Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 321 How to leave the golden ancient tree

Chapter 321 How to leave the golden ancient tree

"Captain, can you defeat a mecha?" Yu Tianheng stared at Tang San with anticipation, hoping that he would say yes, otherwise they might have to live in this golden ancient tree for the rest of their lives.

Although the cultivation environment here is very good, without food reserves, they will starve to death over time, and this golden ancient tree does not seem to bear fruit?
This is sad.

"Can't beat it."

In fact, if you really want to fight, you can still fight, but the "greed, anger, and ignorance" in the current three-headed and six-armed state are extremely uncertain. It is impossible for you to maintain a calm mood during the battle, and it is impossible to fight for Stay rational and use "greed, anger, and ignorance" to absorb all your negative emotions.

He must cultivate his moral character for a period of time to slowly study the roots of the three great evils.

"That would be troublesome." Dugu Yan frowned, "These things cannot be corroded by poison. Once my poison touches it, it is similar to Tianheng's thunder. It is converted into soul power and absorbed."

The poison of the Jade Scaled Snake King is also transformed by soul power. For those mechas left behind by the golden civilization, it can naturally be transformed into soul power, or other types of energy or energy.

If Dugu Yan's poisonous skills based on Danzhu are as deep as Dugu Bo's, then it is possible that the snake venom will turn into reality.

The Golden Civilization must have also studied the materialization of martial souls, but those mechas were originally in "energy-saving mode" and were not very efficient... It's just that Dugu Yan couldn't do it with his current strength.

"Then let's go look for the branches and leaves of the golden ancient tree?" Yu Tianheng suggested, "Even the trunks here seem to be very hard, and I can't even pull off a small piece with my dragon claws."

"There is also a problem with this method. This is the core area of ​​the Infinite Desert, and there is a layer of storm blocking it outside. Even if you break out and enter the deep area of ​​the Infinite Desert, you will encounter many thousand-year soul beasts, even 10-year soul beasts. Soul beast." Tang San shook his head, "Although I know that there are many underground passages leading directly to the outside world under the lake on the edge of this island, they should all be filled with water at this time."

The last time Tang San was able to lead Xiao Wu, Guang Ling, Huo Wu, and Huo Feng through the underground passage was because of the impact of the water flow, but now, the water there would not flow.

If they used those passages, they would have to swim nearly ten thousand miles without being able to breathe.

Tang San obviously doesn't have the ability to breathe underwater at the moment... etc.——

"Na'er, can you breathe underwater?" Tang San suddenly remembered that they had a "master" who could control the water element.

"Okay, but for such a long journey, I have to use all my strength." Gu Yuena emphasized "all my strength", hinting to Tang San that she didn't want to reveal her identity.

Not only was she worried that Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan would discover her identity as a "soul beast", but she was also worried that the gods would notice Douluo Star's god-level aura and track her down.

She is not ready to face the gods of the God Realm yet - she could not defeat Shura in her prime, not to mention that her current injuries have not yet recovered.

"Is that so? Forget it then." Tang San also realized that Gu Yuena couldn't use all his strength, so he said to Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan, "She can't use her hidden power at the moment, and it will attract more troublesome beings, but also There’s no need to worry, maybe we can go back the way we came...Na’er and I also collected some soul guides on the floors above, maybe there will be soul guides that can swim underwater.”

Immediately, everyone took out all the collected soul tools and began to try them one by one.

Although there was an introduction to the place where the soul guides were originally placed, in order to collect them quickly, everyone put them into the storage soul guides without looking at them carefully. Now that these soul guides are piled together, they can only Tested slowly.Fortunately, Tang San could at least determine the main function of the soul guide based on its appearance, which could speed things up a bit.

Three hours later, Gu Yuena found a palm-sized soul guide. It looked like a small boat, but there were three fin-like oars on each side, and there was also a layer of transparent crystals on the top of the hull. Protected by blue hood.

"I remember that the introduction of this soul guide is called: Hailan fish boat. It is modeled after the shape and part of the physiological structure of the Hailan fish. It can travel three thousand miles a day underwater." Gu Yuena's memory is very good. , can be said to be a photographic memory.

"Three thousand miles a day! In a few days, we can return along the original path of the underground river!" Dugu Yan said excitedly.

"Then let's test it." Tang San was a man of action, and he had also discovered other boat-shaped soul guides, and one of them might be faster.

Walking down the spiral staircase, the elevator door was violently opened again, and four people filed in.

"Huh? What is this?" Gu Yuena found a scroll in the blood under the pipe. It was only the size of an index finger... The middle-aged man was torn into pieces before. The ground was full of blood. No one went to explore. At this time, the blood was stained. It dried up a bit, and things that were not torn apart by the wind element fell into it.

Gu Yuena controlled the power of the water element, cleaned the blood, picked up the scroll the size of her index finger, injected soul power, and found that it became thicker and longer. When she pulled it to both sides, a three-dimensional topographic map emerged.

Dugu Yan touched it curiously, but found that it was just a phantom, and the place he touched was directly enlarged, and the internal structure was clearly displayed.

"This should be a three-dimensional holographic map." Tang San had experience. He held the map with the Blue Silver Emperor and kept sliding his hands on it. He found that the entire infinite desert map was included, and could also be used according to the requirements. for precise positioning.

How to achieve precise positioning?
Tang San thought of two possibilities:
First, there is still a satellite launched by a golden civilization in space, which can accurately locate it.

Secondly, the depths of the entire infinite desert are densely covered with devices that interact with the map, allowing the user to be accurately positioned - the object being positioned is the map, not the user.

Thinking of the passage under the infinite desert, the second possibility is more likely.

The probability of the first possibility is extremely small.

After all, there are many more uncertain factors in space than on Douluo Star, and the goals are relatively obvious, and the golden civilization must consider the Dragon God and the God Realm.

"With this map, can we say that we will not get lost in the infinite desert in the future?" Yu Tianheng asked excitedly.

"For now, yes, but the principle of this thing should be similar to the blue silver network I established in Wuhun City." Tang San nodded, "This thing should be just similar to a sensing device. Once something major happens in the Infinite Desert, If something happens, it will become ineffective, but for us now, we can indeed detect the terrain of the infinite desert relatively clearly."

After sliding on the holographic map for a while, Tang San returned the map to Gu Yuena and said: "Currently, there are many ways to leave the core area, but the safest one is from the underground river..." ····”

(End of this chapter)

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