mixed in the war

Chapter 568 Dive Bomber

Takashi Sakai was an absolute militarist, and compared with other Japanese generals, his nature was more brutal and reckless.It can be said to be a typical example of unscrupulous means to achieve ends.Although Japan has now shifted its strategic focus to Southeast Asia, and has issued several orders in succession, all ministries are not allowed to provoke without authorization, and even Hu Zongnan fought under the city of Taiyuan and almost regained Shanxi, they endured it.But Takashi Sakai didn't take it seriously, always looking for a chance to fight.Just like now, he is trying to seize the opportunity of the fourth war zone to take the opportunity of confrontation exercises with the US military to take Hong Kong.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Chinese troops conducting confrontation exercises with the U.S. military are only a division of Du Yuming's division in North Vietnam, and it is also far away from Guangdong, so it should not affect the entire battle situation.Sakai Takashi doesn't think so.As a China hand, he thinks he understands the character of Chinese people very well.If they had to, the Chinese would never let their own family lose face. Similarly, the U.S. military had already lost one battle, so how could they be willing to lose another one?Even military exercises are impossible.Therefore, on the surface, there are only two divisions in total in the exercise, but the efforts of China and the United States are definitely far beyond.And he also believes that this exercise will attract the attention of many top figures in the Chinese military, including the Fourth Theater.In this way, as the most frontal enemy in the fourth war zone, the Japanese No. 20 Army led by him will inevitably receive attention from the Chinese side.

Ordinary people will definitely not move around in this situation.Takashi Sakai is different.He has been waiting for the opportunity to take the initiative, and now, he thinks he has waited.

He believes that the Chinese people will only pay attention to whether there is any change in the Japanese army in contact with the various units in the fourth theater, and will not care about Hong Kong.After all, Hong Kong has both British defenders and reinforcements from China... For such a small place, this kind of defense is enough.The Chinese don't care about the situation there.But that's exactly what he needs.Hong Kong has both the British Army and the Chinese Army, which actually weakens the defense.Because of the deep contradictions between China and Britain, the Chinese army, under the guise of helping to defend Hong Kong, has clearly revealed its desire to regain Hong Kong.When entering Hong Kong, they brazenly ordered warships to fire... In this case, it is impossible for the Chinese and British armies to work together to defend Hong Kong.

Therefore, he first deliberately withdrew part of his troops from the vicinity of Hong Kong and sent them to areas in contact with the fourth war zone. While attracting the attention of the Chinese army, he also paralyzed the Chinese and British defenders in Hong Kong.It made it think that the Japanese army would not attack Hong Kong in a short time.But at the same time, he secretly gathered the No. 30 Eighth Division, which was undergoing combat training in the swamp, and took advantage of Hong Kong's negligence, intending to conquer Hong Kong with lightning speed.

The head of the No.30 Eighth Division, Tadyoshi Sano, is an old subordinate of Takashi Sakai.He is well aware of his abilities as a person.In his opinion, Tadyoshi Sano should be able to conquer Hong Kong in less than a month.certainly.This time may be a bit long.The military exercises between China and the United States have started for several days, and I believe it will not be long before the end, and this does not involve other troops. If he finds out about his changes, China should be able to respond soon.But he doesn't need to care about these at all.His defensive power in all directions has not weakened, on the contrary it has increased.It can completely resist the "counterattack" from the squadron, and as long as Sano Zhongyi can take Hong Kong within a month, he can quickly support the front line, and by then.Seeing that there is no profit to be made, the Chinese will surely die down.In order to guard against the Chinese navy that may appear in Hong Kong, he also specially prepared several mine-laying boats, planning to lay mines on Victoria Harbor, the only way for the Chinese navy to come to aid...

Sakai Takashi thinks that he has considered everything, and Hong Kong will definitely win it smoothly.But he never imagined that Tadyoshi Sano had just arrived in Hong Kong, and before the attack started, the Chinese paratroopers would suddenly attack Guangzhou.


"Recover Guangdong, they want to recover Guangdong!"

Few people know exactly how many Chinese airborne troops have.But everyone knows that this army is the existence that the Chinese government regards as a killer.As long as the paratroopers appear, it often means a one-hit kill.The same is true of Neiji Okamura, the same of Tada Hayao... This is not counting the middle class leaders who also fell into the hands of the paratroopers, Ma Bufang from Qinghai and Long Yun from Yunnan!But now, most of Takashi Sakai's troops are dispatched to the front where they are in contact with the surrounding squadrons. There are not many troops left in Guangzhou. At this time, the Chinese paratroopers suddenly arrive and land directly in Guangzhou. This is not to catch him Sakai Takashi, seize Guangzhou, and then recover Guangdong, what else is it for?



"Immediately order the defenders to reinforce the headquarters, immediately—"

The air force's bombing is still going on, while the bombing is clearing the field, while "dropping people" down.Looking at the landing point, which was only three or four streets away from the headquarters at most, Takashi Sakai felt his calves tremble.He was sure that the other party didn't intend to drop the bomb there at all. Although it was a residential area of ​​Japanese expatriates, he was sure that the target of the Chinese was actually his headquarters.It's just that there was a deviation during the bombing.But he was lucky enough to escape the bombing, so how could he escape the paratroopers who were constantly descending from the sky?As long as they fall to the ground, those elite soldiers will be able to kill him in a few minutes.And looking at the number, there are at least 2000 people!This is almost the strength of a brigade.

"The anti-aircraft guns opened fire immediately. Block the entire sky of Guangzhou for me."

"Fighters take off immediately to fight, we must destroy the Chinese airborne operation! Hurry up—"

Governor Tada didn't answer. After receiving Takashi Sakai's order, he hurriedly dialed the phone and notified them one by one.Before he could make a call, the voice of "Da Da Da" came from outside the headquarters, and the blaze was clearly visible through the window.

"Yose, who commanded the anti-aircraft guns? I want to give him a commendation."

Seeing one parachute after another in the sky being pierced by anti-aircraft guns, and the people under the parachute almost fell straight down, Takashi Sakai felt much more at ease.Originally, I planned to go out to avoid it, but I didn't plan to work on those bowed legs at this time.

"Commander, the city defense force has already sent reinforcements to the landing site! It will arrive soon." Governor Tada said to him again.

"Speed ​​up," Takashi Sakai said in a deep voice, "tell them. I don't want to be kicked out of my headquarters by the Chinese. That would be an indelible shame for me."


Inspector Tada responded and dialed the phone again.

"Airplane, where is our plane? Hasn't the airport notified you yet? Why is the air force so slow?" Seeing that the anti-aircraft guns in the city began to form a large firepower network, effectively clearing the unsightly parachute in the sky, Takashi Sakai His heart became more and more calm, but seeing that there were still many complete parachutes falling near the headquarters, he squeezed out the word "Chuan" tightly from his brows.

"I'll ask them." Governor Tada had just notified a city defense force, and after hearing this, he quickly dialed the phone to the airport, "What, what...this is the headquarters of the 21st Army, why are you And... what——?"

"What's wrong?" Sakai Takashi was listening.Unexpectedly, Governor Tada's expression changed drastically, and his heart became tense: "What happened?"

"The airport is under attack by the squadron!" Inspector Tada's face turned pale.

"Impossible!" Takashi Sakai's eyes widened, "Look at the sky, where is the shadow of a Chinese plane in the direction of the airport?"

"It's not the airborne troops. It's the squadron that suddenly appeared on the periphery of the airport." Inspector Tada held the microphone tightly.While listening to Takashi Sakai's roar, he relayed the answer from the airport: "There are many enemies...at least there is a brigade of troops. The airport is unprepared. The runway...the runway has been occupied!"

"The runway is already occupied?" Takashi Sakai sat down on the chair.Two eyes started to wander around aimlessly, "How could this happen? The airport is occupied, and the Chinese can continuously transport troops to the city of Guangzhou by air! What should we do? What should we do?"

"The airport is asking for support." Putting down the microphone, Governor Tada's eyelids were also a little dull.Because they have long known the power of the Chinese Air Force and the power of the Chinese Airborne Forces, they have deployed a lot of preventive measures at Tianhe Airport in Guangzhou.Especially anti-aircraft guns.More than half of the anti-aircraft guns in Guangzhou City are concentrated there.But I didn't expect that the Chinese would suddenly come over from the periphery of the airport, and they killed the airport defenders by surprise.But where did these apparently elite Chinese troops come from?Is it impossible for everyone to be Tu Xingsun?

"Support? Where can I go to support them?" Takashi Sakai's eyes were already red.Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to seize Hong Kong and show off his reputation as General Sakai, but now... "Contact Tadyoshi Sano immediately. Let him come back immediately! Go back to Guangzhou immediately!"


Governor Tada didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly picked up the phone again and asked someone to notify Sano Zhongyi immediately.And not a while after he put down the phone, the phone rang again hastily.Governor Tada thought it was Sano Tadyoshi who had an answer, and hurriedly picked up the microphone, but before he could speak, the news from the other party made him feel stupid:

"The airborne are all dummies?"

"Which mud?" Sakai stood up again, "Dummy?"

"How could it be a dummy?" Inspector Tada put down the phone blankly.The Chinese attacked Tianhe Airport, and had initially occupied it, obviously wanting to capture Guangzhou, but why were they a group of dummies who parachuted into the city of Guangzhou?Don't they want to cooperate with each other?


Today's phone calls are extremely busy, and before Takashi Sakai and Tochi Tada figured out the intentions of the Chinese, the phone rang again.The two people who were thinking were startled at the same time, and they looked at each other before Tochi Tada picked up the microphone again.And soon, his slightly relaxed face after learning that the "invasion" of Guangzhou city was just a group of dummies began to turn pale again.

"What happened?" Sakai Takashi asked guiltily.

"The No.30 Eighth Division was attacked by Hong Kong and could not withdraw!" Inspector Tada was a little lost.

"Impossible! How dare the British..." Sakai Takashi didn't believe it.

"It's not British," Tada Tochi swallowed. "It's the U.S. Army! A whole division of the U.S. Army!"

"American? Could it be... MacArthur?" Takashi Sakai was dumbfounded. The US Army?If it was the U.S. Army, then only the imperial army's subordinates would be defeated.But why is it the U.S. Army?Doesn't that mean that China and the United States made a game at the same time in order to deceive him?But he thought he was smart, but in fact he foolishly moved almost all the troops around Guangzhou according to his wishes?

"It should be." Governor Tada's mood was not much better, "Only MacArthur can mobilize so many troops, and only when his troops are mobilized can we not attract our attention... He is here Vengeful!"

"Ba ga ya hu—"

Sakai Takashi suddenly roared loudly, and suddenly flipped the desk in front of him to the ground.

"I won't let them succeed, no, absolutely not!"



After dropping a large number of dummy paratroopers, the original bomber fleet has left, and the sky has become much quieter.But when Governor Tada was about to persuade Takashi Sakai, the roar of the plane sounded again outside, and this roar was a little different from the bomber fleet just now, much sharper.Hearing this voice, Tada Tochi also paid attention to Sakai Takashi, and hurried to the window, and then, his eyes were shattered:

"Dive bomber——" (to be continued...)

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