mixed in the war

Chapter 599 The Japanese Army's Rout

Not to mention that Patton did not expect that the Japanese in front of the Chinese and American troops did not expect that Zhang Lingfu would launch an attack as soon as he arrived.As a result, just when Hebian Zhengsan adjusted his deployment and planned to send out a new force to deal with the trump card of this squadron, Zhang Lingfu's attack began.

"They hardly rested, and just before they reached our position, they had just traveled tens of kilometers... They didn't even carry out the deployment before the attack, they launched the attack as soon as they arrived. However, during the attack, Their cooperation was very beautiful, and their offensive was also very fierce, which caught the Japanese by surprise. Of course, the Japanese were also very difficult to deal with. After the initial setbacks, they immediately took advantage of their strength to stabilize the defense line. However, the Chinese The team's offense also made them unable to organize an effective offensive in a short period of time, which gave us a chance to rest..."

"... This battle only lasted about half a day, but it shocked me very much. I have never seen such a fierce battle on the battlefield, which is completely different from the battles between Western countries. After that It was only then that I realized that the reason why I was able to hold out until reinforcements arrived was actually done by the Japanese on purpose. They didn’t launch a truly fierce offensive. They just wanted to use us as bait to lure the squadron into the Burmese battlefield. Let them come out of the strong defense line... After figuring this out, I am hurt. Really, very hurt. Because I have to admit the fact that without the support of a strong industrial force, we are indeed worse than These Orientals... but fortunately, our industry is decades ahead of them!"

Patton later described that battle to people in this way, and mentioned to people many times that the experience in Burma was the most difficult and terrifying battle in his life.

He said, "If it wasn't for the timely support of the squadron, I might really surrender...Although I have always led the boys to persevere and suffered huge losses, I know that I cannot lead them to death. At that time Our casualties have reached 7000, which is a horrible number. The casualties are close to one-third. I don’t know how I survived at that time...British? Well, I admit, I was really very angry at the time, But those guys should thank the Chinese. Because if I was really defeated and captured, and finally rescued from the POW camp, the first thing I would do would be to hold me instead of fists. guns to find them... I'll take them to hell with me."


The participation of the 58th Division represents the Chinese army's official entry into the Burmese battlefield.As the commander-in-chief of the Burmese Front Army, Kawabe Masamune began to readjust his deployment to deal with the large-scale entry of Chinese troops.In their view.Now that ace troops like Zhang Lingfu are here, let's move on.What they need to face is definitely a large-scale attack by the Chinese.

But what everyone can't think of is.Qin Wei, who was in charge of commanding the Burma campaign in Kunming, strictly prohibited any squadron from crossing the border without authorization.The Japanese No.15 Army Shojiro Iida, who was in charge of chasing the British army, chased the British army all the way to Mandalay, and its advance troops rushed to the border of Yunnan soon after, where they got an attack that allowed the entire Burmese front army, and even The entire southern army, and even the whole of Japan, was pleasantly surprised by the news that there were not many squadrons stationed on the border of Yunnan.In front of them was the Yunnan Production and Construction Corps without a formal combat establishment!

Shouyi and the others in the temple, who had been tested by Qin and Wei for a long time, were a little surprised by the news at first.In their view.It was impossible for Qin Wei to make such a mistake.Although that guy is only an air force, even a small soldier should know how to keep his own door... Isn't that guy afraid that they will drive straight in and occupy Yunnan?

Just in case, Terauchi Shouichi even crossed Kawabe Shozo, the commander-in-chief of the Burmese Front Army, and directly ordered Iida Shojiro.It is strictly ordered that the No.15 Army is not allowed to cross the Chinese border, let alone fight with the squadron without authorization.At the same time, he asked Shojiro Iida to send more reconnaissance forces to reconnaissance the deployment of the Chinese... "We must find out all the squadrons hiding in the dark"!

As a result, the Japanese army waited at the Sino-Myanmar border for two weeks.During this period, Shojiro Iida repeatedly tried to send troops across the border and into China, but was strictly stopped by Shouichi Terauchi and Seishiro Sakagaki.And during this period, the British army under the leadership of Alexander was finally overtaken by the Japanese, and the troops were quickly dispersed. In the end, less than 1 of the [-] British and Burmese troops managed to escape to India.At the same time, in order to prevent the British Navy from participating in the war, the Japanese Navy carried out a surprise attack on the British naval base in Ceylon, forcing the British Navy to retreat to the Maldives Islands.

Throughout Myanmar, the only opponents of the Japanese seem to be Patton and Zhang Lingfu who are still fighting in the Leylem area!Although the Japanese wanted to wipe out these two units, the combat effectiveness of these two units was not weak, especially Zhang Lingfu's unit, which fought extremely fiercely, and even once counterattacked the front-line headquarters of the 33rd Division of the Japanese Army. Shozo Sakurada, head of the division, was almost captured alive.This made the Japanese annoyed, but also undecided: What if they knocked out their own teeth while eliminating these two troops?In the two battles of Burma and Malaya, the Japanese army has not suffered too much loss. If the "golden body" is broken here, it seems that the loss outweighs the gain.After all, these two troops have already been surrounded by them, as long as they persist in the siege, they will easily win.And if Zhang Lingfu, who is famous in the Chinese battlefield, is allowed to surrender, the impact will definitely be greater than killing him on the battlefield.There is also the U.S. military... If this "U.S. Army stationed in the Philippines" is eliminated, the Americans will definitely share the same hatred, but if they only capture these American ghost animals, it will seriously damage the morale of the Americans.

So, after some deliberation, Terauchi Shouyi went to Yangon in person, and while directing Kawabe Masao to continue to besiege Patton and Zhang Lingfu, he deployed a new round of attack... an attack on Yunnan, China.

Iida Shojiro's Fifteenth Army won the main attack opportunity of this battle.

Afterwards, the main force of the Japanese No.15 Army assembled on the China-Myanmar border was attacked by the Yunnan Production and Construction Corps led by Yang Jie...


"Have you started yet?"

Ever since he knew that the war was about to officially start, Lao Jiang had been sleeping poorly, eating poorly, and basically not thinking about food and drink.Although he already had great confidence in Qin Wei and the abilities of Yang Jie and the others, he was just worried.Because on the China-Myanmar border, Iida Shojiro led four divisions.But their opponent was just an inferior unit of the production and construction corps... He had never fought this kind of battle in his life, so of course he felt guilty.

"According to the plan, it should start."

The boss is frightened, and the younger brother will naturally follow along.He Yingqin, Chen Cheng, Zhang Zhizhong and others gathered in the Military Commission, waiting for news from the front line.

"I don't know if it can be done." He Yingqin panted heavily, "This Qin Wei is really trustworthy....By the way, the order to Guan Yudong has been issued?"

"It was sent out yesterday. As long as there is a problem on the front line, the 28th Army will immediately go south to support." Zhang Zhizhong said.

"Where is Lu Han? They are in charge of the second wave of attack, and there must be no mistakes." Lao Jiang suddenly said again.

"Lu Han would never dare to make trouble at this time, not to mention that this is a great opportunity for the Dian army to shine. If he doesn't know how to seize it, it can only show that he is stupid." Chen Cheng said.

"Send a report to the front again and ask Qin Wei about the war..."

"A seat!"

Lao Jiang's heart was flustered, and he wanted to send someone to send a telegram to ask Qin Wei for information. At this time, Mao Qingxiang rushed in suddenly, his face was full of excitement:

"Good news, Commissioner! Yang Jie led the armored group to break through the defense line of the Japanese Fifth Division, and Takeuchi Hiroshi has retreated! At present, our department is continuing to attack in the direction of the Sixth Division!"



"Which mud? Armored cluster?"

After a short period of shock in Chongqing, there are already cheers, but Shouyi in the temple who just found the villa where Qin Wei lived in the last time he came to Yangon and made it his temporary residence is not so afraid happy.After receiving a telegram from the head of the fifth division, Hiroshi Takeuchi, he was stunned.

"How is it possible that the Chinese have armored clusters? How is it possible—?"

"But, according to the report of the 55th Division, the enemy has at least a thousand armored vehicles... everywhere."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. The armored vehicles and tanks left by Timoshenko are still on the front line in Shanxi. In the hands of Hu Zongnan, they will never appear in Yunnan! Absolutely impossible!" Terauchi Shouyi couldn't believe it. Can't believe what I heard.Because he knew that after the continuous and high-intensity battle, the Japanese army has been a little slack... The British army has been defeated, and there is only a land reclamation army in front of it. Can such a battle not be won?Under such circumstances, being suddenly attacked by a huge armored group will have an extremely huge impact on the Japanese army, and the blow to them will also be extremely heavy.But the question is, how could the Chinese suddenly have a huge armored force?The batch of armor left by the Soviets is obviously still in the north.

"Order Shojiro Iida to immediately organize defenses. Tell him that China will never have such a force. Let him use the fortifications of the position, show the courage to deal with the British armored forces, and drive the Chinese back, drive back—"

"I can't go back!"

Terauchi Shouichi frantically ordered to the front line.Because he already smelled another defeat, which he absolutely cannot tolerate and accept.But soon, Seishiro Sakagaki's phone call arrived, and he was informed of another very unfortunate news:

"The Chinese have broken through the defense line of the 56th Division, and they are still followed by 10,000+ Yunnan garrison troops... The No.15 Army has been defeated!" (To be continued...)

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