mixed in the war

Chapter 614 Unexpectedly Powerful

In the original history, most of the power of the Japanese was dragged in China, and the Soviet Union also blocked Germany, so that the power of the Axis powers could not be united.The main forces of the two Axis powers, Germany and Japan, have a very huge shortcoming: lack of resources!Especially oil.So they eventually lost in the hands of the Allies.

But this time, because of someone's meddling indiscriminately, the Axis powers were stronger than ever.In particular, Germany led by Hitler not only easily captured Ukraine, the European granary, but also seized a large amount of reserves from the Soviet Union. Most importantly, Germany not only seized the oil base of Libya, but also seized the Caucasus oil-producing region from the Soviet Union. .

Therefore, at this time, the Third Reich, which was facing a difficult situation due to the failure of the Battle of Stalingrad and had to prepare to launch the so-called "all-out war", could not only mobilize troops from the Soviet Union to North Africa to deal with the Allies, but also come up with a large number of troops. The weapons and supplies went to support Japan.Once Germany and Japan join forces, or conduct further joint operations, the situation of the Allies will inevitably be extremely unfavorable.You must know that from the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, Japan's logistics supply was quite tight, and it had to implement the so-called "war to support war" policy.But with the progress of the war, this policy has begun to be unable to support the Japanese army's operations, and the Japanese's arrogant fighting style that blooms from all sides will not last long at all.As long as its opponent persists, it won't be long before the Japanese will be the unlucky ones.But now, Germany has provided Japan with a large amount of funding... It is reported that the first batch of supplies is enough to equip ten divisions of the Japanese army.

After hearing the news, everyone was worried.

The offensive momentum of the National Revolutionary Army, which was "recovering lost ground on a large scale", was also frustrated. Many front-line officers even asked Lao Jiang to stop the attack on the Japanese army, retreated, and organized defense.And Lao Jiang actually agreed with this, and brought this issue to the Military Commission for discussion.

certainly.Lao Jiang may have done nothing wrong.The combat effectiveness of the Japanese army is clearly there. The reason why Japan is able to advance all the way now is that apart from the fact that its strength has increased in the past two years, another important reason is that the Japanese army has insufficient supplies. Kanji Ishihara, who is in charge of strategic planning, and others People are unwilling to let the power of the Japanese army be wasted in vain, and strongly advocate shrinking the strength of the Japanese army.But now that the Japanese have received support from the Germans, their strength has recovered, and they have even been strengthened. Who knows if they will launch a counterattack?Although he was reluctant to part with the territories that had already been taken back, he was even more reluctant to part with the troops.To know.Some time ago, during the "grab for territory", the Central Army rushed to the front line, grabbing the best territory.Once the Japanese counterattack, they will definitely bear the brunt.And the army is gone, how can we counterattack.How to regain the lost ground, how to drive the invaders away?Although the national government also has the support of Britain and the United States.But the British and American ships only need to go all the way south along the west coast of Africa to the Cape of Good Hope.Pass through Malacca diagonally from the Cape of Good Hope, and then reach Guangzhou from the South China Sea... This is much more difficult than transporting things from the Trans-Siberian Railway for the Germans.After all, although the Chinese Air Force is powerful, it can at most protect Malacca and the South China Sea, and there are still many Japanese warships in the Indian Ocean to stop it.

However, just when Lao Jiang and others planned to risk the disgrace of the world.When the enthusiasm of the people for "counter-offensive" was high and they were about to retreat for a certain distance, something happened in Siberia: the Germans' first aid to Japan was cut off!And it was the Eighth Route Army, which had not been too pretentious in this period of time, who made this "black hand"!

Starting from Khalkha Mongolia, through the mountains between Khalkha and Siberia.Bypassing the Japanese army's line of defense, they suddenly rushed out among the mountains... When the Kwantung Army stationed in Chita and Ulan-Ude to guard against the Eighth Route Army rushed over, the Eighth Route Army was already carrying horses They pulled the goods out for hundreds of miles.The Kwantung Army hastily organized a pursuit, and the two armies chased and fought all the way, until they reached Kyakhtu at the border between Khalkha and Siberia.But here, the Kwantung Army was firmly blocked by the Eighth Route Army, and it was difficult to advance further.

The Eighth Route Army's move was extremely brilliant. After the news came out, it also greatly aroused the goodwill and enthusiasm of the Chinese people.However, their actions also offended four people at the same time.Three of them are Japanese generals: Umezu Yoshijiro in the Northeast, Kenkichi Ueda in the Far East, and Nishio Shouzo in Siberia!And the fourth one is Lao Jiang.

Although the Kwantung Army in the hands of the three Japanese generals is not as huge as before, they still organized four divisions to attack Outer Mongolia in the first place. A large number of troops from the Puppet Manchukuo were also assembled, with a total strength of 20.As for Lao Jiang, he also helped these invaders intentionally or unintentionally. He ordered Fu Zuoyi, Hu Zongnan and others to cut off all ties between Khalkha and the outside world. He also rejected Qin Wei's proposal for air support. Because he was worried that Qin Wei would make his own claims, he temporarily suspended Qin Wei's air force command.

For a while, the Eighth Route Army seemed to be in a situation of "besieged on all sides".

But Lao Jiang obviously forgot what kind of team the Eighth Route Army is, and how many times the predecessor of this army was surrounded by heavy siege... I am very familiar with this kind of situation!

Under the personal command of Mao Zedong and Zhu De, the Eighth Route Army blocked Nishio Shouzo in the north of the Sayan Mountains; Then, unexpectedly by Umezu Yoshijiro, an armored force composed of dozens of tanks and chariots broke through the Japanese defense line, and behind this force was overwhelming cavalry!

Aggression like fire!

Umezu Yoshijiro never expected that the Eighth Route Army's equipment was no worse than theirs, and their battles were even more ferocious than the Kwantung Army, which has always been known for its elite and bravery, so they could only retreat again and again.As a result, he was chased and killed by the Eighth Route Army all the way. He tried to organize defense many times but failed, and was finally defeated.

It was a jaw-dropping battle.

Originally, many people thought that even if the Eighth Route Army would not be wiped out by the Japanese army, it would at least be seriously injured, but they did not expect that it was the Japanese army that was unlucky in the end.And the Eighth Route Army, a "weak" who does not seem to be strong, after this battle, its vanguard troops have fought through the Greater Khingan Mountains, and in conjunction with the Anti-Japanese Alliance that was originally active in the Northeast, it stirred up turmoil in the entire three eastern provinces.

Lao Jiang was scared.

The Eighth Route Army has obtained a large number of weapons and supplies from the Germans to support Japan, including armored units, and now it has revealed its "ambition" for the three eastern provinces...but he still has nothing to do.Because the Eighth Route Army at this time is no longer something he can easily deal with.At least, Hu Zongnan and Fu Zuoyi, whom he placed south of Khalkha, would never be able to stand against the Eighth Route Army whose strength suddenly increased.What's more, the power displayed by the Eighth Route Army also surprised the British and American allies. If he hadn't been there to stop him, the Americans would have sent people to Khalkha to contact and cooperate with the Communist Party.Therefore, it is impossible to take the initiative to attack, but it is also impossible to turn around and find trouble... At most, he asked Hu Zongnan and Fu Zuoyi to cut off the connection between Khalkha and North China, but now they have basically opened up the relationship with the three eastern provinces. The passage between them... It is too late for the Japanese to concentrate their forces there, so how can they disperse their forces to cut off the various channels of the Eighth Route Army?

The more he thought about it, the more helpless he was to the Eighth Route Army, the more anxious Lao Jiang became, and the angrier he became... In the end, he finally vented his anger on Qin Wei.Because in Lao Jiang's view, it was precisely because Qin Wei was messing around in the negotiations with the Communist Party that the Communist Party had the opportunity to have an armored force, so that the Eighth Route Army could easily win this battle.Therefore, it was Qin Wei who caused the current situation.So, in a rage, he dismissed Qin Wei as commander in chief of the air force.

Qin Wei didn't bother to pay attention to the bald man. After being dismissed from the air force, he returned to Kunming without saying hello to Lao Jiang.Then he didn't care about anything, just discussed with He Zhonghan all day about emigrating to northern Burma, Laos, North Vietnam and other places.And soon, Lao Jiang discovered that he had done something wrong... After Qin Wei resigned, he was immediately praised by the warlords of the Guangxi, Yunnan, and even the former Sichuan factions who had just gone to Tibet and took root. Even Yan Laoxier, who was hiding in southern Shanxi, frequently sent people to contact him.And as these people became more and more connected with Qin Wei, the central army's operation to regain lost ground began to become more difficult... because most of Qin Wei's intelligence was sent to these miscellaneous hands.

For a while, Lao Jiang wanted to kill Qin Wei, but he didn't dare.Because not long after he had this idea, there were rumors about it in the outside world... The public opinion was raging, it’s okay for those miscellaneous brands to make trouble, but the air force, which he now regards as the trump card, suddenly became chaotic. Zhou Zhirou, the commander-in-chief of aviation, couldn't suppress it. In addition, the navy was also extremely dissatisfied with this. The two big naval leaders, Chen Shaokuan and Chen Jiliang, even came to ask him personally, expressing the navy's respect for Qin Wei. support.

In desperation, Lao Jiang had no choice but to give up that unrealistic idea. In order to repair the relationship with Qin Wei and not lose face, he awarded the rank of Admiral to Dai Li, who had not shown up for a long time, and appointed him as the Minister of the Navy. .

Not long after that, Dai Li "commanded" the only fleet of the Chinese navy to block the Japanese Indian Ocean fleet that had just returned from the Indian battlefield in the South China Sea. Flagship of the fleet.After a naval and air battle that was said to last only two or three hours, the Chinese navy drove the "Yamato" and half of the Indian Ocean fleet back to Hainan port at the cost of losing a cruiser and injuring a battleship.

The name of the "big devil" Dai Li once again became famous both at home and abroad.

However, when Dai Li was in full bloom, someone again crushed him severely: the Eighth Route Army, which had been silent for several months, marched all the way south from Khalkha, posing as if it was going to cross Inner Mongolia and go south to North China.But when Lao Jiang was overjoyed and hurriedly asked Fu Zuoyi to form a formation to meet the enemy, the Eighth Route Army suddenly swung its tail and took down Chifeng where the Japanese army was stationed. (To be continued..)

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