"These Chinese people, do they want to settle accounts?"

Looking at Churchill, whose face was flushed because of Yan Huiqing's words, Roosevelt felt amused, but also slightly startled.At that moment just now, the murderous look in the eyes of this old Chinese man surnamed Yan was absolutely real.Obviously, if the situation permits and the old man possesses this ability, then he may directly break Churchill's neck...

"That is to say, the hatred of the Chinese is not only towards the Japanese, but also towards the British. Are they towards the United States?"

For a while, Roosevelt became a little tangled.He feels that China is very dangerous, maybe even more dangerous than Japan now.Although he was sure that this danger would not erupt in such a short period of time as in Japan, but thinking of China's "bigness", he couldn't help but feel a chilling feeling.It is conceivable that if Germany or Japan had the same vast territory and huge population as China, what kind of disaster would it be to the whole world?Britain and the Soviet Union may have succumbed as early as the first attack of the other side?Just like the French.He also feels fortunate that China is still very backward, although it has shown its intention to seize Japanese industry.

"After defeating Japan, we must contain China's rise in East Asia... But how can we contain such a huge country?"

Unable to help, Roosevelt's mind began to deviate from the established route.As the Prime Minister of the British Empire, Churchill can't think of these things now... It's not that he is not careful enough, the key is that if the hatred value "enjoyed" by the British Empire in the past 200 years can be added up, I am afraid that it would have already exceeded the atmosphere and landed directly The moon is gone.In comparison, what is the resentment of the Chinese?Want revenge, wait until you have this ability.Have this qualification to say.Given the Chinese people's virtue of infighting, maybe the British Empire will continue to "bully" China.

"I hope we don't deviate from the topic we are discussing now, because it doesn't make any sense to find out who caused everything now." Churchill pulled back the discussion or debate that had gone off track in one sentence, but His attitude was indeed much more peaceful than before: "What we should discuss now is how to deal with the next Japanese attack... I still believe that China is capable enough to prevent the Japanese's strategic arrangements."

"How many times do you need us to say it before you understand?" Song Ziwen sighed, "Mr. Prime Minister, we don't have that power. It's like this battle to regain Guangdong. On the surface, we are triumphant all the way, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that .Without the assistance of General MacArthur, we would not have dared to carry out airborne operations against Guangzhou, and if we hadn't occupied Guangzhou first and destroyed the enemy's command system, this battle to recover would have been impossible. Therefore. The root cause of the Guangdong campaign was General MacArthur's assistance, not how powerful we really are!"

"So what do you want?" Churchill asked.Confronted many times.He has already seen through the original intention of these two Chinese... no money and no supplies.Just don't do it.To put it bluntly, these are two masters who desperately want money!So he and Roosevelt have been intentionally or unintentionally leaving these two guys out, just not agreeing to each other's request, in order to let the Chinese know how powerful they are.But now, the Chinese have never shown any signs of lowering their demands, but they were first attacked by the Japanese... The Americans have nothing to fear.Although they may not be able to attack Japan through the Pacific Ocean, it is also difficult for Japan to attack them through the Pacific Ocean.But what about the UK?Once the Japanese warships enter the Indian Ocean, what awaits them may be doomsday.

"Didn't we already tell you what we want?" Song Ziwen and Yan Huiqing looked at each other and smiled.After working for so long, it is finally possible to keep the clouds and see the moon.These foreign devils.Just don't cry when you don't see the coffin.

"Sorry, I can't remember what you said!" Churchill replied angrily.

"List, what we gave you is a list!" Song Ziwen said seriously, "I believe you two should have a file."

"You two, didn't you take it with you?" Roosevelt smiled wryly.The British are relying on oil from the Middle East and supplies from India to support this war. Of course, in addition to these, Britain also has support from Canada and other places, but the importance of the Middle East and India is self-evident.Therefore, facing the threat of the Japanese, Churchill chose to be soft.And when Churchill fell, he was alone and had no choice but to admit defeat.After all, the stronger Britain is, the less pressure the United States will have to bear in future wars.And if Britain fails in this war, the United States will have to retreat to the New World, and will no longer be able to gain world hegemony.It's just that he really confiscated the list that Song Ziwen gave them before...he threw it directly into the trash can.He believed Churchill did the same.Because the appetite of the Chinese is too great, although this is really nothing compared to their upcoming investment in the European continent, but they just feel uncomfortable with the demands of the Chinese.As Caucasians, they have a natural sense of superiority, no matter how open-minded they appear on the surface, that sense of superiority is still firmly erected in their hearts.The Chinese "threatened" them through war, so how could they be polite to these guys?Therefore, they didn't intend to give according to the above items at all, and just waited for the Chinese to come up with a more "cheap" list.But I didn't expect that now... How could he not be embarrassed?

"Who would carry this kind of thing with him, and it's still in the middle of the night?" Yan Huiqing felt insulted.From the performance of Churchill and Roosevelt, he guessed that the list might not be very good.That was the information he provided on behalf of his own country. Not only did the other party fail to keep it properly, but they even lost it, or simply threw it away... This simply didn't take them seriously, and it was a contempt for the whole of China.But he couldn't get angry, he could only give a wry smile.

"Then tomorrow." Roosevelt said helplessly, "Tomorrow, we hope to see the list of aid your country needs."

"We must do it as soon as possible." Song Ziwen said with a smile, "But we hope there will be no compromise."

"Of course." Roosevelt laughed, "But we also hope that after receiving assistance, China can immediately launch an attack on Japan."

"As long as your country's assistance is timely, then we guarantee that our country will be able to launch a formal attack on the Japanese army two months from now." Song Ziwen said seriously.

"Two months? In less than a month, the supplies will be delivered to you." Churchill exclaimed dissatisfied.

"Mr. Prime Minister, what is the purpose of delivering the supplies? It needs to be distributed! It will take time." Yan Huiqing said, "Don't tell me that with your country's nearly 20 troops assembled in Myanmar and Malaya, You can't even hold off the Japanese for two months."

"But after two months, we will definitely suffer huge losses." Churchill exclaimed.

"But if we fail to distribute the materials in place and allow our soldiers to take time to get familiar with the new equipment, our losses will be great." Yan Huiqing stared at him, "Mr. Prime Minister, your British lives are lives, The life of our Chinese is also life! We can take the responsibility of the allies, but this does not mean that we will take the lives of our soldiers to make fun of, just for your satisfaction."

"..." Churchill was speechless.Yan Huiqing's words did not leave him any room for rebuttal at all: "That's not what I mean. I'm just worried about the situation in Southeast Asia. We must not let the Japanese stretch their hands into the Indian Ocean... because once they do , not only is trouble for the British Empire, but also a disaster for China. Especially Burma, if even Burma is lost, China will become an 'isolated island'! It is an 'isolated island'! Do you understand?"

"We are very clear about this. So you can rest assured. We will definitely join the war and do our best!" Song Ziwen said seriously.

"That's it, just two months." Roosevelt thought for a while, and felt that it was not a big problem to resist the Japanese for two months with the strength of the British army.MacArthur has been in the Philippines for a long time.What's more, the Chinese are right.After the materials have arrived, they have to wait until they are distributed and learned how to use them.Although there are also intentions of the Chinese to delay the time, but for a large-scale battle, two months is really not a long time.

"Then it's settled, we'll report to the country immediately," Song Ziwen and Yan Huiqing stood up and were about to leave.

"Please wait a moment." Roosevelt suddenly stopped them.

"Is there anything else, Mr. President?" Song Ziwen asked.

"I just want to tell you two, and I hope that you will pass it on to your government... The general Stilwell we have chosen to replace MacArthur will be able to hand over the work immediately and will arrive in China in a few days. I hope your government can A very friendly and close cooperation with General Stilwell." Roosevelt said, "Moreover, General Stilwell will be in charge of the distribution of US aid to the Far East!"

"..." Song Ziwen seemed to be taken aback for a while, and after looking at Yan Huiqing, he unconsciously licked his tongue, "Mr. President, I think there may be a problem between us."

"Problem?" Roosevelt was taken aback, "What problem?"

"Actually, we planned to bring it up to you tomorrow, but since you are talking about it now, we don't have to wait any longer." Song Ziwen seemed a little embarrassed, "We just received a call from our government, and they hope that your country To be able to change my mind and put someone else in place to replace General MacArthur."

"..." Roosevelt froze for a moment, "Why?"

"We don't know either." Yan Huiqing said, "But they proposed two candidates, and they believed that having either of these two candidates to replace General MacArthur would lead to a very friendly and intimate relationship between the Chinese and American militaries. cooperate."

"It turns out there are other candidates," Roosevelt seemed to understand, "I think these two candidates must be familiar to your government, right?"

"Yes." Song Ziwen nodded, "We believe that General MacArthur will be replaced by General Chennault or General Eisenhower, and the effect will be the best." (To be continued...)

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