There are only a few Siamese, why should we run?

Jiang Jingguo couldn't understand the meaning of Qin Wei's words for a while, but North Vietnam has the Red River defense line, and Laos has Sun Liren's new 1st army. He is not worried that the Siamese attack will cut off China's retreat... The Japanese are not like that Skill, this group of people is defeated by the Japanese, can it work?But after all, he is still a young man. Although his real age is not much younger than Qin Wei, and he has become an important minister, Jiang Jingguo still can't accept such a deliberate loss of "his own territory".Because now, like many people in China, he secretly hopes to merge the occupied Indochina Peninsula area, which is the place covered by the original "French Indochina", into China.It's just that this kind of thinking still makes people feel a little unrealistic for the time being, so everyone is still holding back.But not including these lands in China for the time being, does not mean that they are willing to lose these places... At the beginning Qin Wei ordered the new 1st Army to withdraw from Cambodia, and the 5th Army to withdraw from South Vietnam, which caused a lot of controversy in the country It's a dispute.Although many newspapers said that the government did what it did, Jiang Jingguo knew that many people were still unhappy because of the loss of "gain and loss".

But now, not only did Qin Wei not take the initiative to "recover" those two areas, but he actually planned to give them up to the Siamese... Jiang Jingguo really didn't understand.If you are Japanese, everyone can at least accept it. After all, although it is an enemy of life and death, everyone still recognizes it in terms of strength.The Japanese are quite fierce. You see, the British and Americans were beaten up. It is understandable for us to let him give up, but let it go to Siam... China is not so inferior?

But Chiang Ching-kuo is Chiang Ching-kuo after all. He has been in the Soviet Union for more than ten years, and he has been able to hold back his emotions. The Soviets asked him to write articles scolding Lao Jiang.Although he didn't understand Qin Wei's intention this time, he still held back and didn't ask.And faithfully conveyed Qin Wei's orders to various troops.

And after this, Zhang Lingfu almost rushed to the front line of Reliem where the US military was located at the fastest speed.This fierce general is also a bad boy!He obviously went there near Ren'anqiang, and obviously he only needed to send a partial division to rescue the large British army that was being blocked by the Japanese paratroopers, but he just didn't do it... ignoring the British and Japanese armies, Just rushed over like that, making Alexander, the commander of the British army, furious, but there was nothing he could do.Because Zhang Lingfu was under the command of the Pan-Western Pacific Theater Command, he did not receive the task of rescuing the British army, on the contrary.During this period, Alexander also received an order from Chiang, asking him to immediately regroup the army, intercept the large Japanese troops chasing from the rear, and "counterattack as appropriate."Anyway.Just can't go back.

But where would Alexander put Lao Jiang in his eyes?Not to mention Lao Jiang, it is Churchill who is now personally showing up to give him orders.He can't do it either... Westerners don't pay attention to the honor of dying in battle.Would rather die than surrender or something like that.Run if you can't fight, this is the iron law of the battlefield they obey.Although they were defeated, although their unauthorized retreat put the US military in trouble, what's the matter?If the Americans are notified, can they escape?A group of airborne troops can block their retreat, if there is another Hebianzheng three and five divisions.Should the [-] British Burmese troops repeat what happened in Malaya?So, he didn't think he was wrong.As long as he can escape with these British people, he will still be a hero, and vice versa.He will only be a bear... because the British will only remember that he "rescued" these British boys, but will not remember how he was beaten by the Japanese and how he "threw away" his allies "Understand.

But the problem now is that he has interceptions in front and pursuers behind, so it is not easy to run.And his situation is getting worse: Hebian Zhengsan, who is personally leading troops to besiege Patton, has also noticed him. Because of his abundant troops, he has sent a brigade of troops to move westward, as if to support Ren The Japanese paratroopers in Anqiang also seemed to want to cooperate with other Japanese troops to drive them into the Indian Ocean.Alexander knew very well that once the Japanese troops of this brigade came to his side, it would be even more difficult for him to escape... So, in the strongest tone, he issued an order to Zhang Lingfu again, asking the 58th Division to block this attack from the east. The Japanese brigade that came over.

However, the 58th Division and the Japanese brigade just passed by.It is said that the shortest distance between the two troops was only one kilometer, and soldiers with good eyesight could even see the face of the enemy army on the opposite side. Who cares.

Knowing this situation, Alexander finally gave up the idea of ​​fleeing along the railway, and led his troops to detour from the west and escape on foot.In order to meet them, Wavell, who is far away in India, is also stepping up the construction of a road from India to Myanmar.


"The speed at which the British fled exceeded the speed at which the Japanese pursued. Therefore, purely in terms of physical strength and escape methods, they still surpassed the Japanese. This battle, they 'won'!"

Zhang Lingfu seems to be just a simple fierce general on the battlefield, but with the highest degree of education in the two major Chinese teaching systems of civil and military, he is absolutely ruthless enough to hurt people, and he is no weaker than anyone in playing tricks... Qin Wei is just Let him have a chance to drive a wedge between Barton and Alexander, but he started to carry out this task as soon as he met Barton.

"I'm well aware of their 'ability'! But what about us, General Zhang?"

At this time, Barton no longer had the high spirits of the moment he just arrived.No cannons, no tanks, not enough planes... Then he found that his self-proclaimed bravery was almost useless in front of the Japanese, because the opponent was much fiercer than him.If it wasn't for that breath of support, if it wasn't for him knowing that the loss might be even greater if he escaped, if it wasn't for him knowing that the Americans really couldn't afford a second defeat, if it wasn't for him knowing that reinforcements had already arrived...he I am afraid that he has admitted defeat and led his troops to flee like Alexander.After all, he is not a simple warrior.His "violence" and his courage to attack are actually mainly to reduce the casualties of the troops.In the original history, the Third Army led by him was the unit with the lowest casualty rate in the entire US military.

"We may win, or we may lose. My officer told me. I must stand firm here until reinforcements arrive." Zhang Lingfu saw Patton for the first time, and he had never heard of such a person before.Before that, he looked down on the U.S. military...Even after MacArthur led troops to defeat Tadashi Sano near Hong Kong, he still looked down on the U.S. military.In his view, the combat effectiveness of the Americans is still too low, lacking the courage to fight life and death, and relying too much on weapons and equipment.Therefore, when encountering the Japanese, they will not be able to adapt to the style of playing directly without firing a cannon before the battle.And was driven to run away, just like the British.But now, he looked at these Yankees with admiration.Because he knew that it would be difficult for him to persist for so long under the siege of the five Japanese divisions.Or it can't be done, even if Patton has more troops than him.

"Persevere?" Button also felt Zhang Lingfu's determination.As a result, he, who had been constantly boosting morale not long ago, suddenly felt bursts of pressure. "Can we still hold on?"

"Yes." Zhang Lingfu said calmly, "Unless we are all killed in battle, otherwise, we can stick to it."

"...General," Patton's face changed because of Zhang Lingfu's words, "This sentence is not auspicious."

"Auspicious? It's on the battlefield. What more auspicious do you want?" Zhang Lingfu looked at him: "We only recognize two words: kill the enemy!"

"There are more enemies than us! Even with you added, the enemy still has nearly twice as much power as us." Barton roared.

"Let your people come down to rest. The defense line will be temporarily taken over by our 58th Division. In addition..." Zhang Lingfu told Patton: "General, my commander also told me that you and your troops now have two choices: one. In our After fighting the enemy and retreating, you have done your best, so this is not an escape; two, stand here with us until reinforcements arrive..."

"You asked me to retreat?" Barton pointed to his nose, as if he had heard something incredible.

"It's not you, it's you!" Zhang Lingfu said, "Your performance is enough. Therefore, the theater command allows you to retreat."

"But the British..." Is this a distinction?Is this the Chinese wanting to curry favor with the United States?But when they treated Stilwell before, the attitude of this group of people was quite bad... Barton said he didn't understand.

"What do you think of those British people?" Zhang Lingfu asked with a hint of contempt on his face.

"They?" Barton seemed to remember the group of people who were supposed to fight with him at this time, and his face suddenly twisted, "I must admit, general, the 'they' won' you mentioned just now." It is indeed very original. Yes, they won, they won our contempt and contempt. I have never seen a unit that can run so fast, they are really 'magnificent'!"

"With such an amazing army, who dares to fight alongside them? Just like now... General Patton, I heard that our commander once warned you that you cannot trust these allies, right?"

"Yes." Barton's expression turned even worse.Before, he firmly believed that the British would work together with him, but when he realized that he was too naive, he reported his experience to the U.S. government, and sued Alexander in front of high-level officials. Then he realized that he was really naive !Marshall also sent a telegram telling him that they had nothing to do with the British.Because they cannot lose such an important ally as the United Kingdom because of this "U.S. military stationed in the Philippines" at this moment.Even they had nothing to do with Alexander, because Alexander's retreat was justifiable. The equipment of the British and Burmese troops was far worse than that of the British troops in other regions, and their strength was also smaller than that of the Japanese. From the human point of view, Alexander's choice is understandable.Although this person "forgot" to tell his allies when he was retreating, this is not a big mistake, because this mistake can be pushed to a small person...

"It seems that our officer is right." Zhang Lingfu smiled and said no more, "General, please show me the deployment of the Japanese army on the opposite side. We are going to counterattack!" (To be continued...)

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