Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 223 Tang Chen’s recovery and Mu Tian’s adventure

Chapter 223 Tang Chen’s recovery and Mu Tian’s adventure (extra)

While Tang Hao was fighting a life-or-death duel with the King of Slaughter, an uninvited guest also came to the Capital of Slaughter.


After realizing that his cheat was taken away by Tang San, his mentality became unbalanced. After graduating from Shrek Academy, he returned to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and others were also introduced to the sect by him.

Ning Fengzhi welcomed this, except when facing Oscar, his expression was a bit unnatural... However, none of the students introduced by Mu Tian actually joined the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Dai Mubai is the prince of the Star Luo Empire. He has lost his ability to compete and will most likely join the White Tiger Sect in the future.

Oscar became a disciple of Yu Xiaogang and thought that he could establish his own family or sect in the future... However, he had the idea of ​​pursuing Ning Rongrong, but was rejected directly by Ning Fengzhi.

Ma Hongjun can be regarded as a complete Shrek Academy student.

When Mu Tian was talking to Ning Rongrong, he found that his relationship with the other party was becoming more and more distant, and he couldn't even find any common topics... He blamed Tang San for all this.

Therefore, Mu Tian applied to Bone Douluo to go out for training.

In this regard, Gu Douluo felt that Mu Tian had truly grown up and would not be shaken by his children's personal relationship, so he agreed to his idea of ​​going out for training.

However, Bone Douluo never expected that Mu Tian would come to the Killing City.

"If you want to surpass Tang San, you must use the power of the gods."

When he first awakened his martial soul, Mu Tian felt that since he had Austin Griffin, he didn't need to care about the inheritance of the gods in this world. However, after realizing that the plug-in was lost, he understood that he could only look for the inheritance of the gods.

Only in this way can he catch up with Tang San!

It has to be said that Mu Tian is lucky.

Because Tang Hao made a big fuss in the killing city, most of the degenerates of the Soul Sect and above were dead, and those who were still alive were hiding in the shadows, not daring to show their faces at all.

Otherwise, Mu Tian would not even be able to enter the gate of the Killing City.

And when Mu Tian entered the killing city, looking at the scene of rivers of blood, severed limbs, and internal organs tumbling in the blood, he immediately——


For a normal person, seeing such a disgusting scene is unbearable.

Especially the fishy smell exuding from the blood is extremely nauseating.

"Is this the city of killing? It's even more exaggerated than the description in the book, but why is there no one there? What kind of butterfly effect happened again?"

After vomiting for a while, Mu Tian took out a bag of water from the storage soul guide and took a big sip before he recovered slightly, his eyes trembling.

If there was really nothing left in his stomach, he would have to vomit again.

When he came back to his senses, he also heard the vibration coming from the center of the Killing City, as if the whole city was shaking.

"Who is fighting the King of Slaughter?" Mu Tian couldn't see clearly, wondering whether the scene of a river of blood in the city of killing had something to do with the King of Slaughter.

But even if it is, he is not the current Soul Lord who can get involved.

"However, if everyone in this killing city dies, do I still need to practice?" Mu Tian thought about his current situation, and his expression became serious, "It's better to leave."

Mu Tian came to the city of killing to hone himself and obtain the realm of the God of Killing.

Now, the Killing City is deserted. Only the King of Killing and an unknown strong man are fighting in the center. If you stay here, not only will you not gain experience, you may even die directly because you cannot bear the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. .

Wow~ Boom!
Just as Mu Tian was about to return the same way and leave the killing city, a figure quickly fell in front of him, swaying the river of blood and hitting the ground.

Facing the huge wave of blood, Mu Tian bore the brunt and ran outside.

But with the strength of his soul master, how could he resist?

Even if he released the Haoyue Martial Spirit and let it carry him to run, he would still be drowned by the river of blood...

"Is that an out-of-body beast spirit?" The King of Slaughter climbed up from the blood river and noticed the three-headed fire lizard. His eyes flickered slightly, and then he released his soul power, stirring up the blood around him, and faced it again. He turned towards Tang Hao, who was swinging a hammer as big as a small mountain.

"Big Sumeru Hammer!"

"Nine Rings Explode!"

The nine soul rings around Tang Hao exploded together, and all the energy in them flowed into the Clear Sky Hammer, causing the already huge Clear Sky Hammer to surge again.

Seeing the general attack that day, the King of Slaughter roared angrily, activated all his energy, and charged forward.

The contact between the two parties unleashed energy that caused the surrounding blood river to explode and evaporate in an instant, and the surrounding buildings were turned into powder in an instant.


The King of Slaughter coughed up a mouthful of dark red blood, and the scarlet eyes flashed, as if another will was about to revive.

"Bastard Tang Chen!"

"At this time..."

Under the bombardment of Tang Hao's Big Sumeru Hammer and the Explosive Ring, Tang Chen's sleeping consciousness suddenly woke up and fought for control of his body.

But it was also the struggle between the two that made the King of Slaughter no longer able to resist. The hammer head, like the sky falling, slammed the King of Slaughter to the ground.


In an instant, the ground cracked like a spider web.

After this blow was used, the Clear Sky Hammer returned to its normal proportions and fell into Tang Hao's hand, but he did not notice that a ray of bloody energy was pouring into the blood river that had been stirred up by the King of Slaughter with his soul power. Got into the body of a comatose person...

Wanton laughter sounded from the center of the crack. Compared with the gloominess of the King of Slaughter, this laughter was extremely heroic, and even made Tang Hao feel familiar.


The King of Slaughter stood up again, his clothes were torn, but the bloody wings on his back were scattered inch by inch, and his pale face returned to a healthy wheat color.

Even the outline of the face has changed slightly.

While Tang Hao was vigilant, he was also shocked and murmured: " are...grandpa!"

"It's Hao'er, right?" Tang Chen recognized Tang Hao's identity at a glance and laughed loudly, "I didn't expect that you were the one who awakened me. There is a successor to our Haotian Sect!"

However, to Tang Chen's surprise, Tang Hao knelt down directly, kowtowed three times, and said loudly: "Grandpa, I feel ashamed of the Haotian Sect for causing the sect to be in this situation. I hope Grandpa will punish me!"

"What are you doing?" Tang Chen realized that something had happened to the Haotian Sect, and hurriedly rushed to Tang Hao's side, helped him up, and asked what happened.

Therefore, Tang Hao told the story of how he fell in love with Ah Yin, who had been incarnated for 10 years, gave birth to an heir, and was finally attacked by the former Pope of Wuhun Palace. He was expelled from the Haotian Sect and sealed by the Haotian Sect.

"So so many things have happened." Tang Chen sighed, and then his eyes were sharp, "Huh! Those elders of Haotian Sect, and your father, are so stupid!"

"What are you afraid of? Just call back!"

"Although Wuhun Palace is powerful, other forces will not just sit back and watch the Haotian Sect be destroyed. Those sects will never see Wuhun Palace as the dominant one! Why don't they understand the truth of the rabbit's death and the fox's sorrow?"

"It's a pity that your father and those elders don't have that vision!"

Tang Hao couldn't help but get excited: "Grandpa, you mean, I'm right?"

"What's your fault? Didn't you beat the former Pope of Wuhun Palace to death?" Tang Chen snorted, "Let me tell you, my good grandson, there are only two faults for you -"

"First, you are not strong enough!"

"As long as you are strong enough, you will define right and wrong in the world. The weak can only accept the fate of being dominated by the strong! If the weak can resist fate, then they are strong enough! This is the only truth in the world!"

"Second, you don't care about your descendants. You can't even be called a father!"

Tang Hao was shocked and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Get up!" "I'm your grandfather, why are you kneeling?"

Tang Chen pulled Tang Hao up and patted him on the shoulder. Seeing that the God of Killing Domain on his Clear Sky Hammer had evolved into the Killing Domain, he immediately understood why he wanted to challenge "himself".

He has also encountered such a situation - the key to opening the Shura Divine Examination is to evolve the Killing Domain into the Shura Domain, and the key to evolution is to absorb the huge murderous aura, or to devour the other evolved Killing Auras. The realm of gods and the realm of killing.

The inheritance of God Shura is extremely dangerous. It is both casting a wide net and cultivating poison in a jar.

Whether relying on one's own strength or relying on devouring the rest of the God of Killing Domain, as long as the Domain of the Killing God evolves into the Shura Domain, one can truly start the divine test.

"Grandpa, have you been in the killing city all these years?" Tang Hao asked about Tang Chen's past.

"Yes, this is an unbearable past..." Next, Tang Chen made his promise to Bo Saixi, came to the city of killing to find the inheritance of the god, and evolved the killing god realm into the Shura realm. After starting the divine test, the incident of being parasitized by the bloody nine-headed bat king came one by one. At the end, he showed a little shame, "A majestic and peerless Douluo was actually inspired by a bloody nine-headed bat king to have evil thoughts, and then he was parasitized by a bloody nine-headed bat king. He was so confused. It’s really sad that so much time has been wasted in ten years.”

"Grandpa, haven't you recovered now?" Tang Hao said excitedly, "As long as you return to the sect, the Haotian Sect will definitely achieve greater glory!"

"No, I can't go back, it's too late." Tang Chen said with a bitter look on his face, "My body has been parasitized by the Bloody Nine-Headed Bat King for decades and is riddled with holes. There is no peerless medicine, and Or multiple Titled Douluo-level healing soul masters can help, but it can’t be repaired at all.”

Compared with the original work, Tang Chen recovered early at this time and was not affected by the snowy swan's kiss. Even if he was hit by Tang Hao's Big Sumeru Hammer, he could still be saved.

This was one of the reasons why he was willing to chat so much with Tang Hao instead of going directly to Poseidon Island to find Bo Saixi - given his current physical condition, as long as he was treated within ten years, he might be able to continue to inherit the Shura throne.

Become a god!

This is not just an agreement with Bo Saixi!

It is his pride as a peerless Douluo!

Do you really think he couldn't see clearly that Bo Saixi clearly rejected Qian Daoliu in the first place?
It's just that pride that doesn't allow him to simply compare to Qian Daoliu. Only by becoming a god can he prove to Qian Daoliu that he is better.

Perhaps even Tang Chen himself didn't realize that Qian Daoliu was in his heart, and his status was no worse than Bo Saixi's.

Even if they are equal opponents, they are also friends with whom we can talk...

If it weren't for the fact that the two belonged to different forces, they would have become the closest brothers.


The position is different.

"Grandpa, you can find precious medicines and the like. The Haotian Sect still has some foundation, and there will definitely be a way to cure your injuries."

The opportunity for the Haotian Sect to become prosperous again was right in front of him. He, and even Xiao San, had the opportunity to return to the Haotian Sect and recognize his ancestors. How could Tang Hao let it go?

Seeing what Tang Hao was thinking, Tang Chen suddenly wanted to kill this unsatisfactory grandson with a hammer.

[No wonder the Haotian Sect was forced to close the mountain by Wuhun Palace. Among the Haotian twins, Hao'er, whom I am most optimistic about, has such a temper. Thinking of relying on me as a grandfather... It seems that he has to return to the sect. Otherwise, Haotian Sect may become history in the near future. 】

Thinking of this, Tang Chen sighed: "Okay, I'll go back to the sect with you. After all, I still have some extravagant hopes..."

What extravagant hope?
Become a god, fulfill your promise, marry Bo Saixi, and show off in front of Qian Daoliu...

Beside the broken building, Mu Tian ignored the sticky blood on his body and slowly climbed up. Feeling the power in his body, he was surprised: "What's wrong with me?"

"I have great power, isn't it good?" Haoyue jumped out of Mu Tian's body on his own initiative, but compared with before, Haoyue at this time was covered in blood, with black stripes, and a pair of squirrels sprouted from behind. The scarlet wings look extremely strange.

"You are not my martial spirit!" Mu Tian reacted immediately, wary of "Haoyue" and kept retreating.

"Don't be so nervous. If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you long ago." Haoyue's three heads approached Mu Tian and said in unison, with a strange echo, "I am the king of killing in this killing city, because In the previous battle with Tang Hao, I was defeated by one move, so I had no choice but to find another host body."

"Originally, I wanted to take over your body directly, but later I discovered that your detached beast spirit is a perfect match for me..."

The bright moon was originally the body of Austin Griffin. Although the God of Scourge was no longer around, it was still powerful and could give birth to nine heads.

The Bloody Nine-Headed Bat King also has nine heads, and using this as his body complements each other perfectly.

"Don't worry, I won't take your body away from you in the future. After all, my control over the human body is imperfect." Seeing that Mu Tian was still vigilant, Haoyue said disdainfully, "And with me, your cultivation speed can be accelerated. I can absorb blood and soul power to speed up my cultivation."

"In less than 20 years, you can reach level 99!"

blood sucking?

Mu Tian shuddered, but he couldn't help but feel moved when he thought that only by becoming a fallen person and becoming an evil soul master could he be able to catch up with Tang San and surpass him.

Sensing Mu Tian's heartbeat quickening, Haoyue realized that the other person's heart was agitated, and continued to confuse: "Abandon those ethics and morals. In this world, the strong are respected. We just want to become stronger. What's wrong with that?"

"If you want to blame, I can only blame them for being too weak."

"In this world, the weak eat the strong. For the weak, accepting the fate of being eaten is a gift from the strong!"

Following Haoyue's confusion, Mu Tian, ​​who longed for power, agreed. His eyes turned blood red and he sneered: "You are right, in this world, the strong is the law of justice!"

Haoyue nodded with satisfaction and returned to Mu Tian's body - stimulating evil thoughts is one of the instincts of the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King. Even Tang Chen couldn't resist it (although there was the influence of Rakshasa spiritual thoughts, Tang Chen's character was in the Blood Red The Nine-Headed Bat King has also undergone some changes during the time he was parasitic), not to mention Mu Tian, ​​the soul master?
[An obedient puppet is a good puppet! 】

Compared to Mu Tian's "adventure", the experience of another time traveler, Xu Xing, was much worse.

Ever since he was seriously injured at the conference, he has been recovering from his injuries. Even the Dai family and the Zhu family have vaguely rejected the entire Xingguan Sect.

As a result, the large and small families who are close to the Dai family and the Zhu family dare not have any contact with the Xingguan Sect openly, for fear of being targeted by the Dai family and the Zhu family together.

"Why is the Dai family so narrow-minded? Can't tolerate Xu Xing?"

Under pressure from other families, the Star Crown Sect held a meeting, and one of the Soul Saint-level elders was aggrieved.

The rest were silent.

Their martial spirit is a star crown, and it is in the shape of a crown. No matter who sits in that position, they will be wary. Not to mention, Xu Xing's star crown martial spirit is the best of the best.

"He should not have been allowed to demonstrate the seven-in-one spirit fusion skill in the competition in the first place." Another soul emperor level elder said Youyou.

"What's the use of talking about this now?" the leader of the Star Crown Sect spoke up. The Soul Douluo level of pressure made all the elders present feel awe-inspiring. "Although there has been no large-scale war in the mainland for hundreds of years, the Spirit Palace , Tiandou Empire, must be on guard, and the Dai family and the Zhu family only dare to adopt a superficial attitude of indifference towards us, but do not dare to actually take action."

Everyone present knew that the Xingluo royal family would not take action against them if there were external hostile forces.

However, if this continues, the reputation of Xingguan Sect and Xingguan Family will be ruined!

Recently, they have heard many people secretly discussing baseless rumors such as "The Star Crown Family is about to rebel" and "The Star Crown Sect is contacting a certain family".

Needless to say, someone must have deliberately released it to slander their Xingguan Sect.

In fact, maybe the Dai family and the Zhu family secretly sent people to spread these false news.

This has affected the reputation of their Xingguan Sect and their industry.

"After Xu Xing recovers from his injuries, all resources will be given to him first." The leader of the Xingguan Sect continued, "He is the future of the Xingguan Sect. When he grows up, we will wait for the Xingguan Sect to establish its own branch in the future. It’s not impossible.”

The implication is that since the Dai family and the Zhu family forced them to rebel, then they will really rebel to show them!

First of all, Xu Xing is his grandson and cannot be crippled.

Secondly, Xingguan Sect also has a strong foundation. If they really fight, they may not be able to defeat the Dai family.

Finally, he wanted to see if the Dai family and the Zhu family would really ignore the eager gazes of the two mainland-level forces, Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace, in order to eliminate a threat like Xu Xing, leaving the Star Luo Empire empty.

If the situation really comes to its worst, then the Star Luo Empire cannot stay any longer. It is better to seek refuge in the Spirit Hall or the Tian Dou Empire as soon as possible, so that the family bloodline can be maintained...
 Was the Shura Sword in the original work given by God Shura, or was it condensed by Tang Chen himself?
  Personally, I feel that Tang Chen condensed it himself, but God Shura can control it. After all, according to the original description, the Shura Sword was formed by melting and reorganizing Tang Chen's own blood-red Haotian Hammer.

  In the original work, Tang San just picked up a ready-made one, thus eliminating the process of condensing his own Clear Sky Hammer into a divine weapon.

  Therefore, this book sets that, under normal circumstances, in order for a weapon soul master to become a god, he or she needs to condense his own martial soul into an artifact, or smelt his weapon soul into the form of an artifact of the god he inherits.

  Under abnormal circumstances, it can be picked up by others. After all, God Shura is the ultimate god king. It is understandable that the situation is special.

  Just like Ji Dong and Lie Yan, they were completely played by goodness and evil, and then the two great god kings ran out to play and left the mess to these two people. Neither of them passed the serious divine test, although they got the kindness test With the evil god, but the strength is far less than the previous one.

(End of this chapter)

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