Ishihara Wan'er has always had an intuition: Although Qin Wei seldom takes action in terms of intelligence, it is still difficult for all his actions to escape the opponent's eyes.In other words, every move of the Japanese army was within the expectations of the Chinese.And the facts have been proving his guess.Just like the battle of Guangzhou that just ended, that idiot Takashi Sakai thought he had a plan, but was tricked by the opponent, and fell into the trap of the opponent without knowing it.Therefore, Ishihara Wanji resolutely opposed the Japanese army's attack on Burma.Because the Japanese army is still not strong enough to be fearless after all, although they may double their strength in Burma, the Chinese will never be much worse.Conversely, a Chinese party with an intelligence advantage would have greater initiative.

But do you just keep avoiding the Chinese?Obviously impossible.Japan and China are now almost immortal. Unless one side is completely defeated, no one can let go.Compared with the power of Britain and the United States in Asia, the actual power of the Chinese is much stronger. It is absolutely impossible for Japan to fight desperately with Britain and the United States while letting this neighbor stare at it.

But how to deal with an enemy who knows everything?

Ishihara Wanji had thought of many ways, and combined with Kenji Doihara, trying to find the enemy hidden in the dark, but unfortunately found nothing, not even a clue.So, he decided to adopt another method, and this method is - potential!Crush all enemies with absolute strength!Let the Chinese find themselves unable to fight Japan, and then choose to surrender.But this requires driving away Britain and the United States first, and gaining an absolute strategic advantage over China.In order to achieve this, it is necessary to completely cut off the route for the Chinese to obtain aid from Britain and the United States.

Through repeated deduction, Ishihara Waner found that the Chinese people's purpose is very likely to use them to expel Britain and the United States from Southeast Asia, and then come forward on their own to attack from Myanmar.Go all the way south until you conquer Singapore and control the strategic throat of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.At that time, Britain and the United States could only support China, because only the Chinese had enough strength to stop the Japanese army from westward for them.With such an advantage, the Chinese can open their mouths to Britain and the United States.Of course, by occupying places such as Singapore and Malaya, the Chinese also occupied the throat of the sea route from Indonesia to Japan, and could even directly use Singapore as a forward base to bomb Indonesian oil fields.It also has a huge advantage over Japan.

But there is a difficulty here.That is, no one knows why the Chinese are sure that they can win in Myanmar!

Just intelligence?

It's hard.As a senior officer of the Japanese Army, and an important staff member whom Hideki Tojo and others rely on, he is very aware of how closely the Japanese army guards against the Chinese.Especially against the opponent's air force that is always elusive, Hideki Tojo even persuaded Emperor Hirohito to transport the latest jet fighters obtained from Germany to the front lines in Southeast Asia...

Air Force Superiority!Army Advantage!Naval Superiority!This is why the coward Shouichi Terauchi suffered from the destruction of the Chinese.The reason why he finally dared to show his fangs to the other party again.That guy wants to regain the long-lost self-confidence from the Chinese, and the same.There are many people who think this will from the front finally contributed to Hideki Tojo and His Majesty the Emperor's change of mind in the palace.Take China first, and then talk about other things... These guys still think that the Chinese are better than the British and bully!

But knowing that this is wrong and that he will fall into the trap of the Chinese, Ishihara Waner has nothing to do.Because the Imperial Japanese Army will not allow a rational person to influence its actions for a long time.This freak has been labeled "crazy" almost from the day he was born...wanting to influence it.Then it is very likely to kill the person or force that wants to influence it first.

Ishihara Wanji wanted to change this situation, and even went to the Emperor Hirohito to see him, but unfortunately there was no result.Afterwards, he was even ordered to go to the General Staff of the Second Army to perform his duties as Chief of Staff... In other words.He has actually been "abandoned" by the top Japanese army!


What happened to Ishihara Waner is like some famous people in history who were crossed and demolished bridges.But it has to be admitted that some people who have made great achievements in more professional fields are actually often losers in interpersonal relationships and political activities. There are many such examples in China, and in modern times, like Shi Yuan There is a similar smile, and this is Jiang Fangzhen... This man who has always been listed as the "No. In the end, he was so angry that he drew his gun and committed suicide in the Baoding Military Academy, and he was still in front of the teachers and students of the school.However, after the suicide failed, after healed his injuries and recovered his health, Jiang Fangzhen may have truly felt the atmosphere of the whole of China, and since then he has concentrated on sitting as a staff officer.But from the Beiyang era to the Nationalist government era, until he became an important staff member of Lao Jiang's subordinates, no matter how hard he worked, he never got any chance to actually command the battle.This situation continued until last year, 1941!That year, Jiang Fangzhen passed away!

Compared to Jiang Fangzhen, Ishihara Waner was lucky. He planned the entire Japanese strategy for at least a period of time; but compared to Jiang Fangzhen, he was unlucky. Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge so seriously.If you are more disappointed, you won't fall too hard when you fall, and if you don't take the initiative to fight for too many things, you won't have any enemies, and you can at least gain everyone's respect on the surface... But Shi Yuan Smiling won't work.He originally thought that he would be able to command military operations across Japan through Hideki Tojo and Yamamoto 56, but he was suddenly abandoned when the situation was good, so he fell ill...he couldn't afford it!

And when Ishihara Wanji was seriously ill, Terauchi Shouichi's Southern Army finally started its general attack on Southeast Asia.

Having suffered too much from the Chinese, and was almost devastated, Terauchi Shouichi attaches great importance to fighting the Chinese.Therefore, before attacking Burma, he decided to take Malaya first and deal with the enemies in the south.In order to ensure victory, he dispatched nearly half of his troops at once, with a total of 13 troops.In front of him were the British Army, the British Indian Army, the Australian Army and the Malay State Army stationed in Malaya, a total of five divisions and four brigades, with a total of 11 people.

The strength of the troops seems to be about the same.But as soon as the battle began, the British army retreated steadily.Percival, the commander-in-chief of the Far East British Army, tried to delay the Japanese attack by relying on narrow roads and rivers to buy time to strengthen the southern defense.But what he didn't know was that the Japanese intelligence agency had already bought one of his subordinates, a colonel named Bai Cui Hannan.This "traitor" is the Air Force's liaison officer in charge of contacting the Indian Army. With his "help", the Japanese Navy's 22nd Air Squadron and the Army's 3rd Flying Group destroyed the Allied forces in northern Malaya within 3 days The air force base soon bombed Singapore and Kuantan, an important town in western Malaya, which severely damaged the British bases and airports in these two places, and especially destroyed the British air force which was not much.

Percival had no choice but to pin his hopes on the British Far East Fleet, hoping that the Royal Navy could repel the Japanese sea power.As a result, because of the lack of air cover, the flagship "Prince of Wales" of the Yuaner fleet and the battlecruiser "Repulse" were sunk by the Japanese in the southeast waters of Kuantan.As a result, the Japanese army won the control of the sea and the air, ensuring the smooth completion of the sea transportation mission.Afterwards, the main force of the Japanese army quickly advanced from north to south along the Malay Peninsula, and quickly occupied Kuantan with the cooperation of the navy. After a short rest, they went straight to Kuala Lumpur.


"Tsk tsk tsk, Qin Wei really hit the spot. The British are not good enough."

Chongqing Ministry of Defense.

He Yingqin hid in his office, reading newspaper reports on the Southeast Asian war and the satire on the British army, with a gloating smile on his face.He already knew the arrangement on his side, and after deduction, he also knew that his side had a great chance of winning.Therefore, it doesn't care what the situation of the two allies is.Anyway, it's not a good thing, it's better to kill them all.

"Excellent?" Opposite He Yingqin was a middle-aged man with a broad forehead and thin eyebrows. He was very interested in hearing this new word. "Is this a new word invented by our language master?"

"Then what do you think?" He Yingqin asked with a smile.

"It's quite an image." The other party laughed.

"Hehe, I can give you a compliment from one of the 'Three Heroes of Whampoa'. It can be seen that Qin Wei is quite a force! Huh? Hahaha..." He Yingqin laughed.

"Teacher, please don't make fun of me. What are the 'Whampoa Three Heroes'? Let's not talk about Jiang Xianyun's early death. Chen Geng is at least a general in the Communist Party, but what am I?" The middle-aged man It was He Zhonghan, one of the most famous graduates of the Whampoa Military Academy's first phase, who was also Chiang's most trusted student.It is a pity that when the "Xi'an Incident" broke out, this man, Deng Wenyi and others secretly colluded with He Yingqin, who is known as the "pro-Japanese faction", and mobilized more than 170 young generals to send telegrams to "discuss rebellion", and insisted on marching troops to "crusade" against Zhang and Yang He also bombed Xi'an, and in the name of the "Whampoa Alumni Association", he supported He Yingqin as the temporary commander-in-chief of the army, navy and air force, and took the overall responsibility for "crushing against Zhang and Yang's rebellion"... Finally, he organized a "dispossessing against the rebellion" group, Claiming to fight Zhang and Yang to the death and rescue their principal.But there was a lot of trouble, and the "Xi'an Incident" was resolved peacefully before they "went out".And because of this, Lao Jiang also saw through the face of his favorite student, and almost pushed him to the end... Although after the Anti-Japanese War officially broke out, he got a position as the head of the first department of the Political Department, but He still has no real power, and the Political Department wants to form a united front with the Communist Party. Although he once participated in the Communist Party, he is now a staunch communist and unwilling to work with the Communist Party, so he resigned soon.But resignation is resignation, but he forgot another problem, the national government now has fewer officials and more people.Therefore, he is still at home. (To be continued..)

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