Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 222 God Shura’s Selection Criteria

Chapter 222 God Shura’s Selection Criteria
"How does it feel to regain your youth?" Tang San asked Lan Yinzi a question.

"What does restoration of youth mean? When I die... Well, this may be a bit strange, but I am indeed relatively young." Lan Yinzi thought for a while and felt that when he sacrificed, based on human age, he was not Not old, only about 30 years old. "And after getting a new life, I feel younger."

Women are always sensitive to other people discussing their age.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's change to the next question." Tang San decided to skip this topic and pushed up the detection glasses, "So, whose body does this of yours belong to?"

"A time-traveler."

Lan Yinzi felt that he had nothing to hide, so he raised his hand and touched his face, showing a sick smile.

"Uprooted me, chewed it up and swallowed it... I have to say, it was really bold. After reading a few fan stories, I thought that if I swallowed me, I could get the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor. Tsk, it's a good thing she accepted it. After nine years of compulsory education, I don’t even understand genetic inheritance. Is it possible that my son is a copy and paste of Tang Hao’s genes? It’s not a clone.”

"Even if this is a different world, the law still needs to be taught."

"So, she failed, but my soul was retained, and based on her own bluesilver grass, it slowly affected her character, and finally eroded her soul... Do you think I am despicable? "

Tang San shook his head.

Murderers are always killed.

Since this time traveler wanted to devour the Blue Silver Emperor in order to obtain his bloodline, he deserved to be devoured and his body was taken away from him, but it was his own fault.

"It seems you are quite open-minded." Lan Yinzi sat next to Tang San, feeling that this son was more flexible than the one in the book.

"Let's put this aside for now. I want to know, who do you think you are?" Tang San asked this question, "A time traveler? Or the Blue Silver Emperor? Or both?"

"Honestly, the mutual erosion between souls, well, how should I put it? In short, it is very complicated. If I want to explain it, I don't know it myself." Lan Yinzi frowned, as if thinking about something, "But , when it comes to memory, I feel like I am the Blue Silver Emperor, but I just have the memory of another person."

Human self-awareness lies in memory.

The Blue Silver Emperor has 10 years of soul beast memory and 30 years of human memory. Although it is far less colorful than the memory of the time traveler, the long years have finally taken over.

If the memory of the Blue Silver Emperor is a vat of clear water, then the memory of the traveler is a drop of colorful ink. Although it will stain the clear water black for a moment if dropped into it, it will soon disperse, making it impossible to see the vat of clear water. What changes have occurred.

However, there is no doubt that the drop of ink has been integrated into the clear water, and the resulting change is that Lan Yinhuang calls himself Lan Yinzi, and his personality has also changed slightly.

Otherwise, she should go to Tang Hao as soon as possible instead of looking for his son.

"So, what do you think of me? After all, I'm not an original product." Tang San asked the key question.

"No, you are." Lan Yinzi said firmly, uncharacteristically.

"Oh? How can you see that?" Tang San raised his eyebrows, not understanding why Lan Yinzi was so swearing. After all, in his knowledge, if only in terms of bloodline, he was indeed the son of Tang Hao and Lan Yinhuang, but his personal knowledge But it is not, but a time-traveler from modern times.

"Your soul is the same as your appearance." Lan Yinzi explained his reason.

"That's it?"

Tang San was a little speechless.

If the soul is different from the appearance, whether he can flexibly control this body is still a big problem.

Moreover, in Tang San's opinion, the most important thing about the soul is self-knowledge, and knowledge is based on one's own experience and memory.

The memories of past lives are still fresh.

Therefore, his understanding of self has always been very clear, and this life is just the beginning of a new life.

"What? Do you have other opinions?" Lan Yinzi was confused, then hugged Tang San and said close to his face, "You are my son anyway, you can never deny this."

"It's impossible to tell. After all, you are just an ordinary person now, and you don't have the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor." Tang San held Lan Yinzi's face with one hand, pushed her away with some disgust, and said faintly, "And , don’t get so close, I’m afraid other people will misunderstand you.”

Lan Yinzi cried and wiped away the non-existent tears, and whimpered: "Really, my son actually dislikes his mother. What should I do to support him in the future?"

Tang San watched Lan Yinzi's performance for a while, then placed his right hand on his right leg, running the Xuantian Technique to stimulate Qi and blood.

Under the combined action of soul power and qi and blood, a piece of soul bone was gradually peeled off.

When the soul bone was finally taken out, Tang San's complexion was slightly pale, but within three breaths, he returned to his original state.


Lan Yinzi looked at the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, and looked at Tang San in shock. She didn't know how he managed to peel off the soul bone without cutting off the leg, and she didn't understand why he did this.

"Here, this is your soul bone." Tang San returned the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, "For me, the soul bone is not that important, and it will even hinder the purity of my Qi and blood. Even this one The soul bone has the same origin as me, but it does not belong to me after all, and even if it is forcibly branded with my imprint, it cannot change this."

Lan Yinzi took the piece of soul bone blankly, and then a hint of surprise appeared, even sad: "Don't you want the things that your mother left for you?"

This time, tears really welled up in my eyes.

"I just think it's more suitable for you." Tang San raised his hand involuntarily and wiped away the tears at the corners of Lan Yinzi's eyes, "Smile, don't cry like this, you're such a big man."

this moment!
Compared to Lan Yinzi's mother status, Tang San was more like his father. His gentle and caring attitude was something Lan Yinzi had never experienced before.

Finally, under Tang San's persuasion, Lan Yinzi absorbed this soul bone.

Because the energy that increased soul power had been absorbed by Tang San, Lan Yinzi only increased his physical strength.

However, for Lan Yinzi, this soul bone is connected to her soul. Even if this body does not belong to her, it can be absorbed perfectly and play its full role [-]%.

"What are you going to do next?" Tang San asked Lan Yinzi's future plans.

"Didn't I join the Spirit Hall like you? Of course I'm accompanying my son." Lan Yinzi said matter-of-factly without a trace of hesitation, "At least, I want you to call me mom."

The corner of Tang San's mouth twitched, a little at a loss, and asked: "Aren't you going to find Tang Dachui?"

"Why are you looking for him? He won't die anyway." When mentioning Tang Hao, Lan Yinzi's eyes revealed a trace of nostalgia, but she didn't know if it was because of his rebirth that her feelings for him faded away, "Besides, I have been reborn. , it’s not impossible to start a new life, right?”

"Then why are you pestering me?" Tang San was speechless.

"Hey, who told me I was your mother? What's the saying? Mother follows son, son follows mother. Mother and son are of one mind, and their sharpness can cut through gold." Lan Yinzi said nonsense seriously.

"Next one." Tang San decided to ignore the somewhat unreasonable little mother, opened the curtains, and shouted to the people outside.


Yu Tianheng strode towards the door of the dormitory, looking forward to the process of refining the golden body with ice and fire...
Half a day later, except for Xiao Wu and Guang Ling, everyone else had gone through the Ice and Fire Golden Body Refining process. After the girls had mastered the Golden Body, Tang San would close the curtains and give them time to change clothes.

While Tang San was helping others develop their golden bodies, he also collected a lot of information and gave them some future training suggestions.

"Everyone, see you in five years!"

Everyone waved their hands and said goodbye.

Before Tang San left, he found the three teaching committee members of Tiandou Imperial Academy and left a general teaching outline.

If this general outline is placed in other colleges, it will definitely improve the teaching quality of teachers to a higher level, but here at Tiandou Royal College... most of the students are nobles, and they may not obey the discipline.

There was nothing Tang San could do about this.

After all, the Tiandou Imperial Family is already in ruins. The Tiandou Empire can still compete with the Star Luo Empire. In addition to the fact that the Wuhun Palace has held back the Star Luo Empire’s conquests in the past, more importantly, the Tiandou Empire’s large and small There are many Soul Master families, and the Tiandou royal family holds military power, and there are several Soul Douluo-level generals in the military camp.

Therefore, Tang San specially gave the three education committee members something else, which was to tailor a set of soul power operation methods based on the characteristics of their martial souls.

Its effect, in addition to speeding up cultivation, is to purify soul power.

The three were extremely grateful, because the method of soul power movement that Tang San created for them gave them hope of breaking through the Title Douluo. Otherwise, they would have to die in the realm of Soul Douluo...
After bidding farewell to the three education committee members and Qin Ming, Tang San visited Mathenuo again. After the visit, he took Xiao Wu, Guang Ling and Lan Yinzi with him, preparing to return to Notting City to visit his former acquaintances.

Originally, Tang San didn't plan to bring Lan Yinzi, but she followed him.Su Yuntao and Sisi's strength has reached Soul Master, and they also have a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Su Haitao...
Wang Sheng had just obtained the second soul ring three days ago and became a level 21 great soul master. He also established a relationship with a girl of the same age in the patrol team...

Old Jack, as usual, stayed in Holy Soul Village most of the time, and only went to live in the manor in Notting City during the winter.

Old Jack was overjoyed to see Tang San return to Holy Soul Village, especially when he saw Tang San brought back a beautiful girl.

Lan Yinzi smiled and said nothing, looking at Tang San with a playful expression.


younger sister?

The relationship is completely messed up!

Xiao Wu, who saw some clues, took Tang San to the blacksmith shop and asked: "What on earth is going on with Lan Yinzi? Is it really the 10-year-old soul beast incarnation?"

"Hmm~ Not really." Tang San nodded first, then shook his head, "She was taken over by a 10-year-old soul beast... She was originally a 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor who was sacrificed and reborn, but during the development process, she was picked off by others. , eat it, and then the soul slowly affects the person who eats her, and finally the dove takes over the magpie's nest and completes the new life."

"Is there still such a situation?" Xiao Wu's eyes widened.

"Her situation is rather special and not universal." Tang San sighed, "Besides, she does have some relationship with me. Her predecessor was my biological mother."


Blue Silver Emperor...

Xiao Wu's mind was stuck, but she quickly thought of something and roughly guessed: "So, your mother was sacrificed to your father, then reborn, eaten by someone, and then, you took the other person's body and was reborn?"

"That's it." Tang San nodded, "She has confessed to me before, but it always feels a bit strange to call a girl the same age as me, or even a little younger, as her mother..."

"Indeed, it would be a bit strange if I called her mother-in-law." Xiao Wu muttered.


"Ahem, I mean, with her look like this, can the soul ring be condensed on her own?" Xiao Wu quickly changed the subject and asked about Lan Yinzi's soul ring.

"I'm afraid not. After all, it's just a matter of soul seizing, and she doesn't have a 10-year cultivation base. Wasn't her fourth spirit ring obtained by hunting spirit beasts?" Tang San shook his head, "Even if she could, But the energy to condense the soul ring cannot be generated out of thin air."

When the two of them finished their secret conversation, they returned to old Jack's house——

As expected, Old Jack accepted Lan Yinzi as his granddaughter and warned Tang San to treat all his sisters equally.

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other, speechless and choked.

Lan Yinzi smiled: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Guangling:? ? ?
After staying in Holy Soul Village for half a month, Tang San decided to set off for Wuhun City.

The collection of books there is still waiting for you to browse.

"Third brother, when we go to Wuhun City, why don't we take the original road?" Seeing that we were not taking a familiar road, Xiao Wu asked in confusion.

"Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles." Tang San had his own reasons, "Martial Spirit City is built on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest. Let's go around the surrounding cities on the edge of the Star Dou Forest to see different scenery. how?"

"That's fine." Xiao Wu agreed happily. After all, the Star Dou Forest is her home, with everything she is familiar with. Even if the core area is occupied by a few annoying ghosts, it does not prevent her from missing it.

Of course, if she were asked to make a choice between human society and the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, she would definitely choose human society.

For Xiao Wu, the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest has no advantages other than a little more energy from heaven and earth, and is far less lively than human society.

She is already a human being.

Guangling, on the other hand, looked like a husband singing and a wife accompanying him, saying: "Wherever the third brother wants to go, I will go."

Lan Yinzi was thoughtful: "The Great Star Forest? To be honest, I have never been there before. This time, I can just go and have a look."

"I'm just traveling around the surrounding cities, not going to the Star Dou Forest." Tang San corrected, "After all, no one among us needs to hunt for spirit rings."

"I know, no need to remind me, I just said it, it's true..." Lan Yinzi felt a little aggrieved: This child doesn't know how to consider his mother at all, why is he so serious? It's completely different from coaxing Tang Hao. Same... Well, it's because I inherited my mother's wisdom... I kind of miss the big and brainless Tang Hao, at least he is cute and stupid...

at the same time.

Tang Hao, who was yelled at by Lan Yinzi twice, was currently leveling up in the Killing City.

Due to the domain of the God of Killing, he can use soul skills in this fallen city created by the god, so no one can defeat him, even the King of Killing, is difficult to compete with.

The King of Slaughter is Tang Chen, but when he was being tested by God Shura, he was affected by the spiritual thoughts of God Rakshasa. When he faced the blood-red nine-headed bat king, he was parasitized by him and lost his mind.

The blood-red nine-headed bat king was not the original owner of this body, so he could not exert Tang Chen's world-beating power at all, and could not even use the Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

And after being parasitized, the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King instinctively eroded Tang Chen's body, causing his body to continue to decay - this, the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King himself could not stop.

As Tang Hao continued to kill, he discovered that the realm of the God of Death was evolving rapidly, and his own soul power was also improving.

When his soul power reached the peak of level 96, the God of Killing Domain absorbed thousands of murderous auras and blood energy and evolved into the Killing Domain, and the patterns engraved on the Clear Sky Hammer became more complex.

In fact, the entire Clear Sky Hammer turned blood red, exuding a strong murderous aura, as if a real god of murder was alive.

Therefore, with himself weakened and the enemy strengthened, the Slaughter King could only parry in Tang Hao's hands, which even made the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King think of leaving the Slaughter City.

After all, the guy in front of me is a lunatic!

"God of Death! Why do you want to destroy the City of Killing? We obviously have no grievances!"

The King of Slaughter struck away the Clear Sky Hammer with one claw, and his whole body was shaken. The scarlet wings behind his back suddenly flapped, avoiding Tang Hao's attack with the counter-shock force of his claw.

With the help of Luan Cloak, the Slaughter King also had some understanding. After all, this body belonged to Tang Chen, and he had experienced the Haotian Sect's unique skills.

But since he couldn't use the Clear Sky Hammer, he didn't know how to use those special skills as a bat.


Tang Hao didn't answer at all. He picked up the sledgehammer with all his strength and smashed it towards the King of Slaughter.

After the Killing God Domain on the Clear Sky Hammer evolved into the Killing Domain, Tang Hao sensed something: As long as he killed the King of Slaughter in front of him, he would get great benefits and even let the Clear Sky Hammer evolve again!

He chose to believe this feeling!

"You are really crazy!" The King of Slaughter did not dare to resist and could only keep dodging. At least with wings, he was faster than Tang Hao.

As for Tang Hao's behavior, the King of Slaughter actually had some guesses after seeing the God of Killing Domain on the Clear Sky Hammer.

After all, as the master of the Killing City, he knew exactly what kind of existence built this place.

Shura God!
Compared with the inheritance of other gods, Shura God is extremely strict in the selection of inheritors——

Because it is in charge of killing, even if there is no interference from Rakshasa spiritual thoughts, this place will not become a place where faith gathers like the sea god and the angel god.

Therefore, for the selection of successors, God Shura has only one condition: to obtain the God of Killing Domain and evolve the God of Killing Domain to a level that can open the Asura God Test...
 Peel off the soul bone——

  If you cut off your hands and feet together, you will lose level (refer to the original work Tang Hao)
  But directly stripping it off would not work (referring to the original work for the Ninth Poseidon Test, Tang San’s soul power did not drop after stripping off his soul bone)
  This is also one of the reasons why the soul bone is set to have its own energy that can increase the soul power level.

  Dropped once (soul beast), absorption can increase soul power.

  Secondary drop (human), absorption only refreshes physical strength.

(End of this chapter)

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