Qin Wei actually likes Zhang Lingfu very much. He is a pure soldier who obeys the orders of his superiors and fights like a Spartan: "We don't ask how many enemies there are, but where they are."He believed that if it wasn't for his position, every superior would like a subordinate like Zhang Lingfu... It's so easy and useful.

Besides Zhang Lingfu, Qin Wei still likes Du Yuming, Wang Yaowu, and Sun Liren very much.Not to mention Du Yuming, this was the mainstay of the Kuomintang in the later period, and his role in the later Kuomintang-Communist battlefield was far more important than that of Hu Zongnan, Tang Enbo and others.He even commanded the two major battles of the Liaoshen Campaign and the Huaihai Campaign successively. Although the Kuomintang side was defeated in these two battles, and Du Yuming himself became a prisoner, it can be said that it was a non-war crime.If there was no boss like Lao Jiang who wanted to interfere in everything, even if Du Yuming still couldn't win in the end, at least he wouldn't lose so ugly.

There is also Wang Yaowu, it is said that he has never made a mistake in war all his life, although he was defeated in the Shandong battlefield, but that is also due to external reasons.And he himself could have run away, but unfortunately, he made the only small mistake in his life when he ran away, and it was also the biggest mistake: during the escape process disguised as ordinary people, after going to the toilet, he actually used high-grade toilet paper Wipe your ass.The Kuomintang has governed the country for so many years, and the lives of ordinary people have never been easy. Which family uses such high-end goods to wipe their asses?How can such a bright person escape the discerning eyes of the masses?So he was caught by the common people who found him, and handed over to the People's Liberation Army.

There is also Sun Liren, although he was successfully evacuated to Taiwan and was entrusted with important tasks, but in the end he was imprisoned by Lao Jiang for decades...

so.Qin Wei tried every means, hoping to give these outstanding talents a better way out.But the problem is, since he is an outstanding talent, he naturally has his own ideas.They may not be able to follow his orders honestly...and among them, Zhang Lingfu, who is belligerent, is especially special.

When Qin Wei ordered the 58th Division to prepare to fight in Burma, Zhang Lingfu was leading his subordinates to train for a beach fight in the Sanya area. As a result, when he received the order, he did not let the troops rest, and directly assembled the entire division, and then set out...First, they took a boat and crossed The Gulf of Tonkin goes directly to North Vietnam.Then take the repaired Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and go straight to Yunnan.By the time Qin Wei received the news, this guy had already arrived at Tengchong on the Yunnan border, and had already started collecting vehicles, ready to go south.

Qin Wei was so angry that he was half dead.

He just got the 58th division ready.But Zhang Lingfu didn't rush over in a hurry.But now that this guy has arrived, what else can he do?As the entire army, it is the most fully equipped.One of the most powerful troops.Naturally, it was impossible for him to shirk on the grounds of lack of equipment and supplies.Especially the Americans knew the details of the 58th Division. Stilwell had thought of using the 58th Division as an advance team. As a result, the Americans are really going to get angry.

So, in desperation.He had to order Zhang Lingfu to lead the 58th Division to rescue Patton.

And just one day after the 58th Division set off, he received a telegram from Zhang Lingfu: Alexander, the commander-in-chief of the British army, ordered the 58th Division to divert to help Ren'anqiang... It turned out that the British army, which was retreating in a hurry, encountered a massacre from the Ren'anqiang oil field. out of the Japanese airborne troops.It stands to reason that there are not many airborne troops in that group.Because the territory occupied by the Japanese is too large and the air force is scattered everywhere, it is difficult to gather a large number of transport planes and bombers for parachute training, which limits the size of the Japanese paratroopers.The number of Japanese paratroopers occupying Ren'an Qiang is said to be less than 3000, the size of a regiment.With such a small force, combined with the so-called Burmese Independence Army, it is reasonable to say that it may be a bit difficult to just guard the Ren'an Qiang, so no one thought that they would rush out from the oil field and block it outrageously. The escape route of tens of thousands of British troops.

There is an old Chinese saying, "Don't chase after poor bandits, and don't stop those who return to their teachers."To put it bluntly, it is the fear of driving the enemy into a situation where there is no way out, which will make the enemy desperate and cause unnecessary losses to oneself.But the Japanese did the opposite, and what is even more puzzling is that the British were actually blocked.


"According to the news, the Japanese army in Renangqiang cut off the railway from Yangon to Mandalay."

It stands to reason that, as the acting provincial chairman during the war, Jiang Jingguo should be very busy with his affairs, but this man likes to join Qin Wei when he has nothing to do, and he has nothing to do with being a prince. "reserved".However, those who know the inside story feel "immense admiration" for Jiang Jingguo's actions... This kid made it clear that he wanted to get a share of this "military feast".Although as the acting chairman of the province, he will definitely get a share of credit after the war is won, but how can that kind of credit be compared to staying with Qin Wei and earning real and refreshing money?Being the acting provincial chairman is at most "helping", but staying with Qin Wei is like experiencing such a big battle... These are two completely different credits.

"The railway was cut off, so I don't know how to run?" After listening to Jiang Jingguo's report, Qin Wei couldn't help but smile, "A mere [-] Japanese troops, even if Alexander and his men are paper, wouldn't it be okay to charge them?" dare?"

"I heard that it was the Japanese paratroopers who attacked them first." Jiang Jingguo looked strange, "As a result, the vanguard of the British army was abruptly dispersed, and Alexander's group was scared back more than ten miles. "

"Awesome!" Qin Wei was stunned, and then held out his thumb, "This shows that this is a fierce team, we can't afford to mess with it. Send a report to Zhang Lingfu and let him continue to carry out the previous command of the headquarters, and then tell him Every instruction he accepts now has been approved by the commander-in-chief of the Western Pacific Theater, and has irrefutable authority within the entire Western Pacific Theater, and no one is qualified to change it... No matter what Is it British or American."


"By the way, I didn't ask you to ask Sun Liren, have those Siamese people solved it?" Qin Wei asked again.

"Sir, Sun Fumin reported that he had dispatched the temporary 18th Division and 184th Division to deal with the enemy, but according to reports from Pan Shuorui and Lu Junquan, they have not found any trace of the Siamese so far. ” Jiang Jingguo replied.

"Oh?" Qin Wei narrowed his eyes, "Then where are these two divisions now?"

"It has reached Taqu." Jiang Jingguo replied.

"Order them to continue down the Mekong River. If there are no enemy troops, they will go all the way into Cambodia." Qin Wei said.

"Will this be too dangerous?" Jiang Jingguo frowned. "Although Cambodia is still governed by the French, since Sun Liren and the others withdrew, there has been a lot of chaos there. And there are no people around us. Siam is still under the Japanese army." The advance base... Once they appear there, they may be besieged by the Japanese army. I am afraid they themselves will not be happy."

"I know, they are the Yunnan Army." Qin Wei smiled, "But I didn't let them fight. These two divisions stayed in Cambodia with Sun Liren before, and they are familiar with the situation there... Siamese Now that war has been declared to the allies, but these people are afraid of wolves and tigers, and dare not move out easily. Therefore, although they received the order from the Japanese, they still hesitate to move forward. The Japanese now pay more attention to the Burmese battlefield. They are their partners again, so there is no need to use strong tactics for a while. But since they are already enemies, there is no need to be polite. I plan to give the Siamese a boost first... Let Pan Shuorui and the others go all the way from the Mekong River Arrived in Vietnam. The Japanese didn't dare to provoke us before and avoided these two places, but if they heard that our people reappeared in South Vietnam, what do you think they would think?"

"They must be worried about the future." Jiang Jingguo said with a smile.

"That's right." Qin Wei said with a smile, "Taking off from the airport in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam, our planes can completely block the Gulf of Thailand, and even directly bomb Singapore. Terauchi Shouichi has dealt with me several times, and he knows my He has a big appetite, and he also knows that I have a lot of affection for the navy, so he definitely dare not take this risk. But at this juncture, he can't and dare not send more Japanese troops to turn around and counterattack. Therefore, his only way is to force Siam to send troops .At that time, what do you think we should do?"

"This..." Jiang Jingguo thought for a moment, "A head-on attack?"

"No." Qin Wei shook his head with a smile, "I told you, I didn't let these two divisions go to war. As a human being, you must keep your word."

"Then I don't know much about it." Jiang Jingguo smiled wryly, "If the Siamese are not given a head-on blow, then Cambodia and South Vietnam may fall. Although it is not our territory, it is still our sphere of influence after all. , and the strategic position is extremely important, and it can also provide us with some food, if it were me, I would definitely not be willing to abandon such an important place."

"Yes, those are good places." Qin Wei nodded, "The Mekong River Delta, as well as the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia, are both lands of fish and rice, with rich products. If they are managed well, they will supply food for our southwest provinces." It’s not a big problem. And now that the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway has been reopened, and the transportation between the two places is convenient, the status there is even more important.”

"Then what are your plans?" Jiang Jingguo asked curiously.

"Run." Qin Wei smiled wryly, "Let Pan Shuorui and Lu Junquan continue to run, from south to north, 'escape' back to North Vietnam."

"But...that's just Siamese!" Jiang Jingguo felt unacceptable.Although he believed that Pan and Lu would not be willing to fight with the Siamese, if Qin Wei gave the order, the two Yunnan army divisions still had to follow the order.Moreover, he believed that Pan and Lu would not be willing to run away in front of the Siamese... They are not Japanese, so they can't afford to lose that person.

"I ran because I was a Siamese! If I didn't run, there would be problems." (To be continued...)

ps: There are many things, and there will be much less updates this month. At present, one chapter a day is barely guaranteed. I hope friends who like this book will understand.

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