Chongqing, Hunan Guild Hall.

Mao Renfeng hurried into the secretariat and came to Kang Ze's office door.Kang Ze's secretary Zhang Bitian saw him and hurriedly got up.

"Secretary Zhang, please inform me that I have something to see the Secretary-General." Mao Renfeng said with a smile without putting on airs at all.

"The director said, Director Mao, you just need to come and go in." Zhang Bitian laughed.

"Let's make a report." Mao Renfeng still insisted.

"That's good..." Zhang Bitian also knew Mao Renfeng's temper.In his opinion, this is a person who never crosses the line.No matter how he is in his heart, at least on the surface he is respectful to everyone.So he was not polite to the other party, so he picked up the phone.


"Qi Wu, you came just in time. I have something to do for you."

Just looking at Kang Ze's appearance, he belongs to the "mellow" type, which is somewhat similar to Yang Jie who is currently developing wasteland in Yunnan.But compared to Yang Jie's disfavor, Kang Ze's luck is much better.Although he fought for power with Jiang Jingguo in Jiangxi two years ago, and ended in a disastrous defeat, and was left out by Lao Jiang for a while, but now he is shaking again.Although it is no longer the "popularity" of the old Chiang's successor, but now he is in charge of the military command, and he is still extremely majestic.

"Secretary-General, I also have something to report to you." Mao Renfeng was as respectful to Kang Ze as he was to Dai Li.According to him, Kang Ze was one of the founders of Fuxingshe, the predecessor of the military system, and even the name "Fuxingshe" was chosen by Kang Ze.Therefore, Kang Ze is an old senior of the military command, and he should be respectful as a backward person.

"Then you speak first."

Kang Ze usually has a serious expression, serious expression, and fierce eyes, and he can't take his eyes off people.He doesn't squint, and it takes tens of seconds to see it, as if he wants to see you through your bones, looking like a professional executioner.It seems that when seeing people, they are always thinking about where to start in order to be clean and tidy.This made many people a little afraid of him.But he is very warm to Mao Renfeng... Everyone thinks this is normal.As Dai Li's main confidant and member of the military command, he is now taking the initiative to approach Kang Ze. If Kang Ze doesn't know how to win over, then he is too mentally retarded. What qualifications does he have to seize the power of the military command?

"It's about the Guangdong station." Mao Renfeng said carefully, "I just got a reply from Zheng Heying and others. They claimed that they had not received any notice from the fourth theater beforehand. Even before the air force launched the attack. They are still working Discuss how to investigate the movements of the No.30 Eighth Division."

"Oh?" Kang Ze's round foreheads were crowded together, "So, the fourth war zone acted without authorization?"

"It shouldn't be." Mao Renfeng said, "The Fourth War Zone should have notified the chairman and the Ministry of National Defense, otherwise they would not be able to mobilize the airborne troops."

"I know that too. But they put aside the military command like this. What do they mean?" Kang Ze snorted coldly, his face darkened.

"I guess. It should be because of Qin Wei."

Mao Renfeng smiled wryly.He actually didn't want to rely on Kang Ze.But after in-depth consideration and deliberation, he finally chose this path.Not for anything else, just because he still wants to continue working in the military.That's right, Kang Ze was not very popular before that.The Einsatzgruppen he created after the German SS has now been reorganized into a regular army, but as the founder, Kang Ze failed to obtain any position in this unit.On the contrary, he was almost forced to go abroad for inspection.This is obviously an expression of Lao Jiang's dissatisfaction with his fight for power and profit with Prince Jiang in Jiangxi.

But conversely, after all, Kang Ze was also a successor that Lao Jiang deliberately cultivated.Back then, who didn't know that Lao Jiang had two favorites?One is Dai Li, and the other is Kang Ze.These two people can enter and leave Lao Jiang's residence and office at will.And the same generation as these two people.Even most of the party and state people of the older generation have to register in the attendant's room first, report to Lao Jiang from the attendant's room, and then Lao Jiang nods before they can be interviewed.Mao Renfeng had figured out Lao Jiang's methods of employing people. In his opinion, Lao Jiang threw Kang Ze into the military command this time. It is very likely that he felt that the military command was too powerful, so he wanted to carry out an attack on Dai Li. contain.And although Kang Ze fought for power with Prince Jiang before, he was still a great hero after all.Think about it, the Youth League of the Three People's Principles, the Fuxing Society, the Rangers... Kang Zeke is all the founders, and he has always regarded Lao Jiang as the "supreme" before. It is said that he once compiled a carol for Lao Jiang, saying What is it like "Great China, generation of virtuous and talented people; after the turmoil, they can all be revived; Jiang Gong is upright, today's savior; we will advance with him, advance! Rejuvenation, revival!"... Lao Jiang is actually a flatterer, as long as he can shoot Right, every shot is accurate.In addition, Kang Ze himself is engaged in intelligence propaganda, and he is also good at this aspect. His qualifications are even older than Dai Li, so it is justified for him to sit in the military command.Moreover, the military command is powerful, which can just soothe Kang Ze's little heart that has been beaten.

Of course, it is not wise to go to war with military intelligence agencies in wartime.But Mao Renfeng thought he could figure out the reason why Lao Jiang did this: at present, the squadron has a certain degree of initiative on the battlefield.The Japanese are expanding aggressively in the Nanyang area again, so they should not take the initiative to provoke China at this time.In this way, it is an opportunity to change generals.

Based on this calculation, Kang Ze should be the head of the military commander in the future.

In this case, if Mao Renfeng didn't hang out with Kang Ze, who else could he hang out with?Although he had to spend a lot of time building Kang Ze's trust in him, was it better than following Dai Li to the Ministry of the Navy?Not to mention over there, he has to redevelop his own manpower, unlike the established forces in the military command, he can directly pull him up to join Kang Ze, and he will definitely be relied on; even if he is willing to go there, what kind of naval knowledge does he know?Even if Dai Li is willing to give him a hand, how far can he be promoted?Moreover, the navy can't go ashore, and in terms of the scope of power, it is far inferior to the military command, so why should he go through that hardship?

"Qin Wei!"

Hearing the name Mao Renfeng mentioned, Kang Ze also felt a toothache.To be honest, he is very, very jealous of Qin Wei... He, Kang, has been applying for the Whampoa Military Academy, how much effort did he spend to become Lao Jiang's confidant?How many things did he do and how many enemies did he make during this time?But Qin Wei was lucky. In less than two years, he went from being the dean of a disabled military shelter to a first-class general!Although it is also because of Qin Wei's meritorious deeds, it can even be said that he reversed the situation of China's war of resistance to some extent, but isn't it a little easier for this person to make meritorious deeds?If you say to clean up, you can clean up whoever you want.The obviously ferocious Japanese seemed to be listening to him, so he rammed himself into the muzzle of the gun.It is simply cheating!But jealousy is jealousy, he really can't do anything to Qin Wei.For one thing, the other party has a higher status than him and provoked him for no reason. Not to mention whether he can stand up to Qin Wei when he fights back, even other people will dislike him, because Qin Wei proposed to Lao Jiang that he can now take charge of the military... ... Lao Jiang had already told him about this.Therefore, he has to miss other people's favor.

"But it's such a big deal. They just passed our military commander, what do you think he means?" Kang Ze thought for a long time before he could figure out why Qin Wei ignored the military commander, just because he stole Dai Li's power?Dai Li is still the director of the military command now, saying that he was put in confinement by Lao Jiang, but as long as that guy is willing.You can appear in the director's office at the military command headquarters at any time.Although he took advantage of this period of time to place a lot of people in various parts of the military command, it was not as good as Dai Li's years in the military command.If Dai Li really wants to take back the power of the military command.I'm afraid he really doesn't have much strength to fight back.But Dai Li just doesn't make a move now.It's clear that he wants to show Lao Jiang the appearance of an obedient and obedient baby. Since the parties are not in a hurry, what are you, Qin, in a hurry?Besides, if you were really afraid that you would take away Dai Li's power, why did you give Lao Jiang that suggestion?Wouldn't it be because the surname Kang eats chaff, and can only sit there as a clay sculpture?

"Qin Wei does things. Some people say it's incomprehensible, and some people say it's hard to guess...Maybe, he just wants to keep it secret?" Mao Renfeng smiled wryly and said one of his guesses.But he also knew that his guess was a bit out of line... Juntong is China's most important military intelligence department, a war zone.Now it seems that they intend to recover a province, and there is also the cooperation of the US military. How can such a major military operation bypass them and act on its own?To put it in a small way, this is to look down on their military command; to say it big, doesn't it mean that the importance of the military command in the fourth theater will plummet in the future, and it may even be completely suppressed?This is not good news for him, who is dedicated to making a career in the military command, and many others.

"Even if you don't notify Guangdong Station for the sake of confidentiality, you should tell us?" Kang Ze said.

"Why don't we go to a telegram and ask?" Mao Renfeng suggested.

"Is this... okay?" Kang Ze felt a little guilty.He is Lao Jiang's confidant, but he was "punished" just now, and his confidence is a little lacking.At present, there are three generals in the fourth war zone alone, and there is also a "former general" like Xu Tingyao.If people really ignored them on purpose, wouldn't he be uncomfortable asking so directly?

"I don't think they would say anything," Mao Renfeng thought for a while, and said, "Anyway, I'm just asking, what's the big deal?"

"...Alright." Kang Ze nodded.Things have to be figured out.Otherwise, if the news gets out, other theaters will follow suit, how can he take over the command of the military?You know, because of reaching out everywhere, not many people in the war zones have a good impression of the military command.


"Ask me why? Does this mean... you want my explanation?"

"Don't dare," stood in front of Qin Wei was Su Yeguang, the head of the Military Command Guangxi Station. However, after hearing Qin Wei's rhetorical question, this great spy, who had often seen officials at the first level, immediately oozes out from his forehead. A thin layer of sweat: "The humble job is also to act on orders, just want to understand, yes, to understand the specific reasons. Bi, after all, we are an intelligence department,... such a big, big operation without knowing, no, no Good job!"

"What is there to explain? Isn't it just a secret?" Qin Wei said disdainfully, "Besides, we are using the airborne army this time. This is the army directly under the chairman. It basically has nothing to do with the fourth theater. Why are you notifying you?" ?dont you agree?"

"Yes yes yes..." Su Yeguang didn't dare to say anything, but kept nodding.

"I understand the question, is there anything else?" Qin Wei asked again.

"No, it's okay." Su Yeguang hurriedly saluted him: "Resign from the humble job!"



Seeing Su Yeguang retreating in a panic, Qin Wei copied a handwritten letter from the other party... In order to show his solemnity, Kang Ze sent someone to send such a letter instead of telegram.

"It's quite polite, it's a pity..."

Qin Wei didn't read the letter either, so he tossed it aside.Compared with Dai Li, this Kang Zekang is even more on the opposite side of the Chinese people. He did not know how many murders he caused in the Central Soviet Area back then.He sent this person to the military command, originally hoping that this person could fight Mao Renfeng, a sinister and ruthless guy, but he didn't expect the two to join forces, which disappointed him and made him very worried... …This "original" surnamed Kang was captured during the War of Liberation, was later pardoned, and later encountered the Cultural Revolution. After being beaten half to death by the Red Guards, he was dragged into a prison, and finally died of serious injuries.But now that this guy has become a member of the military command and has not fought against Mao Renfeng, will he replace Mao Renfeng as Dai Li's successor in the future, and finally successfully hide abroad?If that was the case, he would have made a mistake.


Qin Wei was very conflicted, thinking whether he should make up for his mistake, cause Kang Ze some trouble, or simply find a chance to kill that guy.The phone rang suddenly.So, he could only temporarily put down his mood and picked up the phone:

"what's up?"

"Come to the headquarters immediately," Bai Chongxi's voice came from the opposite side, "The Japanese are attacking."

"Just do it, it's just right!" Qin Wei laughed.

"Contrary to what we thought, they sent troops to Australia and beat up Yankees..." (To be continued...)

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