mixed in the war

Chapter 603 Calculation Comes, Calculation Goes

"The ambition of the Chinese must be curbed. They have been hiding their strength! They have a very high defensive mentality against our allies! As far as I know, the rockets they used to win this time are all the latest products of the Germans. ...where did they get these things?"

Churchill was roaring loudly.

But everyone knows that he doesn't care whether the Chinese use German products or not, and he doesn't care at all whether the Chinese are on guard against the UK. What he cares about is the reason... He must reconsider for the UK Find a plausible reason to go back to Myanmar.

The former "Empire on which the sun never sets" was defeated by the Japanese in less than two months in Malaya; American allies, if it weren't for the timely assistance from the Chinese, the American army that had finally escaped from the Philippines might really be wiped out... It can be said that Britain's performance in Southeast Asia is worse than that of pigs.Of course, if the war in Southeast Asia ends here, the British will not be so passive. They can list a series of reasons to justify themselves.But the problem is that the Chinese have intervened.

The combined time of the two battles did not exceed a month, and the combined time of the actual battle may have been less than a week.The Great Japanese Empire, which once beat the British team in Southeast Asia, was helpless, and was beaten to the ground by the Chinese.In the blink of an eye, Shouichi, who was originally complacent, had to retreat from Bago and other places to Siam with the remnants of the defeated generals.Because Yangon has been captured by the Chinese airborne troops, his supply line has been broken, and there are nearly 20 Chinese troops approaching from the north... In order to keep the remaining troops, he can only run away.But when he ran, he took down all the face that the British had already lost.

Churchill didn't care about that.

In his opinion, face is not important.The most important thing is profit.He absolutely cannot allow the Chinese to take advantage of the opportunity of Britain's withdrawal to occupy Southeast Asia.And in order to achieve this goal, he hurried from London to Washington again.Because he could do that only by convincing Roosevelt.

But Roosevelt's attitude towards him was much worse than before.

"Our Congress believes that it is far safer to hand over Southeast Asia to the Chinese than to the United Kingdom. And many of our MPs also believe that the Chinese are more trustworthy!"

"Trust? Trust a group of people who can get the latest German weapons at this time?" Churchill's tone was full of sarcasm, "Mr. President, can't even you see the ambitions of the Chinese? They are already more dangerous than the Japanese! "

"Mr. Prime Minister, the Chinese are indeed using the latest German rocket launchers. But the problem is that they are using these shells unceremoniously at the German allies! Their anti-fascist stance is extremely clear!" Roosevelt spread out Hands, "But what about you? One-third of our troops stationed in the Philippines were killed or injured in Myanmar. This is a huge loss that they have never suffered in the Philippines. How do you ask me to explain to Congress and the American people? "

"...I am very sorry about this! I ordered the Burmese side to rescue the American army at all costs. Alexander tried to do the same, but I hope you can understand. They are... not very good." Churchill sighed.Embarrassed.

"I can understand your difficulties, but Congress can't understand, and neither can the American people." Roosevelt said.

"Give us a period of time, and we will use practical actions to prove that the British Empire is the most reliable ally of the United States." Churchill said seriously.

"You mean North Africa?" Roosevelt asked.

"Yes." Churchill didn't count, and he didn't dare to keep it secret from Roosevelt. "We are almost ready in Egypt, and we will launch an attack on the Italians soon. Trust me. We will not fail this time."

"I know that there is a big gap between your troops in Egypt and Burma in terms of equipment and quality of soldiers, but the Italians have a lot of troops in Libya, and they can get support from the Germans anywhere." Roosevelt obviously did not believe Churchill.In fact, he is not the only one who has such thoughts, and even the British themselves are almost losing confidence in themselves... The enemy that the Chinese can defeat in just a few days, unexpectedly makes the British Empire unable to withstand it for two months.Although the British government tried its best to take the credit for itself in terms of propaganda, saying that it was all because the British and Burmese troops consumed a lot of the Japanese army's strength that the Chinese could take advantage of it, but you have to be believed in this statement.Anyway, the British themselves don't believe much.And if you can't even fool your own people, how many outsiders can you fool?

"As long as we can win the battle against the Italians, then we can capture Libya and cut off the oil supply to the Germans." Churchill said, "and as long as we can do this, the rest is the war against Europe." .”

"..." Roosevelt pondered.He knew what Churchill meant.The newly appointed Allied Commander-in-Chief Bradley has always criticized the British for concentrating a large number of troops and equipment in North Africa.In his opinion, if you want to fight, you should go directly to Europe first, and take advantage of the time when the main force of the German army is still entangled with the Soviet Union in the northwest, and take the time to win a forward base on the European continent... But the British are not happy.The British government intends to open up the North African battlefield first, to ensure the safety of the Suez Canal, and at the same time to ensure the control of the colonies.The two sides couldn't argue.And Bradley is not a person like Eisenhower who is good at bridging conflicts. Although he is very talented, he is more serious and pays attention to rules and regulations... Not long ago, he just dealt with a certain division, a deputy division commander named Roosevelt.This Roosevelt deputy commander is the son of President Roosevelt. In front of the troops, he showed his power, was arrogant and unreasonable, openly despised the soldiers, and provoked troubles. Therefore, Bradley unceremoniously blasted him back to the mainland, which did not even save the face of the American president Not for sale either.And from this we can see Bradley's adherence to principles.As a result, the Allied forces began to fight internally before they started to act. This caused Roosevelt to have a headache, and he couldn't help but be full of resentment towards the British... If you can fight, it's fine, but the facts prove that your level of fighting is not very good. , that being the case, why should you be so selfish?After defeating Germany, what do you want to do?But since they were going to war in Europe, they couldn't do without the support of Britain, so he signaled that Bradley could make a little concession.Unexpectedly, Bradley thought that doing so would damage his prestige as the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, and it might cause the United States to lose its dominance in this war. Just like in World War I, the Americans came out Money contributed, but in the end he was driven back to the New World by Britain, France and other countries... So he refused to carry out Roosevelt's order.As a result, just like that, the two sides stalemate again.The dispatch of troops to Europe has also been delayed indefinitely.And because there was no war, a large number of American soldiers were eating, drinking and having fun in the UK, which caused countless conflicts.

But now it seems that in order to prevent the loss of Southeast Asian interests, Churchill already has the intention of making concessions.After the battle in Egypt is over, we will fully support the opening of the European battlefield... Should this allow Bradley to give in?After all, the importance of Libya is self-evident.It was the oil supply base of the Germans.


Roosevelt did not think long before making the decision to support Churchill.After all, their main goal is Europe. Although they were tricked by the British in Asia, Churchill also gave in, promising that after regaining Burma, he would send Alexander to the front line of Egypt and not let him stay in Burma again. Continue to disgust the American people.

It's just that there is another question: what kind of reaction will the Chinese have?

Threats with force are absolutely out of the question.The Chinese can defeat the Japanese in a few days, while the Japanese can sweep the British army in less than two months... If force is used, the British themselves will think it is a big joke.And if the Chinese are offended, who knows what these people will do?Judging from the tough attitude shown by these yellow people during this period, it may not be impossible to suddenly turn around and attack India.

Then use force, just talk about the truth, tell the Chinese that Burma should be a British colony, and they should give it up?No matter how thick-skinned Churchill was, he couldn't afford to lose this man.Of course, this is mainly because both Churchill and Roosevelt understand that the current Chinese government is somewhat different from the usual ones, and it is absolutely impossible to be fooled by a few empty promises, otherwise, they will do the same no matter how embarrassing they are.

With the exception of these two tricks, there is only the exchange of benefits.

The British government promised a loan of up to 2000 million pounds, and also agreed to allow China to receive all the weapons left by the British and Burmese troops in Myanmar... As soon as this condition was put forward, He Yingqin, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, proposed another proposal to the British government Requirements: The British and Burmese soldiers captured by the Japanese have been rescued by the Chinese paratroopers, but they still need up to 1000 million pounds for food and medicine.Reason: "You surrendered too many soldiers, and they were too hungry, and the Japanese were hungry and they were too hungry!"

The British government is ashamed!And the Chinese government is tantamount to expressing its attitude.

Afterwards, a regiment of the Yunnan Army blocked Alexander, who was about to "recover" Burma along the road that the British and Burmese troops had fled to India, and prevented him from returning on the grounds that the British "could not protect Burma."Although Alexander threatened in every possible way, he did not dare to take the initiative to provoke.

After that, the United States came forward to reconcile.

Soon, after deliberations, China agreed with the British military to return to Myanmar, but it also put forward a prerequisite: Britain and the United States must once again provide 30 tons of military supplies and equipment for a group army, and another 17 B-[-] Bombers, in addition, the Chinese government will also control the Ren'anqiang oil field until after the war!

It can be said that China's requirements are very harsh.But Britain and the United States agreed after a little bargaining.After learning the news, the Chinese Expeditionary Force immediately adjusted its speed. After Alexander returned to Burma, he began to quickly withdraw to the north... The British side was in a hurry, because the Japanese troops retreating to Siam had already heard the news and moved again. (to be continued..)

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