mixed in the war

Chapter 573 Stilwell?

The Japanese went to war in the Philippines, and then seized the two major oil fields in Indonesia with airborne troops. In everyone's eyes, this was the harbinger of their upcoming full-scale attack on Southeast Asia.Because if the Japanese really want to invade Indonesia on a large scale and get scarce oil resources from Indonesia, they must take Malaya and Singapore, otherwise their waterways will be threatened by the British.To attack Malaya and Singapore, Siam can be used as a springboard, but as long as Japan enters Siam, it will inevitably be threatened by the Burmese British army. Therefore, as long as the Japanese want to go south to Indonesia, they must also go to Burma. beat.

But the Japanese did not follow the conventional path. They first made a full-scale attack on the British, but suddenly turned around and kicked straight at the U.S. Army, which was organizing the front position in New Guinea.

Nagumo Tadaichi once again showed his level as a first-class navigator, leading a huge fleet to raid Port Moresby in New Guinea, and caught the Australians and Americans who were there by surprise. While the Americans were scrambling to organize their defenses, the Japanese Army entered the field.Since the Australians and Americans never thought that they would be the first targets of the Japanese attack, their performance was worse than that of the Philippines.In less than two days, the entire Port Moresby fell, and except for a few guards who escaped, most of them were captured.

But the Japanese did not intend to stop there.

After Nagumo Chuichi's fleet dropped the army in Port Moresby, it went directly south to Australia.

If anyone is familiar with world maps, they will know that Papua New Guinea is the big turtle-like island above Australia.And Port Moresby is just below and to the right of this "turtle".In other words, continuing to the southeast from Port Moresby is the most prosperous, most important, and most densely populated eastern region of Australia.From north to south, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne...

Not far northwest of Australia is Indonesia.The strategic purpose of Japan's invasion of Southeast Asia was obvious.In order to confront, the United States has chosen Australia as its frontier, which is absolutely correct.But no one thought that the Japanese played their cards out of common sense, didn't care about the lack of two relay stations in Malaya and Indonesia, and didn't care about the difficulty of logistics, so they actually played another "long-distance raid".However, considering the previous Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor and even the United States, this sudden attack on Australia does not seem to be a surprise.The United States, Australia, and Australia's suzerain, Britain, lost.In fact, I lost in four words: I don’t have a long memory!


"Those baggage—"

Hearing that New Guinea had fallen, Qin Wei was so angry that he beat his chest and stamped his feet.In order to support the defense and counterattack against Japan with Australia and New Guinea as the fulcrum, the Americans accumulated a large amount of supplies in Port Moresby.The total quantity has reached hundreds of thousands of tons.And there are more than 20 tons of materials in Port Moresby alone.This is what the Yankee intends to keep for his troops.But now it's all cheaper for the Japanese.Based on the combat and equipment habits of the U.S. Army, one can imagine how rich this batch of supplies is.To be sure, get this batch of supplies.The war potential of the Japanese can be extended for a long time... Of course, the Japanese can last a little longer.On the whole, it is still a good thing for China now.But whenever Qin Wei thinks of so many supplies, Qin Wei can't help feeling distressed.In fact, it's not just him, the whole of China, from Lao Jiang to everyone who knows the news, is furious.

"This is a lesson! A lesson for those Americans!" He Yingqin's eyes were all red.as Minister of Defense.He is constantly busy with all kinds of material requests from various war zones, but no matter how generous he is, he can only pick out little by little.But the Americans are good, they would rather "send" so many supplies to the Japanese.I am also unwilling to use it to support China.How can he not be angry?How can we not suffer from pink eye disease?

"If it's just the loss of luggage, the Americans won't care."

Chen Cheng glanced away at He Yingqin.On the surface, this old guy is talking about Americans, but in fact he is jealous of those things in Lao Jiang's hands.It is rumored that Qin Wei, Du Yuming, Sun Liren and others brought dozens of tons of gold and hundreds of tons of silver from Southeast Asia, but Lao Jiang refused to admit it, and refused to use money to subsidize the ministries.Although this may be for the sake of long-term success and long-term planning, but He Yingqin is in charge of "spending money", so how can he control these things?Moreover, people in all major war zones seemed to have received similar news, and there were even rumors that the amount of gold was several hundred tons. As a result, everyone's eyes were as red as rabbits, and they all sent people to Chongqing to fight the autumn wind.He Yingqin was almost driven crazy, and he did not know how many times he found Lao Jiang.But Lao Jiang just didn't tell the truth.So, now He Yingqin seized the opportunity and used the example of the Yankee to "advise" Lao Jiang...Keep it?What's the use of keeping it?In case something goes wrong one day, the gold and silver will not be yours.However, Chen Cheng and He Yingqin's positions are different. He is in charge of the Political Department, and the Ninth War Zone under him has always been the most valued by Lao Jiang. Everything is given priority, and he doesn't care about such a small thing:

"The key now is strategy! Without Australia, the Americans can only rely on Hawaii as an outpost. It lives in the Pacific Ocean, and the distance to Southeast Asia is farther than Japan's mainland, and there is no strategic depth. The Pacific Fleet has not recovered. Before the combat effectiveness, the Japanese navy wanted to clean up there without any effort..."

"That's right. If I were a Japanese, after taking Australia, I would immediately go north and take Pearl Harbor." Zhang Zhizhong sighed, "In this way, the Americans want to compete with me in Asia. The Atlantic crosses the Mediterranean, and then the Indian Ocean ... the logistical pressure will be multiplied."

"Should the Americans know the lesson now?" Qin Wei asked suddenly.

"Of course I know." Lao Jiang snorted coldly. "The news from Song Ziwen said that the US government is putting pressure on them to set up a Pan-Western Pacific theater to lead the war in East Asia and Southeast Asia. However, this Southeast Asia is not allowed to include Malays. Asia and Burma!"

"Remember eating but not beating." Qin Wei smiled disdainfully.

"That's not necessarily the case." Bai Chongxi rolled his eyes at him, "Australia is very likely to fall now. With the speed at which Zhongyi Nanyun advances, the Americans will not be able to come to the rescue...and once Australia falls, it will be just like Brother Wen Bai said , they have to take the route controlled by the British. At this time, it is natural not to provoke the British too much."

"It's not that it's too late to help. It's definitely too late!" He Yingqin said: "The Japanese navy made a big move, but the Pacific Fleet is still in dilapidated condition. Even if the Americans pull all the navy in the Atlantic Ocean, they may not be able to guarantee victory. What's more. They also have to guard against the Germans, and they can’t transfer many warships at all. In this way, the only thing they can help Australia is the hastily expanded army. But without the protection of the navy, how can the army cross the oceans and enter Australia?”

"It's up to the Japanese army now, but I guess they won't disappoint us too much." Qin Wei laughed.

"Disappointment probably won't be too disappointing, but it doesn't have much to do with the Japanese Army." Lao Jiang said again. "According to the news from the United States, the main force attacking Australia is not the Japanese."

"Not Japanese?" Qin Wei was taken aback, "Who is that? It can't be German or Italian?"

"What are you thinking?" Bai Chongxi rolled his eyes at him again, "Germany and Italy's own people are not enough. Can they be distributed to Japan?"

"That's the Frenchman." Qin Wei said, "Aren't they surrendering? As a slave country, they should contribute to the battle of the suzerain country."

"Those reform-through-labour prisoners in Siberia." Lao Jiang was impatient to hear Qin Wei making jokes here.The answer was announced directly: "And it is said that they are all wearing Soviet military uniforms, and they are also flying the flag of the Soviet Red Army."

"Soviet Red Army?..." Qin Wei was stunned: "No, haven't they all rebelled, are they now sworn enemies with the Soviet Union?"

"Wonderful!" Zhang Zhizhong slapped his hands beside him, "These Japanese are really unscrupulous in order to help their allies...Although everyone knows that the group of reform-through-labour prisoners under them are traitors to the Soviets. Ordinary people don’t necessarily care about this. They invaded Australia under the banner of the Soviet Red Army. What do the people of Britain and the United States think? The Soviet Union has now begun to ask for help from the United Kingdom and the United States. If it is out of strategic considerations, the United Kingdom and the United States will definitely agree. But everyone is a socialist, Capitalism, which was originally a deadly enemy, and now watching such a play directed by a Japanese, will definitely have problems in the middle.”

"What do ordinary people know? As long as the two governments spread more propaganda and prohibit the spread of news about the Soviet Red Army in Australia, who will care?" Chen Cheng didn't believe it.

"That's hard to say." Qin Wei tilted his head and thought for a while, "Do you still remember the propaganda that the Japanese carried out after they took down those labor camps in Siberia? Democracy', once condemned the Soviet Union for this matter, especially the United States, the commotion is not small... Now the Japanese have gathered these prisoners of reform through labor. People with a discerning eye know that this may be due to their lack of troops, or it may be for better control of Siberia. But the first thing that most people think of is the disgraceful past of the Soviet government... Although this may not affect the overall strategy of several countries, as long as there is a small problem at a critical moment, I am afraid it will be enough for them."

"According to what you said, the Japanese are also playing the idea of ​​'planting a wide range of crops and reaping a small harvest'?" He Yingqin asked.

"Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The Japanese, Germans, Italians, and even the French must have ways to make people in Britain and the United States pay attention to these things." Qin Weidao, "Think about it, if the Soviet Union is defined as "Evil" countries, what is the nature of the countries that support evil countries? If the definition of itself changes, what impact will it have on the war? Especially the United States, leaving aside the factor of Japan's sneak attack, they are almost active In the eyes of many ordinary Americans, even many extraordinary Americans, this war may have nothing to do with them... It can be said that if it were not for the Japanese surprise attack, the crime of the United States participating in the war would have made the Roosevelt alone."

"The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest! If the Japanese really have this idea, they have to guard against it. But don't pay too much attention to it." Bai Chongxi said, "The question now is, what should we do?"

"The U.S. government has issued a notice that it will send someone to pick up MacArthur and go to command the war in Australia. However, the U.S. troops under him will not be able to handle it." Lao Jiang said, "The Americans mean that they hope to form a coalition with us and jointly Fighting in Southeast Asia. But they need to send someone back as the commander of the US military."

"Isn't there Wainwright?" Qin Wei asked.

"Who knows what they planned." Old Jiang said, "But I heard that this newly sent guy has a good relationship with their chief of staff, Marshall, and is very valued."

"Oh? Who is it?" Qin Wei asked, "Could it be Eisenhower?"

"You only know one Eisenhower." Bai Chongxi rolled his eyes at him.

"It's not Eisenhower," Lao Jiang said with some regret in his tone. He actually liked that Eisenhower very much.After all, there are not many gringos who are calm and polite, "It seems to be called Stilwell!"

"Stilwell?" Qin Wei's eyes froze suddenly: "No, this person can't! Absolutely can't accept it!" (To be continued...)

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