Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 320 Gu Yuena gave up thinking

Chapter 320 Gu Yuena gave up thinking...

After loading the books, Tang San took Gu Yuena away from the second floor and continued walking up the stairs to the third floor.

The third floor is also a library.

Therefore, Tang San didn't take a closer look, and continued to go up with Gu Yuena. The fourth and fifth floors... until the 12th floor were all libraries, but there were fewer and fewer books, and the soul guides were stored there. There are more and more spaces for weapons, ranging from second-level soul guidance devices to ninth-level soul guidance devices.

Gu Yuena put some into the golden rope treasure bag, especially the shiny soul tools, which she accepted.

Starting from the No. 13 floor to the No. 20 fourth floor, they are all used for people to rest, live, and research. There are canteens, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, laboratories, etc.

But there is no toilet.

It's not that people living inside the Golden Ancient Tree at that time didn't have to go to the toilet, but in order to prevent harmful substances in human feces and urine from contaminating the Golden Ancient Tree, public toilets were built around the edge of the Golden Ancient Tree.

It can be said that everyone who wanted to go to the toilet at that time had to leave the golden ancient tree first...
Starting from the fifth floor of No. 20, to the final sixth floor of No. 30, each floor is a vast space, equivalent to an unformed plane, in the process of gestation.

Tang San, who controls the golden ancient tree, knows that these twelve levels are the truly precious place. As long as this initial golden ancient tree keeps growing, one day, some time, some moment in the future, it will be able to take root in the endless void. , absorb the dimensional energy from the universe, continuously strengthen the world of Douluo Continent, and nurture these twelve and a half planes into a true micro-universe plane.

In order for the golden ancient tree to breed a true microcosmic plane, only the first generation tree species grown from seeds can be used. The golden ancient tree grown from cutting branches can only be regarded as the second generation and no longer has the ability to breed planes. .

In addition, the first-generation tree species must not be disturbed too much during its gestation period, that is, it cannot be pulled out and planted in another place. This will destroy the unformed demiplane and consume a lot of the entire tree. The origin of it can no longer even give birth to a new demiplane space.

However, when the golden ancient tree grows and its roots penetrate into the void of the universe, it may also expose the coordinates of the Douluo Continent, allowing other races in the universe to invade Douluo Planet.

It is an opportunity and a challenge.

If you are a more conservative person, you may not want to give up the twelve and a half planes created by the ancient tree of life, but also plant the ancient golden tree in another place, so that the Douluo Star can be stable for a longer period of time.

But Tang San felt that it was better to just let nature take its course. Wealth and misfortune always depended on each other, so how could there be any stability?
The greatest hymn of mankind is courage!

If you don't have courage, you are just a weed that hinders the development of civilization. You can just run over it, and you deserve to die!

Besides, this golden ancient tree is now his own, it can even be said to be another body. Whoever dares to harm it will be destroyed by him!

Several thoughts suddenly popped up in his mind. Tang San immediately came back to his senses, shook his head vigorously, and said to himself: "No, how could I have such thoughts? I haven't stood at that height... Could it be that even if I don't use that The three-headed, six-armed greed, anger and ignorance will also affect my thinking all the time and arouse my evil thoughts? If this is the case, then I can't be too active in thinking about problems in the future, or I should try to think more objectively."

Seeing that Tang San was silent, Gu Yuena was confused and asked, "Aren't you going up?"

"The twelve floors above are all demiplanes born from this golden ancient tree. Although the tree trunks around the edge have living space, there is really nothing interesting to see." Tang San briefly explained the situation, and then prepared Take Gu Yuena down to the twelfth floor to see if there is a way to avoid those mecha guards.

"Demiplane?" Gu Yuena muttered, "The golden ancient tree actually has such ability? It's really amazing. If it is captured, it might become a place where soul beasts can live safely in the future."

Tang San said bluntly: "Be born in sorrow and die in happiness."

Gu Yuena bulged her mouth, not very happy, and said: "How can you say that? I just want my soul beast people to have a stable living area."

"What do I think? If you want to accomplish this goal, you must first clear out all other creatures except spirit beasts." Tang San shook his head, "And even if you succeed, you still have to consider internal competition issues. ···Speaking of which, you soul beasts also prey on each other. This cannot be changed. The soul beasts will always be the ones oppressed by intelligent creatures like humans, because the unity between you is only superficial, or in other words, limited to As for the 10-year-old soul beasts, you are at a natural disadvantage in terms of population...not to mention your thinking."

"Soul beasts are very smart, okay?" Gu Yuena said angrily.

"I didn't say that soul beasts are stupid, but you have also lived in human society for a few years. You should realize the difference between soul beasts themselves and humans, right? Soul beasts are used to the power contained in their bodies and do not have the creativity of humans. ··In other words, I am accustomed to the lifestyle that has been cultivated for thousands of years and do not want to make progress."

Tang San explained in detail some of the differences between spirit beasts and humans, "This is the difference between spirit beasts and humans, whether to be content with the current environment or to transform the environment into a state suitable for one's own survival. Two attitudes, two choose."

"Of course, it's not necessarily that human beings' methods are superior. The ultimate goal is to survive. Maybe one day we humans will commit suicide, but the soul beasts will still be alive and well."

"But I think that even if humans disappear, some soul beasts will inevitably choose to evolve in the direction of human bodies, causing the human species to reappear in this world."

"But the most likely possibility is that the soul beasts have disappeared before humans seek death." Gu Yuena was stunned and couldn't help but worry about the future of the soul beasts.

After all, what Tang San said is true. Soul beasts don't have the intelligence of humans, or in other words, they don't have the creative ability of humans. They will only be content with the status quo. Even if they go out to explore, they will just fly around the world without taking a closer look at it. The environment of those places, even if you encounter danger in some places, you will never go there again.

But humans will keep exploring until they conquer that area.

This is the gap.

Even if future human soul masters can advance without the soul rings of soul beasts, as the number of humans increases, the living space of soul beasts will inevitably be squeezed.

That's the fight for survival!
Of course, they can also coexist, that is, spirit beasts attach themselves to humans and become tamed pets like ordinary cats, dogs, parrots, etc. However, the wild nature of spirit beasts is difficult to tame, and only a very small number of spirit beasts with extremely weak bloodline can be tamed by humans. , other soul beasts want to be tamed, I am afraid that only she, the Silver Dragon King, can make all the soul beasts surrender after she becomes the Dragon God...

By the way, why does she think so?
Gu Yuena thought, could it be that her thinking mode is becoming more and more inclined to humans instead of soul beasts?
Obviously the soul beasts are his people!
However, in the human world, there are many delicious, fun, and beautiful things. Although there are also people with evil intentions, there are also people who sacrifice themselves for others.

Soul beasts do not have the concept of "sacrifice themselves for others". Perhaps Ditian and others may go through fire and water for her, but that is because they are all ferocious beasts, and their wisdom is no less than that of humans, and most soul beasts that are ten thousand years old and below are completely Controlled by the instinct of blood, the first reaction when encountering danger is to run away.

Moreover, the environment of the Star Dou Forest has not changed for thousands or thousands of years and is extremely boring.

Of course, more importantly, there is no Tang San in the Star Dou Forest...

【so annoying! 】

Gu Yuena brainstormed for a while, became irritable, and decided to give up thinking.

[Anyway, I am just a clone, let the main body consider it when the time comes...]

Half a day later, Tang San, Gu Yuena, Yu Tianheng, and Dugu Yan gathered in the lobby on the first floor of the Golden Ancient Tree. Their bodies were already covered with storage soul guides, and they had gained a lot.

"How should I get out now?" Yu Tianheng looked at the door. There stood a tall mecha blocking the door. Looking out from the hall, he could only see its legs made of steel, but he guessed that the height was At least 20 meters.

Moreover, in the hall, Yu Tianheng used his electromagnetic overclocking ability to display his fourth soul skill, Blue Lightning Divine Dragon Speed, condensed the electromagnetic Tyrannosaurus Dragon Cannon, and attacked the steel thigh.

But the moment the electromagnetic Tyrannosaurus Cannon hit the steel, the lightning was absorbed by it and was unable to cause any damage.

"According to the information on the tenth floor, these mechas will only follow certain procedures. As long as we hold a wooden board, branches and leaves of the golden ancient tree, the opponent will not attack, because there is a setting in the program that they cannot harm the golden ancient tree. The slightest bit of the tree, even just the branches and leaves, will trigger their prohibitive instructions.”

After Tang San finished speaking, he proposed a second method, "Other than that, it is to obtain the authority of those mechas and become their new masters."

"There are two ways to do this: defeat a giant mecha with full firepower one-on-one, and answer the questionnaire given by the mecha correctly."

The way the golden civilization chooses its successor is simple: civil and military.

Wen means answering the questionnaire correctly. According to relevant information, the one hundred questions are not all related to soul guidance knowledge, but also include humanities, geography, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc.

Wu is a one-on-one duel, but he has to fight a giant mecha, and the mecha with full firepower is equivalent to a level 99 peak Douluo!

The materials of this kind of mecha are at least the fusion level. It is a true body of steel. It has intelligent combat AI and weapons of mass destruction, and can provide carpet-like fire coverage.

Tang San estimated that unless it was a God-level crushing power, to challenge it would be to light a lamp in the toilet - to seek death.

These two are also the basic requirements for the golden civilization to select its successors——

If all the intelligent AIs of those mechas were integrated together, they would be the most precious wealth left by the golden civilization: the heart of gold, similar to the intelligent optical brain in the science fiction novels that Tang San had read in his previous life, containing gold. All research materials and results of the civilization, including the materials that the surviving members handed over to the Dragon God for destruction.

It can only be said that the Dragon God does not understand technology and hard work...

(End of this chapter)

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