mixed in the war

Chapter 616 "Xiaoqiang" Japan?

The Chinese army "entered" India, and India's most important industrial, cultural, and educational centers fell into the hands of the Japanese... With the British's consistent temper, they should be furious at the two "enemies" at the same time of.But this time Churchill's short-tempered short fat man rarely chose to remain silent. Although the Sichuan Army Pan Wenhua and others were finally "driven" out of New Delhi through diplomatic intervention, they still changed their usual arrogance and not only attacked the Sichuan Army He was treated equally, and he was quite appeased... It is said that the cost was not small.

And what about the Sichuan Army?After getting the compensation, he didn't make any trouble with the British.Because although they were driven out of New Delhi, they were able to station near Old Delhi.Obviously, the British are still very "sincere".And the most important thing is that they don't have to fight the Japanese directly for the time being.Because after occupying Calcutta and some nearby areas, Seishiro Sakagaki stopped advancing, put on a rest, and prepared to digest the posture of Calcutta and its surrounding occupied areas.Although the British were extremely nervous and anxious about this, they had no way to launch a counterattack in a short period of time. They could only seize the time to reorganize their forces and save them for the future.It's just that Calcutta has various industries. For India, its status is almost equal to that of the Northeast plus Shanghai to China.The Japanese occupied it, and if they digested it again, their strength would definitely increase greatly... The future situation in the Indian battlefield must be even more "hot"!

And the defeat in South Asia, coupled with the defeat in North Africa, and the German army began to turn westward on a large scale... The anti-fascist situation around the world has thus become quite severe.Roosevelt couldn't sit still any longer, and sent a telegram to Churchill and Lao Jiang, asking the three to meet to discuss how to carry out a unified anti-fascist war on a global scale... The meeting place was originally planned to be in Cairo, Egypt. The offensive of the Italian army was in full swing, and the Anglo-American coalition forces led by Montgomery might not be able to stop Rommel. Therefore, the meeting place was finally set in Tehran, Iran.That is to say, the "Cairo Conference" that was supposed to happen is gone.And the participants of the "Tehran" conference that should have been held by Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union have also become China, the United States, and Britain!The Soviet Union was excluded... and in fact, Roosevelt did not greet Stalin before the meeting.

This meeting finally took place in the early summer of 1944.

Because China's performance is not bad, this time Lao Jiang did not become a mere supporting role, but achieved considerable results.According to the agreement signed by the three countries.China can not only take back many territories previously ceded to Japan, such as Taiwan and Ryukyu, but also obtain many rights in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.In other words, the United Kingdom and the United States exchanged the original French interests in Southeast Asia for China's support.However, this is not the most important achievement of the Tehran Conference. The most important achievement is to redefine the deployment of anti-fascism around the world... With the proposal of Chiang Kai-shek and the support of Roosevelt, Churchill gave up the idea of ​​"first Europe and then Asia." "strategy, and turned to support "first Asia and then Europe"!

There are reasons for reaching such an agreement.On the battlefields of the world, only China has frequently won victories against fascism.And as China's opponent.The Japanese fought left and right, hitting America on the one hand, and Africa on the other hand, and now they have won one of the most important regions in India, which really annoys Britain and the United States.At the same time, it also made the two great powers feel a huge threat.Therefore, supporting China is tantamount to restraining the power of this restless wolf cub in Japan.Furthermore, the Soviets have experienced several major defeats and have been unable to hold back the Germans, and as the Germans shifted a large number of forces to the Western Front, in Europe.And on the North African continent, German tanks are almost invincible. It is difficult for Britain and the United States to organize a counterattack in a short period of time, so they can only defend hard.In this case, turn the main power to Asia and support China to attack Japan first.Defeating or even destroying the Eastern Pillar of the Axis Powers will not only help solve the embarrassing situation faced by Britain and the United States, but also help the anti-fascist war situation around the world.Of course, the Chinese Navy has solved more than half of the power of the Japanese Indian Ocean Fleet.Making the routes in the Indian Ocean relatively safe for the allies is also one of the important reasons for the meeting to reach this agreement.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the support of Britain and the United States to China suddenly increased.A large amount of supplies arrived in China, and what followed was a large-scale counterattack by the Chinese army against the Japanese army.

Sufficient money and food, excellent military armor... Lao Jiang was full of high spirits for a while, and he had the momentum to conquer the whole country in one fell swoop.And at the beginning of the war, it was indeed as he expected. The national army advanced layer by layer and won countless "brilliant" victories.Henan, Anhui, Jiangxi and other provinces were recovered one after another. Except for a few provinces and cities along the coast, most of the country returned to the hands of the Chinese themselves.

But after that, the situation began to become stalemate.

The increasingly concentrated Japanese army tenaciously defended the coastal provinces, and the national army launched several large-scale offensives, but failed to make any progress.Not only that, because of the previous victory, some troops underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, but were hit head-on by the Japanese army and suffered heavy losses.Faced with this situation, Lao Jiang was extremely annoyed. He gathered He Yingqin, Bai Chongxi, Chen Cheng, Qin Wei and others to discuss and fight a big battle to save himself and his face.But what left Qin Wei and others speechless was that the goal of Lao Jiang's big battle was to regain Nanjing.

Qin Wei and others firmly opposed this plan.Although there is strong support from Britain and the United States, the Japanese are not vegetarian after all.With the shrinking of the troops, a large number of Japanese troops have gathered in the Yangtze River Delta area, and Nanjing, as the capital of the Republic of China, is also the base camp of Wang Jingwei's traitors. The Japanese defense force is naturally quite strong in it. Even if you win that city, I am afraid that the gains will outweigh the losses.Therefore, everyone suggested that Lao Jiang change his plan and instead first recover Fujian, northern Jiangsu, southern Shandong and other places, first split the Japanese army in North China and South China, and then gradually eliminate them.However, Lao Jiang is not a person who likes to listen to persuasion, especially when he feels that he has already won, he doesn't like to listen to people's persuasion.Therefore, under his strong promotion, the battle to recover Nanjing started as scheduled.

The war has fallen into an extremely fierce situation from the beginning. The Japanese army seems to feel that they have reached the end of the day, and they will not retreat. However, although the national army has the advantage in weapons, it progresses very slowly and suffers great losses.Faced with this situation, Bai Chongxi suggested that Chiang use the air superiority to send an airborne army led by Wang Yaowu to raid Taiwan, and then cooperate with Dai Li's navy to carry out a beachhead operation, catching the Japanese by surprise and reducing the resistance from Nanjing.But Lao Jiang once again rejected this suggestion, and instead ordered the front line to step up the offensive.But at this time, news came from the Northeast that the Eighth Route Army, with the cooperation of the underground party, successfully instigated the first part of the Puppet Manchukuo Anguo Army in Changchun, and with the cooperation of the uprising troops, successfully captured Changchun.The situation made Lao Jiang even more anxious, and he went to the front line to supervise the war.Thanks to his "efforts", the national army and the Japanese army fought fiercely for more than four months, and finally recaptured Nanjing at the cost of more than [-] casualties, and drove the main force of the Japanese army to the Songhu area.

The battle situation finally officially became clear.Everyone knows that the Japanese are doomed in China, and what is left now is only a matter of time.Britain and the United States were extremely pleased with this. Both Churchill and Roosevelt sent special envoys to China to express their congratulations, and urged the Chinese government to make persistent efforts to drive the Japanese invaders out of China as soon as possible, and then use China as a forward base to launch an attack on the Japanese mainland. .

However, the excitement between Britain and the United States did not last long. After a year of fighting, Rommel, with the strong support of Hitler, finally captured Egypt, drove the British out of Northeast Africa, and controlled the the Suez Canal.Although Suez had been blown up by the British themselves at this time, the war in Northeast Africa was over, and Hitler finally began to pour his excess energy towards the British mainland.But at this time, the high-level European Allied forces under the leadership of Bradley are still arguing non-stop.In desperation, Roosevelt had to give up the future five-star general and pushed Eisenhower instead.

Eisenhower did not disappoint. Not long after he took office, he gradually healed the various relationships of the Allied Command that had been almost split due to previous battles.After that, he led everyone to plan "Operation Torch". In early 1945, he successfully commanded the Allied Forces to invade French North Africa, occupy French Morocco and Algeria, and make the Allied Forces gain a foothold in Northwest Africa.

The anti-fascist war situation in Europe finally showed a glimmer of light.

But just when the allied forces breathed a sigh of relief and were about to make persistent efforts, a piece of news from the east made everyone feel down again...Australia surrendered to Japan!The huge fleet led by Nagumo Chuichi was liberated and began to turn to other battlefields.In addition, another bad news came from the Soviet Union: With the support of the Germans, the Japanese army in Siberia is reorganizing the Soviets who have surrendered and preparing to send them to the Asian battlefield.And according to reliable sources, this unit named "Russian Corps" by Hisao Nishio has a total strength of nearly 20...

All the Allies were shocked.Some people suggested that the United Kingdom and the United States should directly send troops into the Chinese battlefield to help out, so as to avoid changes in the situation of the war.But Britain and the United States rejected this.Because at this time the pressure on the European battlefield is even greater.Although the German Corps, whose main force has turned back, is temporarily unable to cross the English Channel, and under the desperate obstruction of the Royal Navy, it is also temporarily unable to cross the Mediterranean Sea and enter North Africa, but just staying there is enough to deter all enemies.How could Churchill and Roosevelt dare to divide their forces at this time?

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