Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 304 The True Meaning of Equivalent Exchange

Chapter 304 The True Meaning of Equivalent Exchange

"Would you like me to teach you?" The Silver Dragon King turned around and winked at Tang San, "Let me tell you, my soul power movement cultivation method is definitely better than the meditation method on the mainland, and what are you hiding from me? My Xuantian Kung Fu is much better."

Tang San just wanted to tell a joke:

The Xuantian Kung Fu of Dou Wu protagonist can be cultivated to the level of God King (although it seems to be improved).

However, Tang San was indeed a little curious about Silver Dragon King's cultivation method, so he nodded: "I would like to hear the details."

"I'll go, you are so shameless." Gu Yuena opened her mouth in surprise, "Can't you see that I'm mocking you? Do you really want it?"

"To borrow your words, you were bought by me, and I am responsible for your food, clothing, housing, food and clothing, then you belong to me, so everything about you also belongs to me." Tang San continued to mark on the human body diagram He said it as a matter of course.

"Are you confessing your love to me?" Gu Yuena stared at Tang San for a while and asked suddenly.

"I'm not ridiculous enough to confess to an eight-year-old girl, even if your real age may be about the same age as the ancestors of mankind." Tang San stared at the human body structure diagram intently, while answering, thinking about the three techniques. For a perfect fusion method, I think it still needs to rely on the form of a soul ring.

"I feel like you are mocking me..." Gu Yuena stared at her purple eyes, turned her head for a while and said, "I can teach you, but if you can't learn it, don't blame me."

As the Silver Dragon King, she naturally has her own method of controlling elements, soul power, and mental power, but it is only suitable for her, and others cannot learn it if they take it.

Even if that person possesses a variety of elements like her, it would be difficult to get started without her personal guidance.

God-level cultivation methods are not something that mortals can control.

"Speak up. If you think it's okay, I can teach you my cultivation method." Tang San stopped the charcoal in his hand, put aside the human body diagram on the table, and carried Gu Yuena to the table. , let it sit on the edge, face to face with itself.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yuena crossed her legs and lifted up her skirt, with a playful look on her face: "Isn't the scenery below so beautiful that it makes you horny?"

Tang San:"???"

Don't tell him that the cultivation methods are hidden in her underwear.

Seeing that Tang San was indifferent, Gu Yuena was a little frustrated and said in disappointment: "Is it because I am too young and my figure has not yet developed, so I don't have the charm of a mature woman?"

Tang San moved his hands together to resist Gu Yuena's weak Xia Jiba's random blows, but his face showed a surprised expression: "Am I not cooperating with you? I thought a thousand-year-old soul beast like you, You must be used to that kind of thing."

Gu Yuena scolded angrily: "You are the one who is used to it! Your whole family is used to it! Also, I did not admit that I am some kind of soul beast with tens of millions of years. This was your guess at the time."

The Silver Dragon King was born in the God Realm and was born due to the death of the Dragon God.

After escaping from the lower realm, his body was severely injured and he fell into a deep sleep. How could he have time to find the male dragon?

She would not like a non-god-level male dragon, even one with a powerful bloodline like Ditian...

Tang San almost deceived him!
"Okay, don't be angry, I'm just kidding, but since you're not a tens of millions of years soul beast, then what are you?" Tang San leaned on the back of the seat and looked at Gu Yuena with a look of interest on his face. , "Could it be a legendary beast?" "You know a lot." Gu Yuena put her crossed legs on the table, sitting on top of each other, but still didn't admit it, just pressed her forehead to Tang San's On his forehead, a spiritual force was transmitted. After feeling the obstruction, he said: "Don't resist, I will pass on my cultivation method directly to you. It is too troublesome to say it. I don't even know how to say it."

God-level cultivation methods involve the origin of the divine core, and there are too many routes to consider. Some of the energy circulation routes even need to be shaped by yourself, which is complicated and diverse.

Therefore, it is more convenient to say it with words than to use mental power to convey it.

This is because Tang San's mental strength is so strong that she can do this. Otherwise, ordinary people would probably be unable to bear the introduction of such training information into their brains, and would bleed from the seven orifices, and eventually become a fool due to brain overload, or even become a fool. die.

Tang San let go of his mental protection and accepted the information imparted by the Silver Dragon King, with a look of surprise in his eyes and said, "Your cultivation method is not bad."

Silver Dragon King's cultivation method mainly focuses on controlling elements, supplemented by strengthening mental power, but it has the worst effect on strengthening his own energy and blood.

However, the three are perfectly integrated together, regardless of each other.

"Is Hunyuan Ruyi?" Tang San pondered for a moment and said this word, "Gather the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit into a core, and use it to penetrate the whole body... This is indeed a way, saving extra trouble, the only thing The shortcoming is that due to the condition of one's martial soul, or the condition of one's body, it can be regarded as half giving up physical enhancement."

"It's a fresh term, but my cultivation method is incomplete." Gu Yuena imitated Tang San and rubbed her chin, "My body is actually incomplete. As long as I can find the missing part, I can devour it." Refining will definitely make up for it, and I will become the supreme super god king in the world!"

"By the time--"

Except for the good and the evil, the five great god kings in the god world are more troublesome. The remaining three, including the Shura who once seriously injured him, can only die with hatred.


Tang San looked at Gu Yuena who suddenly laughed like an idiot, took out a handkerchief in disgust, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and said: "Don't laugh, people who don't know see it and think You're going crazy."

"Ahem, I just thought of happy things." Gu Yuena pretended to be serious and said, "By the way, can you practice? Should you show me your practice?"

Tang San raised his hand and pulled Gu Yuena's forehead back to his eyebrows, passed on the Xuantian Technique, the Jade Bone Chapter of the Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Hidden Method, and the Purple Demon Eye, and said: "This is My first method of practice.”

After Gu Yuena, who was addicted, came back to her senses, she sighed at the wisdom of human beings. Then she remembered something and asked: "In the beginning?"

"Yeah, what I've been taught to you is just the basics. For more complicated things, you need to create them yourself." Tang San scratched Gu Yuena's pointed little nose and raised the corners of his mouth.

"No, I've shown you mine, and you have to show me what you're practicing now." Gu Yuena quit, "This is an equal exchange!"

"The meaning of equivalent exchange means that the value of two things is the same." Tang Sano(* ̄︶ ̄*)o, "Although your cultivation method has inspired me a little, the part of it that is valuable to me is Comparable to the three I gave.”

"This is the true meaning of equal exchange!"

(End of this chapter)

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