mixed in the war

Chapter 615 A ​​series of helplessness

Anyone who knows something about the Liberation War will definitely know the three major battles, and if you know the three major battles, you will know the importance of the Liaoshen Campaign, and you will understand the strategic significance of Jinzhou to the Northeast.According to reports, at that time, the Communist Party commander who was in charge of fighting in the Northeast was unwilling to attack the throat connecting the Northeast and North China because of fear of loss, but in the end he was forced by the Communist Party to take down this important town.With the arrival of Jinzhou, hundreds of thousands of elite elites in the Northeast became the turtles in the urn. Although Du Yuming's various schemes were used to evacuate a group from Huludao by boat, most of them became prisoners of the People's Liberation Army, and eventually became the first. The soldiers of the Four Field Army made the strength of the People's Liberation Army suddenly grow.

But this time, contrary to everyone's expectations, the Eighth Route Army actually "once again" carried out the Jinzhou operation, and after paying considerable losses, it won there.

Faced with this situation, both the Japanese and the Emperor Aixinjueluo Puyi of the Puppet Manchukuo who was hiding in Changchun were terrified.Because the Eighth Route Army is simply putting on a posture of devouring the Northeast, and with the might of having just defeated the "Japanese-Manchukuo Allied Forces", whether it is the Japanese or the people of the Puppet Manchukuo, they all deeply feel the heavy weight of the Eighth Route Army threaten.But having said that, although I felt a little terrified and noticed the unexpected powerful combat capabilities of the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese and those old and young of the Manchu Qing Dynasty still had a little luck in their hearts: so what if the Eighth Route Army is stronger?With only about 10 troops, can we still conquer the entire Northeast?

Because of the failure of the attack on Khalkha, Yoshijiro Umezu's military command was replaced by Kenkichi Ueda.And this general of the Kwantung Army who was originally in charge of the Far East conducted an analysis of the battle situation.He immediately organized a large number of troops to launch a counterattack against Jinzhou, and at the same time, he also asked Yoshio Shinozuka of the North China Front Army for help.Some troops were mobilized from North China to attack Jinzhou from north to south.

Many people thought that the Eighth Route Army would choose to retreat voluntarily in the face of such pressure.After all, the Eighth Route Army has always been famous for its guerrilla warfare.But contrary to almost everyone's expectations, the Eighth Route Army headquarters sent Peng Dehuai, the deputy commander-in-chief, to Jinzhou to command the defense of Jinzhou.In other words, they didn't intend to withdraw at all.

This is how the fierce battle began.

The Kwantung Army, the Puppet Manchukuo Army, the Japanese North China Front Army, and the North China Puppet Army... the total number is said to have exceeded 15. Under the command of Kenkichi Ueda, Jinzhou was heavily surrounded.And in Jinzhou city.It was Peng Dehuai who commanded less than [-] Route Army, and this army suffered considerable losses in the siege battle not long ago.

The victory or defeat seems to be quite obvious...if the Eighth Route Army did not recruit externally.

But the problem is that the Eighth Route Army never fights idle.

Peng Dehuai led his troops to drag Ueda Kenkichi and the main force of the Kwantung Army to Jinzhou City.The remaining Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army took advantage of the momentum and entered the Northeast.Ye Ting, Liu Bocheng, He Long, Mao Zedong, Nie Rongzhen, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Qianqian... plus Mao Zedong, Zhu De and others who were in charge of the overall situation in Ulan Bator, the Japanese rule in the Northeast fell into a precarious situation almost instantly.The Eighth Route Army, which has received adequate equipment, has shown everyone what it means to be tough.

Umezu Yoshijiro, who was forced to stay behind, was overwhelmed by the opponent's almost crazy attack.Panic to Tokyo for help.But at this time, Tokyo could no longer draw any troops.then.Hisao Nishio, who had been watching the European battlefield in Yekaterinburg, was forced to draw another half of the division from the small number of troops under his command, and from the reform-through-labour troops formed by Soviet labor reform prisoners. Part of the troops were mobilized and sent to the Northeast for support.But before this army crossed Lake Baikal, they were caught off guard by Chen Yi and ** who came out of nowhere.Chen and Li's troops were not many, but it was such a "small army" that held back the reinforcements of Hisao Nishio, making it difficult for them to advance half a step.

The Northeast is fighting together.

In the end, Ueda Kenji besieged Jinzhou for more than three months.Lost nearly half of the troops, but still failed to take the city.In desperation, he had no choice but to withdraw his troops, hoping to use the remaining troops to drive away the demons "ravaging" in the Northeast.But the problem is that at this time, most of the towns in the Northeast have fallen into the hands of the Communist Party, and most of the remaining towns are extremely unstable and may be taken down at any time.Not only that, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, which originally had only about [-] troops, have more than doubled their strength in just three months, and this number is still growing rapidly.Therefore, Kenkichi Ueda's plan has no room for implementation at all. He can only disperse his troops into the major cities in the Northeast, trying to ensure Japan's rule over these major cities.But this is only temporary.Although the top officials of the Kwantung Army tried their best to promote it, they would launch a counterattack and drive the Japanese out of the Northeast only after the troops had rested.But everyone understands that with the further strengthening of their strength, they only need to wait for the army to digest the previous combat results. After the troops are rested, a new round of offensive will be launched. At that time, the Japanese can only be passively beaten. .

In other words, after a bloody battle, the Northeast has changed its offensive and defensive positions!

Obviously, this situation is something that many people do not want to see.The Japanese, Lao Jiang, and even the Germans are unwilling to see it.

To a certain extent, the Northeast can be said to be the lifeline of the Japanese. In order to support their war of aggression, the Japanese seized all kinds of strategic materials from the Northeast like crazy. But now that most of the Northeast has "fallen", they have lost a huge The logistics base, the war potential will be further dried up.As for Lao Jiang, he naturally saw the situation that the Communist Party would develop rapidly after seizing the Northeast.You must know that the Feng Faction Warlords were the most powerful forces in China back then. Not only was there a vast territory, rich resources, and a large population, but there were also various industries that Zhang Zuolin developed back then...

Therefore, during the Battle of Jinzhou, Lao Jiang stumbled many times. The craziest one was to order Hu Zongnan and Fu Zuoyi, who were stationed in the north, to directly attack Khalkha.However, this order was ultimately not implemented.After Fu Zuoyi received the order, he acted viciously and disobeyed. On the surface, he dispatched troops and generals, but his actions were slow to death. When Kenkichi Ueda couldn't hold on under the city of Jinzhou, he withdrew his troops. His troops hadn't even assembled yet; It's a bit better, but his main force is in Shaanxi and Shanxi, and he has to prevent Yan Xishan from making a comeback and take away the territory he finally occupied. There is also Inner Mongolia in between, and Inner Mongolia and other places are almost all Fu Zuoyi's territory at present.Although Fu Zuoyi superficially obeyed Jiang's orders, he was actually a warlord who ruled on one side, so he was naturally afraid that Jiang would play tricks to destroy the country.Therefore, under Fu Zuoyi's intentional or unintentional obstruction, after the Northeast War came to an end, Hu Zongnan's vanguard has not yet seen the border of Khalkha.

In this way, although Lao Jiang was jumping up and down anxiously, he had nothing to do with the gun.He intended to attack Fu Zuoyi, but he was worried that he was in a hurry and forced Fu Zuoyi directly to the **. The whole of North China.

But looking at it like this is not an option.Lao Jiang would never sit back and watch the Communists occupy the Northeast and obtain huge capital.Although it seems that there is no way to stop this at present, but it can't be blocked openly, and there are hidden blocks.Therefore, from the very beginning, he secretly reached an agreement with the Japanese, promising that Japan would not attack the Japanese army for the time being, so that the Japanese army could deploy troops from North China, Central China, and South China to support the Northeast.But to his surprise, the Japanese did transfer troops, but the soldiers were not transferred to the Northeast, but to South Asia... When the Battle of Jinzhou ended, Seishiro Sakagaki won a big victory on the Indian battlefield. Victory, wiped out the troops of eight British and Indian divisions, defeated the Indian Governor Wavell, and captured Calcutta.Calcutta is not an ordinary town. During the colonial period, Calcutta was the capital of British India for 1772 years from 1911 to 140.During this period, the city has been the center of modern education, science, culture and politics in India.Therefore, the fall of Calcutta plunged the whole of India into chaos, and the British rule in India began to show signs of collapse.And similarly, because of the fall of Calgada, Alexander's troops, who were fighting fiercely with the Japanese troops withdrawing from North Africa in the Mumbai area, were also greatly affected, and their morale was greatly reduced, especially those Indian soldiers, who had a large number of deserters and mutinies... …It can be said that the fall of Bombay is almost certain.

So the British were really in a hurry. Coupled with the fact that Egypt was in a hurry, Suez might fall at any time. Churchill finally lowered his proud head to cancel the "McMahon Line", ceded East Bengal Province, and supported weapons The supply is a condition in exchange for support from China.However, at the price of such "humiliation", what Churchill got was not the attack on Seishiro Sakagaki by the Chinese Expeditionary Force he hoped for, but the southward movement of the Sichuan Army, which had already arrived in Tibet and recharged its batteries for a long time... Take Pan Wenhua, Tens of thousands of Sichuan-Tibetan troops led by Liu Wenhui and others entered Nepal, and then arrived at the future capital of India before Wavell, the Indian governor, withdrew to New Delhi, where they were waiting for the British weapons.In other words, the Sichuan Army, which was supposed to support the British and face the Japanese bullets for the British, instead ran to the rear of the British and Indian troops, and began to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight in their spare time... and the British not only could not find them If they are in trouble, they have to wait for them with nice words, because they really need such a support army. (to be continued..)

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