mixed in the war

Chapter 579 The Japanese with Inflated Confidence


"Come in."

Jiang Jingguo was processing documents in his office. When he heard voices outside, he raised his head, just in time to see his right-hand man Huang Zhongmei pushing the door and coming in.However, unlike her usual serious face and unsmiling expression, Huang Zhongmei now had an unconcealable joy on her face, which made Jiang Jingguo couldn't help but become curious:

"Why, is there a happy event?"

"Director, it's a happy event!" Huang Zhongmei's smile became brighter, and she arrived at Jiang Jingguo's desk in two or three steps, and then reached out and handed over a draft telegram: "Chongqing is calling, and Mr. Qin is in front of the chairman. I recommend you to serve as the acting chairman of Yunnan Province!"

"What?" Jiang Jingguo was startled, "Acting provincial chairman?"

"Exactly." Huang Zhongmei nodded emphatically.

"This, how is this possible?" Jiang Jingguo couldn't sit still, and his face couldn't help being a little dazed: "I don't have much friendship with Chief Qin, why did he recommend me? And, and I have just been promoted to the Director of Civil Affairs not long ago, why? Can you continue acting as the provincial chairman in such a short period of time?"

"You are the Minister of Civil Affairs, and you are quite different from the provincial chairman." Huang Zhongmei smiled, "And Lu Han is still a soldier. Now that there are frequent wars, he, the provincial chairman, may go to the battlefield at any time. How can he always be on the battlefield?" Staying in Kunming? And if he goes, the provincial government will naturally be in charge of you, the director of civil affairs, and the title of acting provincial chairman will only make your name more legitimate."

"So... the Japanese are going to attack Burma soon?"

As the crown prince, although he is not considered a high-level person now, Jiang Jingguo is very concerned about the situation at home and abroad, especially the movements of the Japanese.Now on the eastern front, the Japanese first went to New Guinea, and then attacked Australia.Now it is said that it has invaded the city of Brisbane, and Nagumo Chuichi's fleet has successively attacked Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and other important Australian cities, as if to swallow the whole of Australia; The Philippines has now sent troops into Siam, and a war with the British is imminent... He is clear about the situation Yunnan will face in this war.It can be said that once the British can't support it, the Japanese will drive straight from Burma... At that time, Yunnan will jump directly from the rear to the front.

"Should be." Huang Zhongmei nodded, "If it wasn't for this, Lu Han would not be able to temporarily step down as the provincial chairman. According to information from Chongqing, the chairman wants to appoint him as the commander of the Yunnan garrison and the former deputy commander of the enemy... "

"Deputy Commander?" Jiang Jingguo was taken aback.If Yunnan becomes a battlefield, and his father intends to use Lu Han, then it is reasonable, Lu Han should be the commander-in-chief of the former enemy.Why did he become a "deputy" commander in chief?What made him feel even more strange was a "deputy" commander in chief.How can he serve as the garrison commander of Yunnan?That's not to say.Lu Han can command all the troops in Yunnan, but also obey the command of a certain "commander in chief"?Even if Lao Jiang came to Kunming in person, it would be difficult for that local snake to be obedient?

"It is said that Chief Qin recommended Yang Jie for the commander-in-chief." Seeing Jiang Jingguo's confused expression, Huang Zhongmei whispered again.

"Yang Jie?" Jiang Jingguo was taken aback again.Yang Jie?That.Isn't that guy leading the Yunnan Production and Construction Corps to open up wasteland and farm?I heard that some kind of rubber is being planted in Xishuangbanna recently... Can he command Lu Han and those guys from the Yunnan Army? "What's going on here? Why can't I understand it?"

"I don't understand the humble job." Huang Zhongmei smiled wryly.Although Qin Wei recommended Jiang Jingguo as the acting chairman of Yunnan Province, he was very pleasantly surprised. He believed that Qin Wei wanted to earn a "success from the dragon", and felt that Jiang Jingguo finally got the direct support of a general in the Communist Party of China.The future will be smoother and brighter, but he also has to admit that compared with those real top executives, his level is still far behind... If the British are really defeated, Yang Jie, who is old with the Chairman Can the Yunnan garrison army headed by Lu Han, a dishonest local snake, resist the powerful Japanese army?

"Wait..." Jiang Jingguo was also puzzled, but after thinking hard for a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Weiguo... seems to be under Yang Jie's command!"


"Who asked you to attack Burma? No, you must not attack there!"

The Japanese had entered Siam and had launched an offensive against the British in Malaya and Burma.But at this time in Tokyo, Ishihara Wanji was yelling at Hideki Tojo:

"Will the Chinese miss your purpose? Attacking Burma is tantamount to forcing them to take action... But at this time, before we really drive Britain and the United States out of Australia and Southeast Asia, we must not take the initiative to provoke the Chinese."

"Ishihara-kun, you are indeed a very remarkable military strategist, we all admit this." Hideki Tojo slowly poured himself a cup of sake, "But I have always been a little confused, you seem to have some feelings for the Chinese Fear... always trying to avoid fighting with each other. Just like this Guangdong incident. We should still have a chance to fight back, but you insist on letting the troops withdraw from Guangdong... You know what is wrong with the soldiers of the imperial army on the front line How much damage has been done to my morale, and how much pressure has I endured? Some radical young officers have already threatened to make me look good... Fortunately, we are still in a strategic advantage, otherwise, I might be like Nagata-kun (Nagata Tieshan), he was hacked to death by some middle and lower rank officer who didn’t know the so-called.”

"Don't talk nonsense about things that never happened." Ishihara Waner waved over Hideki Tojo and just picked up the wine cup, "The Chinese are waiting for this opportunity! I can guarantee that with my Life is guaranteed. They want to use the imperial army as their vanguard to drive Britain and the United States out of Southeast Asia, even out of the Pacific Ocean, out of Asia...and Burma is the most important node of their overall strategy. Because once we put The British army in Burma is defeated and advances to the China-Myanmar border, and China will be almost completely surrounded by the empire... They will never let this happen. This will also force them to take action in advance... Tojo, you You should understand how powerful the Chinese are, and you should also feel the difficulty of our opponent. If they are not sure of victory, how can they let us enter Siam?"

"Perhaps. Is this caused by their internal struggle? Anyway, this kind of thing has happened to the Chinese people countless times." Tojo Hideki glanced regretfully and was photographed more than two meters away. He sighed softly, "This is good wine bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor... Ishihara-kun, even if you don't want to drink it, you shouldn't."

"Enough!" Ishihara Waner roared again, "I don't care what the emperor is or not. All I know is that if you don't listen to my advice, the empire's strategy in Southeast Asia will suffer a huge failure."

"War can't be fought by one person, Ishihara-kun." Hideki Tojo rolled his eyes, "Even if you are a genius, you can't replace everyone."

"But we have already planned it before that. First take Malaya, then Singapore, and then Indonesia! The oil and rubber resources in these areas are enough to support the empire's current war. After that, we will attack the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Malacca. We only need a few small fleets to fight, and we can easily disrupt India's support to the British mainland. And cut off the aid routes of Britain and the United States to China... This is far better than our direct attack on Burma. It is much better to face the Chinese "Ishihara said with a smile.

"But Myanmar is adjacent to China's rear area. As long as Yunnan is occupied, we will almost win!" Hideki Tojo's expression also became serious, "Ishihara-kun, with your talent, you should know that China. Only China , is our real goal, and only by occupying the whole of China can we truly win this war... Even if we lose Southeast Asia at that time, so what if we lose other places we occupied? As long as we Swallowing China, no matter how powerful Britain and the United States are, they will have nothing to do with us! With China as a foothold, we can even strive for world hegemony..."

"But we can't occupy the whole of China at all, and the deeper we get into the Chinese battlefield, the heavier the pressure we have to bear." Ishihara stared into Tojo Hideki's eyes blankly, "Tojo-kun, I I know you can't stand the temptation now... You all think that as long as you defeat the British and occupy Burma, you can take Yunnan, and then attack Chongqing and Sichuan from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and then completely pacify the whole of China....That's right, This is indeed very tempting. Conquering China is enough to become the eternal pride of any soldier. But will the Chinese let you easily achieve your goal? Can't they imagine what the imperial army will do after taking Burma? But they resolutely Resolutely give us the way to enter Siam... They are waiting for us, waiting for us to enter the huge pocket they have already woven. If you defeat the British army in Burma and the British When the forces are completely expelled from Southeast Asia, the Chinese no longer have any scruples... They need the support of Britain and the United States, so they always behaved timidly before, but when Britain and the United States are driven away, they will become like tigers....Whoever enters Myanmar , whoever will be defeated, or even wiped out! I'm sure!"

"Ishihara-kun, let me tell you a piece of top-secret news." Hideki Tojo took a deep breath, "Actually, not all the troops withdrawn from Guangdong according to your opinion were transported to North China to support the North China Front Army... the 21st Most of the troops of the army have already arrived in Siam! That is to say, Terauchi Shouichi’s final troops in Burma will be nearly double the original plan....We have not underestimated any enemy!"


"Okay, I'm leaving!" Hideki Tojo stood up and patted Ishihara Kanji on the shoulder: "Ishihara-kun, I hope you can carefully consider our tactical arrangements after we occupy Burma... His Majesty the Emperor hopes that End the war in China as soon as possible. Because only in this way can we mobilize stronger forces to deal with Britain and the United States.  … Goodbye!"


Hideki Tojo bowed slightly towards Ishihara Waner, turned and left.And Ishihara Wan'er just stared at him blankly, until his back was about to disappear outside the door, and then suddenly became furious, and kicked the short guy in front of him over:

"Idiots! You idiots! Hideki Tojo, you private man who can only handle ten machine guns, you are letting the warriors of the empire die—" (To be continued...)

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