mixed in the war

Chapter 602 Short Battle

At this point in the war, basically everyone already knows China's ambition: to win Southeast Asia!At least take the Indochina Peninsula!And this scenario is the last thing Britain, the United States, and Japan want to see.Because if China gets Southeast Asia, even if it is only the Indochina Peninsula, it will mark the complete failure of Japan's southward strategy.And if it gets the resources in Southeast Asia, China will inevitably launch a counterattack against Japan quickly... Judging from various signs, although Japan is not weak now, China can always catch their weaknesses and attack them, causing serious damage to them.

China can bear this kind of injury many times, so can Britain, the United States, and of course the Soviet Union.But Japan must never lose its battles all the time.Because if there are a few more major defeats in the hands of the Chinese, Japan's strength will be greatly reduced, and the distance from defeat will be getting closer and closer.

And once Japan is defeated, China, the old empire, will inevitably dominate East Asia!

Although it is still very poor and its industrial foundation is also very weak, as long as it does not make major mistakes, then, when the war in Europe is over, China will have a great possibility to become the only big country in East Asia, and also the most powerful one country.And the war in Europe will inevitably cause heavy losses to European countries.If you think about the situation after the First World War, you will know that even after the war, the European powers will not be able to implement any containment policies against China, and it is too late for them to save themselves.

And, of course, America.

But if it really waits for the end of the Second World War, the United States will definitely pay more attention to the development of its own strength in Europe. As for Asia... it is obviously not wise to offend a huge country across thousands of miles of ocean.Especially after American power had been driven out of Southeast Asia by the Japanese.In addition, after the world war, who can say clearly how much power the United States itself has left?Immediately afterwards, it asked China for its interests in East Asia.This is by no means an easy task.And if it cannot repay its interests in Southeast Asia immediately, then, after a few years, China will completely consolidate its position and sphere of influence in East Asia.At that time, whether it is the United States or European countries, if they want to go back, they will have to pay a greater price, and this may not be successful.

Therefore, for their own interests in Southeast Asia.For their own international status, for the future... the three countries of Britain, the United States and Japan have the will to unify.

From the perspective of Britain and the United States, what China should do is to help them keep the Japanese out of the Indian Ocean and persist until they win the European battlefield.Then call back.By that time, Asia will also belong to Western countries.Japan, on the other hand, hopes to defeat the Chinese Expeditionary Force.That way.Whether it is directly chasing the British Burmese army into India, or attacking China's Southwest, it is not a problem, and they will completely lay the foundation for future victory.Because as long as China and Southeast Asia, which is rich in resources, are taken down, Japan will already be invincible.Even if the Germans were defeated in Europe, it would be difficult for Britain and the United States to pose much threat to them.

And the key to all this lies in Myanmar!

It's all in Ringangqiang!


"What the Chinese need most now, and what they can't manufacture or exploit by themselves, is oil! Ren'anqiang Oilfield produces 100 million tons of crude oil annually. There are also refineries and a large number of oil storage tanks... Once the Chinese occupy this place, They can take advantage of their air superiority and use napalm to burn all the enemies to ashes. At that time, they will have no opponents in the whole of Asia. They can successfully drive us out of Burma, out of Malaya, easily Cut off the main communication routes between east and west, and then use the air superiority to take back Taiwan and cut off the sea traffic of the empire! Therefore, no matter what, the Ren'an Qiang cannot be lost! Even if the Ren'an Qiang is destroyed, it cannot leave!"

Terauchi Shouchi summoned all the main Japanese generals in Burma, and said this to them almost roaring.Then, he withdrew the troops that had been chasing the British and Burmese troops from the northwest of Myanmar, and gathered them together on the front line of Ren'an and Qiang... In order to deal with the thousands of Chinese armored vehicles, he sent the entire southern army over Two hundred tanks and more than 100 tanks and armored vehicles from the captured British Seventh Armored Brigade were also gathered.So far, more than half of the strength of the entire Burmese Front Army has been piled up near Ren'anqiang.In front of them were only the three divisions of Du Yuming's 5th Army who had just entered Myanmar, and the 5 Yunnan Army behind the [-]th Army.

And because Du Yuming's army has a thousand tractor-type armored vehicles just taken over from Yang Jie, and it is also a mechanized army with some light tanks and chariots, so Terauchi Shouichi also concentrated his heavy weapons in the Opposite Du Yuming, in addition to this, there are four divisions led by Shojiro Iida as the former enemy commander!

In addition, because China has air superiority, Terauchi Shouichi used a lot of tactical camouflage in this battle, taking advantage of Myanmar's natural environment to hide his heavy weapons tightly.And this is the first time in the history of the Japanese army against the Chinese army, and it also shows the guilty conscience of Terauchi Shouichi, and of course it also includes Sakagaki Seishiro, the chief of staff of the Southern Army... As for the commander of the Burmese Front Army they appointed, Kawabe Shozo , now can only lead three divisions to continue to confront Patton and Zhang Lingfu in Leylem miserably.

Many believe the battle will last at least a few months.

The British who have always wanted to take the opportunity to return to Myanmar think so too.Therefore, Alexander the "General with Long Legs" paid close attention to the movement of the battlefield in Burma, and at the same time reorganized his troops with the help of Wavell, planning to find an opportunity to "kill" and return to Burma after a while.But this time his mission will no longer be to fight the Japanese, but to take Myanmar back from the Chinese... Of course, this requires the Chinese to defeat the Japanese again.After deduction, Alexander and Wavell believed that even if the squadron could win this Burma campaign, it would have to pay a heavy price.Therefore, the chances of the UK are still great.

It is indeed "big"!

Du Yuming led his troops into the Ren'an Qiang battlefield, and after a day's rest, a big battle broke out in the direction of Lei Liemu.

Patton and Zhang Lingfu joined forces, and under the cover of the Chinese Air Force and Chennault's Flying Tigers, launched a fierce attack on Hebian Zhengsan's defense line in the west, and soon broke through the encirclement and rushed towards Ren'anqiang.Terauchi Shouichi was surprised by this, he didn't understand why the other party would do this.Because the "remnant soldiers" of Patton and Zhang Lingfu could never break through his heavily defended positions no matter how they fought.But if you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it, and the things that should be done still have to be done.Therefore, he quickly ordered the troops to block this "remnant soldier", lest the opponent rush into the line of defense he had set up and disrupt the arrangement.

But at this moment, Du Yuming started.

It was late at night.

The 37 rocket launchers fired together, and within 1 minute, 740 shells smashed into the Japanese positions like a giant meteor shower falling from the sky, and this was just the beginning... The salvo lasted for an hour. In this short period of time, the rocket artillery group fired more than 2 shells.

Shouichi Terauchi's heavy artillery, tanks, armored vehicles, and forward positions were almost completely destroyed in the first place under such a carpet bombing.Before they could react, the tractor-style armored cluster of the Yunnan Production and Construction Corps rushed over in a "sudden" manner.

After that, there was no suspense in the battle.

With three divisions, Du Yuming pursued and killed the [-] Shou army in the temple.And when Lu Han's Yunnan army, Patton, Zhang Lingfu and others also came to kill together, Terauchi Shouichi had no power to fight back, and the Japanese army, which has always been known for its obedience and strong will to fight, was beaten and fled in embarrassment. Even surpassed the original Alexander.

However, Temple Shouichi was not as lucky as Alexander. Alexander still had his back, because he brought Patton, and Patton brought Zhang Lingfu. These two troops attracted a large number of enemies for the British and Burmese troops. Ten percent of the troops fled back to India.But Shouyi in the temple has no one to pull him.Hebian Zhengsan still has three divisions. He could have chased Patton and Zhang Lingfu to help him temporarily resist Du Yuming and others, so that he could have time to regroup. But the problem is that Hebian Zhengsan was held back by the Chinese Air Force. You can't keep up with their speed at all.In addition, the Siamese army ran into Vietnam along the Mekong River in the name of chasing the squadron, leaving the country empty. Therefore, the main force of Sun Liren's new 1st army has all rushed to Chiang Mai, posing a posture of going south .Terrified, the Siamese government hastily appealed to the Japanese government for help.And Japan must not lose Siam, because Siam is their frontier for entering Indonesia, Burma, and Malaya. Once they lose here, the entire southern army will be locked up by China, and the entire army will be wiped out.This is absolutely intolerable to them.Therefore, the Tokyo base camp urgently ordered Kawabe Masamune to lead his troops back to Siam to resist the New 1st Army... Terauchi Shouichi lost a big support.Apart from these, what he was chasing and killing was the squadron known for its foot power... In the Chinese battlefield, the Japanese could not catch up with these people in cars or on horseback. At this time, they drove With tractors, but most of them are barefoot, where can they escape?

Therefore, in desperation, on the way to escape, Terauchi Shouichi issued an order that he was absolutely unwilling to issue—to let the Japanese troops staying in Yangon go north!


"That is tantamount to handing over Yangon directly to the Chinese paratroopers, and it is tantamount to handing over the whole of Myanmar to the Chinese!"

The British couldn't sit still.Alexander hastily borrowed a few Indian divisions from Wavell, and took the British-Burmese troops who fled to India with him at the beginning, and rushed towards Burma along the unfinished India-Myanmar Highway...( To be continued..)

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