Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 305 Gu Yuena let go of her last grudge

Chapter 305 Gu Yuena let go of her last grudge

No matter how Gu Yuena cried, begged, and even used the beauty trap, she couldn't arouse Tang San's interest at all. In the end, she could only threaten: "Okay, you wait, when I become stronger in the future, I will definitely I want to ride you like a big horse!"

Tang San picked up Gu Yuena, put her legs over his head, hung them on her shoulders, and held her back, which was almost leaning backwards, to keep her balanced, and said with a smile: "No need for the future , now you can ride on my neck, isn’t it very comfortable?”

"It's so comfortable!" Gu Yuena was filled with embarrassment and anger. She grabbed Tang San's hair and pulled it for a while. She seemed to be tired, but finally gave in and said, "Not to mention, riding on your shoulders is really quite comfortable." Interesting, looking down from here, it’s different than usual, the field of view is wider, but it’s a bit boring in the study, why not go for a walk outside? Take me to the People’s Food Center, buy me delicious food, and I’ll Forgive your rudeness just now."

"It's a very good suggestion, but wait until I finish what I'm doing right now." Tang San twisted his neck, thinking that the Gu Yuena brand pillow was pretty good, so he dealt with it verbally.

At first, Gu Yuena didn't notice anything wrong, and kept asking Tang San about the various acupuncture points on the human body diagram. But as time went by, at noon, Gu Yuena felt that her butt and legs It was a little numb before he realized the problem. He looked unkind, breathed cold air into Tang San's ear, and said faintly: "I said you are not using me as a cushion, right?"

"How could it be? I was just immersed in research, and you didn't remind me before, weren't you also researching with me? What's more, you wanted to ride a big horse at the beginning, and I was helping you realize your dream! "Tang San raised his head and met Gu Yuena's eyes, showing innocent eyes.

"Then this is still my fault?" Gu Yuena snorted lightly, and did not continue to argue with Tang San, saying, "I'm hungry, take me to eat, and then take me to visit the People's Food City this afternoon, otherwise I I won’t forgive you so easily.”

"Hey, you dare to rebel!" Tang San put down the charcoal, stretched his hands towards Gu Yuena's creaking nest, and scratched it gently, making her laugh involuntarily.

"Hehe! Hahaha~"

"What's going on? Haha, I shouldn't laugh so loudly... Haha, I'm a Soul Sect."

Since she has transformed into a human form, her body also looks like a human being. Gu Yuena is naturally sensitive to the sensitive parts of humans, and she will naturally laugh.

In Tang San's eyes, transformation is the true control over the transformation of matter and energy.

Transforming a body as huge as a soul beast into a body as small as a human baby, the material changes and energy conversion involved may not even be possible for gods to figure out.

It's just the rules of the world.

Even the Silver Dragon King cannot change this and needs to be abided by.

Even if this body is only a part of the origin of the original body...
"Stop! Ha~ If you continue, I'm really angry!" Gu Yuena clamped Tang San's arm hard, her face was red, not because she was shy, but because she was laughing so hard that her blood was surging and her whole body was hot.

"You're holding my hand, how do you let it go?" Tang San moved his arms, signaling Gu Yuena to let go of her shoulders and arms, then he put down his hands, got up and walked out of the study with Gu Yuena on his back.

"Ouch, what are you doing!" Gu Yuena suddenly noticed that her gaze had become higher and was startled. Although she was bigger, she could see more when she stood upright.

But at this time, she was in human form, and she was suddenly lifted up. She had the illusion that her own body was being lifted up, so she was a little panicked.This is not the same feeling as being held.

"I'll take you to dinner."

Tang San secretly thought that Gu Yuena pretended to look like her, walked out of the study, and headed to the dining hall.

After passing the training ground, they found that Lan Yinzi was still studying the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit Plant left by Tang San, and was also testing the fifth spirit skill: Blue Silver Spirit Gathering Array.

This training ground with a radius of nearly a kilometer is filled with more intense energy than the energy of heaven and earth in the entire Wuhun City.

"My Blue Silver Spirit Gathering Formation has become very powerful with the blessing of your Blue Silver Emperor Plant!" Seeing Tang San walking out with Gu Yuena on his back, Lan Yinzi trotted over with joy on his face, " If this Blue Silver Emperor plant can be connected to the Blue Silver Network, I might be able to make the energy of heaven and earth in the entire Wuhun City nearly twice as rich!"

"It's a good ability, but it was just a preliminary test before, and you can't contact the Blue Silver Network immediately, and now there is enough energy in the world of Wuhun City." Tang San shook his head slowly, and then asked Lan Yinzi about the opponent in the soul ring. The research status of the soul power circulation route, "What are your opinions on the formation?"

"I'm not too sure about this. I guess I'll have to ask Guangling after she comes back. I originally wanted to ask you, but I saw you playing with the child through the window..." Lan Yinzi said Looking at Gu Yuena, who was riding on Tang San's neck, her face suddenly turned red, most likely seeing Gu Yuena lifting her skirt——

"She was eavesdropping outside the window! Maybe she knows my secret." However, Gu Yuena's eyes were cold and she didn't care about the other person's fear. She said coldly, "Why don't we kill her? What do you think?"

"Don't scare people, she won't tell anyone." Tang San raised his hand and lifted Gu Yuena from her neck to the ground, like a chicken.

"Well, actually, I was once a 10-year-old soul beast in the form..."

Lan Yinzi hurriedly explained her identity, fearing that the soul beast co-master would kill her if they disagreed... Now she was a human being through and through. If she died, she would never be resurrected.

"It's like this!" Gu Yuena circled Lan Yinzi several times. She really didn't expect that it turned out to be a 10-year-old plant soul beast. It was just that the body after rebirth was eaten by humans, and then the soul will Seizing a human body is indeed a bit strange, but if the broken soul is lodged in the same type of martial spirit and subtly affects the memory and soul of the human who possesses the martial spirit, it may not be impossible to "seize the body" Effect.

This Blue Silver Emperor is very lucky. He can succeed even with such a low chance. You must know that the other soul beasts have to cultivate to at least a million years level before they can have some imperfect abilities to seize the body.

However, what shocked Gu Yuena the most was that this Lan Yinzi turned out to be Tang San's mother! ?

"I can't tell, it turns out that you still have the blood of half a soul beast." Gu Yuena looked at Tang San with strange eyes, letting go of her last grudge against him in her heart, feeling that he was also half of her people, and even felt that at the same time, she had He has the blood of humans and soul beasts, and is the key to changing the need for hunting soul beasts for human soul masters to advance.

After all, she had seen with her own eyes that Tang San helped Lingxi and Lingmeng condense their own soul rings...
(End of this chapter)

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