese and Americans are conducting military exercises, take Hong Kong for me!"


As soon as Takashi Sakai finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly entered the headquarters, and following the loud noise, the earth trembled slightly.

"what happened--?"

Takashi Sakai and Inspector Tada were horrified, and rushed to the window, only to see a puff of smoke rising into the sky not far from the headquarters, and umbrella flowers were gradually falling in the sky...


Inspector Tada looked at Takashi Sakai in horror, but found that the eyes of the commander who was always clamoring to attack were full of fear at this moment. (to be continued..)

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