mixed in the war

Chapter 578 Don't Move

"Are you so sure that the British won't be beaten?"

Bai Chongxi just couldn't see Qin Wei flirting there... Of course, he also couldn't see other people flirting in front of him, including Lao Jiang.But Qin Wei's words today made him sincerely dissatisfied... This kid will never fight again, and now he is also a first-class "famous general" in the country.Although ordinary people think that this kid is just an air force general who has led the air force to several victories, but high-level people like them know what's going on, and absolutely no one dares to underestimate this kid.

Even Lao Jiang, who doesn't understand anything, but considers himself a famous general, and always likes to dictate all kinds of battles, when Qin Wei commanded various battles, he hardly ever messed up. Record.Why?Because Lao Jiang is very clear that although Qin Wei is not good at commanding in front of the battle, in terms of overall strategic planning, he can often achieve the greatest results for his own side.This is beyond the reach of many people.In addition to this, there is another very important point. Every time this kid makes a move, he will basically not mobilize too many troops.Qin Wei has almost never used the tactics of tens of thousands of people swarming up a war zone like theirs before, and occasionally used it once or twice, when the battle is almost coming to an end and when the results of the battle are fully received, it is like This time to recover Guangdong... the real action was actually Wang Yaowu's two airborne divisions plus MacArthur's [-] American soldiers. When combined, it was just a little more than one army. The result was that the Japanese army was directly defeated. Land, had to choose to retreat.In this way, the ministries of the Fourth War Zone slowly followed the Japanese army and gradually recovered the country.

But the more this happened, the more Bai Chongxi was dissatisfied with Qin Wei.After winning a few battles, do you really think that you can go to nowhere?Now even the "prophecy" has been made... You know, the British army has 20 troops in Burma and Malaya, and the southern army of Terauchi Shouichi is only 30.A part will be left to be stationed in the Philippines and Siam, and the strength of the two sides is not much different.Therefore, the Japanese want to repeat the war in the Philippines in Burma and Malaya, and let Wavell and Arthur Percival repeat the mistakes of MacArthur. This is simply impossible.

"What's so hard to be sure?" Qin Wei glanced at Bai Chongxi: "Don't you still understand? The British have been number one in the world for 200 years, but they are very stubborn."

"This has nothing to do with being number one in the world, and even if the British are stubborn, they can't mess around in such an important battle." Chen Cheng said, "With MacArthur as a lesson from the past, they can't underestimate the enemy."

"Even if you don't underestimate the enemy, they can't do it either." Qin Wei smiled, "And this is not the reason why we don't underestimate the enemy."

"That's strange." He Yingqin laughed dryly, "The military strength is almost the same. Although the British are inferior to the Japanese in the number of tanks, aircraft, and warships, the military strength and the equipment of the soldiers are not much weaker. Wavell and Arthur Percival is also a famous general in his country... with such power. Even the Japanese can't stop them for two months? Are they all fools?"

"That's why I said that you still haven't carefully analyzed the specific reasons for MacArthur's failure." Qin Wei smiled wryly and shook his head. "Everyone, I am definitely not as good as you in terms of military affairs. This is a fact. But you are really not good at learning and summarizing..."

"Why aren't you good at studying and summarizing? Could it be... We all overlooked something?" Lao Jiang couldn't help asking.

"It's true that something very important has been overlooked." Qin Wei solemnly pointed his finger at the table in front of him, "Strategy!"

"Battle method?" Everyone was startled.

"Nowadays, the fighting methods of the East and the West are different, even fundamentally different." Qin Wei said: "And it is precisely because they do not adapt to the Japanese's fighting methods that MacArthur will collapse in the Philippines. Now, between us Therefore, it is concluded that the British will inevitably repeat the mistakes of MacArthur, because the British also did not discover this... Their tactics are the same as MacArthur! Although Wavell or that Arthur Percival is in the military The level may not be weaker than MacArthur, but the Japanese just restrained them. Therefore, they have no chance to display it. It may be better for Wavell to hide in India. Arthur Percival... Huh, I think he may Will spend a few years in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp."

"... What's the difference between Eastern and Western warfare?" Bai Chongxi asked.

"That's right, we all know how powerful the Western powers are, why didn't I know that the Japanese were just restraining them?" He Yingqin couldn't figure out why after thinking for a long time, and couldn't help asking.

"The industry in the West is powerful, and soldiers are valuable, so their most common method of warfare is to use piles of money... Once they start a war with the enemy, there must be roaring chariots, rumbling guns, and maybe there will be overwhelming aircraft during the period. Directly create a hell of war for the enemy..." Qin Wei sighed.

"There's nothing wrong with that. If I had so much money, I would want to do the same..." Zhang Zhizhong smiled, "Isn't it because of the lack of weapons and equipment that we suffered from the Japanese before? If we also have enough artillery, we also have Enough planes, even tanks and chariots, how could it be reduced to where it is today? In Shanghai alone, we can stop the Japanese and eventually drive them into the sea."

"I remember that during the Battle of Taierzhuang, Sun Lianzhong was in charge of the defense. Because of insufficient artillery fire, he had to disperse the troops first, so as not to be killed by the Japanese artillery fire..." Bai Chongxi also sighed, "After all, we are industrial Too bad. Otherwise, how could I be afraid of a mere little Japanese?"

"British and American industries are stronger than Japan's. Unfortunately, they are no match for the Japanese, especially now." Qin Wei shook his head, "Because they rely too much on equipment, relying on their cannons and various mechanized equipment... in hand-to-hand combat , In the battle where the bayonets are red, they are far behind, too far away!"

"Short-to-hand combat? The bayonet sees red?" Lao Jiang was puzzled, "Is this the way the Japanese excel?"

"Isn't that enough?" Qin Wei sighed softly, "Shouyi's firepower is no worse than MacArthur's before, and Wavell's and Percival's now. Hard power has already surpassed the other side. However, the Japanese soldiers dared to work hard and dared to take risks, which is far from comparable to the British and American troops. Soft and hard power are not comparable, no matter how exquisite their strategic and tactical arrangements are. How can they resist the Japanese army like wolves and tigers?"

"Short combat...?"

No one was in a hurry to question Qin Wei's statement, instead they all fell into deep thought.Seeing their performance, Qin Wei also nodded secretly.All of you here are veteran generals who have experienced battles, and even Lao Jiang can be regarded as an old army so-so, so it is clear.In fact, the British and American armies are poor in hand-to-hand combat...they lack a kind of fighting spirit that is not afraid of death.Therefore, when facing a fierce enemy face to face, they often cannot last long.Among them, MacArthur received the most lessons. ... Let alone the defeat of the Philippines. At that time, MacArthur had fewer troops than the Japanese, and there were not many problems to be seen.But what about the Korean War?If it is said that the US military was too careless at the beginning.He was raided by the volunteers, so he retreated, but should MacArthur come back to his senses afterwards?A generation of famous generals, backed by such a powerful force, can't even hold their ground.In the end, they actually asked the US government to encourage Taiwan to counterattack the mainland and share the pressure by attacking mainland China...and Ridgway, who succeeded MacArthur.It was also when a low-ranking officer in the U.S. military discovered that the logistics and transportation of the Volunteers were not smooth.After the huge shortcoming that the offensive could only last for about a week, the troops were ordered to hold on for seven days, and then they took advantage of the shortage of ammunition and food supplies of the volunteers to launch an offensive, and barely managed to get a stalemate with the volunteers.But if the Volunteer Army at that time could obtain more timely and sufficient logistical supplements, it would sustain its offensive for not just one week, but two.Or even three weeks?Can Li Qiwei still hold on? ... So, in Qin Wei's view, the Korean War ended, to some extent.In fact, it is the result of the volunteer soldiers colliding with the powerful industrial strength of the Americans with a fierceness that is not afraid of death.

And it is undeniable that the Japanese army at this time is also not very afraid of death, and it is even more brutal than the Volunteer Army... However, the equipment of the Japanese army is not much different from that of the Far East US Army and the British Army. To win, under such circumstances, if the U.S. army fails, the British army will also not be able to win, and the speed at which they fail will not differ too much.Just like after the Volunteers entered the DPRK, they swept all the way and almost drove the U.S. troops into the sea.Qin Wei even thought that if the Japanese navy was not defeated so quickly, MacArthur and Nimitz could use the "island hopping" tactic to easily cross islands guarded by the Japanese army one after another, and finally directly kill the Japanese mainland. Instead, the U.S. military can only fight island by island. In that case, can the United States win the Pacific War so quickly?

Of course, these are just Qin Wei's personal "conjectures".But it is undeniable that after suffering a big loss in the hands of the Japanese, and then being beaten to the ground by the volunteers in the Korean War, the armies of Western countries are indeed somewhat deficient in tactics, and even somewhat "restrained"!And this phenomenon is obviously not something that the generals of the British and American armies can realize and correct in a while.

"I admit that what you said has a little meaning..." After thinking for a long time, Bai Chongxi finally spoke first.In fact, he still hasn't figured out the meaning contained in Qin Wei's words... The main reason is that he has suffered several times in Qin Wei's hands, and he dare not confront Qin Wei: "Now let's start Regardless of whether the British will be defeated quickly, it should be no problem if you want to get the Americans to Yunnan first, but we still need someone to guard the border between China and Myanmar, ready to fight in Myanmar at any time? I think Guan Linzheng is good, Chairman, what do you think?"

"Guan Linzheng can't move." Before Lao Jiang could speak, Qin Wei spoke first.

"I think so too." Lao Jiang was very happy. Guan Linzheng was used by him to look at Yunnan. Of course, he couldn't easily send him abroad to fight the Japanese. "I want to send Lu Han's 60th Army to the south! They are from Yunnan. Most of the soldiers are from Yunnan, and they are more familiar with the environment. And the soldiers of the Yunnan Army are also very good at fighting!"

"Chairman, I think...the Dian army had better not move lightly." Qin Wei smiled wryly, and said again.

"..." (to be continued...)

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