mixed in the war

Chapter 613 The War Has Turned?

When the Japanese gathered as many ships as they could and crossed the Strait of Malacca with a large number of troops that they managed to gather again, the British guarding the Indian Ocean knew nothing about it, because Seishiro Sakagaki was at this time Leading the troops from Burma to India, their attention was almost completely attracted.Of course, the Japanese marched into India in such a "fair and honest" way, and the squadrons that were gathering in the northeast of Myanmar would inevitably be blamed by the British, but the reasons for the Chinese side were also very good: they were short of supplies and unable to launch again Massive campaign.

The British had no choice but to fight against the raging Japanese army alone.But at this time, the North African campaign had also begun. Although the Egyptian British army led by Montgomery was in full swing, they could not support India for a while. Therefore, the Indian Governor Wavell could only use the local Indian army.Although the number of this army is not small, according to the performance of the British army in the previous Burma campaign, Wavell is still a little powerless.

As a result, the Great War broke out in such a situation that was extremely unfavorable to the British.

The expeditionary force organized by the Japanese landed in Somalia, and then, after attracting some North African British troops to go south, they airdropped troops from Somalia to Egypt with the help of the "Yamato" and nearly a hundred transport planes carried by another aircraft carrier, seizing the Aswan, an important town in southern Egypt, is empty of troops.

The Japanese attack once again shocked the world.

Montgomery hastily adjusted his deployment in an attempt to drive the Japanese out of the continent.But at this time, the Germans, who had never been seen in North Africa, suddenly joined the war... Rommel's armored troops entered Libya, and a large number of transport planes and bombers came with this desert fox. And more than half of these planes have flown to Aswan, and frequently travel between Aswan and Somalia.A large number of Japanese troops were transported to Egypt.

The battle expanded further.

Although Montgomery was still invincible at the beginning, when his tank encountered the Japanese army charging up with Molotov cocktails or cluster grenades, he had to temporarily stop the counterattack. To face a Rommel who is no worse than him, and even more cunning and capable of fighting...

Emergency in North Africa!

The European Allied Forces Command had no choice but to hastily formulate a new combat plan to send a large number of newly assembled British and American coalition forces into North Africa.But even so, it was too late.Because the air force alliance of the Axis countries has already begun to block the Red Sea route.The Mandeb Strait, the narrowest part of the Red Sea, became an insurmountable moat for Allied ships.So they had to go to the Cape of Good Hope instead.And in this way, the voyage has been increased several times.

But this situation is not the worst.

The Japanese army and the Italian army handed over the garrison in Aswan, secretly returned to the army, and plunged into the Indian battlefield.As a result, this move directly exploded the chrysanthemum of Wavell who was confronting Seishiro Sakagaki on the India-Myanmar border.And when Wavell hurriedly mobilized his troops back to the defense again.The Indian National Congress, which had reached an agreement with the Japanese, also started its own "performance".They called on the Indian people not to cooperate with the British and take the opportunity to fight for independence.And soon."Mahatma" Gandhi, who held high the banner of "non-violent non-cooperation", was assassinated.The murderer pointed the finger at the British colonial authorities

, although Wavell and others tried their best to defend themselves, the anger of the Indians finally broke out. The originally peaceful non-cooperation movement began to show violence, and there were even small-scale armed uprisings. The British authorities backed down at first. a few steps.But as the situation got worse, Wavell finally raised his butcher knife to these colonized people.As a result, the situation in India became even more uncontrollable, and the Japanese army began to win successively on the east and west fronts.He even organized a so-called "Indian Independence Army" and let it act as cannon fodder for fighting the British army...

And the victory in North Africa and South Asia does not seem to be the limit of the Japanese.

When these two places were under heavy fire, the fleet led by Zhongichi Nagumo appeared in Pearl Harbor again... Of course, this time the Japanese were not so lucky. In the battle against Japan, the losses were huge, but the problem is that the Japanese won the surprise attack this time.Pearl Harbor was destroyed again, and it was still unable to serve as a forward base for the US military in a short period of time. At the same time, the main force of the Pacific Fleet was also defeated.Once again, American power in the Pacific was severely weakened.

In this way, the arrogance of the Japanese, against the backdrop of the victory of advancing eastward and westward, became extremely arrogant for a while.

As the main members of the Axis powers, the performance of the Germans is also not inferior to that of the Japanese.

After taking down Stalingrad, Germany successfully seized the Caucasus oil-producing region of the Soviet Union and marched towards Moscow... After months of fierce fighting and the loss of nearly 200 million troops, Stalin, who was as stubborn as Churchill, finally had to give up on himself The capital of the Soviet Union led the Soviet government and a large number of soldiers and civilians to retreat in great strides, and began large-scale guerrilla warfare.However, because the front line of the Ural Mountains is still closely guarded by the Japanese army led by Hisao Nishio, the scope of Stalin’s activities is much smaller, and for the same reason, many factories that should have been withdrawn from the Ural Mountains had to be moved north instead. .As a result, the losses suffered by the Soviet Union's industry were many times greater than before, and the entire country also showed a sense of withering under the German attack.

In such an environment, the terror of fascism covered the whole world.

Against the main force of the Axis powers, more pessimists appeared in both Britain and the United States.Many members of the U.S. Congress even proposed to negotiate peace with Germany and Japan and withdraw from the war.And Roosevelt also tried his best to suppress this opposition force.But even so, the situation is still extremely bad, and the United States still has the "danger" of withdrawing from the war at any time!

In order to change this situation, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed: fully support China!

Because in the entire anti-fascist war, only China is now the only bright spot... Just when the Japanese were rampant in South Asia and North Africa, the squadron recovered Hunan and Hubei provinces, as well as parts of Anhui and Jiangxi .Coupled with the previously recovered Guangdong and Shanxi, China has shown signs of a major counteroffensive.

The most important reason why the global war situation has fallen into a situation that is extremely unfavorable to the Allies is the Japanese messing around.But everyone knows that if Japan fails in the Chinese battlefield, then it will lose.Because starting from China, it can directly threaten the Japanese mainland.No matter how arrogant and arrogant the Japanese are, after being threatened and attacked at home, they can only continue to be their cowards.

Therefore, the governments of China, the United States and the United Kingdom began to communicate frequently.At the same time, under the threat of the Japanese navy, ships from the United Kingdom and the United States risked their lives and began to deliver large quantities of strategic materials to China.

Originally, the proposal put forward by the British side was that the squadron would launch an attack in Myanmar and capture Yangon Port, and then these materials could be directly transported from Yangon to the north along the railway, and then transported to Kunming along the Burma Road.But China rejected the proposal.Because the Chinese government saw through the "sinister intentions" of the British government at a glance!Taking Yangon, although a safe material transportation channel has been opened up, it is also tantamount to cutting off the retreat of Seishiro Sakagaki, which will force Seishiro Sakagaki to retreat with all his strength, and at the same time, it is tantamount to taking chestnuts from the fire for the British. Siege of India.It would be fine if it was an ordinary country, but the British are really not trustworthy.Almost all relevant personnel of the Chinese government can conclude that once the Japanese withdraw from India and the threat in South Asia is lifted, Britain will inevitably change course again and stop supporting China.They wouldn't do such a thankless task.

Therefore, under the command of Qin Wei, the Chinese Air Force once again used its "secret weapon" to attack the outlying island fort off Singapore with cloud bombs, and then seized it with airborne troops, and then told the British: Malacca is safe!Of course the British didn't believe it, but after the first transport fleet crossed the Indian Ocean and entered the waters of Malacca at great risk, they had to believe the Chinese...it was really safe!As long as they enter the range of the Strait of Malacca, the Japanese warships will no longer come to harass them.Even if everyone passes by sometimes, the Japanese warships are honest.

Obviously, there are many doubts and tricks in this, but Britain and the United States chose to ignore it.They only raised a little hope: After receiving assistance, China can quickly launch a counterattack against Japan!No matter which battlefield, which direction, just counterattack.

China has not let its allies down.

After getting enough support, the operation to recover the lost ground began.First Jiangxi, Anhui, and then Henan and other places.Although the squadron's offensive was not sharp or fast, each step was not big, but with every step of the way, they also regained a lot of territory.However, compared to China, the Japanese side is a bit miserable, especially the Japanese army on the Chinese battlefield. Because a large amount of supplies were sent to support the front-line Japanese army, their life is getting worse and worse.And the shrinking of the occupied area made it possible for them to loot less and less supplies.As the war continued, the Japanese invaders actually began to have a large number of soldiers hungry, and the supply of ammunition began to run short.This news surprised many people, and at the same time made many Chinese feel that the days of the Japanese in China may not be long... But soon, with the spread of a new news, people realized that it is impossible for the invaders to So easy to lose.

And this news is: Germany handed over a large number of weapons captured by the Soviet Red Army to the Kwantung Army led by Hisao Nishio, and these weapons came along the Trans-Siberian Railway towards the Far East... (to be continued...)

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