mixed in the war

Chapter 582 Dispute

Stilwell was the one Roosevelt and Marshall insisted on sending to China.

For one thing, the Chinese have already won the "diplomatic war within the allies", and the United States had to provide a large amount of supplies to assist them. Although Roosevelt could accept this result, he was unwilling to accept China's Second, Stilwell was the candidate recommended by Marshall, and Marshall has always been known for his "knowledge of people"; third, Stilwell has performed well in all aspects so far. Just because of a distrust of the Chinese people to stop their appointment?When did the U.S. government stop talking like this?In addition to these, there is a fourth point: the Chinese government originally agreed to let Stilwell succeed MacArthur, expressed welcome, and agreed to cooperate...should not be easily changed.

Therefore, Stilwell flew to China in a very short time, before the Japanese even started to attack the British army.After arriving in China, Stilwell quickly completed the handover with Wainwright who stayed in China, and obtained the military power left by MacArthur.Then, he was received by Lao Jiang, and Lao Jiang was very warm and polite to him.

But that's all there is to it.

Stilwell had a very unhappy life afterwards. He felt that many people looked at him with suspicion... This reminded him of what Roosevelt and Marshall had mentioned to him in succession: Chinese people do not Trust you, think that you have no actual combat experience, and do not understand the situation in the Asian battlefield, especially the Western Pacific battlefield, so they originally planned to reject you.And if the eyes of the crowd only made Stilwell feel uncomfortable, then what happened afterwards really made this self-esteemed American general angry: As the chief of staff of the newly established Pan-Western Pacific Theater, he Unexpectedly, it is rare to obtain battlefield information from the Chinese, and many times he even has to ask for it himself.But even so, what he got was just casual coping... And those people gave him the feeling that he, the chief of staff of the Pan-Western Pacific Theater, might not even be as authoritative as a random division commander in the Chinese Theater.

so.Stilwell was furious.As I said before, he is self-willed, and a person with this kind of character must be arrogant, so he can't stand others' contempt for him.Therefore, he first reported to the country, told about his experience, and asserted to Roosevelt and Marshall that the Chinese side had no sincerity to cooperate at all, and then began to perform the post of chief of staff of the Pan-Western Pacific Theater... He formulated A war plan.Prepare to send the squadron into Southeast Asia, launch an attack on the Japanese army, and submit it to the commander-in-chief of the theater, Chiang Kai-shek, and then... there is no more.Although he has sent several urging telegrams, it has not been until yesterday.He did not receive any reply from Lao Jiang.

Therefore, the angry Stilwell handed over the task of training the US military to his deputy.Get on the plane and fly to Chongqing by yourself.Come to Lao Jiang in person.But Lao Jiang still ignored him, and pushed him to He Yingqin's side with a wave of his hand.


"Mr. Minister, I just want to know when my plan will be implemented!"

Stilwell was not polite to He Yingqin at all. After explaining his intention of coming in extremely blunt Chinese, he asked He Yingqin directly.

"Implementation? Implement it with your head!" He Yingqin smiled.But I couldn't help cursing in my heart.Stilwell's attitude made him extremely dissatisfied.So what if it's an American?A mere lieutenant general who has just been promoted, playing with his face?After entering the door, there was not even a military salute.He was a first-rank general in the army of the national government, and even MacArthur gave him a military salute honestly when he saw him.How old are you, Stilwell?Not polite at all.No wonder Qin Wei looks down on you, you are indeed far behind Eisenhower and Chennault.Well, even MacArthur is far worse...

"Mr. Minister, please answer my question." Seeing that He Yingqin just smiled but did not speak, Stilwell asked again.

"General Stilwell, I can understand your mood at this moment." He Yingqin organized his words, and the smile on his face remained unchanged: "But according to the agreement we reached with the United Kingdom and the United States, we must receive assistance from your country Only after that can we send troops to fight! But now your country’s assistance is still far away. General, don’t you want our soldiers to fight with fire sticks?”

"Mr. Minister," Stilwell said, his expression getting worse, "the aid supplies have passed through the Suez Canal and will be delivered to Myanmar immediately. But without Myanmar, how can your country receive these supplies through the Japanese blockade? You should Send troops immediately to support the struggling British army and General Percival."

"It's impossible, General." He Yingqin shook his head, "There is still Burma between us and Malaya. It is impossible for us to directly support the British."

"So you can enter Burma first, so that the British troops deployed in Burma can be free to support Malaya." Stilwell said anxiously: "Mr. Minister, there is no longer any delay. If this delay continues, Malayan Laiya will fall. At that time, Burma will be attacked by the entire Japanese Southern Army."

"General Percival is a famous British general. He won't fail so easily." He Yingqin said with a smile, not letting go.

"Mr. Minister... You, you are irresponsible. You are making fun of the lives of the Allied soldiers and the war situation in the entire Western Pacific." Stilwell was annoyed.He Yingqin's attitude made it clear that he was evading, and the treatment he received in front of Lao Jiang and the Minister of Defense also reminded him of the cold reception he received in China during this period. Suddenly, he broke out: "Minister Sir, I must warn you, if you insist on watching the British army fight alone, then I will report this matter to Washington. I believe that at that time, Washington will reconsider whether to provide material assistance to your country!"

"...General Stilwell, are you threatening me?" He Yingqin's face darkened.

"It's not a threat, but a request. As allies, you should support your allies in times of crisis." Stilwell shouted.

"But according to the agreement, we have not received the assistance you promised. Our soldiers are far inferior to the Japanese in terms of equipment and other aspects. The lives of the British are our lives, but the lives of our Chinese are not. Is it?" He Yingqin scolded in a deep voice.

"Mr. Minister, don't pretend that I don't know anything." Stilwell sneered, "During the previous battle in Guangdong, our soldiers had the honor to fight with your army. The equipment of your soldiers is not bad, at least Much better than the Japanese!"

"Nonsense—" He Yingqin was furious.If Stilwell had said anything else, his temper as a "mother-in-law" would not be so bad, but this guy actually said that the Chinese have better equipment than the Japanese... He who has been in the army for years because of poor equipment and insufficient supplies , How much did you hold your breath?How much did you suffer?But according to what this guy said, isn't it all fake?Could it be that he secretly sold those materials and equipment? "Stilwell, don't spout blood. Who doesn't know what the equipment level of our squadron is like? You are talking nonsense with your eyes open."

"Is it nonsense, Mr. Minister, you should know better than me." Stilwell snorted coldly. "What I'm saying is the truth, the irrefutable truth."

"Okay, what you said is the truth..." He Yingqin smiled angrily, "Find me the guy, find the guy who told you that the Chinese are better equipped than the Japanese—my fucking Let's see. Where did he see this!"

"Our soldiers will not deceive their superiors, and their eyes will never be wrong." Stilwell pointed out. "But Mr. Minister. If I can prove this, what will you do? Will you send your No. 20 Eighth Army in Yunnan to Burma to support the British army as I plan to deploy? "

"General Stilwell, I think you'd better wait for a while." He Zhonghan sat on the side obediently the whole time and did not leave.At this moment, he suddenly stood up: "I have a question: The well-equipped troops of ours that your soldiers saw should be our airborne troops?"

"..." Stilwell's momentum froze for a moment, and after a while he said unnaturally: "I don't know. But our soldiers can't make a mistake."

"You compare paratroopers with ordinary soldiers?" He Yingqin also understood, and suddenly became furious again. "The paratroopers are the most elite troops among our several million troops. They are going to go behind the enemy lines and directly parachute into the heart of the enemy to fight. How can they not be well-equipped? Take them as an example... General Stilwell, Do you think you have a problem, or I have a problem?"

"But as allies, is it right for you to refuse to save them?" Stilwell retorted.

"General Stilwell, you always ask us to send troops to support the British, but you still have [-] American troops! Why don't you go to support yourself first?" He Zhonghan asked again.

"Sir, I don't know who you are, but I want to remind you that you are not a soldier, so it is best not to comment on military affairs without authorization."

Stilwell cast a glance at He Zhonghan, seeing that this guy was not wearing a military uniform, he immediately snorted softly.And seeing his appearance, He Yingqin couldn't help sneering again and again:

"The general He Zhonghan in front of you has the rank of Lieutenant General of the National Revolutionary Army! He is a first-year student of the Whampoa Military Academy and the leader of the Whampoa students!"


Whampoa?Stilwell was stunned at first, and then extremely embarrassed.The reason why he was sent to China by Roosevelt and Marshall, in addition to his good relationship and good performance in the United States, is that he has been to China many times, understands Chinese, and knows more about China than other American generals .Therefore, he also knows very well what kind of existence the Whampoa Military Academy is... The one in front of him is actually a student leader from the first batch of Whampoa?How could he still ridicule the other party for not understanding military affairs?

"General Stilwell, you haven't answered my question yet."

He Zhonghan didn't take He Yingqin's introduction seriously.Whampoa student leaders?That was all in the past.It now appears that it was a joke.

"General He...you should know that our troops have just fought the Japanese in Guangdong, and they still need to rest!"

"Your army needs to rest, what about us? We don't even have enough equipment." He Zhonghan said, "So, the reason is the same. General Stilwell, you shouldn't force us to send troops at this time."

"But as an ally..."

"I think General Stilwell is not considering your allies, but your own military achievements?" He Yingqin suddenly said coldly. (to be continued..)

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