mixed in the war

Chapter 581 Want to do something


He Zhonghan complained in front of He Yingqin, saying that he was one of the "Three Heroes of Huangpu" who did not live up to his name and was left far behind... Who is He Yingqin?To say he is an old fox is to look down on people.How can you not understand what this student means?But if it was an ordinary person, he would try to persuade him with a few words, and then just promise a few official positions and then dismiss him, but He Zhonghan couldn't do it.

As a result, He Zhonghan's status was already extremely high.Back then, he presided over the intelligence and governance system for Lao Jiang for a long time, and was one of the four pillars of the "Fuxingshe" at the time. Dai Li was a junior in front of him.The Whampoa students are also at the leader level, no worse than Hu Zongnan and others today, and even higher than Hu Zongnan in terms of political status alone.Therefore, it is impossible to arrange the low.But although He Yingqin is the Minister of National Defense and the second in the government, it's okay to arrange some idle jobs, but the real job... even a division commander is not easy for him.Because of this level of officers, the appointment power is all in Lao Jiang's hands.At most, he was a suggestion, but this suggestion was often adopted by Lao Jiang.But if someone else is okay, he told Lao Jiang that there is a high probability that he can pass, but He Zhonghan can't... because this entangles with He Zhonghan's second question: is he considered "disloyal" by Lao Jiang? people.

It's not that Lao Jiang doesn't know who his subordinates are, and he also knows that most of his subordinates will not be of one mind with him.It's just that there is no chance at ordinary times, and when there is an opportunity, someone will inevitably have the idea of ​​"replacing it".But He Zhonghan, Deng Wenyi and others really offended Lao Jiang last time.

At that time, clamoring for crusade against Zhang and Yang was sending Lao Jiang to a dead end.That's all for He Yingqin, his qualifications and status are all there, but who are He Zhonghan and Deng Wenyi?It's Lao Jiang's student!The students of the Whampoa Department that Lao Jiang relied on to support his power are still his cronies... Therefore, the "betrayal" of these guys is absolutely intolerable to Lao Jiang.Can there be no killer.It's just that he turned into a casual job, which is actually Lao Jiang's obstruction.If you want that bald man to use these guys again, don't even think about it, even if the sky is falling.

Apart from this reason, He Yingqin also heard about He Zhonghan.

That was last year, and He Zhonghan was living idle in Liziba, Chongqing, doing nothing all day long.Once, this guy invited Xiao Zuolin, the secretary-general of the Chinese Cultural Society, to eat his dog legs... Maybe just by hearing the name, some people would think that this Xiao Zuolin is a member of the cultural circle, which is not bad.But I'm afraid few people know.The secretary-general of the Chinese Culture Association was still a student of the sixth phase of Whampoa. He left Whampoa Military Academy as early as 1927 because he was dissatisfied with the "Qing Party" of the Kuomintang at that time, and served under Zhang Fakui's command.Afterwards, he served in the Nanjing Central Military Academy and under Tang Shengzhi, and once followed Tang Shengzhi to rebel against Chiang.It's just that the incident was not deep, and after Tang Shengzhi's failure, he was only punished slightly.after.Xiao Zuolin just took off his military uniform.Founded a newspaper office, devoted himself to the cultural circles, and ended up making quite a name.

As one of the representatives of the Chinese cultural circle, Xiao Zuolin, like many of his peers, was very dissatisfied with Lao Jiang.So, He Zhonghan asked him to eat dog legs.After getting drunk, he scolded Lao Jiang for being stupid.And what about He Zhonghan?At that time, he was almost drunk, and he was seduced by Xiao Zuolin again, and he also spoke his truth.

He said to Xiao Zuolin: "How do you know that Mr. Jiang is violent, but he is not at all. Haven't you seen how brilliant his control skills are? He has always held on to the army, secret agents, and finances." 3 lifelines. Each of these 3 lifelines has a set of his most trusted people to guard him; at the same time, he makes these 3 forces depend on and restrain each other, and only obey his orders. Each of these 3 aspects On the one hand, each has three forces standing side by side to check each other. On the army side are Chen Cheng, Tang Enbo, and Hu Zongnan; , technical research office, and the general leader of the training class for translating personnel); in terms of finance, Kong Xiangxi, Song Ziwen and the Chen brothers. No one dared to hold hostages among them and had no scruples. All these people, except Kong and Song, were his Except for his relatives, the rest are all from Zhejiang. Even Song Ziwen's hometown is also from Zhejiang. It can be said that they are all his close friends. But he still has a guard against these people. Is this still "faint"? He is absolutely worried about us Hunanese, especially Hunanese who know a little about politics. You see that the Fuxing Society is gone now, and the military command has been replaced. Why? Because of Fuxing He only used such an organization as the society for a while, and of course he no longer wanted this organization when he was praised as an absolute dictator. Moreover, he was also afraid that the revival society would develop to the point that it would be difficult to control; especially this organization Most of the senior backbones of the army are from Hunan, which is also difficult for him to rest assured. Therefore, he reorganized it into the military command, and put it under the control of Shi Daiyunong, a Jiangsu native. His use and planning are extremely clever. You still call him 'faint', which shows that you are still young and don't know much about things, and you are a little faint."

It can be seen from these words that He Zhonghan sees through Chiang Kai-shek just as Chiang Kai-shek treats him.But the problem is, Lao Jiang doesn't like being seen too clearly.And such a person who can understand the leader thoroughly and has extraordinary abilities, how can Lao Jiang be at ease?

But apart from these, there is a third problem here: the group of He Zhonghan and Deng Wenyi supported him at the beginning.In other words, everyone was originally a group.Now He Yingqin is still on the "shore", and he is doing well, with a high status, firmly seated on the throne of the second in command, but He Zhonghan and others are still tossing in the water, how can he just watch helplessly? With?Originally, people like He Zhonghan just didn't say anything, but now they finally reached out to him, if he is not willing to even give him a hand, would you mind?And if this gets out, who would want to hang out with him or someone else in the future?

"Jun Shan, you are giving me a problem."

He Yingqin thought about it for a while, and he wasn't hypocritical, and he didn't say any nonsense to He Zhonghan, but directly put the difficulty of the matter between the two of them:

"You know the chairman's temperament. Although he may not care about the previous things, it is impossible for you to get another important position... Even if I am willing to speak for you, at most That is to say, being scolded!"

"I find you made a mistake." Of course He Zhonghan knew his embarrassment, so he didn't have much hope for this time's application for an official... Besides, why was he willing to support He Yingqin in the first place?Because He Yingqin is "soft", just looking at his nickname, "Grandma He", one can clearly know that this person and Chiang Kai-shek have two completely different personalities.Therefore, if He Yingqin can be promoted to the top position, he, the "minister of the dragon", will surely become the most powerful person in the national government, and he will even be able to replace He in the near future... This is him The real plan at the time.And he also knew that He Yingqin and Chiang Kai-shek would definitely be able to guess his thoughts, so things like "reporting old feelings with pictures" can be done, but not too much, otherwise even He Yingqin will not wait to see him in the future. Life will only become more difficult: "I am not seeking any high-ranking official, let alone any great power, I just want to transfer a seat."

"Change your seat?" He Yingqin looked at him: "I remember you were the director of the human resources group at the National Mobilization Committee of the Executive Yuan? What, you're not feeling well?"

"Teacher..." There was a trace of sadness in He Zhonghan's eyes, "I'm no longer in the mobilization committee, I'm now the director of the Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs!"

"Ah?" He Yingqin's old face blushed suddenly: "Wh, when did you get transferred? Why didn't I know?"

"Hehe," He Zhonghan smiled wryly, "It's not a great transfer, who would care?"

"That..." Don't care?I really didn't care much about it.But is this kid's words sarcastic?He Yingqin smiled awkwardly, "That is to say, you are not doing well in the labor bureau now?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I've reached this point. What else can I do? And I really want to work hard to do a good job." He Zhonghan sighed: "It's a pity that the Labor Bureau has to coordinate labor-management relations and guide labor employment. , but also to carry out technical training and arrange for technicians and workers who moved westward due to the Anti-Japanese War... It involved the adjustment of the benefits of various classes and classes, touched the interests of many people, and caused dissatisfaction among these people, so the results were very good. What's more, someone wrote a couplet using the words "Labor Bureau" to laugh at the work of the Labor Bureau: the first couplet is "toil without merit", the second couplet is "to be blamed at every turn", and the horizontal comment is "embarrassed". ..."

"This... the work of the labor bureau is really not easy. You have worked hard." He Yingqin didn't know what to say, because he really didn't pay much attention to the labor bureau.

"It doesn't matter if you work hard. Those people do this, not only to laugh at my lack of achievements, but also to sympathize with my difficult task. Therefore, comments are all for others to comment on," He Zhonghan smiled wryly, "It's just this job... Teacher, I'm serious I don't want it anymore. Even if you give me a more tiring and troublesome one, as long as you don't always fail to get things done. "


"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

He Yingqin also felt a little sympathetic to He Zhonghan.Talented people all hope that they can achieve results, but the Labor Bureau is basically a place where it is difficult to get things done. What was He Zhonghan's status back then?Today it is like a mouse in a bellows, and it is indeed difficult enough.And the other party's request is not high, just want someone who can do things, don't make people so entangled... This is not a difficult thing for him, even if Lao Jiang knows it, he will certainly not He cared too much, so he opened his mouth to agree.But at this moment, someone knocked on the office door.

"Come in!"

He Yingqin gave He Zhonghan a sorry look, and sat up straight again.

"Report, sir," He Yingqin's secretary pushed open the door, and stepped in, followed by a tall white officer, but the white officer's expression was fixed on the ground, as if he was looking for trouble.When He Yingqin saw this person, he had no choice but to stand up and meet him:

"General Stilwell, why are you here?" (To be continued...)

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