Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 322 Bionics Reference of Hailan Fish Boat: Hailan Fish

Chapter 322 Bionics Reference of Hailan Fish Boat: Hailan Fish

While testing various boat-shaped soul guides, Tang San also unexpectedly discovered more than 20 super-large soul guide ships similar to aircraft carriers from Gu Yuena's golden rope treasure bag, named: Haohai Tianzhou.

Each one was a maritime fortress, capable of housing the population of a small town.

"How powerful was the golden civilization before it was destroyed?" Yu Tianheng's eyes almost popped out when he saw the huge Haohai Tianzhou.

Gu Yuena was not much better, after all, the size of the Haohai Tianzhou was almost the same as her body.

Golden Civilization···
This already destroyed country, in that more distant period, really defeated the Dragon God who had not obtained the two divine heads of Creation and Destruction... Gu Yuena has no doubt about this.

After putting away the Vast Sea Sky Boat, Tang San said to Gu Yuena: "Take out the Hailan Fish Boat. This Vast Sea Sky Boat is too big and cannot fit in the underground river."

Gu Yuena nodded obediently, took out the Hailan fish boat, injected soul power into it, and turned it into a small fishing boat about 20 meters long.

It's sizzling!

The cover on the side opened, and the four people filed in. The cover automatically closed again, and then they slowly dived down.

Tang San sat in the front seat of the driver's cab, holding the instrument similar to a steering wheel, and controlled the boat to swim upstream. He found that the speed was not slow at all. Those in the oncoming water were caught on the Hai Lan fish boat. The soul guidance lines were pushed away, and even with the help of the thrust of the water flow, the forward speed was even faster.

"Sure enough, it is with the help of the structure of the Hailan fish." Tang San used his mental power to sense the water flow around the Hailan fish boat, and couldn't help but admire, "The research and production of soul guides are also bionics in nature."

"Bionics?" Gu Yuena was confused.

"It means imitating the specific characteristics of animals and plants to invent and create. It is not limited to soul guides, but also includes all kinds of things made by humans." Tang San explained to Gu Yuena, "Didn't you write down the introduction of this Hailan fish boat? ? Just imitate the shape and part of the structure of Hailan fish to invent and create."

"Soul beasts like Hailanyu are very weak, barely at the thousand-year level. For most sea soul beasts and a small number of land soul beasts, this kind of soul beast is a delicacy."

"But it also has an advantage that other spirit beasts don't have, that is, it lays a lot of eggs every year when it breeds. An adult female Hailan fish can lay nearly [-] eggs at one time."

"It's similar to a soul beast called the Iron Tooth Fish in this infinite desert. It gave up its power and chose survival, and it was more thorough."

Gu Yuena pouted: "Then what's the use of this kind of soul beast? Isn't it still being eaten?"

"Yes, they were eaten, but with their numerical advantage, maybe in 10, million, or tens of millions of years, there will still be a race like Hailanyu, and other powerful soul beasts, especially dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. They are no longer visible, or even extinct." Tang San said calmly, "From the perspective of race survival and reproduction, the Hailan fish have evolved very successfully. At least, they were in the era when the golden civilization was still prosperous. It has existed and continues to this day.”

Gu Yuena's mind was shaken, and she suddenly realized that if you just want the soul beast to survive and reproduce, it is actually not that difficult, as long as you give up being strong.

But how can the soul beast give up evolving?
But what is evolution for?

But once you have wisdom, how can it be just for survival?We will inevitably pursue higher, faster, and stronger!
"Suddenly I discovered that the world is full of contradictions." Gu Yuena began to think philosophically. "Come back to your senses." Tang San pulled her back, "I hope you think more, but don't think too much. That's not a good thing for a guy like you who doesn't have a sound outlook on things."

Mental age has little to do with how many years you have actually lived.

Tang San just hoped that she wouldn't be too obsessed with the distinction between spirit beasts and humans. After all, spirit beasts were not even a big race, and different types of spirit beasts couldn't be of the same mind.

Moreover, he felt that those ferocious beasts that could take the form of humans were also deceiving themselves.

Even though it is not a true transformation, after transforming into a human form, the body is the same as that of a human being. Apart from being able to transform back into a beast body, what part of the body cannot be said to be human?

Don't tell him that the internal organs of that huge animal body are as big as those of the two or three-meter-tall humanoid... It's impossible even if you think about it, right?
However, from this perspective, the ferocious beasts that have survived a catastrophe should be able to control the conversion between matter and energy... But Tang San felt that they themselves didn't know what was going on, they only knew that ferocious beasts Beasts can transform into human form and can be used instinctively...


Gu Yuena snorted coldly, and then asked: "Aren't we talking about bionics? Why did it get involved with Hai Lanyu?"

"Reproducing a lot is just a characteristic of Hailan fish, and the reason why I say this is because they breed in freshwater rivers." Tang San said about the Hailan fish, which has similar habits to salmon. The reproduction process, "Hailan fish usually live in the sea. During the breeding season, they will swim in groups against the big rivers flowing to the sea, and return to the stable freshwater rivers to mate. , reproduce.”

"And the flow speed of the big rivers when they flow into the sea is much faster than the flow speed of this underground river. Even sea soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old can't flow back for too long a distance."

"But this kind of Hailan fish, which is only a hundred years old at most, can swim upstream in groups. Even Hailan fish that are ten years old can do things that ten thousand-year-old sea soul beasts cannot swim against. "

"Moreover, this trip is a journey of nearly ten thousand miles -"

"There is a record in a book titled "Interesting Stories of Mountains and Rivers Soul Beasts" in the Pope's Palace: In early January, along the coast of the East China Sea, the fish of Hailan swam upstream, like a long silver dragon. After two months, it swam thousands of miles away. Spawning in the Lingyuan River, the eggs are delicious... well, that's a story for another day."

"Hailan Fish can swim backwards, something that even ten thousand-year-old sea soul beasts have been unable to do. This is because the bodies of these soul beasts are in the shape of a flat triangular cone. When the water hits them, from their The flow on the body surface can actually become a driving force for their progress, rather than a resistance."

"In addition, it has three pairs of fins, which can control the water flow, further speeding up their reverse swimming speed."

"This Hailan fish boat borrows these two characteristics of the Hailan fish. It is bionic in appearance, and then engraved with soul-guiding patterns that are mainly water-based."

Gu Yuena was deeply touched. She had never thought that the unnoticed soul beast that could be used as food: Hailan fish, could be so capable.

In order to survive and reproduce, they gave up on evolving in the direction of becoming stronger. Instead, they evolved super strong reproductive abilities. In order to reproduce, they evolved a body shape that can swim upstream and fins that are mainly used to control the water flow.

If there is a Hailan fish that can reach the level of 10 years, I am afraid that the single method of controlling water flow will be more sophisticated than her, the Silver Dragon King, right?
(End of this chapter)

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