mixed in the war

Chapter 575 Who is Responsible?

Fighting wars requires soldiers.Even in later generations, missiles can be launched thousands or even 20 to [-] kilometers away, and a large number of troops are still needed to fight a local war.Just like the Iraq war, although the United States won quickly, it still invested nearly [-] troops. During the occupation, the total number of casualties of the US military exceeded [-], of which the death toll exceeded [-].Although the main reason is that there are a lot of injuries, the consumption can be seen as mediocre.And this is just the investment of "people"... The US's investment in materials and funds during the Iraq War was even more astronomical.It would be unimaginable for such a local war to be placed in some small countries.

In the same way, during World War II, war was also a job that burned money and people.

Japan's population is not small, but it is only an island country after all. Siberia, China, the Philippines, plus the troops stationed in its homeland, have reached their limit.Therefore, when they attacked Australia, their main force became reform-through-labour prisoners from Siberia.In addition, its total industrial volume is simply not on the table for European countries and the United States.If it hadn't been supported by the materials and wealth looted from China for many years, the country's economy would have collapsed long ago.Therefore, after discovering that Japan suddenly launched an attack on Australia, the British breathed a sigh of relief... It is impossible for the Japanese to attack Malaya, Singapore, and Burma in a short time.Their defenses in the eastern Indian Ocean should be safe.

It's a pity that the British don't understand the Japanese, and they don't know that Japan has fallen into a crazy situation from top to bottom, from the top of the country to ordinary people... Such a country is unreasonable.Therefore, in the face of such a dangerous and unpredictable country, one should always be vigilant.But the British thought that it was impossible for Japan to come up with extra troops, let alone enough financial resources to support a large-scale battle, so.They were "fooled".

Just when Chuichi Nagumo's fleet put tens of thousands of troops into Brisbane, and then used the main force of the navy to destroy Australia's small fleet, and then began to bombard Sydney, the southern army led by Toshiichi Terauchi in the Philippines "raided" Siam.

This "raid" operation received the full cooperation of the Japanese ambassador to Siam, Teiji Tsubogami.On the night when the Japanese army was about to launch an attack, Teiji Tsubogami hosted a banquet in the embassy and invited Thai dignitaries.And perhaps it was also because they had been worried about the Japanese attack and did not want to give the Japanese an excuse to go crazy. Therefore, except for the Prime Minister Phibun Songkham who was not in the capital, most of the Thai cabinet, National Assembly and military officials attended this event. banquet.Unexpectedly, the banquet was held until midnight.Tsubogami's face suddenly sank, and he ordered the embassy gate to be closed, and all the high-ranking officials of Thailand were detained in the embassy, ​​and then made a request to allow the Japanese troops to enter the embassy.At this time, Japanese women, young and old in Bangkok gathered at Japanese schools under the pretext of "watching a movie".Then, at night, he slipped onto the merchant ship "Batavia Maru" moored in the port of Bangkok.However, the "retired soldiers" (retired soldiers) who remained among the Japanese overseas Chinese changed their appearance and all put on military uniforms.Use "cool" as an excuse.They took more than 20 vehicles to meet the Japanese landing troops at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River and the port of Bangkok, and lead them along the way.Overnight, the city and streets of Bangkok were filled with Japanese soldiers in yellow uniforms.

In this way, the Siam government compromised easily.After the Japanese quickly took over several important port bases in Siam, their goals have become clear.


"The squadron must enter South Vietnam and Cambodia immediately. Contain the Japanese army from the side and rear! Give us time to prepare."

Churchill waved his fist and almost roared at Song Ziwen and Yan Huiqing.He called this impromptu meeting urgently, and for this reason he did not hesitate to pull Roosevelt out of bed...but the British Prime Minister's attitude was really not good.It's not that he doesn't know the importance of China at this time, but that he is really angry with China from the bottom of his heart.In his opinion.If it weren't for the sudden withdrawal of Chinese troops from Cambodia and South Vietnam, it would have been impossible for the Japanese to enter Siam so boldly and target their territory in Southeast Asia.In the final analysis, the occurrence of this situation is all due to the Chinese people.

"Mr. Prime Minister, you woke us up in the middle of the night for such a thing?" Song Ziwen laughed, as if he didn't pay much attention to Churchill, the Prime Minister of the British Empire.But the facts are indeed quite similar. Ever since he decided to adopt the same routine as Yan Huiqing and put on a tough face in front of Britain and the United States, he has seen the true face of these two great powers who could only accompany and wait carefully before.Leaving America aside, the UK really failed this time.What needs to be seen now is whether it is planted thoroughly or not.At the same time, he also saw China's status in today's world... Although they belong to the invaded country and their strength is far inferior to Britain and the United States, they are indeed one of the four major anti-fascist forces in the world today.Moreover, compared with the three countries of Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union who resisted the German-Italian Axis Alliance in Europe, in Asia, it is basically China alone against Japan... How important is this position?If they don't know how to seize the time to earn their own interests, then they are really sorry for their Chinese skin.

"Is it 'such a thing'?" Song Ziwen's nonchalant tone made Churchill even more furious, "Mr. Song, do you think you Chinese can rise in East Asia after the failure of the British Empire?"

"Mr. Prime Minister, your words make us very sad." Yan Huiqing wiped his sleepy eyes, and even picked out a small piece of eye poo: "We are not the enemy of the British Empire! We were not before, and we are not now. I believe in the future." It can't be... But from your tone, the British Empire is already treating us as enemies. Don't tell me, in your eyes, are we on the same side as the Japanese?"

"Then why did you withdraw from Cambodia and South Vietnam? It is precisely because of your withdrawal that the Japanese attack Siam unscrupulously today." Churchill said angrily.

"The Japanese don't seem to have formally launched an attack on Siam. According to the information we have received, they seem to be 'entering'!" Song Ziwen shrugged, "Seriously, gentlemen, when I heard this news, I It's really a pity... But this doesn't seem to be too surprising. I remember that as early as when Japan invaded the three eastern provinces of our country and planned to establish the Puppet Manchukuo, the League of Nations passed a resolution condemning Japan, but the people who attended the meeting at that time All the member states voted for it, but Siam chose to abstain and support Japan's aggressive actions in this way....Japan formally invaded China and received pressure from all over the world, especially when the United States imposed a trade embargo. There is a serious shortage of supplies, and it is Siam. The rubber and cotton produced by Phibun Songkham Cabinet Siam are supplied to Japan in large quantities, and the relationship between the two countries has quickly become closer. Not only that, Phibun Songkham even issued an appeal to our country, He said that they are both Asians, and China should cooperate with Japan to fight against white oppression. In addition, he also encouraged the anti-British sentiments of the Indians and Burmese in Siam... From this, we can be sure that Siam should not be affected by the Japan's aggression, they have already come together with Japan. This time, it is just the beginning of their real cooperation."

"...That is to say, the Chinese have once again begun to expand their targets in Southeast Asia, trying to bring Siam into their sphere of influence after the war!" Roosevelt did not speak, but his mind did not stop spinning. , and Song Ziwen's words also made him feel a little dangerous.

"Regardless of whether Siam is with the Japanese or not, as an ally, China should immediately send troops to contain the Japanese strategic intentions!" Churchill also felt the "ambition" in Song Ziwen's words.This guy basically wants to first determine Siam's "hostile" and "unjust" position in this war, and then seek to claim the interests of this country after the war.But what's the use even if you feel it?Telegrams signed by Wavell and Arthur Percival had told him of the dangers facing Burma and Malaya, as well as Singapore.With their strength at this time, it is impossible to fight against the Japanese... No matter in terms of strength or equipment, they are far behind.Unless the Chinese send troops wantonly at this time and put strong pressure on the Japanese, they may not be able to defend this "East Indian Ocean Line of Defense"!And once this line of defense is lost, India will be exposed to the Japanese.Australia has been attacked by the Japanese, and India must not lose again.

"Mr. Prime Minister, what you said is very good. As an ally, we should help our allies." After Churchill finished speaking, Yan Huiqing suddenly laughed, "But what has the poor and backward China gained so far? I believe both Very well aware of the situation we are facing now... we lack almost everything! Are you going to send a beggar to fight an enemy armed to the teeth?"

"Mr. Ambassador, the strength of the squadron is definitely not what you said. Just like your ongoing campaign to recover Guangdong...you definitely have the power to threaten the Japanese." Roosevelt finally said.

"No, Mr. President! We don't have the power." Song Ziwen shook his head directly, "Without assistance from the outside world, it would be impossible for us to launch a counterattack against the Japanese."

"You are lying." Churchill roared again, "You are simply deliberately shirking your responsibilities."

"What about the UK?" Yan Huiqing stared at the short fat man coldly, "Mr. Prime Minister, if you really want to pursue responsibility, isn't today's situation the result of your country's continuous indulgence of Japan?"

"You..." (to be continued...)

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